Registry Workshop 是一款進階的註冊檔編輯器。功能豐富與使用安全保障,使它可完美取代Windows內建的 RegEdit 或 RegEdt32。
» 藉由改動註冊檔案,移除trojan、病毒、間諜軟體
» 您管理作業系統時,需要更安全、有效率的工具
» 在開發軟體時,需要快速操作註冊資料
» Registry Workshop具備所有您需要的功能。
- Added support for keeping scroll position of registry list when executing back/forward command.
- Removed defragment and backup/restore features on Windows 10 or above to avoid problems.
- Minor improvements and fixes.
搜尋與替換註冊項、鍵值名:Registry Workshop特殊的運算法,讓您使用PC時,在10秒內完整蒐尋整個註冊資料庫。
- Multiple undo and redo. The undo history can be saved to disk and reloaded at startup.
- Search and replace registry keys, values and data with super fast search algorithm. On a typical PC, you can search the entire registry in about ten seconds!
- Compare registry between computers and/or .REG files with super fast speed.
- Connect mobile device (Pocket PC, SmartPhone, etc.) registry via ActiveSync.
- Cut, copy and paste registry keys and values.
- Drag and drop to move or copy registry keys and values.
- Edit .REG files and .POL files in the same way as editing system registry.
- Backup and restore registry.
- Defragment registry with preview
- Easy and flexible Favorites management.
- Quickly browse registry with address bar, bookmarks and visitation history.
- Support of linkage aware ability. You can use context menu to navigate to referenced key, open containing folder or open URL if the key or value contains a ProgID, ClassID, folder, file path or URL.
- Jump to the same key in HKLM or HKCU by context menu.
- Allow to open multiple local registry windows.
- Allow to open secure registry keys when running under the administrator privilege.
- Edit binary data in BYTE, WORD or DWORD format.
- Windows XP
- Windows Vista
- Windows 7
- Windows 8
- Windows 10