最新版 OpenPGP Library for .NET v1.9.4 更新於 2024/6/6
最新版 OpenPGP Library for Java v3.2.4 更新於 2023/6/1
為什麼 OpenPGP 加密技術會是複雜的呢,其實它也可以如此簡單:
OpenPGP Library for .NET 包含OpenPGP加密、解密、清晰的簽名、一次通過簽名和加密、解密和驗證及密鑰生成,同時支援密鑰存儲區和位於文件密鑰的方法。完全地編寫於託管代碼,沒有外部第三方的依賴。
- Symantec Encryption Desktop
- Symantec PGP ® Command Line
- McAfee E-Business Server
- GnuPG (gpg), Gpg4Win, WinPT
- Authora EDGE
- Articsoft FileAssurity
- .NET 5 – 9
- .NET Framework 3.5 – 4.8
- .NET Standard 2.0, 2.1
- Windows 10 Universal Platform (UWP)
- Silverlight 3 – 5
- Windows Store/WinRT
- Xamarin.Android
- Xamarin.Mac
- Xamarin.iOS
Supported Environments
Java SE/EE versions 1.4, 5 – 8, 9 – 19
JDK or JRE from Oracle or IBM or OpenJDK
OS Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris, RedHat, SuSE, Ubuntu, AIX, HP-UX, FreeBSD
Cloud Google AppEngine (GAE)
The encrypted files created with the library are compatible with the major OpenPGP software on the market today like the Symantec PGP ® product line and GnuPG/gpg.
支援 Android 的版本
2.1 up to 11
The encrypted files created with the library can be decrypted with the major OpenPGP RFC 4880 compatible software and the library can decrypt files created by such standard compatible software like PGP (r) 2.x up till the most recent PGP (r) 10.x and GnuPG.
DidiSoft OpenSSL Library for .NET 是一個.NET軟件庫,它提供了一組類,提供簡單的API方法,用於加密/解密與流行的OpenSSL庫兼容的格式的數據。該庫旨在供C#和VB.NET軟件開發人員使用,但也可以被.NET Framework上實現的任何其他語言使用。
Supported .NET versions:
- .NET Framework 2.0 – 4.8
- .NET Core 2.+, 3+
- .NET Standard 1.6, 2.0, 2.1
- Xamarin (Mac, iOS, Android)
Functionality in brief
- Base64 support, including Base64 Input/Output Streams
- Symmetric ciphers cryptography compatible with OpenSSL
- RSA cryptography with RSA key as .crt/.cer X.509 certificates, PEM and DER encoded keys and .pfx/.p12 (PKCS12) encoded private keys.
- X.509 certificates creation and Certificate Authority implementation.
- CMS/PKCS#7 cryptography
OraRSA – RSA cryptography for Oracle PL/SQL
DidiSoft OraRSA consists of three PL/SQL packages for Oracle (c) Database 11 and above.
OraPGP – OpenPGP in PL/SQL
DidiSoft OraPGP is a PL/SQL package (ORA_PGP) providing OpenPGP encryption functionality as defined in the OpenPGP standard (RFC 4880 and RFC 6637) for the Oracle© Database platform version 11 and above.
OraSFTP –SFTP and FTPS for Oracle PL/SQL
OraSFTP (ORA_SFTP) is a PL/SQL package providing SFTP and FTPS client-side communication functionality for the Oracle (c) Database platform version 19 and above.
DidiSoft MsSqlPGP is a set of user defined Transact-SQL (T-SQL) routines for the MS/SQL Server database platform, providing OpenPGP cryptography functionality as defined in the OpenPGP standard (RFC 4880 and RFC 6637).
DidiSoft OraPDFProtect is a PL/SQL package (ORA_PDF_PROTECT) that can encrypt and sign digitally PDF files provided as BLOB fields.