Symphonic Choirs
SYMPHONIC CHOIRS是第一個提供 24-bit 高音質的歌劇合唱音源套組,包含同時具有三個不同形式的立體聲麥克風設置(close、stage 和 hall),使用者可以依照需求,進行任意的組合來調整合唱發聲的來源與空間度。一推出後即受到國際樂壇的矚目,並屢獲好評。
GOLIATH不僅包含曾獲Futhure Music雜誌年度虛擬樂器(VIRYUAL INSTRUMENT OF THE YEAR) COLOSSUS全部32GB之音色,更再增加8GB最新音色,例如Sound On Sound雜誌給于五顆星評價之EASTWEST/PMI BOSENDORFER 290 PIANO全部音色。
GOLIATH擁有超過180種樂器和600PATCHE,種類包括鼓和打擊樂器、吉他、貝斯、一般鋼琴、電鋼琴、鍵盤樂器、音槌、銅管樂器、交響樂器、 合唱合聲、民族樂器、age ensembles、morphing atmosgheres、synth basses、synth leads、和 synth pads等。
Stormdrum 2
Stormdrum是做為電影,電視和遊戲作品不可或缺的要素!完美地記錄著,有令人驚艷的聲音及提供各式各樣儀器的音源。強大的聲音絕對可以帶來巨大的 衝擊力,而較小的聲音則是提供適當的細膩且精緻的感覺。有了Stormdrum您將可以創造出亮眼的成績,人們永遠不會知道您的作品不是在好萊塢的聲廠所 製作,而是在您的電腦上。
Stormdrum 3
Stormdrum 3 includes EastWest’s PLAY 6 software. PLAY 6 includes SSL FX Suite from Solid State Logic, the industry leader in mixing technology; and an upgraded “true stereo” EastWest reverb. The FX section includes a SSL EQ and Dynamics Channel Strip, Transient Shaper, and SSL’s legendary Stereo Bus Compressor; plus an upgraded "true stereo" reverb from EastWest plus new features. EastWest also added it’s Amp Simulator and Ohm Force’s Ohmicide multi-band distortion software to enable unlimited sound design for film/games etc. Now, with it’s combination of the new PLAY 6 software, the best sound processing tools available, and world class percussion instruments, Stormdrum 3 is the most advanced percussion virtual instrument to date and a must-have.
Voices of Passion
VOICES OF PASSION 是一套關於來自世界各民族,如威爾斯(Wales)、敘利亞(Syria)、保加利亞(Bulgaria)、印度(India)、美洲(America) 等女性聲音的音源套組。這些聲音充滿熱情、神秘與悲嘆,適合運用於各類的音樂作品當中。
VOICES OF PASSION 包含五種不同民族女性的高聲歌唱、詠嘆、呢喃、低聲訴說等不同的聲音表情,是目前首創以此主題的虛擬樂器套組,也是第一個針對ambient 或 new age 風格之音樂創作而開發的音源庫。
VOICES OF PASSION 亦為第一個能表現真實連唱音程(true legato intervals)的虛擬樂器。其中有些中東與印度的語句是以組合式的方式錄製,能讓您能交互替換使用,進而組合成一大段語句。
RA具有多達14GB之世界民族樂器音色庫,涵蓋全球6個區域:非洲、美洲和澳洲、歐洲、印度、中東和土耳其。我們花費了相當多的精力在取樣樂器音 色上面,為的就是要將各民族樂器得聲音真實的呈現出來,以讓使用者能感到真的在使用樂器。當然為了使用於各種不同用途的音樂作品,您可為各個音色添加效 果,為此我們還開發了一項創新技術稱為QLegato,以表現真實的連奏技巧。
RA擁有令人驚艷的音色。RA中每個音色都是以不同方位8支麥克風來取樣收音,以確保能忠實呈現聲音的立體相位。麥克風是使用Neunmann U67/U47、Neuman M50、AKG C12和Shoepps來完成取樣收音的工作。
QUANTUM LEAP GYPSY 是專為創作吉普賽音樂所開發的高音質虛擬樂器套組,適用於各類型音樂創作如電影配樂、電視影集、廣告配音和電玩配樂等。
其中尼龍弦吉他、小提琴和伸縮號(trombone)可同時用於吉普賽和古典樂的作品中。所有的吉他音色都提供上下撥弦、不同力度與技巧彈奏以及和弦。這些彈奏片段是來自美國洛杉磯知名的吉他手David Kole的取樣錄音。
GYPSY 還包括非常道地的吉普賽打擊樂片段,和來自兩位佛朗明哥舞者踢塌舞和響板的表演取樣錄音。還有手風琴的取樣演奏亦忠實表現吉普賽音樂的風貌,還伴有左手貝斯的和弦伴奏。
Ministry of Rock
MINISTRY OF ROCK是著名的EASTWEST Studio 2中記錄的巨型20 Gigabyte Rock Drums,Basses和Guitars系列,也是搖滾樂製作人的終極製作工具箱。
