Discover complete list of features of RedmineUP plugins
RedmineUP 專業插件 共14種:
► Redmine Agile plugin
通過在 Scrum/看板板上拖放來分配任務,在敏捷圖表上查看項目狀態等。
► Redmine Helpdesk plugin
► Redmine CRM外掛程式
► Redmine Checklists plugin
► Redmine Resources plugin
► Redmine Invoices plugin
► Redmine Finance plugin
用於管理所有財務的會計外掛程式 - 收入、支出、賬戶。
► Redmine People plugin
► Redmine Drive plugin
► Redmine Products plugin
► Redmine Questions plugin
創建問答、StackOverflow 風格的討論板、知識庫和想法報告頁面。
► Redmine Reporter plugin
► Redmine Zenedit plugin
► Redmine Budgets plugin
Redmine Agile plugin 外掛程式特色:
Agile Ajax board
Your Agile whiteboard in Redmine. Track issues, prioritize them and appoint assignees smarter and faster. Move pieces of work with drag&drop. Comment, interact with checklists and add issues straight from the board. It can be configured for Scrum, Kanban or mixed methodology. It's workflow-aware and will not allow unpermitted status transitions.
Agile charts
Quickly, visualize the current status and progress of your projects. Use it to respond to any unforeseen circumstances in your development process. For, example, you can estimate the likelihood of achieving a Sprint goal with Burndown and Burnup charts by tracking the amount of work remaining in a given sprint. Use charts to see a current and an ideal distribution of work.
Sub-columns & swimlanes
With our Agile plugin you can duplicate any phase of your projects or processes using columns, sub-columns. Additionally you can use swimlines to arrange and separate issues by parent tasks or asignee.
Sprint planner
Sprint planner allows you to see which issues belong to particular sprint and to re-assign them among sprints and backlogs effortlessly with our split view. A Sprint is a set of features and fixes that you will release as a single update to your software product.
Story Points
Now you can assign and measure the effort required to implement each story by adding Story Points. You can see the summary of assigned SP for each issue and every phase of the project (column on the board).
Work in Progress limits
You can set the maximum number of tasks allowed in each phase, represented by column of a board. Using WIP Kanban metric, you can control the number of tasks, keep work balanced and ensure high productivity of your team.
Redmine 熱門插件 Agile plugin 影片介紹
Redmine |
5.1 - 4.0 |
Ruby |
3.7 - 2.0 |
Database |
SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server |
OS |
Linux, OS X, Windows |
Browsers |
Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer and Firefox |
- Redimne 是免費的!
- 彈性的角色管理。
- 有甘特圖跟日曆功能可以使用。
- 開 issue 跟開 ticket 很方便。
- 支援透過電子郵件新增問題。
- 有繁體中文介面可以使用。
- 多個專案管理
- 具彈性的以角色為基礎的存取控制
- 具彈性的問題跟蹤
- 甘特圖和日曆
- 新聞、檔案及檔案管理
- RSS Feed 和電子郵件 通知
- 每個專案都可有自己的 wiki
- 每個專案可建立多個討論區
- 簡單的時間追蹤
- 個性化的欄位
- 組態管理 整合 (SVN、CVS、Git、Mercurial、Bazaar或Darcs)
- 多種 輕型目錄存取協議(LDAP) 認證
- 使用者註冊功能
- 多語言(支援包括中文的PDF匯出)
- 多資料庫
- 多種外掛
- REST 應用程式介面 (API)