最新版 Disk Drill 5 for Windows 更新於 2024/5/7
最新版 Disk Drill 5 for Mac 更新於 2024/5/7
您是否需要恢復 Mac OS X 中的已刪除的檔案,例如關鍵的業務檔案,音樂,照片或影片?Mac 電腦丟失檔案或整個資料夾分區?無法順利操作外部 USB 驅動器或相機卡嗎?最佳檔案救援數據恢復軟體 Disk Drill 可以輕鬆地為 Mac OS X 進行數據恢復。
Mac 及 Windows 數據恢復軟體 Disk Drill 能在不小心被誤刪、分割區損毀、硬碟被格式化、無法正常開機、磁碟或記憶卡損毀…等狀況下的檔案救援,盡量找回已經遺失的各種檔案。
下方列出 Disk Drill 軟體 Deep Scan 深度掃描特色功能可以識別的所有檔案格式,按類型(影片, 音檔, 圖像, 文檔和存檔)按檔案擴展名列出。
- 360 (360-degree GoPro cameras video footage)
- 3G2 (3rd Generation Partnership Project 2)
- 3GPP2 (3rd Generation Partnership Project 2)
- 3GP (Videos for 3G UMTS services)
- 3GPP (Videos for 3G UMTS services)
- ARI (ARRIRAW images)
- ARX (ARRIRAW images)
- AVI (Audio Video Interleave)
- BIK (Bink Video)
- BRAW (Blackmagic raw video format)
- CRM (Canon raw movie file)
- DIR (Adobe Director Movie)
- DV (Digital Video)
- DXR (Protected Adobe Director Movie)
- FCP (Final Cut Pro)
- FLA (Editable Adobe Flash movie)
- FLV (Flash video)
- FCPEVENT (Final Cut Events)
- INSV (Insta360 Video file)
- M1V (Moving Picture Experts Group Phase 1)
- M2V (Moving Picture Experts Group Phase 2)
- M2T (HDV video)
- M2TS (Blu-ray BDAV Video)
- M4B (iTunes audiobooks)
- M4P (iTunes Music Store audio)
- M4V (iTunes video)
- MKV (Matroska Video)
- MLV (LabVIEW mathscript file)
- MOV (Apple QuickTime movie)
- MP4 (MPEG-4 video)
- MPA (MPEG-2 Audio File)
- MPG (MPEG video)
- MTS (Advanced Video Coding High Definition)
- MXF (Material Exchange Format)
- OGM (Oog Media)
- R3D (Redcode Raw video image)
- RM (RealMedia)
- RMVB (RealMedia Variable Bitrate)
- SWF (Flash movie)
- TOD (JVC Everio Video Capture)
- TS (Video Transport Stream File)
- VP6 (Encoded video format developed by On2 Technologies)
- WEBM (HTML5 WebM Videos)
- WMV (Windows Media Video)
Audio File Types
- AA (Audible Audio Book)
- AAC (Advanced Audio Coding)
- AIF (Audio Interchange File)
- AIFC (Audio Interchange Compressed File)
- AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format)
- ALP (Ableton Live Pack)
- AMR (Adaptive Multi-Rate audio codec)
- ASF (Advanced Audio Streaming Format)
- AU (Audacity audio files)
- AWB (Adaptive Multi-rate Wide Band)
- CAF (Core Audio File)
- CDA (CD Audio Track)
- CPR (Cubase Project)
- DS2 (Digital Speech Standard Pro)
- ENS (REAKTOR Ensemble)
- FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec)
- FLP (FruityLoops Project)
- IDF (MIDI instruments Definitions File)
- M4A (Apple Lossless Audio)
- MP3 (MPEG Audio Stream, Layer III)
- MP2 (Audio file format used with MPEG Audio Stream; recovered as MPA)
- MPA (Audio file compressed with MPEG Layer II compression)
- MPC (Musepack Compressed Audio File)
- MUS (Finale Notation)
- NGRR (Guitar Rig sound files)
- OGA (audio extracted from OGG; recovered as OGG)
- OGG (Ogg Vorbis Compressed audio file)
- PTF (Pro Tools Session File)
- RA (Real Audio)
- RFL (Reason ReFill Sound Bank)
- RNS (Reason Song File)
- RPP (REAPER Project Files)
- RX2 (REX2 Audio Files)
- SIB (Sibelius Score)
- VOC (Creative Labs Voice)
- WMA (Windows Media audio files)
- ZRV (Philips Voice Traver)
- SESX (Adobe Audition CC Session File)
Images, Photo and Graphic
- 3FR (Hasselblad camera 3F RAW image)
- 3MF (3D Manufacturing Format)
- AEP (After Effects Project)
- AFPHOTO (Affinity Photo)
- AI (Adobe Illustrator)
- ALBM (HP Photo Software Album)
- ANI (Windows Animated Cursor)
- APM (Adobe raster images)
- ARW (Sony Digital Camera)
- BLEND (Blender 3D Data file)
- BMP (Bitmap)
- BPN (ArchiCAD Backup)
- C4D (Cinema 4D Model)
- CDR (CorelDRAW)
- CPT (Corel Photo-Paint document file containing a bitmap image)
- CR2 (Canon Raw Image)
- CR3 (Canon Raw 3 images)
- CRM (Canon RAW Movie)
