你是否需要將PDF檔內各種有用統計資料及表格轉成Word 或 EXCEL 檔嗎?
PDF2XL(PDF to Excel Converter)的優點︰
使用「單頁結構」轉換大量的PDF檔案,可在大量頁數的PDF檔案選擇指定要轉換的頁數-透過重新使用「單頁結構」,PDF2XL允取你轉檔任何大小的PDF檔案。PDF2XL的轉換速度很快,以 500頁的 PDF 檔案來說,轉換的速度幾乎不到五分鐘即可完成。
可以在各種應用程式使用您的PDF數據- PDF2XL OCR您能從任一種應用程式轉匯資料。方便你整合所有資料、報告資料或螢幕轉匯到 Excel。它能將PDF格式的檔案輕易的轉換成EXCEL、WORD、CSV或複製到剪貼簿。
更多功能- 例如,PDF2XL允許您編排創建PDF文檔,即時轉換其他(類似)的檔案。還可以通過使用高效工作20多個「小」的生產力特點。
HOME Basic features for your personal needs |
BUSINESS Advanced features for your growing business |
ENTERPRISE Complete solution for advanced users, teams and corporations |
*Requires minimum of 50 user licenses. May include one-time setup fee. |
What are the system requirements for PDF2XL?
OPERATING SYSTEM: Server 2012 R2+, Windows 7 SP1+, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
*Note that x64 operating systems are fully supported but printing into the CogniView printer in ia64 (Itanium) is not.
PROCESSOR: 1.5GHz or faster multi-core processor
*Use of Advanced OCR requires a 2012 or later processor with support for AVX instructions
MEMORY: Windows 98, Windows ME (64MB), Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003 (128MB-256MB), Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 (512MB-1GB), Windows Server 2008 R2 (768MB-1GB)
SCREEN RESOLUTION: 800 x 600px – 1024 x 768px
Microsoft Word™ and Excel™ 1: Office 97 – Office 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010