GAUSS 是一個功能強大且有運算快速矩陣編程語言的數值統計軟體,被科學家、工程師、統計學家、生物學家、經濟學家和金融分析師所廣泛使用,並且廣受好評。
GAUSS 宣稱,「GAUSS是你所需要唯一的計算工具」。GAUSS本身是高階的矩陣語言,內鍵多個數學、統計、資料處理函數,並且提供了各種模組,可以幫 助各領域的使用者進行複雜、大規模的數值演算與資料分析。在財務、計量經濟的領域,配合許多特殊的模組,使得GAUSS成為是財經研究領域裏最佳的選擇。
GAUSS軟體可設計運算密集的任務,是一個適合沒有要求用C或FORTRAN程式的研究者,但結果發現大多數的統計或數值的"套裝軟體",不夠靈活或強大,不足以對大的問題進行複雜分析或工作 。
Comprehensive Environment for Modeling and Analysis
GAUSS is a complete analysis environment suitable for performing quick calculations, complex analysis of millions of data points, or anything in between. Whether you are new to computerized analysis or a seasoned programmer, the GAUSS family of products combine to offer you an easy to learn environment that is powerful and versatile enough for virtually any numerical task. Since its introduction in 1984, GAUSS has been a standard for serious number crunching and complex modeling of large-scale data.
Worldwide acceptance and use in government, industry and the academic community is a firm testament to its power and versatility. The GAUSS System can be described several ways: It is an exceptionally efficient number cruncher, a comprehensive programming language, and an interactive analysis environment. GAUSS may be the only numerical tool you will ever need.
Interactive and Fast
For simple problems GAUSS provides a fully interactive environment for exploring data, creating scenarios and analyzing results. For more complex tasks, you can write programs and save them to disk. GAUSS is exceptionally fast, providing performance comparable to compiled C or FORTRAN programs. And unlike other math packages, GAUSS’ speed is equally impressive when working with problems of very large scale.
Straightforward and Efficient
While many GAUSS users never find a need to program extensively, for those who do, GAUSS provides a natural and logical environment that is easy to learn and powerful to use. At the core of GAUSS is an efficient programming language adequate for doing even the most sophisticated analysis. The basic unit of analysis in GAUSS is a matrix, resulting in a syntax closely resembling common mathematical expressions. Since matrix operations are assumed, most of the looping required by other languages is eliminated. The Data Translation Loop allows transformations on variables in a data set by directly using the variable names in expressions. This streamlines data transformations and makes for shorter, more readable programs. GAUSS’s Source Level Debugger greatly simplifies program development. With all of the features you would expect in a dedicated debugging system, you can quickly identify and solve program logic errors at run time.
The Language
As a complete programming language, the GAUSS system is both flexible and powerful. Immediately available to the GAUSS user is a wide variety of statistical, mathematical and matrix handling routines. GAUSS can be used either interactively for short one-off commands or by creating large programs consisting of several files and libraries of functions, or anything in between.
Visualization and Presentation
GAUSS’s high resolution graphics gives you powerful ways to visually analyze your data and present your findings. A wide choice of graphing options are available to you, including 2D, 3D, surface, contour, polar and log graphs, as well as bar graphs, histograms, box graphs and more. Graphs can be placed in individual overlapping or tiled windows on a single page. You can export graphics files in a number of popular formats, including JPEG, SVG, PNG, HP-GL/2, PostScript and EPS formats, for use in page layout and presentation packages, and GAUSS includes support for a wide range of output devices.
The Tools You Need
GAUSS has over 400 highly-optimized mathematical functions built in, including LAPACK, EISPACK and BLAS routines, factorizations, decompositions, eigenvalues, distributions and equation solving functions, to provide you with all the tools you need to solve your most difficult problems. You can easily customize or add to the GAUSS function library, and optional modules provide access to many other specialized capabilities.
The GAUSS Run-Time Module (GRTM) allows users to distribute GAUSS applications that they have written to people who do not have GAUSS. Developers distribute a compiled file to end users along with the GRTM. This is available with GAUSS at no extra charge.
Other important features include: data import/export compatibility with spreadsheets, long period random number generators, built-in functions for efficiently handling sparse data, and a Foreign Language Interface for incorporating your favorite compiled C and FORTRAN programs directly into GAUSS programs.
GAUSS Engine™
Add the SPEED and POWER of GAUSS to applications written in C, C++, Java, VB or other development environments that support C language API. The GAUSS Engine is a dynamically linked library for compiling and executing GAUSS programs from another application. Data can be passed back and forth between the GAUSS Engine workspace and the application. Royalty-free distribution of your GAUSS Engine applications is available.
Are you looking for a way to leverage the depth of knowledge and innovation contained within your research departments?
Would you like to realize the full potential of your GAUSS programs to enhance critical decision making processes throughout your company or group?
Would you like to design software with highly specialized numerical capabilities more quickly than is possible using conventional mathematical libraries?
The GAUSS Engine:
- Extends numerical capabilities of an existing application while preserving the investment you have already made in software development.
- Quickly creates standalone applications that deliver extensive number-crunching capabilities.
- Combines the power of GAUSS with other best of breed development tools for user interfaces, database management and graphics.
GAUSS Applications
Pre-written, customizable GAUSS programs designed to increase user productivity and extend GAUSS functionality in the fields of statistics, finance, engineering, physics, risk analysis and more.
Algorithmic Derivatives
for generating GAUSS procedures for computing algorithmic derivatives.
Bayesian Estimation Tools
suite of tools for estimation and analysis of a number of pre-packaged models.
Constrained Maximum Likelihood MT
for estimation of statistical models by maximum likelihood while allowing for the imposition of general constraints.
Constrained Optimization MT
solves the Nonlinear Programming problem, subject to general constraints on the parameters
finds the best fit of the data to the function in the least squares sense.
Descriptive Statistics MT
provide basic statistics for the variables in GAUSS data sets.
Discrete Choice Analysis Tools
provides an adaptable, efficient, and user-friendly environment for linear data classification.
provides econometric tools commonly implementedfor estimation and analysis of financial data.
Linear Programming MT
Thread-safe Execution, Sparse matrices, & MPS files
Linear Regression MT
set of procedures for estimating single equations or a simultaneous system of equations.
Loglinear Analysis MT
contains procedures for the analysis of categorical data using loglinear analysis.
Maximum Likelihood MT
contains a set of procedures for the solution of the maximum likelihood problem with bounds on parameters.
Nonlinear Equations MT
solves systems of nonlinear equations where there are as many equations as unknowns.
Optimization MT
intended for the optimization of functions.
Time Series MT
provides for comprehensive treatment of time series models, including model diagnostics, MLE estimation, and forecasts.