最新版 VanDyke SecureCRT 9.5.2 更新於 2024/5/7
最新版 VanDyke VShell Server 4.9 更新於 2024/2/27
SecureCRT是一款支持SSH(SSH1和SSH2)的終端仿真程式,同時支援Telnet和rlogin協議。SecureCRT是一款用於連接運行包括Windows、UNIX和VMS的遠程系統的理想工具。通過使用內含的VCP命令行程式可以進行加密檔的傳輸。有流行CRT Telnet客戶機的所有特點,包括:自動注冊、對不同主機保持不同的特性、列印功能、顏色設置、可變螢幕尺寸、用戶定義的鍵位圖和優良的VT100, VT102,VT220和ANSI競爭.能從命令行中運行或從瀏覽器中運行.其他特點包括文本手稿、易於使用的工具條、用戶的鍵位圖編輯器、可定制的 ANSI顏色等.SecureCRT的SSH協議支持DES,3DES和RC4密碼和密碼與RSA鑑別。
- 支援SSH, telnet, serial和其他協定
- Activator tray的使用大大減少了桌面混亂
- Secure Shell將logon和session數據加密
- Port forwarding保證了TCP/IP數據的安全
- 密碼和RSA識別
- Blowfish, DES, 3DES 和 RC4密碼
- X11 forwarding
» 從運行 Windows、Linux 和Mac的計算機安全地訪問 UNIX、Linux 或 VMS 上的業務應用程序— 利用對VT100 / 102 / 220、TN3270、ANSI、SCO ANSI、Wyse 50/60、Xterm 和 Linux 控制台的豐富仿真支持。
» 配置、管理和組織您的所有會話,並完全控制回滾、鍵映射、顏色、字體等 — 無論您有一個還是數千個會話。
» 使用SSH(SSH2、SSH1)、Telnet、Telnet/TLS 、串行、RDP(僅限 Windows)和其他協議從一個客戶端訪問您的全套網絡設備。
» 利用高生產力 GUI的省時功能,包括多會話啟動、選項卡式會話、選項卡組、平鋪會話、克隆會話、按鈕欄和用於重複命令的命令管理器以及映射鍵。
» 依靠開放標準Secure Shell (SSH)協議來加密登錄和會話數據、靈活的身份驗證選項以及可選的 FIPS 140-2 批准的密碼。
» 通過使用 VBScript、JScript、PerlScript或Python運行腳本,自動執行SecureCRT 中的重複任務。腳本記錄器將您的擊鍵構建為 VBScript 或 Python 腳本。
» 實施智能卡以實現高度安全的雙因素身份驗證。SecureCRT 支持 X.509 智能卡 (PIV/CAC),能夠選擇用於公鑰身份驗證的特定證書。
» 使用 SFTP、Xmodem、Ymodem、Zmodem 或 Kermit在網絡設備之間傳輸文件。內置TFTP 服務器提供了額外的文件傳輸靈活性。
» 通過SecureCRT 和 SecureFX® 文件傳輸客戶端的緊密集成來 節省步驟,它們共享會話和設置,讓您可以運行 SFTP、FTPS (FTP/TLS)、HTTPS(WebDAV 和 Amazon S3)、SCP、FTP 和 HTTP 文件傳輸無需重新輸入密碼即可進行會話。
New macOS platform support M
SecureCRT now supports Sonoma (macOS 14).
Enhanced credentials management W M L
Map a set of saved credentials to buttons, commands, and keys, so that you can send a password or username to a session at the press of a button. A single click opens the dialog that allows a saved password to be modified.
Default RDP session (Windows) W
Configure default settings for your RDP sessions so that RDP options can be set independently of SecureCRT’s Default session.
