最新版 R3DS Wrap v2023.11.4 更新於 2023/11/4
Faceform Wrap ( 原為 R3DS Wrap ) 會更改處理3D掃描數據的方式。當使用大量類似對象(例如人工掃描)進行處理時,Wrap可以採用現有的基礎網格並將其非剛性地適合於每次掃描。
What Wrap is Used for
Wrap is used in many applications including:
Digital Doubles for VFX and Games
Wrap lets you convert 3D-scans of actor’s facial expressions into a consistent topology. This is an integral part for facial rigging pipelines for games and movies.
Virtual Try On and Avatars
Wrap is suitable for converting full-body scans into a common topology for further rigging, animation, and cloth simulation.
Micro Detail Transfer
Wrap is widely used as a part of TexturingXYZ and 3D Scan Store texture transfer pipelines. It allows to transfer pre-exising micro detail maps from a scan onto your custom character.
Machine Learning
Wrap is used to convert huge sets of facial/body scans into a consistent topology, which provides a great source of training data for facial generation, statistical, medical, machine learning and other applications.
- Python scripting for parameter expressions
- Dock panel system
- Support for Alembic and Google Draco formats
- Soft vertex masks
- 16 new nodes
- Wrapping, OpticalFlowWrapping, and BlendWrapping are almost 2 times faster
- Support for high DPI monitors
16 and 32-bit Depth Image Support
Now you can work with 16 and 32-bit depth images, including OpenEXR format
Multiple Inputs and Outputs in Nodes
Some nodes like Render, Blendshapes, MergeGeom can now work with unlimited number of inputs
PLY Format Support
You can save a lot of disk space by storing sequences of meshes sharing the same topology in a form of binary PLY format that only stores the vertex positions
Stick to Surface
Having a set of meshes in one topology you can automatically convert them into another topology
Fix Intersections
Now you can fix self-intersections on your models completely automatically
Keep Distance
Create a perfect contact between the eyelid and the eyeball geometry with no gaps or intersections
Cartoon Wrapping
Wrap cartoon characters and creatures easily with the new Cartoon Wrapping node
Load Frame from Video
Load frames from video files just like you load images and textures
Merge Geom
Merge multiple meshes into a single geometry
Undistort Image
Fix camera distortion effects on photogrammetry images
Bake Transform
Bake current geometry transforms in vertex positions
Extended Camera Import Options
Import cameras in FBX from Blender, Maya, Reality Capture
Getting Started
In this tutorial you will find out:
- basics of Wrap3 node-graph interface
- viewport navigation
- how to load scans and textures
- rigid alignment example
In this tutorial you will find:
- how to wrap a basemesh around the scan
- how to specify control points
- how to use polygon selection to exclude a part of a model from wrapping
Scan Processing
In this tutorial you will learn how to:
- fix non-manifold topology
- remove spikes from scan
- remove small components from a scan
- decimate a scan
- apply a series of operations to a scan in batch mode
Batch Wrapping
In this tutorial we will cover the following topics:
- head wrapping
- storing and loading point selections from disk
- using free polygon selection for mouth socket
- running wrapping in batch mode
FixSymmetry Node
In this tutorial we present FixSymmetry node that lets you create symmetrical models out of non-symmetrical scans. You will learn:
- how to use the node
- how Side dominance parameter works
- the difference between traditional methods and volume preservation approach
Replace Node
We present new Replace node in Wrap3. It takes two models in the same topology and seamlessly replaces a part of one model with a part of the other.
Subset Node
A Subset node detaches a selected part of a model to a separate geometry (a subset). The subset can further be modified, saved, loaded, wrapped or transformed. Any changes in vertex positions of the detached geometry can be later brought back to the original model using ApplySubset node.
Optical Flow Wrapping Tutorial Part 1
In this tutorial we will learn how to prepare a neutral mesh to use it later with OpticalFlowWrapping node.
Optical Flow Wrapping Tutorial Part 2
In this tutorial we will learn how to fit a neutral mesh to a set of scans of facial expressions using OpticalFlowWrapping node in Wrap3.3
Optical Flow Wrapping Tutorial Part 3
In this part we are going to learn how to handle extreme facial expressions using control points and retargeting technique in Wrap3.3
ZWrap - plugin for ZBrush
ZWrap 是一款 ZBrush® 插件,能夠自動將預先存在的拓撲結構適配到您的模型上。它擁有簡單易用的界面,大大加快了將角色和 3D 掃描模型轉換為生產就緒拓撲結構的過程。
What's new in ZWrap
Fast Wrapping
Wrap your models up to 20 times faster
Cartoon Wrapping
Process cartoon characters and creatures easier with the new Cartoon Wrapping tool
Spline Selection
Control polygon flow by drawing spline correspondences on your models with a few clicks
Maxon ZBrush Support
Use ZWrap with the latest versions of Maxon ZBrush
Wrap4D 是 Wrap 的擴展版本。它包含 10 個專門設計用於處理 4D 序列的特殊節點。Wrap4D 將一系列有紋理的 3D 掃描作為輸入,並產生一系列具有一致拓撲結構的網格作為輸出。每個幀都會獨立計算,這意味著我們可以並行處理它們。為了產生良好的結果,Wrap4D 需要在演員的臉上畫上一組稀疏的標記點。這些標記點的位置用作包裹過程的初始化,大大提高了處理極端面部表情時的穩定性。Wrap4D也使用在Track中檢測到的有關眼瞼和嘴唇輪廓的資訊。
Wrap4D includes the following nodes for 4D processing:
- FacialWrapping
- ImageFacialWrapping
- AlignGeomToCameras
- HeadStabilization
- GuidableHeadStabilization
- GuidableReplace
- GuidableTexture
- GuidableDeltaMush
- GuidableMesh
- FitEyesDirection
- InterpolateEyes
- TemporalSmoothing
- NeuralFaceRegression
- SelectScreenPoints
- PointsToScreenPoints
- ProjectScreenPoints
- UndistortScreenPoints
- UndistortFacialDetection
- FacialAnnotation
- FacialDetection
- EditFacialDetection
- DetectionToMask
- LoadScreenPoints
- LoadFacialDetection
- LoadFacialAnnotation
- SaveScreenPoints
- SaveFacialDetection