- CRW (Canon Raw CIFF Image file)
- DCR (Kodak RAW image)
- DJVU (DjVu Images)
- DNG (Digital Negative)
- CinemaDNG (Container for DNG raw photos)
- DPX (Cineon image file)
- DXF (Drawing Interchange File)
- EMF (Enhanced Windows Metafile)
- EPS (Encalsulated PostScript file)
- ERF (Epson raw image file)
- EXR (HDR image format developed by Academy Software Foundation)
- FC (FlipaClip: 2D Animation Creation App)
- FFF (Hasselblad Camera RAW image)
- FH3 (FreeHand 3 Drawing file)
- FH8 (FreeHand 8 Drawing file)
- FH10 (FreeHand 10 Drawing file)
- FH11 (FreeHand 11 Drawing file)
- GPR (GoPro raw image format)
- HEIC (High Efficiency Image File Format)
- HEIF (High Efficiency Image File Format)
- ICNS (Mac OS X Icon)
- ICO (Windows Icon)
- IDML (Adobe InDesign Markup Language)
- IIQ (Phase One RAW Images)
- INDB (Adobe InDesign Book)
- INDD (Adobe InDesign)
- INDL (Adobe InDesign Library)
- INSP (Panoramic image captured by an Insta360 camera)
- INX (Adobe InDesign Interchange)
- JNB (SigmaPlot)
- JP2 (JPEG2000 image)
- JPG (JPEG image)
- JPX (JPEG2000 image)
- KDC (Kodak Photo-Enhancer File)
- KEY (Apple iWork Keynote)
- LRCAT (Adobe Lightroom Catalog)
- LXO (Luxology Modo)
- MA (Maya Project)
- MAX (Autodesk 3ds Max Scene)
- MB (Maya Binary Project)
- MDP (FireAlpaca Drawing)
- MEF (Mamiya raw camera image format)
- MOS (Uncompressed Leaf raw image file)
- MP (Maya PLE Project)
- MPO (Multi Picture Object File or simply stereo images)
- MRW (Minolta Raw Image File)
- NEF (Nikon camera RAW image)
- NRW (Nikon Raw Image File)
- ORF (Olympus camera RAW image)
- PCX (bitmap images)
- PEF (Pentax RAW image)
- PLA (ArchiCAD Project Archive)
- PLN (ArchiCAD Project File)
- PNG (Portable Network Graphic)
- PPM (Flipnote Studio Animation files)
- PS (PostScript File)
- PSB (Adobe Photoshop Large Document Format)
- PSD (Adobe Photoshop)
- RAF (Fujifilm RAW image data)
- RW2 (Panasonic camera RAW image)
- RAW (Uncompressed and unprocessed image data)
- RWL (Panasonic/Leica RAW image file)
- SKP (SketchUp)
- SPP (Substance Painter project)
- SR2 (Sony Raw digital photos)
- SRF (Sony Raw digital photos)
- SRW (Samsung camera RAW image)
- STL (3D printing and computer-aided design (CAD))
- SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
- TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)
- TPL (ArchiCAD Project Template)
- VSD (Visio Drawing file)
- VWX (VectorWorks Design File)
- WEBP (Image format for Web)
- WMF (proprietary Windows graphic format)
- X3F (X3F SIGMA raw images)
- X3I (X3F SIGMA super fine detail raw images)
- XCF (eXperimental Computing Facility, the native image format of the GIMP image-editing)
- XD (Mockup created for website or mobile applications using the Adobe XD software)
- XHW (ChamSys MagicQ Icon Snapshots files)
- ZBR (Pixologic ZBrush 3D/2.5D modeling, texturing and painting)
- ZPR (Pixologic ZBrush 3D/2.5D modeling, texturing and painting)
- 1CD (Russian Finance 1C:Enterprise 8)
- AAF (Advanced Authoring Format)
- ABCDDB (Apple Address Book Database)
- AFDESIGN (Affinity Designer document)
- ALS (Ableton Live Set File)
- AMB (Licom AlphaCAM)
- ANX (HotDocs Answer Format files)
- APK (Android Package)
- ASD (MS Word snapshot files, recovered as DOC, identical to DOC)
- BKF (Windows Backup Utility File)
- BOK (Economacs File)
- CELTX (Celtx Project File)
- CFB (Microsoft Compound File Binary)
- CHM (Compiled HTML Help File)
- CS (Visual C# Source Code File)
- CST (Adobe Director External Cast File)
- CWK (ClarisWorks Document)
- CXT (Adobe Director Protected Cast File)
- DB3 (SQLite3 Database)
- DGN (MicroStation Design file)