MINISTRY OF ROCK is a modern day rock toolkit that covers a myriad of styles. Songwriters, film, TV and game composers as well as drummers and guitarists will love this library. Sound quality and playability is superior to anything else available.
MINISTRY OF ROCK features sounds used in todays music and the entire library was created with one goal in mind: to create a virtual instrument capable of producing sounds that could actually produce a hit record or filmscore without any live drum, bass or guitar overdubs. Articulations and programming were all reverse engineered from actual performances.
Ministry of Rock2
MINISTRY OF ROCK 是一套擁有 20 GB音色容量之搖滾樂器套組,其中包含數種適合搖滾音樂使用之鼓、貝斯和吉它等樂器,於位於好萊塢著名的EASTWEST Studio 2錄音室製作完成。
MINISTRY OF ROCK 可運用之範圍相當廣泛,包括編曲人、電影或配樂人、廣告、或電玩配樂等。擁有這套搖滾樂器套組,您等於是擁有數個搖滾樂團一般,能輕鬆製作出澎湃激昻的搖滾風格樂曲。
MINISTRY OF ROCK 是專為製作搖滾音樂所設計的樂器套組,各種樂器都是以最真實的取樣技術收音完成,以期能表現最原始的搖滾精神。您是一位熱愛搖滾音樂的創作人嗎? 那您絕對不要錯過這個專為您設計的產品!
Fab Four
FAB FOUR是專為製作披頭四(Beatles)類似音樂風格所產生之虛擬越氣,它包含許多在批頭四專輯中出現的樂器,因此音樂人能很方便運用這些樂器來至做出與披頭四類似的音樂風格之樂曲。
Hollywood Orchestra
HOLLYWOOD ORCHESTRA is the combination of Hollywood Strings, Hollywood Brass, Hollywood Orchestral Woodwinds, and Hollywood Orchestral Percussion; collectively the most detailed and comprehensive orchestral virtual instrument collection available. In addition to HOLLYWOOD ORCHESTRA, the production team recently added HOLLYWOOD SOLO INSTRUMENTS which includes Hollywood Harp, Hollywood Solo Cello, and Hollywood Solo Violin. Each of the Hollywood Solo Instruments can be purchased separately; or you can subscribe to EastWest's ComposerCloud which includes Hollywood Orchestra, Hollywood Solo Instruments and over 60 other collections for a low monthly fee.
Hollywood Strings
HOLLYWOOD STRINGS has many groundbreaking features not found in any other collection. Finger position is, for the first time, controllable by the user, so you can play as far up the strings as you want, and get a fuller more romantic Hollywood sound. Vibrato intensity and extensive dynamics are controllable by the user. Extensive multi-dynamic true legato has been sampled for all sections in three different categories: slurred, portamento, and bow change. This results in unsurpassed legato performance that has never been available. HOLLYWOOD STRINGS has five user-controllable mic positions, including main pickup (Decca tree), mid pickup, close pickup, surround pickup, and an alternate vintage circa 1945 RCA ribbon room pickup.
