NetModem 是一個軟體工具包,用來轉換TCP/IP網路連線上的Windows電腦成"Modem Server"或"Modem Pool"。modem伺服器包含免費的client端重新定向器,可以讓連線網絡的電腦連到共享調節器或其他透過虛擬COM端口的串行設備。
NetModem可以幫助你減少辦公室內的調節器和電話線的使用,節省開銷。NetModem的modem pooling可以簡化網路使用者和撥出設備的管理到一台電腦調節伺服器,卻不需要支付出龐大的費用。
NetModem是一個用戶端/伺服器端的軟體組合包,採用先進的TCP/IP協議達到最加速度和數據資料的完整性。可以配置多個modem pools,每個都有獨特的設置和用戶權限。過多的modem servers可以被配置在關鍵任務應用程式的自動故障轉移。
FEATURES | NetModem | ModemServe |
Includes unlimited Client Redirectors | V | V |
Supports IPv6 and IPv4 | V | |
Supports multiple Modem Pools | V | |
Supports user authentication | V | |
Supports SSL/TLS data encryption | V | |
Allows dialing restrictions/rules | V | |
Allows inbound call blocking | V | |
Allows viewing all active connections | V | V |
Allows disconnecting users on demand | V | |
Allows disconnecting after inactivity | V | |
Logs all user/client activity | V | |
Logs all dialed phone numbers | V | |
Supports logging to any ODBC database | V | |
Compatible with MS SQL Server | V | |
Allows virtual phone number remapping | V | |
Includes real time log viewer | V | |
Allows modem pools to be shared with RAS | V | V |
Compatible with Windows user accounts | V | |
Compatible with Active Directory domains | V | |
Includes client diagnostics server test | V | V |
Supports multiple server failover | V | |
Supports DOS applications under NTVDM | V | |
Supports Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP/Server | V | V |
Supports Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP/2000 and Windows Server | V | |
Supports Citrix Metaframe | V | |
Supports VMware | V | |
Supports Unix/Linux clients | V |
Supported Modem Hardware:
NetModem Server works with Analog and Digital Dial-up modems that create a Windows COM port, including:
- Internal modem cards.
- External serial port modems.
- External USB modems.
- Multi-port modem PCI/PCIe cards. (Multitech, Comtrol, Perle, Digi, etc.)
- Multi-serial port cards with external modems or other serial devices attached.
- Dialogic / Eicon Diva Media Boards T1 / E1 / PRI / BRI Remote Access Server & Fax cards.
- Patton Electronics Dialfire 2977 T1 / E1 / PRI / BRI Remote Access Server & Fax cards.
- Eicon Diva T1 / E1 / PRI / BRI Remote Access Server & Fax cards.
- Wireless GSM and Satellite modems.
Supported Application Software:
NetModem Client is compatible with all Windows modem communication programs, including:
- Microsoft Dial-Up Networking.
- Microsoft RAS.
- AT&T Global Network Client.
- Banking applications including ANZ, Bankline, Barclays, CommBank, LLoyds Link, Hexagon.
- Terminal programs including HyperTerminal, Procomm, puTTY, Qodem, Reflection, Esker TUN.
- Healthcare solutions and transfering insurance data.
- Automated Meter Reading (AMR) applications, including ACE Vision, Elser MAS, Itron.
- Fax applications including as Microsoft Fax and GFI Fax Maker.
- Remote control applications including pcAnywhere.
Supported Operating Systems:
All popular 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows are supported on both the server and client ends, including the latest revisions and service packs.
- Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista/XP/2022/2019/2016/2012/2008/2003 (including R2 releases)
- Windows running under VMware or Hyper-V
Clints running *Nix can use the Cyclades-serial-client under:
- Linux
- BSD/ FreeBSD
- SunOS / Solaris
LANtastic For networking multiple operating systems
Modem Pooling / Modem Sharing Solutions
NetDialOut For using an Access Server as a Modem Server
客戶端唯一的解決方案允許Windows桌上型電腦使用先進的數據機伺服器撥叫,包括Cisco Access Servers AS5200,AS5300,AS5400,AS5800系列,還與許多支援RFC - 2217其他品牌的先進數據機伺服器
NetSerial For accessing both Serial Devices and Modem Servers
所 有這一切功能於一身的Windows Virtual COMport Client Redirector工程與所有非propritary數據機伺服器和序列設備伺服器器。Virtual COM端口可配置為出境、入境或虛擬數據機。出境模式重新定向序列數據到TCP。入境模式接受TCP連接的方式傳遞到虛擬序列端口。虛擬數據機模式模擬一 個數據機,允許應用程序“撥號”一個 IP地址,或“答覆”接聽來電。
Legacy Modem Pooling
MPTS Modem Pooling For Windows Terminal Server and Citrix Metaframe
終端伺服器的Modem Pooling提供接取到“Thin Clients”,允許任何Windows或DOS客戶端來訪問它的modem pools,這些都使用相同的COM3 virtual COM端口。不再需要分配一個獨特的虛擬COM端口給每個 TS用戶。每個客戶端必須通過授權。
ModemServe For using a Windows PC as a Modem Server
一個簡單的PC伺服器和客戶端軟件解決方案,允許 Windows的PC透過網絡共享pool modem。每次共享必需通過授權。
Other Virtual Serial Port Redirection
TCP-Com A Simple Serial Redirector for Windows
Serial Port重新定向到TCP。無論是作為行為的TCP / IP客戶端或伺服器,讓您的電腦轉成一個“erial Port Server”或允許您從一個虛擬的COM端口,通過 TCP / IP網絡取得遠程伺服器。每台電腦需經過授權。
Virtual COM-UDP A Serial Redirector using UDP
Serial Port數據重新定向到UDP。允許序列通信應用程序接收UDP數據流。雖然 UDP協議不執行錯誤檢查,但這是一個簡單的協議,然後以更快的TCP性能。每台電腦需經過授權。