最新版 NXPowerLite Desktop Windows 10.2.0 更新於 2024/2/22
最新版 NXPowerLite Desktop Mac 10.0.2 更新於 2023/9/5
還在為了暴肥檔案頭痛嗎?需要寄出大檔案嗎?檔案暴肥不但無法用電子郵件寄出,而且浪費儲存空間。NXPowerLite Desktop Edition 能縮小過大的Word、Excel、PowerPoint、JPEG、PDF檔案,方便電子郵件寄送。
NXPowerLite Desktop Edition 的全球愛用者超過百萬,所採用的技術直搗檔案過大問題核心,可縮小PowerPoint、Word、Excel、JPEG、PDF檔案最多95%的體積, 同時能與電子郵件軟體整合,自動壓縮寄出的電子郵件附件。(目前支援的電子郵件軟體:Lotus Notes、Microsoft Outlook、Outlook Express、Windows Mail)
支持多國語言 新版介面支持簡體中文及繁體中文
English, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Dutch, French, German, Italian, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Spanish, Polish & Turkish.
NXPowerLite for Windows
- Windows 7 and above
- NXPowerLite integrates with 32 & 64-bit versions of the following applications (Versions 2007 - 2021 & M365):
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel
- NXPowerLite can automatically optimize email attachments in the following email clients:
- Microsoft Outlook (2007 - 2021 & M365) [32-bit & 64-bit]
- Lotus Notes (6 - 11)
- PDF Documents (*.pdf)
- Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2021 presentations (*.ppt; *.pptx; *.pps; *.ppsx; *.potm; *.ppsm; *.potx; *.ppa; *.ppam)
- Microsoft Word 97-2021 documents (*.doc; *.docx; *.dot; *.dotm)
- Microsoft Excel 97-2021 spreadsheets (*.xls; *.xlsx; *.xlt; *.xltm; *.xla; *.xlsm; *.xltm; *.xlam)
- JPEG images (*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.jpe; *.jif; *.jfi)
- PNG images (*.png)
- TIFF images (*.tiff; *.tif)
- All the above file formats when found within zip archives.
» English » Chinese (simplified) » Chinese (traditional) » Dutch » French » German |
» Italian » Japanese » Korean » Portuguese (Brazil) » Spanish |
NXPowerLite for Mac OS
English, French, German , Japanese and Spanish
- macOS 14 (Sonoma)
- macOS 13 (Ventura)
- macOS 12.0 (Monterey)
- macOS 11.0 (Big Sur)
- PDF Documents (*.pdf)
- Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2021 presentations (*.ppt; *.pptx; *.pps; *.ppsx; *.potm; *.ppsm; *.potx; *.ppa; *.ppam)
- Microsoft Word 97-2021 documents (*.doc; *.docx; *.dot; *.dotm)
- Microsoft Excel 97-2021 spreadsheets (*.xls; *.xlsx; *.xlt; *.xltm; *.xla; *.xlsm; *.xltm; *.xlam)
- JPEG images (*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.jpe; *.jif; *.jfi)
- PNG images (*.png)
- TIFF images (*.tiff; *.tif)
NXPowerLite 單機版是快速,有效,非常容易使用。簡單的用戶界面將立即感覺熟悉,你將在幾秒鐘內優化您的 PowerPoint,Word,Excel 和 JPEG文件。
微軟 Office整合
您可以優化您的當前文件,不論是從PowerPoint、Word或Excel中。您還使用Windows Explorer,透過右鍵單擊就能優化文件。
你可以優化螢幕、列印或移動設備,或選擇自己定制的壓縮設置。 無論你的選擇是什麼,你會發現與ZIP壓縮重型文件比較起來,NXPowerLite的效率遠遠勝過於它。
你可在一批資料裡,同時優化多個文件 - 只需將他們的NXPowerLite窗口上建立一個文件列表進行優化。如果您添加一個文件夾或標準的ZIP存檔列表,NXPowerLite將通過它的搜索和優化的Word、Excel、PowerPoint和JPEG文件找到。
NXPowerLite單機版集成了電子郵件客戶端*自動優化附件。 如果您選擇您不想優化的附件,就可以輕鬆地暫時停用優化(它將在下次您發送附件時,重新被啟用下次您發送附件)。
利用新內建 JPEG壓縮技術,簡化分享您的數位影像,並放置到您的電子郵件 *越小的圖像會越讓您傳送速度越快,並且接收者也能以更快速度下載。
NXPowerLite for File Servers 解決伺服器檔案暴肥問題,釋出現有儲存空間。
NXPowerLite for File Servers 直搗檔案過大的問題核心,可縮小 PDF, Microsoft Office 和 JPEG 檔案最多 95%* 的體積。這套產品可分析伺服器內容,將過大檔案換成經過最佳化處理的較小版本。而且由於最佳化處理過的檔案不需解壓縮或還原,因此不影響系統效能。檔案可維持原來格式、保留所有屬性與排版原貌,外觀、功能都與原版相同,但是檔案小得多
Evaluation mode
This mode sees NXPowerLite scan all of the data you point it at and tell you how much space it estimates it could save you. NXPowerLite creates a temporary file, optimizes it, and then deletes the file, taking note of the size difference between the two. You can then see your estimated space saving on an easy-to-understand report.
Flexible settings & scheduling
The new scheduling features are very flexible. NXPowerLite can be scheduled in many different ways. It is possible to schedule NXPowerLite to start at a specific time and date. It also allows for many different repeat types depending on what time slot is selected.
NXPowerLite will continuously loop over the selected folders, only pausing when it detects there is no content to optimize. It will then try to optimize periodically, so there is no danger of over-using your server and no need for constant monitoring of the software.
Create profiles
We have enabled much more flexibility in the settings applied to different folders on the server. It is now possible to set one folder to optimize all file types with default optimization settings, but another to only optimize PDF files with most aggressive optimization settings. These profiles can also be saved for future use, saving valuable time.
Comprehensive reports
When NXPowerLite has finished optimizing it will generate a detailed report. This contains a complete overview of your server content, including the storage saved for each file type.
NXPowerLite needs to be installed on a Windows machine but it can reduce data on any device in the same Windows domain as the machine on which it is installed. NXPowerLite can be installed on the following systems:
- Windows Server 2012
- Windows Server 2012 R2
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows Server 2019
- Windows Server 2022
- Windows Vista
- Windows 7
- Windows 8/8.1
- Windows 10
All of the above must have .NET framework V4.5.2 or above
- PDF Documents
- Microsoft PowerPoint presentations (PowerPoint 97-2019)
- Microsoft Word documents (Word 97-2019)
- Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (Excel 97-2019)
- JPEG images
- PNG images
- TIFF images
- All the above formats contained within zip archives.
English, French, German, Japanese, Korean and Spanish