Hollywood Brass
Hollywood Brass is the most powerful, realistic and extensive brass library ever created. There is a focus and ease of use in this Virtual Instrument that is unprecedented. Hollywood Brass runs flawlessly in the new PLAY 6 engine and has 10 times the content and detail than its closest competitor, without any additional complexity or clutter. New revolutionary fanfare patches are light on computer resources, but offer the most playable and instantly gratifying results on just one midi channel. But words are just words. Once you experience Hollywood Brass, you will see that this is EastWest's finest creation to date — (Producers Doug Rogers, Nick Phoenix and Thomas Bergersen).
Hollywood Orch Woodwinds
Hollywood Orchestral Woodwinds was designed to be the most detailed collection of orchestral woodwind instruments ever assembled, and offers unprecedented control over the sound of the instruments.
Hollywood Orchestral Woodwinds includes: Alto Flute, Bass Clarinet, Bass Flute, Bassoon, Clarinet, Contra Bass Clarinet, Contra Bassoon, Eb Clarinet, English Horn, Flute, Flute 2, Oboe, Piccolo Flute.
Hollywood Orch Percussion
HOLLYWOOD ORCHESTRAL PERCUSSION is an utterly unique orchestral percussion library that completes the Hollywood series, featuring one of America's very best orchestral percussionists and his inspiring arsenal of instruments. Orchestral percussion staples like timpani, snare drums, cymbals, bass drums, and metals are sampled with such astounding detail and variety that you will find exactly the right sound for EVERY piece of music. HOLLYWOOD ORCHESTRAL PERCUSSION perfects techniques pioneered in Stormdrum 3, using unique repetition sampling techniques and 8 way round robin, that deliver a virtual live performance.
EastWest's ProDrummer™ not only includes professional drum sounds; the producers, who record and mix the biggest artists in the music business, have included pre-mixed drum kits for use in your compositions using the 'state of the art' tools included in the ProDrummer software.
Also included in each volume are over 14,000 MIDI drum grooves in different styles. Search for the right grooves for your song with our groove 'search engine' and assemble your song right inside ProDrummer with the built-in sequencer (or drag to your DAW). Use our built-in Velocity Processor to control the dynamic power of the drums. Export the song to your favorite DAW to build the rest of your track, it couldn't be easier!
Hollywood Harp
Hollywood Solo ViolinThe EastWest/Quantum Leap Hollywood Harp virtual instrument is a library designed to work together seamlessly with the Hollywood Orchestra series. While it includes the same number of microphone positions, and many of the same features, there is a key difference outlined below.
- The microphone configuration is designed for solo instruments, as opposed to a full orchestra.
- Instead of the surround and vintage surround microphone positions used in the Hollywood Orchestra series, the Hollywood Solo Cello supplements the close and mid microphone positions with vintage alternatives.
Hollywood Solo Cello
The EastWest/Quantum Leap Hollywood Solo Cello virtual instrument is a library designed to work together seamlessly with the Hollywood Orchestra series. While it includes the same number of microphone positions, and many of the same features, there are a few key differences that are outlined below.
- The microphone configuration is designed for solo instruments, as opposed to a full orchestra. Instead of the surround and vintage surround microphone positions used in the Hollywood Orchestra series, the Hollywood Solo Cello supplements the close and mid microphone positions with vintage alternatives.
- In the Hollywood Solo Cello, dynamics and vibrato depth are linked together on the Mod Wheel (CC1), whereas the Hollywood Orchestra series offers independent control of dynamics and vibrato depth.
- A new type of Legato instrument is available (Legato Sus Slur) that combines the legato and sustain articulations into one sample layer, allowing for more continuity over the duration of a note.
