最新版 Password Agent 2024.9.24 更新於 2024/9/24
最新版 Copiaris 2.3.5 更新於 2023/12/31
Copiaris (舊名Backup Magic ) 是個簡單快速的備份工具,可以針對修改過的檔案或者新進檔案作備份,可以產生以日期格式為檔名的備份檔,對於每天都要備份重要檔案的公司或者個人來說,是個不錯的選擇!
for Windows 7-11
File copy features:
- Extended length and Unicode file names supported.
- Volume Shadow Services (VSS) support, both 32-and 64-bit.
- File versions - keep 0 to unlimited number of old versions of files in destination or in another location.
- Zip compression with AES encryption and Unicode file names, including option to store each first-level sub-directory in separate zip file.
- Each source directory and copy task can use different copy options and filters if required.
- Merge files from multiple source directories or sub-directories to one directory.
- Batch rename files during copying by template, can also rename copied files on file name collision to prevent overwriting.
- Extensive file filtering (include/exclude by name or attributes, file size, file age).
- Extensive support for variables, including nested and user variables. It is possible to prompt for password, directory, file name or text string at runtime using variables. It is possible to pass parameters to variables, for example when reading from registry you can pass default value that is returned when reading registry fails or specified key or value does not exist.
Other features:
- Comes in both console and graphical user interface (GUI) modes.
- Create advanced scripts with if-then-else blocks and user variables.
- Respectable command line support - any available option can be passed by command line and program can be controlled completely from command line without using script files.
- Send e-mail with attachments and notify about success or failure of remote script by e-mail.
- Built-in Wake-on-LAN (WOL) support allows to wake up sleeping remote computers/NAS devices.
- Detailed logging and detailed error messages - no solving of cryptic error messages.
Simple to administer:
- Robust and self-contained native Unicode 32- and 64-bit executable - no hassle with runtime requirements.
- Can run directly from network share or flash drive, no local installation is needed.
- Uses plain file copy without creating any backup catalog files to copy or version files. You always know where files are be copied and are stored. No dependencies to restore files, just copy required files back to their original location.
- Automatic UAC elevation - prompts for user rights elevation only if current script requires elevated privileges.
- Script launcher automatically starts proper 32- or 64-bit executable according to user operating system.
- Uses minimal disk I/O to offer high performance, especially noticeable when copying over network.
- Shadow copy is only created when there are new or modified files to copy.
- If requesting shadow copy fails because another process is already requesting Copiaris tries again after short wait instead of returning failure.
You can use some tasks only once in your script. Tasks and statements that are not limited in Lite version are set variable, set option, show message and IF/ELSE/ENDIF statements -- these can occur as many times as required in your script. Other task types are only allowed to occur once in your script.
You can specify only one source directory. Due to this you may also not be able to use variable if it returns multiple directories.
File versions can be set to either disabled (0) or unlimited (-1), you can't explicitly set number of version to keep, like 5.
Values of the following options are disabled (default values will be used): Copy empty directories, Reset archive attributes of copied files, Include directories mask, Versions directory, Zip compress versions, Zip comment, Zip encryption method.
Password Agent 是一款優秀的密碼管理軟體,它可以將你眾多的密碼管理得井井有條,主要功能有密碼自動生成和管理、網頁自動填充等。特別值得一提的是本軟件具有移動功能,軟件中有一個“將我帶走”向導,只需要根據向導的步驟,便可將所有設置、密碼數據、軟件注冊碼以及幫助文件等全部複製到移動設備中,以後在任何電腦中運行移動設備中的該程序都是注冊版,並且你的密碼數據庫等都能正常使用,實在非常方便。Password Agent 讓你將所有的密碼存在一個容易查詢、安全性高的資料庫中。你只要記憶一個密碼就可以了,再也不用記好幾個難記得密碼了!
for Windows 7-11
- 快速、小巧並且使用簡單的程式,並且有著和Windows Explorer相似的熟悉介面。
- 鎖碼的文件只允許你所選擇的密碼可以進入,為了加強安全性,你的密碼只在鎖碼和譯碼時使用,並且不被放在任何地方。
- 快速儲存任何你需要回溯或尋找的文字資料─從密碼和網路登入碼到信用卡和護照號碼;從軟體啟動碼到序碼和家用電器的購買日期─或是其他你想要寫下的資料,可以放在依個可以容易取得的安全地方。
- 這個程式可以從攜帶式硬碟或是USB flash硬碟中直接運作,所以不需再經過安裝程序才能在其他的電腦上使用。Password Agent甚至包括TakeWithMe Wizard,它可以讓複製程式變得更簡單,伴隨著你的資料,更容易傳輸。
- 建立個人的團體和團體小組,讓他們可以更快速且容易進入
- 每個帳號入口由標題、使用者帳號、密碼、連結、注釋、附加日期、修改日期、到期日期和原來的密碼區組成。
- 自動填寫登錄提醒告知需要的資料
- 含有一個密碼產生器來產生無法預測的密碼
- 強大的快速搜尋功能讓你輕易的展示某些入口只允許哪些團體
- 列印你的資料庫
- 將你的資料庫輸出到HTML、XML或CSV;用CSV格式從密碼資料庫的程式裡匯進入口資料
- 可以依你個人喜好分類或排列方式
- 瀏覽/隱藏敏感資料,或是你自己決定哪個部份的資料是敏感、機密的
- 美國政府認證的AES/Rijndael的鎖碼技術(256-bit key)
- 一組密碼資料庫的檔案包含了100個入口,可是卻不到10k的大小,
- 很容易了解的使用者說明和線上幫助並且是可列印的PDF檔案。
- 本地系統裡自動化的多樣備份檔案加上可以複製到另外的位置的選項