krpano 是一款小型且非常靈活的高性能軟體,用於在網路上顯示各種全景圖像。它可用於非常詳細的高解析度圖像、互動式虛擬流覽、自定義設計的使用者介面以及許多內容。
krpano 是一款強大的全景圖製作工具,從全景圖的合成、切片,到全景圖的生成,krpano 的功能一應俱全。
krpano tools (krpano工具集)作為 krpano Panorama Viewer 的外掛程式,可以自動生成全景圖和全景流覽,並且 krpano工具集支持拖放操作快速生成全景圖和全景流覽。
- 高度靈活、性能卓越的輕量化全景瀏覽器。
- 兼容HTML5和Flash,支持Webgl下的WebVR展示。
- 使用專用的krpano xml代碼編寫全景漫遊,可開發出高度定制化的項目,也可利用krpano工具開發在線全景製作及展示平台。
- 支持多種類型的全景圖以及全景視頻和環物全景。
- 支持多種投影模式。
- 同時提供簡單高效的批處理方式,可在無需代碼干預下迅速生成一個基本功能兼備的全景漫遊項目。
Some key-features of krpano:
- Image Qualtiy - the image-generation-algorithms of the krpano tools and the rendering-algorithms of the krpano viewer are trying to present the images in the best possible image-quality, with high details and sharpness.
- Performance - optimized for fast image-rendering and quick loading while trying to use as few system resources as possible.
- Cross-Device / Cross-Browser support - krpano supports the most common browsers and devices and even provides special solutions for certain device-limitations and workarounds for browser-bugs. Older systems and browser-versions are also very well supported.
- Flexible and Customizable - krpano provides a build-in layout- and scripting-system and also several APIs for external custom solutions. The viewer can be fully customized, there are settings and interfaces for almost everything.
- Supports many Panoramic Images Formats - Spherical, Cubical, Cylindrical, Flat-images, the direct use of Fisheye-images. The images can be tiled and multi-resolution for faster and more efficient loading and memory-management. Videos can be also used as source for the panoramic images.
- Different interactive Viewing Projections (e.g. a Little Planet View) - allows exploring and viewing the panoramic-images in new interesting ways.
- Almost No Limitations, use images as high-resolution as possible and load as many panoramic-images as you want.
- VR Support - build-in and seamless VR-support. Switching to VR is anytime possible, no extra viewer or software is required. Especially also optimized for mobile devices.
- Small file-sizes - even with a lot of functionality there are constant optimizations to keep the file-sizes as small as possible, for faster loading and quicker startups.
- Stable APIs - krpano is designed to be upward-compatible. Content created with older versions should work in the most cases without any changes also in newer versions.
- No external dependencies - all code is developed and maintained in-house.
krpano Tools (Command-Line)
The krpanotools executable is the core tool for processing images (e.g. sphere/cube conversions, resizing and tiling) and for everything related to the license handling.
It can be called from command-line or from batch/script-files or from other applications.
The krpanotools application offers these functions:
- makepano - make a template-based pano or tour.
- maketiles - make or merge tile images. Can be also used for conversion and resizing.
- convert - Convert or resize images.
- makepreview - make a smooth panoramic preview image.
- spheretocube - convert a spherical to a cubical pano image.
- cubetosphere - convert a cubical to a spherical pano image.
- protect - create viewer files with custom protection settings.
- encrypt - encrypt files.
- testserver - the krpano testing server.
- register - license registration tool.
krpano Plugin Interface
krpano provides a small and simple interface for developing own plugins. A plugin can be either a 'code-only' plugin that extends krpano with additional functionality or controls krpano and / or it can be a 'graphical-plugin' which shows or does something on the screen.
There are two types of plugins:
- HTML5 Javascript plugins (.js) for the krpano HTML5 viewer and
- Flash Actionscript3 plugins (.swf) for the krpano Flash viewer.
The basic plugin-to-krpano and krpano-to-plugin interfaces are almost the same for HTML5 and Flash plugins, only system and language specific code is different.
The basic structure is that the plugin has these public functions, which will be called from krpano:
- A registerplugin function - this function will be called from krpano when the plugin will be loaded. The function provides a krpano Interface Object and a krpano Plugin Object.