版本比較 詳細版本比較請點此
WIN | MAC | LINUX | ||
SSH1 and SSH2 support | Both SSH1 and SSH2 are supported in a single client, providing the maximum in flexibility when connecting to a range of remote servers. | V | V | V |
User authentication | SecureCRT supports password, public key, Kerberos v5 (via GSSAPI), and keyboard interactive when connecting to SSH2 servers. Public key support includes RSA (up to 16,384 bits), Ed25519, ECDSA (RFC 5656), DSA, PuTTY PPK, OpenSSH certificates, and X.509 including smart cards (PIV/CAC). For SSH1 servers, password, public key, and TIS authentications are supported. | V | V | V |
Credentials management | Saving sets of credentials simplifies local password management within SecureCRT and SecureFX. Rather than specifying credentials for each saved session, sessions can reference a global set of credentials, making it easier to update stored passwords. This is especially helpful when monthly, weekly, or even daily password changes are required. | V | V | V |
Public Key Assistant | Support for Public Key Assistant makes uploading public keys to an SSH2 server simple and safe for end users. |
V | V | V |
Support for GSSAPI secured key exchange |
Mechanisms supported depend on GSSAPI provider. |
V | V | V |
SFTP in a tab | Open an SFTP tab to the same SSH2 session without having to re-authenticate to perform file transfer operations using an interactive, text-based SFTP utility. Drag and drop files and folders onto the SFTP tab to start SFTP file transfers faster. | V | V | V |
Graphical keymap editor | A graphical editor provides an easy mechanism for creating keymap files that can be shared between users and systems. | V |
SecureFX支援三種檔傳輸協定:FTP、SFTP 和 FTP over SSH2。它可以提供安全檔傳輸。無論您連接的是任何一 種伺服器,它都能提供安全的傳輸服務。
SecureFX幫助您選擇SFTP或FTP, 加密的SSH2連接用於安全傳 送,標準FTP用於非安全傳送。SecureFX具有簡單的類似於Explorer的介面,非常易學易用。
用於標準和安全檔傳送的一個用戶端——如果您公司的網路、ISP或網路主機支援SSH2,您可以使用SecureFX創建一套完整的加密FTP session。SecureFX還可以處理所有非安全的FTP連接。
- 使用Secure Shell SFTP進行安全檔傳送;
- SSH2協定支援提供密碼和公共鍵識別;
- AES, Blowfish, Twofish, 3DES和RC4密碼;
- Windows Explorer的外觀和感覺;
- 快速、同步的網站定位使得上載、下載文件變得很容易;
- 支援Explorer檔類型;
- 熟悉的介面和用戶化的工具欄;
- 支持網路芳鄰;
- 支持多個同時連接;
- 迅速連接——僅需輸入伺服器名。
WIN | MAC | LINUX | ||
New macOS platform support | SecureCRT now supports Sonoma (macOS 14). |
V | |
Additional certificate validation options | For FTPS and HTTPS sessions, new TLS certificate options provide more control over revocation list checking. |
V |
V | V |
Microsoft Azure Blob SFTP compatibility mode | When a Microsoft Azure Blob has SFTP server capability enabled, a new compatibility mode in SecureFX ensures that configuration settings are adjusted automatically to achieve a successful connection to the Azure Blob's SFTP server. |
V |
V | V |
多種企業認證選擇:利用密碼進行認證包含多種安全策略。Vshell提供大量可靠的認證機制,包括公共密鑰、Kerbero、鍵盤交互、X.509數位證明等,能夠創建一個更加安全的雙重認證策略,從而更為有效的控制您的網路訪問。提供Administrator, Workgroup, Enterprise三種版本以適應您的不同需求:每個版本分別對應不同規模的網路和企業,既適合單個管理員為完成管理任務對伺服器進行訪問,也可以為大的企業提供遠端存取、檔安全傳輸、資料通道等功能。所有的Vshell版本都提供相同的特性,您可以根據所需的併發連接的數目選取合適的版本,以控制您的成本。
- Secure Shell用於加密的命令行訪問Windows NT ;
- 有SFTP,可以進行安全檔傳送;
- Port forwarding tunnels TCP/IP data ;
- 使用公共鍵(public key-only)或密碼進行用戶識別;
- 使用NT訪問控制列表;
- 指定交替命令shell的選項。
New in VShell 4.9
SFTP virtual roots
On Windows, SFTP virtual roots now support public-key authentication.
For convenience on Windows, test user access to virtual roots directly from the VShell Control Panel.
Resize the VShell Control Panel to better accommodate your configuration settings.
Secure File Transfer
SFTP, FTPS, and FTP file transfers
Configure VShell to act as an SFTP server, an FTPS server, or both. With FTPS, plaintext FTP may also be allowed to support legacy devices.
HTTPS file transfer
VShell Enterprise Edition with HTTPS allows your staff, customers, and partners to transfer files easily using a web browser, eliminating the need for end-user training. Streamline the administrative cost of secure file transfer — no client software is needed and there are no browser plugins to install. Users connect via HTTPS to view folder contents, upload and download files, and more.
WebDAV support
VShell Enterprise Edition with HTTPS allows users to connect with a WebDAV client to upload and download files securely. Users can take advantage of WebDAV functionality to edit and collaborate on content.
Multiple virtual root directories
The VShell virtual root capability lets you assign different root directory access points to users or groups. Allows fine-grained control over user access permissions and the ability to specify the user's home directory.
SFTP virtual roots (Windows only)
Protect your internal SFTP server from internet threats or leverage an external SFTP server by seamlessly transferring end-user connections from VShell to the target server. After authenticating the connections, VShell transparently transfers file operations to a separate SFTP server. Files are uploaded and downloaded without ever being written to the VShell server’s disk, assisting with standards compliance and reducing the disk space required by the VShell host machine.