- DMF (Geosystem Digitals Map File)
- DOC (Microsoft Word)
- DOCM (Word document file format that supports macros)
- DOCX (Microsoft Word)
- DOTM (Microsoft Word template file that enables macros)
- DOTX (Template file format used by Microsoft Word)
- DPDOC (Digital Performer Document)
- DWG (AutoCAD)
- Supported versions: 2004/ 2005/ 2006/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/ 2014/ 2015/ 2016/ 2017
- Unsupported versions: 2000/ 2000i/ 2002/ 2007/ 2008/ 2009
- EBML (Extensible Binary Meta-Language)
- EFA (Encrypt 2005 E-mail File)
- ELFO (Elsterformular by German Tax Office)
- EMB (Wilcom ES Software)
- EMF (Enhanced Windows Metafile)
- EML (Electronic Mail Format or Email Saved in Plain Text)
- EMLX (Apple Mail Message)
- ENEX (Evernote Export XML format)
- ENL (Endnote Library)
- EOT (Embedded OpenType Fonts)
- EPB (EP Budgeting file)
- EPUB (Open Ebook file)
- ESS (Skyrim Save file – TES 5)
- EWD (Essay Writer projects, by Spark-Space)
- FB2 (FictionBook 2.0 Files)
- FDR (Final Draft Document file)
- FDX (Final Draft Document XML file)
- FMP12 (FileMaker Pro 12)
- FOS (Fallout 3/NV Saved Game file)
- FP7 (FileMaker Pro 7+ Database)
- GED (GEDCOM Genealogy Data File)
- GEO (TruTops Geometry File)
- GP3 (Guitar Pro 3 documents)
- GP4 (Guitar Pro 4 documents)
- GP5 (Guitar Pro 5 documents)
- GP (Guitar Pro 8 documents)
- GPS (Guitar Pro 6 documents)
- GPX (Garmin Basecamp, GPS Exchange Format)
- GSM (ArchiCAD Graphic Description Language File)
- H (C/C++ Header File)
- HPG (Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language)
- HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
- HWP (Hangul Word Processor)
- IBA (IBasic Source Code File)
- IBANK (iBank 5 app)
- iCash files
- ICS (iCalendar)
- IPA (iPhone or iPod Touch Application)
- IPYNB (documents for Jupyter Notebook)
- ITL (iTunes Library File)
- JKS (Java KeyStore)
- JTD (JustSystems Ichitaro Document)
- JTDC (JustSystems Ichitaro Compressed Document)
- JTT (JustSystems Ichitaro Document Template)
- JTTC (JustSystems Ichitaro Compressed Document Template)
- KDB (KeePass Password Database)
- KDBX (KeePass Password Database)
- KEYCHAIN (Mac OS X Keychain File)
- LAYOUT (Google SketchUp LayOut document)
- LNK (MS Windows Link)
- LWO (LightWave 3D Object File)
- LWS (LightWave 3D Scene File)
- LYX (LyX Document)
- M (Objective-C Implementation File)
- MBS (Opera Mailbox File)
- MDB (Microsoft Access Database)
- MBOX (Native archive format of email clients)
- MINDNODE (MindNode document)
- MM (FreeMind)
- MMAP (MindManager Map)
- MOBI (Mobipocket eBook files)
- MSG (Outlook Mail Message)
- MUSE (Adobe Muse)
- MUSX (Finale Music Notation files)
- MYO (Mind Your Own Business)
- NOTEBOOK (SMART Notebook 16.x)
- Notes.app database
- NUMBERS (Apple iWork Numbers)
- NSF (Lotus Notes Archive)
- ODG (OpenDocument Graphics)
- ODP (OpenDocument Presentation – OpenOffice Impress)
- ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet – OpenOffice Calc)
- ODT (OpenDocument Text – OpenOffice Writer)
- OLK14MSGSOURCE (Outlook Email Message Data File)
- OLK15MESSAGE (Microsoft Outlook for Mac message containers)
- OPJ (OriginPro 8 files)
- P65 (Adobe PageMaker 6.5)
- PAGES (Apple iWork Pages)
- PCBDOC (Altium Designer)
- PCBLIB (Altium Designer)
- PEM (RSA Private Key)
- PUB (RSA Public Key)
- PDF (Portable Document Format)
- PGD (PGP Disk Image, high recoverability if stored without fragmentation)
- PLD5 (Professional League Turnierdatei)
- PLIST (Property List XML Files, not binary)
- POTM (Macro-enabled templates created by Microsoft’s PowerPoint; recovered as PPTX)
