最新版 AutoPlay Media Studio 8.6.0 更新於 2024/3/29
最新版 Setup Factory v9.6 更新於 2023/8/1
這是一套可讓你製作 CD/DVD ROM 光碟自動播放 (Autorun) 的程式。如果你自己有燒錄機而又想燒錄一片具有光碟自動播放功能的光碟,但是自己又不會寫程式,那麼你可利用此軟體在「所見所得」的環境下來編輯,幫你在短時間內製作出光碟自動播放的程式。此軟體可真是好用喔。
- AutoPlay Media Studio 操作簡單 內容豐富 可做出專業水準的自動播放製作工具。
- 可以使用現有的多媒體檔,也有許多預置且應用廣泛的範本,隨心所欲的加入圖片、文字和音樂,以及特效等。AutoPlay Media Studio 具有多種不同的內置的“物件”,例如圖形物件、視頻物件、段落物件、Internet Explorer web物件、Macromedia Flash物件等等,這些物件能夠使你輕鬆實現將內容添加到專案當中。
- 大大增強的製作環境,支援 MEPG 播放,支援 Flash ,無限次的Undo/Redo,透明視窗。
- 支援Windows Vista介面。
- 英文介面,支援中文與中文輸入!
- 完善Internet 集成、協作及專案共用。
Operating System for Deployment
– Windows 11
– Windows 10
– Windows 8.1
– Windows 8
– Windows 7
– Windows Vista
– Windows XP
Impressive Multimedia Features
AutoPlay Media Studio excels at combining diverse media types into a single application. There are objects like QuickTime, Flash, Slideshow and Video among them. Even the audio handling features alone can save you weeks of work. For example, creating voiceovers on top of background music tracks are a snap. In fact, you can play up to eight channels of audio simultaneously with automatic selection of either hardware or software mixing.
Multi-Channel Audio Mixing
Your projects can take advantage of the fastest, most advanced sound effect and music handling engine available anywhere! You can play up to 8 channels of audio simultaneously with automatic selection of either hardware or software mixing. Most incredibly, it does not require any version of DirectSound or DirectX to be installed, using them only if available.
Background Music
Add a bunch of music files to the play list, and they’ll play in the background while your project runs. All of the music is automatically mixed in real-time with mouse-over sound effects and up to 6 other channels, such as audio narration.
Advanced Graphics Handling with Image Transparency, Shadows and Blending
No competitive tool can match AutoPlay Media Studio when it comes to fast and efficient handling of complex graphics files. With our support for 32-bit PNG images, you gain access to incredible shadow effects, blending options, opacity levels and full alpha channel information. In simple terms, it means that your projects will look better than ever!
Image Object
Display pictures and other graphics in both 256 colors and 16.7 million colors. Supports all the major image file formats, including PNG, JPG, GIF and TIF. Supports interactive resizing, transparency, alpha channel, variable opacity, mouse over and click sounds, tooltip, cursor changes and more. Dynamically reduces and increases image color depth to work on all monitors and display cards.
Improved! Video Object
Embed digital video into your pages, like AVI, MPEG and WMV. You can make use of the skinable control panel for controlling the video and an extensive action set if you require the video’s playback to be controlled internally. In AutoPlay Media Studio 8, the Video object has been modernized with a variety of new graphic styles. Choose from attractive new blue, green and gray skins. If you don’t find a style you like, it’s super easy to create your own video transport skins using Photoshop or any other graphics editor. We’ve also made the skin format more flexible, removing the constraining height restrictions that may have hampered your creativity in the past.
Improved! Flash Object with External Interface Support
Play Adobe Flash movies right on your page! It’s even possible for your project to interact directly with the flash SWF file, through the use of FSCommands and variables. An extremely popular format for animations, videos, demos and many other tasks. In AutoPlay Media Studio 8, the Adobe Flash object now supports calling and responding to Flash actionscript functions with the addition of the new “Flash.CallFunction” and “Flash.SetReturnValue” actions and new “OnFlashCall” event. Access to Flash’s external API opens up many new uses for the Flash object and advanced interaction with your AutoPlay Media Studio application such as playing FVL video files using a Flash loader.
NEW! QuickTime Object
Thanks to the new Apple QuickTime object, Your AutoPlay Media Studio applications are now compatible with over 80 video, audio and image formats. Video formats include .MOV, .DV, .M4V, .MP4 and dozens more – including the amazing h.264 format. Audio formats include .AAC, .AIF, .M4A, .MP3, etc. Visual formatting options let you lock an aspect ratio, resize the media to fit the object dimensions or center it within the object area. Border styles include 3D, plain or none.
