QuickReport 是用於C++ Builder和Delphi的一款報表元件,可以簡單快速的輸出數據庫報表。
QuickReport 支援創建列印預覽以免浪費紙張,支援導出數據為其它文件格式如ASCII文本、逗號分割值的文件和HTML。
QuickReport 本身由 Delphi 編寫,支援Delphi 所有操作數據庫的模式。因此您可以將它用於舊式的基於BDE 的數據庫如Paradox 和 dBase,用於多層應用環境的用戶端數據表,新的Delphi 5 ADO 和 Interbase Express 元件及第三方可選數據庫如Apollo。
如果您需要,甚至可以用QuickReport 格式化部件列印非不是存儲在數據庫裡的數據。
A container for all the other printing components. |
QuickRep without any of the database code and dependencies. |
This is the detail band in a master/detail relationship. |
The loopband will print as many times as indicated by its LoopCount property. |
TQR String Band
This is the detail band in a master/detail relationship. |
A cousin of the little-used TShape control from Delphi’s ‘Additional’ palette. |
A generic band type. |
Use TQRChildBand objects when you need to extend an existing band. |
A band that prints whenever an expression changes, usually a database field. |
Place some static text on the page.. |
Display the contents of a linked database field | |
Use this to display the result of an arithmetic expression. |
Displays ‘system data’, like the current page number, date, time. |
Use this to display multiple lines of text. |
A composite of TQRExpr and TQRMemo. |
This is similar to the TQRLabel but will display formated rich text. |
As you’d expect, this is a data-aware version of TQRRichText. |
Display a picture or logo on a report using this control. |
Displaying images stored in BLOBs. |
Allows the creation of a customizable runtime report preview. |
Allows many reports to be combined into a single document. |
Enables reports to be exported to comma-separated (CSV) text files. |
Control the aspect ratio of the printed image. |
Control the aspect ratio of the printed image. |
Retrieve data from any source(s) to drive a report. |
Export reports to ASCII text files. |
Export reports to comma-separated (CSV) text files. |
Exports text, pictures and graphics to PDF. |
Produces an XML format document from a report. |
Exports the report to an HTML file. |
Exports unformatted data into Excel spreadsheets (text only) |
Exports to RTF version 1.5 spec. |
Allows the construction of a basic end-user designer. |
QR506 only | |
TQRPreviewController | Sets the standard and XML preview form parameters. |
TQRMetricLabel | Precision text printing. |
TQRGraphicCanvas | Printing and drawing direct to the page. |
not required or present in unicode versions | |
Like TQRLabel but has a widestring caption property. |
Like TQRBDText but allows widestring data from a database field. |
A multiline static text control like TQRMemo with widestring content. |
Basic Features
- Report Designing - QuickReport is a banded report generator written in Delphi. Integrated very closely with Delphi and C++Builder, reports are designed in the Delphi IDE, using the IDE form designer as a report designer.
- Data connectivity - Quickreport can use any data component descended from the VCL TDataset class. The abstract table component provides a means to access any data that can be seen by Delphi or C++Builder while retaining all report features.
- Output modes - reports may be sent directly to a printer, saved in document format for later viewing, or saved as HTML, PDF, XML, CSV, XL, WMF or ASCII format. HTML and PDF may be streamed for fileless output.
Features in detail
- Standard preview Thumbnails and text search
- MemoryLimit property of TQRPrinterSettings enables suppression of temporary files. Temporary files will be created if more memory is required than set. The PDF and HTML export filters do not create temporary files
- PrintQuality, Collate and Colour printer settings are in the report printer settings and the QRPrinterSetup dialogue box
- Composite report upgrade enables exporting. TCompositeReport has an ExportToFilter method for use with the PDF, HTML XML and XL filters
- Frames and background exports have been implemented. Band and control frames and backgrounds will be exported
- Export Filters can concatenate reports; PDF, HTML and XLS filters will take several reports
- The Direct print for metafil method may be called to send a saved report directly to the selected printer. Printer settings are respected and take precedence over internal report settings when possible
- Abstract dataset (Table) enables reports to be designed around a set of fields. Data to the fields can be fed in an event that is called when the dataset advances. Reports behave exactly as with a usual dataset
- XML/XSLT export filter outputs the document (not the data) as a browser viewable XML/XSLT document. A stylesheet for browser viewing is supplied
- Transparent bands and background image property is a QRImage control placed on the report (not on a band). The control remains invisible but its bitmap is painted onto each page before other printing. Bands may be set to Transparent to stop them over-painting the background
- Memo and RichText routines calculate the expanded height of a band and is is possible to stop bands breaking across pages without writing code
- RichText controls export to PDF, XML and HTML as images
- PDF filter enables TrueType fonts to be embeded, does not make temporary files and has a corresponding control that integrates with the preview
- The HTML (Web) filter produces smaller files and has properties to fix image linking difficulties and to improve the page-to-page links
- PDF, HTML and XML filters on palette and in preview controls integrate into the preview save menu when put on a form.
QuickReport and Unicode
Programmers working in RAD studio 6 or 7 have a default unicode string type, so code written using these IDEs can be made unicode compatible. QR5042 has been adapted to take advantage of this and reports with unicode are supported. In earlier versions of Delphi and C++Builder, QR502 has two extra controls that support the wide character format, which can store UTF-16. The PDF functionality in Quickreport Pro does not use Unicode. We recommend developers needing this to purchase additional software from Gnostice
What's Included
When you purchase Quickreport 5 Pro you also get:
- Access to legacy systems (Quickreport 4 and Quickreport 3)
- QR Design, The end-user report designer.
- Gnostice PDF Export components
- Quickreport 5 source code
- Free technical support
Quickreport 6
This is a new release which maintains compatibility with QR506 and includes new controls designed to build web applications and implement internet report distribution.
Report Distribution
The best way to make information available is via the internet. This requires that where possible web browsers should be used rather than native applications. Most reports designed with QuickReports can be speedily converted to html and displayed directly in a web browser with the existing components. The new components allow custom web forms to be built so the reports may be displayed as if in a local viewer application.
The basis of a report distribution system is a web server which handles HTPP GET requests by sending existing reports to the client, and POST requests which require code to be executed to generate real time reports. In the latter case the QR6 server library provides a QuickReport object which can execute reports from the .dfm file as well as handling report events.
Server Library
The purpose of this code is to provide a run-time system that is free from any reference to the VCL printers unit or the VCL graphics unit. The first stage in presenting dynamically produced reports in a browser is to create the HTML in a server environment from live data. QuickReport 6 includes server adapted versions of the QuickReport object and the QR controls, which can execute a design in a dfm file and stream the resulting HTML document. The code is bundled as a component which may be used in console applications called from a cgi-bin or ISAPI application.
Web Controls
The motivation for developing the web controls is to allow us, and QuickReport users to create web applications that will present reports on any device that has a suitable web browser.
QuickReport already has the ability to render report documents into html which makes them viewable in a web browser. With the web controls, this report may be presented in an interactive viewer.
Building a web application is exactly the same as designing and exporting a report. A report with only a title band is populated with web controls and exported to html. The web controls do not appear in the normal preview since there is no purpose in this, but the html created may be opened in a browser to preview the web viewer. The production process is quick and uncomplicated.
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