- POTX (Template file used by Microsoft PowerPoint)
- PPT (Microsoft PowerPoint)
- PPTM (Presentation file used by Microsoft PowerPoint that supports macros)
- PPTX (Microsoft PowerPoint)
- PPSM (Macro-enabled slideshow file format used by Microsoft PowerPoint)
- PUB (Microsoft Publisher)
- PRJPCB (Altium Designer Project file)
- PRPROJ (Premiere Pro Project)
- PSAFE3 (Password Gorilla storage files)
- PSS (Password Saver)
- PTS (Pro Tools 5 – 6 session file)
- PTF (Pro Tools 7 – 8 session file)
- PTX (Pro Tools 9 – 12 session file)
- PTXP (Pro Tools session file)
- QPW (Quattro Pro)
- QBB (QuickBooks)
- RFI (SPEFO Stellar Spectra Analysis)
- RP (Axure RP Project File)
- RPH (Sestava POHODA File – Report Designer software package)
- RTF (Rich Text)
- RVT (Revit Project)
- SBK (MagicQ Software by ChamSyS)
- SCHDOC (Altium Designer)
- SCHLIB (Altium Designer)
- SHW (MagicQ Software by ChamSyS)
- SCPT (AppleScript Script Files)
- SDA (OpenOffice Draw)
- SDC (OpenOffice Calc)
- SDW (StarOffice Writer)
- SH3D (Sweet Home 3D)
- SKETCH (Sketch app files (Bohemian BV))
- SLDPRT (SolidWorks Part file)
- STOREDATA (XML persistent store)
- SUD (NI DIAdem Scriptable User Dialog file)
- SXC (OpenOffice Calc)
- SXD (OpenOffice Draw)
- SXI (OpenOffice Impress)
- SXW (OpenOffice Writer)
- SWIFT (SWIFT source codes, XCode)
- TAX (TurboTax data file)
- TEX (LaTeX Document)
- TEXTCLIPPING (Mac OS X text clipping)
- TIB (Acronis True Image)
- TREC (Camtasia Studio 8.4+ recordings)
- TTF (TrueType Fonts)
- VBS (NI DIAdem VB Script file)
- VCF (vCard files)
- VDI (VirtualBox Virtual Disk Image for static disks)
- VSDX (Microsoft Visio drawing)
- WEBLOC (Mac OS X Website Location)
- WOFF (Web Open Font Format Files)
- WOFF2 (Web Open Font Format 2 Files)
- WPD (Corel WordPerfect Document)
- WPS (Microsoft Works Word Processor Document)
- XIB (Interface Builder Document)
- XLR (Microsoft Works Spreadsheet)
- XLS (Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet)
- XLSB (Microsoft Excel Binary Workbook file)
- XLSM (Spreadsheet file used by Microsoft Excel that supports macros)
- XLSX (Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet)
- XLTM (Macro-enabled template file used by Microsoft Excel)
- XLTX (Template file format used by Microsoft Excel)
- XMCD (MathCAD 14)
- XMIND (Mind Mapping Software workbook)
- XML (Simple text-based format for representing structured information)
- XMP (Adobe Extensible Metadata Platform)
Archive Files Types
- 7Z (7-Zip Compressed)
- ARJ (ARJ Compressed File Archive)
- CAB (Windows Cabinet File)
- DMG (Mac OS X Disk Image)
- GZ (Gnu Zipped Archive Files)
- ISO (ISO-9660 CD Disc Image)
- JAR (Java Archive)
- MBX (Apple Mail mailbox file)
- MSI (Microsoft Software Installer)
- PST (Microsoft Outlook Personal Folders)
- RAR (WinRAR Compressed Archive)
- RAR5 (WinRAR New Method Compressed Archive)
- RDB (Retrospect Backup Set)
- TAR (Tape Archive files)
- TAR.XZ (XZ Compressed Tar Archive)
- TGZ (Gnu Zipped Archive Files)
- ZIP (Common Archive and Compression Standard)
- ZIPX (ZIP Extended Compressed Archive file)
Disk Drill for macOS
Basic | PRO | Enterprise |
Prevent data loss with Recovery Vault Preview your recovery: Quick & Deep Scan, Rebuild HFS+, Lost Partition Search, etc. All storage types and file systems supported Byte-to-byte backups, Disk Clean-up, Duplicate Finder, Data Shredder & more free data management tools built-in |
Unlimited data recovery 1 user, up to 3 simultaneous activations All recovery methods: Quick & Deep Scan, Rebuild HFS+, Lost Partition Search & others Everything in Disk Drill Basic: data loss prevention, data management tools, etc.