Hollywood Solo Violin
The EastWest/Quantum Leap Hollywood Solo Violin virtual instrument is a library designed to work together seamlessly with the Hollywood Orchestra series. While it includes the same number of microphone positions, and many of the same features, there are a few key differences that are outlined below.
- The microphone configuration is designed for solo instruments, as opposed to a full orchestra. Instead of the surround and vintage surround microphone positions used in the Hollywood Orchestra series, the Hollywood Solo Violin supplements the close and mid microphone positions with vintage alternatives.
- In the Hollywood Solo Violin, dynamics and vibrato depth are linked together on the Mod Wheel (CC1), whereas the Hollywood Orchestra series offers independent control of dynamics and vibrato depth.
- A new type of Legato instrument is available (Legato Sustain) that combines the legato and sustain articulations into one sample layer, allowing for more continuity over the duration of a note.
One of the most eclectic and prolific artists in rock music, Steven Wilson has been writing, recording, and producing music continuously since the early nineties. Album releases and touring as leader of his band Porcupine Tree, and more recently as a solo artist, saw him gain a reputation for his songwriting, experimentation, and sonic excellence, resulting in many invitations to work with other artists. Among many things he has produced several albums for Grammy Award-winning Swedish metal band Opeth and he sung on UK drum and bass band Pendulum's UK number one album "Immersion". He started a solo career in 2009, and his most recent solo album "The Raven that Refused to Sing" was recorded at EASTWEST Studios with legendary recording engineer Alan Parsons at the helm. Wilson has become known for his 5.1 surround sound mixes, starting with his own projects, but more recently for remixing the catalogues of King Crimson, Jethro Tull, Roxy Music, XTC, and Yes, among others. His surround sound mixes have been Grammy nominated on four occasions, and he has twice won "Album of the Year" at the Surround Music Awards. Wilson is seen by many as the predominant progressive rock musician in the world today, and in 2012 he won "Guiding Light" at the "Progressive Music Awards" 2012, following this in 2013 with another win for best album for "The Raven that Refused to Sing".
After two years of recording, editing, and programming, EastWest/Quantum Leap proudly present the most detailed collection of the world's finest grand pianos ever recorded in one of the 'temples of sound', EASTWEST STUDIOS (more RIAA certified platinum and gold records awarded than any other recording studios) with 3 mic positions for each piano.
This virtual instrument includes four of the world's finest grand pianos: a Bechstein D-280, Steinway D, Bösendorfer 290, and Yamaha C7. The PLAY interface includes impulses from the same hall the producers used to record Symphonic Orchestra and Symphonic Choirs so the pianos can blend with those collections.
EastWest/Quantum Leap Pianos Gold Edition, which provides only the player's perspective mics and 16-bit samples, is available for users with less powerful systems. A low-cost upgrade path is available for users of the Gold Edition who wish to move up to the Full Edition.
Voices of the Empire
EastWest/Quantum Leap presents VOICES OF THE EMPIRE, a brand-new vocal product that is perfect for epic film/TV/game soundtracks, EDM, or any music requiring solo vocals or vocal harmonies using chords. Featuring the raw, primal vocals of Uyanga Bold, VOICES OF THE EMPIRE is the perfect companion product to the newly-released blockbuster HOLLYWOOD CHOIRS.
Uyanga Bold is a unique talent, melding the ethnic musical traditions of Bulgaria, Serbia, Mongolia, and beyond. She is a trained opera singer with perfect pitch, fluent in Russian, Mongolian, French, English, and German. It’s East meets West like you’ve never heard before. Her voice is beautiful, pure, otherworldly, haunting, unsettling, powerful, genuine in its ethnic flair and world class in its precision.
MGS - Ethnic & Voices |
MGS - Guitar & Bass |
MGS - Orchestra |
MGS - Soundscapes |
MGS - Keys & Percussion |