SCP file transfers
SCP file transfers using clients operating as a secure RCP replacement that forwards a remote execution request to SCP over SSH2 (not SFTP).
Restrict file types
Increase the security of your VShell server by restricting file uploads by file type. Allow only desired file types or deny unwanted file types.
Automated secure file transfers
Use vcp, vsftp, vsh, or any SFTP, SCP, or FTPS clients to automate and schedule unattended file transfers.
Remote Access and Administration
Administer servers remotely and securely
Securely access and administer web, mail, database, and application servers.
Accomplish common administrative tasks
With existing secure shell utilities, add new users to the network, check print queues, and control services. Use text-oriented editors (e.g., EDIT and vi) to edit files on the remote system.
Remotely execute commands as a different user (Windows only)
Give VShell users permission to remotely execute commands as a different user without full admin privileges. The administrator controls who can remotely execute commands, which commands are executed, and what account is used.
Start unattended batch jobs
VShell support for remote command execution allows unattended jobs to be started with any Secure Shell (SSH2) client.
Access control
On an individual or group basis, allow or deny access to VShell services such as SFTP, SCP, FTPS, FTP, HTTPS, HTTP, shell, remote execution, and port forwarding.
SSH2 support
VShell SSH2 support offers cross-platform security when connecting from remote clients for shell, SFTP and SCP file transfer, or port forwarding access. Connect with Secure Shell clients including SecureCRT, SecureFX, and a wide variety of other standard tools.
Data encryption
VShell supports ChaCha20/Poly1305, AES-256-GCM, AES-128-GCM, AES-256-CTR, AES-192-CTR, AES-128-CTR, AES-256, AES-192, AES-128, and Twofish. For SSH1 clients, 3DES is supported but disabled by default.
Data integrity
Message authentication codes (MACs) protect the integrity of each message sent over the network (preventing replay or insertion attacks). Support for UMAC-128-EtM, UMAC-64-EtM, SHA2-512-EtM, SHA2-256-EtM,SHA1-EtM, UMAC-128, UMAC-64, SHA2-512, SHA2-256, and SHA1. MD5 is supported but disabled by default.
Data compression
Configurable data compression helps improve transfer speeds over slower network links.
Host identity verification
Unique server host key proves its identity to a client as a "known" host (preventing a man-in-the-middle attack). Ed25519 (ssh-ed25519), RSA (ssh-rsa), ECDSA (ecdsa-sha2-nistp), and DSA (ssh-dss) host key algorithms are supported.
Port forwarding
Forward TCP/IP ports to securely access standard data traffic like POP3 and SMTP over the Internet and intranets through a single, secure, multiplexed channel.
Deny Host file
VShell tracks failed authentications by IP address. Once an IP address has been added to the Deny Host list, VShell will not allow future connections from that address. On Windows SFTP, FTPS, and HTTPS, ward off brute force attacks by specifying the amount of time in which a certain number of authentication failures from a particular IP address will be tolerated. VShell will add the offending IP address to its list of denied hosts and any further authentication attempts will be immediately disconnected. On Windows, you can specify the number of failures allowed during a certain time period, and re-allow connections after a specified amount of time.
Windows account and LDAP server integration (Windows only)
Native integration with Windows user accounts and groups (local and domain). Login to VShell using credentials provided by an external LDAP server. Control access to VShell functionality.
Internal user database
Configure VShell-specific users and groups. These VShell-defined users and groups are separate from system accounts. The internal accounts can be given access to all file transfer, remote shell and execute, and port forwarding services. Eliminate the need to create system accounts for end users when accounts are only needed for VShell access. Simplify future migrations by letting VShell automatically include your users and groups when you move the VShell configuration to a new server.
IPv6 support
Transparent support for IPv6 allows you to move to the new protocol whenever you are ready.
Command-line utilities
Automate routine tasks using a suite of standalone command-line utilities: vsftp for interactive SFTP file transfer, vsh for shell access, vcp for file transfer, and vkeygen to generate public/private keys.
VRALib API for scripting SSH2 sessions (Windows only)
The VRALib API allows scripting of SSH2 connections through a Windows COM interface. Supported operations include full control over SSH2 connections, sending a command to an SSH2 server and getting the output produced by the command, tunneling/port forwarding, file transfers using SFTP, remote file management, adding host keys to a host key database, and adding keys to the SSH2 authentication agent.
Allow or deny specific SFTP commands
Choose whether to allow or deny specific SFTP commands on a per-user or per-group basis, including SETSTAT, FSETSTAT, RMDIR, REMOVE, RENAME, and LINK.
Mouse support (Windows only)
VShell provides mouse support for character-based applications running in a command window.
Server Configuration
General server configuration
Configure general server options like listening port, keepalives, idle timeout period, and command shell.