Unlimited data recovery Up to 10 users, ∞ activations Licensed to your business Priority technical support Forensic data export (DFXML) Everything in Disk Drill PRO: all recovery methods, data loss prevention & management tools, etc.
Disk Drill for Windows
Basic | PRO | Enterprise |
Free recovery: up to 500 MB Prevent data loss with Recovery Vault Preview recoverable items for all scanning methods Create byte-to-byte backups of failing disks
Unlimited data recovery 1 user, up to 3 simultaneous activations All recovery methods: Quick & Deep Scan, smart FAT and NTFS algorithms, Lost Partition Search & others Everything in Disk Drill Basic: data loss prevention, byte-to-byte backups, etc.
Unlimited data recovery Up to 10 users, ∞ activations Licensed to your business Priority technical support Everything in Disk Drill PRO: all recovery methods, data loss prevention & backups, etc.
Disk Drill for Mac OS X / macOS
Disk Drill 5 | Disk Drill 4 | Disk Drill 3 | Disk Drill 2 | Disk Drill 1 | |
Release Date | October 2022 | October 2020 | August 2016 | April 2013 | November 2010 |
macOS 14 "Sonoma" | Yes | No | No | No | No |
macOS 13 "Ventura" | Yes | No | No | No | No |
macOS 12 "Monterey" | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
macOS 11 "Big Sur" | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
macOS 10.15 "Catalina" | Yes (10.15.7) | Yes | Yes | No | No |
macOS 10.14 "Mojave" | No | Yes | Yes | No | No |
macOS 10.13 "High Sierra" | No | Yes | Yes | No | No |
macOS 10.12 "Sierra" | No | Yes | Yes | No | No |
macOS 10.11 "El Capitan" | No | Yes (10.11.6+) | Yes | Yes | No |
macOS 10.10 "Yosemite" | No | No | Yes | Yes | No |
macOS 10.9 "Mavericks" | No | No | Yes | Yes | No |
macOS 10.8 "Mountain Lion" | No | No | Yes (10.8.5+) | Yes | No |
macOS 10.7 "Lion" | No | No | No | Yes | No |
macOS 10.6 "Snow Leopard" | No | No | No | Yes (10.6.8+) | Yes (10.6.7 max) |
macOS 10.5 "Leopard" | No | No | No | No | Yes |
Disk Drill for Windows
Disk Drill 5 | Disk Drill 4 | Disk Drill 2 | |
Release Date | Nov-22 | Aug-19 | Aug-16 |
Windows 11 | Yes (x64 only) | Yes | No |
Windows 10 | Yes (x64 only) | Yes | Yes |
Windows 8.1 | No | Yes | Yes |
Windows 8 | No | Yes | Yes |
Windows 7 SP1 | No | Yes (KB3033929) | Yes |
Windows Vista | No | No | Yes |
Windows XP | No | No | Yes |
Windows Server 2022 | Yes | Yes | No |
Windows Server 2019 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Windows Server 2016 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Windows Server 2012 R2 | No | Yes | Yes |
Windows Server 2012 | No | Yes | Yes |
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 | No | Yes (KB3033929) | Yes |
Windows Server 2008 | No | No | Yes |
Windows Server 2003 R2 | No | No | Yes |
Windows Server 2003 | No | No | Yes |
Administrator privileges | Required | Required | Required |
Minimum screen resolution | 1280×720 | 1280×720 | 1280×720 |