- An unloadplugin function - when the plugin will be removed from krpano, then this function will be called. Here all elements and events that the plugin has added should be removed.
- And optionally an onresize function to allow the plugin reacting on size changes of the plugin element.
The plugin itself can add custom functions or attributes to krpano just by adding / setting them directly to the krpano object or to the plugin object. For custom attributes that can be set from the xml there is additionally the registerattribute function - it allows adding an attribute with a default value while keeping the value from the xml. And the registerattribute function can be used to add setter/getter attributes - this are attributes which will cause automatically calling a get or set function when accessing the variable - this can be used to get notified when an attribute will been changed.
Latest Developments
A short video-playlist (7 videos) with some of the latest krpano features (version 1.20):
Simple Usage - Droplets & Virtual Tour Editor
The main krpano usage would be building custom systems, but there are also some helpers included for quickly building simple Virtual Tours (will get more extended in future versions):
This specialized software allows you to create professional 360 virtual tour project on your server.
- A krpano-based self-hosted Online-Content-Management-System.
- Build, Edit and Manage Virtual Tours on your own server.
The CMS4VR system works on your server, which is why you are fully independent. You do not have to pay any license fees to anyone.
Dollhouse display showing the entire view generated from the depthmap. Innovation in professional VR / 360 systems
Full immersion. If you've used Oculus Quest, for example, you know it's an absolute, wonderful innovation.
This is one of the most important features of the CMS4VR system. As the first independent system it fully supports Search Engine Optimization.
The CMS4VR system is designed so that everyone can use it. Programming knowledge is not required. System operation is easy and intuitive.
The CMS4VR system fully supports multilingualism. You can build a project in as many as 45 languages. Additionally, you can use Amazon Polly!
Your virtual tour built with the CMS4VR System is fully compatible with all VR headsets. VR mode has a unique and beautiful menu system that provides easy navigation throughout the entire project.
The key issue! You manage everything online. All you need is a browser and the Internet to take full advantage of the CMS4VR system.
Put on the VR headset and walk around the safe zone as if you were there. 6-dof is the most perfect form of immersion.
Absolute innovation! You can place POIs on the panorama at a certain distance. You have the tools for that.
You have dozens of advanced and proprietary components at your disposal that will make your every project unique. Be sure to see all the features.
A great innovation. You can choose from more than 5000 icons. We do not use any graphics, that's why our POI icons are Pixel Perfect.
CMS4VR perfect works with Google Maps, Amazon Polly,,, Google Analytics, VR,, and others.
Just your 360 camera and smartphone to build a fully professional virtual tour. And that's it in the field. You do not have to spend countless hours coding and machining.
Minimum server requirements
Required PHP extensions:
intl, gettext, mbstring, libxml, curl, gd (with freetype support), json, SimpleXML, xml, zip, sqlite3, pdo, pdo_sqlite
Recommended (additionally) shell_exec support (cutting panoramas on the server), ffpmeg (audio conversion) installed, exif extension (for automatic photo rotation).
everpano 詳細介紹 請點擊此觀看
- A krpano-based 3D Virtual Tour Editor.
- It can be used to create 3D-Depthmaps / 3D-Models for the panoramic images.
Use any camera of your choice. No lidar nor stereo cameras are needed. Simply drag your panoramic images to the project and start creating. The images must be full spherical images 360x180.
You need to create floor references between the images, so everpano 3D can automatically locate them in the 3D space
Now you can start modelling the 3D geometry in the panorama, as simple as tracing points from the 360 images
Time to walk around your panoramas as never done before, enjoy walking, stereo view, an immersing inside your content with a 6DOF HMD, like Oculus Quest
Finally you can move from pano to pano, through an awesome 3d effect, that will make your tours look more real
Included Navigator free plugin that allows to create clean tours without any hotspot just explore by clicking over the panorama
Upload your projects to your own S3 buckets with the ease of a simple click.
Simplify the creation of virtual tours, everpano 3D includes for free a JS plugin that will make it easy to create a full virtual tour with hotspots, menu with thumbnails, VR mode
Lensflare Plugin
Displays various types of lens-flares on panoramas.
VR Thumbnails
Add a thumbnails menu in VR mode.
zFilter Plugin
A postpocessing plugin for dynamic effects on your panorama image.