VShell Control Panel (Windows only)
On Windows, configure VShell for maximum security through an easy-to-use graphical control panel.
CUCM configuration wizard (Windows only)
A wizard facilitates easier configuration of VShell to receive file uploads (backups) from Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM).
VShellConfig utility (Windows only)
A Windows command-line utility that allows editing of virtual roots, access control lists (ACLs), file and folder access permissions, and the VShell user database. VShellConfig can import and export configurations to save time when backing up or moving VShell.
Connection filters
Configure which hosts can connect by IP address, netmask, hostname, or domain name. Configure which SSH2 port-forwarding requests are allowed.
Idle timeout option
Allows automatic disconnect of sessions after a configurable idle time.
Bandwidth throttling
Server bandwidth can be configured (throttled) on a global, user/group, or location basis.
User Authentication
Secure user authentication
Control access to servers and networks using existing usernames and passwords or choose other enterprise-wide authentication methods.
Authentication settings
Configure authentication options by limiting the number of failed attempts, setting a timeout period for completed authentications, and setting the required authentication methods.
Allowed/required list for authentication methods
Specify which authentication methods are allowed or required when users connect to the server: password, public key, GSSAPI, or keyboard-interactive authentication.
Kerberos v5 authentication via GSSAPI
Kerberos via GSSAPI increases interoperability while enhancing the security of enterprise-wide network authentication.
Public-key-only authentication
Automate unattended file transfers and batch jobs. Can also streamline logon process for users.
RADIUS server support for SecurID authentication (Windows only)
VShell for Windows allows authentication through RADIUS servers using SecurID or other methods. RADIUS support is implemented through keyboard-interactive authentication.
X.509 certificate authentication method (Windows only)
Comply with organization-wide PKI policies designed to protect critical information and overcome identity theft and electronic fraud.
HTTPS Single Sign On (SSO) (Windows only)
Provide your Windows users with a convenient way to log on to VShell Enterprise Edition with HTTPS without entering a username or password. SSO reduces helpdesk workload by decreasing the risk of accidental VShell account lockouts and resulting password reset requests.
Triggers allow automated responses to server events, including failed authentication, no virtual roots, login, logout, upload, download, file/folder creation, deletion, renaming, and addition of files to a folder. Trigger actions include commands and file copy/move. On Windows, email notifications can be sent, and files automatically transferred to another SFTP server.
Enhanced automatic file renaming capabilities
Customize names of files or folders when moving or copying files in response to file operations. Standardize or specialize names by inserting dates, timestamps, usernames, session IDs, protocol, pre-defined text, and more.
Automatically send email with file transfer summary (Windows only)
Use logout triggers to send email notifications with the number of files uploaded, the list of files uploaded, the number of files downloaded, and the list of files downloaded during the session.
Automatically run commands that use file transfer summary variables
Use logout triggers to run commands or scripts using the number of files uploaded, the list of files uploaded, the number of files downloaded, and the list of files downloaded during the session.
Folder monitor (Windows only)
Detect when new files are created, moved, or copied to a particular folder and initiate actions such as automatic transfer to another SFTP server.
Logging & Monitoring
Monitor active VShell sessions (Windows only)
VShell Monitor is a real-time connection monitoring tool that allows an administrator to view active connections to the VShell server.
Server message logging
Selected server messages may be logged in the VShell log file, sent to the Windows system log or a remote syslog/syslog-ng server. Message groups include errors, warnings, informational, connection, authentication, SFTP, FTPS, HTTPS, port forward, debug, and LSA.
Windows event log (Windows only)
VShell error and warning messages as well as selected other message groups are sent to the system event log.
syslog support
All log messages can be sent to a remote syslog or syslog-ng server.
Try before you buy free evaluation copy
Official VShell software releases can be downloaded and evaluated for 60 days without charge.
Open beta software releases
Beta software releases can be downloaded and evaluated for 60 days without charge.
One-year software updates
All registered users receive a year of software updates. An option with three years of updates is also available.
One-year technical support
All registered users receive a year of technical support by email from VanDyke Support. An option with three years of technical support is also available.
Software maintenance available
Software updates and support are available after the first year.
FIPS 140-2 support (Windows only)
VShell uses a FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic library. VShell can be installed in "FIPS Mode", which allows only FIPS-approved algorithms.
U.S. Rehabilitation Act Section 508 compliance
Section 508 requires Federal agencies to make their electronic and information technology accessible to people with disabilities. VShell Server has been registered as a compliant product with the Section 508 database. Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) documents detailing this compliance are available in Acrobat PDF format here: view the VShell Server VPAT.
SecureCRT® for Windows
SecureCRT for macOS
SecureCRT for Linux
VShell® Server for Windows
VShell Server for Linux
VShell Server for macOS