Startup Video or Flash Movie
Start your project up with an introductory video or flash animation. It can run full screen and makes an eye catching start to your project. Of course, there are a variety of options for customization including size and background color.
Slideshow Object
The slideshow object allows you to show a series of images in a set area. It supports automatic resizing and scaling as well as transitions between images.
NEW! PDF Object
AutoPlay Media Studio now features integrated support for displaying Adobe Acrobat PDF documents right in your application. This highly requested feature also gives you full control over the display and formatting. You can show/hide toolbars, scrollbars and borders. Layout options include “Single Page”, “One Column”, “Two Columns” and “User Preference”. View options include “Fit Page”, “Fit Page Width”, “Fit Page Height” and “Actual Size”.
Autorun MAX! 是最容易創建自動運行CD的方式。用Autorun MAX! 和一些想像力,你可以創建和分享各種各樣得心應手的項目。通過簡單的點擊來創建專案、編輯內容和發佈。Autorun MAX! 將做所有剩下的事情,包括通過靈活的選項使你很容易的分享你完成的項目!
Autorun MAX!具有一個完全可視的拖放環境的特色。可以簡單地增加內容,例如相片、錄影、音樂和文本到你的頁面,並且使用滑鼠來安置他們。如果你喜歡,您甚至可 以使用包括的校正工具,包括網格和尺規來幫助保持事物的整齊性。而且還包括了許多額外的內容,像背景、相片、面板、按鈕、聲音效果和更多來啟動。使用簡單 的"fill-in-the-blanks"樣式系統可以使您的專案完全地交互。從打開文檔到運行程式、流覽網頁、和發送電子郵件,它都能變得更容易!
易於發佈—客制CD,Email 項目以及更多!
無論你喜歡通過EMAIL、CD-ROM、internet、甚至還是一個CD ISO 映射來發佈你的項目,Autorun MAX!都可以使它與得心應手的Publishing Wizard一樣,變得成為輕而易舉的事情。只要幾個點擊,你就可以產生所有你需要的檔來獲取快速且準確的工作。Autorun MAX! 甚至可以直接刻製成自動運行的CD,而無需任何額外的CD刻制軟體。Autorun MAX!的Publishing Wizard是一個可以被明顯的配置且非常容易使用的工具,既使您沒有創建你自己的自動運行的CD的經驗。
Autorun MAX!中的一個特點可以使它快速且容易的工作,這是包含在ready-to-use專案範本的庫中。它包括了所有通用的自動運行CD專案範本,像基本 CD功能表、虛擬商業名片和其他。應用範本僅僅需要在新的專案對話方塊中選擇它就可以了,Autorun MAX! 將會做接下來的部分。所有你必須做的事情就是把你的內容來代替占位元符內容並且發佈。
100%與Windows 98到Windows 10兼容
使用Autorun MAX創建自動運行CD-ROM或DVD-ROM!並確保當您的客戶或客戶將其插入光盤驅動器時它會起作用。我們已經花了很長時間才能使其與最新的Windows版本以及仍在使用的舊版操作系統兼容。
使用Autorun MAX自動運行程式!適用於Windows 98SE,Windows ME,Windows 2000,Windows XP,Windows Vista,Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 8.1和現在的Windows 10.不要讓您選擇的開發工具限制您的市場!
Setup Factory - Software Install Maker (點擊可看詳細介紹)
Setup Factory is the result of over a decade of experience in creating software installation tools. Unlike other Windows installer builders that require week-long training courses in order to get up to speed, Setup Factory was designed to be fast and easy to use. By pairing a visual layout of your software’s files and folders with a point-and-click interface, the entire process becomes completely logical and absolutely painless. What’s more, Setup Factory creates a compact, single-file setup.exe that runs on any version of Windows from Windows 95 all the way up to Windows 7.
MSI Factory
Don’t put up with the hassles, excuses and outsourced technical support that you get with your current installation toolkit. Join the thousands of developers who have made the switch to our next generation software deployment tools. Our fresh approach to Windows installers is exactly what you’ve been looking for. MSI Factory makes the task of creating professional.
TrueUpdate - Automatic Software Updating System
TrueUpdate is a comprehensive solution for software developers wanting to integrate automatic updating capabilities into their software applications. TrueUpdate gives you a robust client/server framework for determining required updates, and then retrieving and applying the necessary patch or installation files using standard Internet protocols.
Visual Patch - Software Patch Maker
Visual Patch is a fast and efficient solution for developers who need to create secure, compact and reliable patches for their software products. It features state-of-the-art DeltaMAX™ binary difference compression, combined with a powerful full-history patching engine. No other tool makes patch development as easy or as flexible.