最新版 Stimulsoft Ultimate 2024.3 更新於 2024/6/13
Stimulsoft Reports Server 是一個客戶服務器系統,允許您輕鬆、高效地使用報表實現完整的工作週期,包括從執行資訊處理任務的設計和自動化到為使用者準備便利的結果演示。快速和現代化的StimulsoftReports技術實現了報表模組的功能,並且靈活性和可靠性都經過了測試。
Stimulsoft Reports Server的特性概括:
- 使用圖形元素和不同的圖表可以將通用資料來源轉換為明亮和色彩豐富的多頁文檔。
- 使用內嵌的報表設計師創建和編輯報表。
- 報表集中存儲在伺服器的工作空間中。
- 獲得駐留在雲存儲中的欄位以及微軟資料導航器的協作。
- 使用內嵌調度表進行資料處理計畫安排。
- 資料處理相關的伺服器事件通知。
為了管理Stimulsoft Reports Server的功能,我們提供了一些便捷的用戶端應用,這些應用可以運行在現代電腦和可擕式設備上。 Stimulsoft Reports Server非常簡單—直觀便於理解的應用介面、多種使用方法、快速的安裝和擴展的自動化功能,無需特殊技術和額外的知識就可以快速上手。合理的價格政策使得我們的產品很受歡迎,並有益於各種數量的資料處理。
Stimulsoft Reports Server是以客戶-伺服器計算架構為基礎而設計的,它基於多客戶和伺服器的之間的交互。用戶端提供資料視覺化和使用者介面,伺服器端提供資料處理,將必要的資訊存儲和發送到用戶端應用。這樣的系統結構有很多優點:包括可擴展、基於等級隔離的高可靠性和安全性、網路資源和資料管道的合理利用,以及為不同的平臺提供不同的用戶端的功能。
Stimulsoft Reports Server包括伺服器端和用戶端兩部分,還有一個針對不同平臺的開放文檔API,它支援使用任何現代化程式設計語言與我們的系統進行交互,因而將Stimulsoft Reports Server集成到一個封閉的企業環境中以及將必要的應用合併到單個系統中都是非常容易的。同時更改報表伺服器的功能可以完成一個獨特的改進,以適應不同的情形。
將Stimulsoft Reports Server使用在Microsoft Azure的基礎設施上時會自動進行負載平衡。消耗的伺服器資源會根據任務而不同,提供按需求方式的水準擴展。
對於存儲系統和使用者資訊,我們使用一個相關的資料庫,Microsoft SQL Server或者MySQL。它們都有著高性能和穩定性,也都提供大容量的資訊存儲以及能輕鬆地集成到基礎設施中去。
Stimulsoft Reports Server的所有元件都能輕鬆地安裝和配置。由於提供了細節說明,即使IT技能經驗匱乏的人也能通過安裝系統進行管理。
Stimulsoft Reports Server與其他解決方案相比有點突出,因為我們擁有以下優勢:
- 價格實惠 - 由於價格低廉以及多種許可選項,你花在基礎設施和系統維護上的花銷就更少了。
- 三種使用方式 - Stimulsoft Reports Server提供三種安裝方式,您可以根據需求和當前設施的特點選擇最優的一種方式。
- 極易上手 - 系統要求低,具有虛擬化報表伺服器的功能,價格實惠,用戶端應用介面簡潔,所有這些使您能快速使用您的系統。
- 系統安全性高 - 您的資料都受到保護不會被破壞,靈活的物件管理和版本控制系統完成這些工作。
- 多用戶端應用 - 擁有針對多個平臺、能控制系統、方便使用的現代化用戶端應用,允許使用所有系統功能。
- 快速報表創建 - 您可以從報表伺服器UI創建和編輯報表範本,然後基於不同的資料來源執行渲染。
- 支援多種語言 - 除了當地語系化的UI,我們的系統還支援時區,允許全球不同地區的辦事處像一個整體一樣工作。
- 支援多種輸入格式 - 系統入口接受結構化資料,包括存儲在企業服務Microsoft SharePoint Server和Microsoft Dynamics NAV上的資料。
- 資料匯出 - 所有流行的office格式都可以用來保存報表,包括PDF和MS Office,並且我們都實現了匯出功能。
- 靈活的自動化處理 - 通過一個功能強大的調度器,您可以輕鬆地完成工作流調度以及自動執行。
- 針對開發人員的API - 我們不僅僅關注使用者的需求。當你的基礎設施中安裝我們的系統後,伺服器引擎中文檔化的API可以輕鬆集成系統的各種功能。
- 回應客戶的需求 - 我們的運維團隊隨時待命,回答並解決你的問題。
並不僅僅是該方案的功能讓用於印象深刻,更重要的是它的人機交互的能力,由於我們在這方面付出了很大的努力,Stimulsoft Reports Server擁有一個完善和直觀的介面,便於使用,工作效率更高。對於所有的平臺,用戶端應用都會在創建該應用的平臺上展現出強大的功能,不會破壞作業系統介面的常規概念,對於任何經驗層次的使用者都非常直觀。介面的非同步提供了回應和速度,直觀和相似的控制項提升了使用者的適應能力。
跨國工作環境並不是一種擺設-當地語系化的功能允許你跟不同語言的使用者進行交流。這種功能是通過Stimulsoft Reports中多語種報表和內置的按需動態載入的UI當地語系化實現的。
在本地網部署Stimulsoft Reports Server的系統需求很低-在單使用者應用被淘汰之前,兩個核心處理器加一個4GB的RAM就能體驗到此報表伺服器的優勢了。
以下是程式部分的需求:Windows系列(Windows 7、Windows 8.x、Server 2008 R2、Server 2012)中任何一種作業系統,軟體平臺Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5、Microsoft SQL Server、MySQL的已安裝版本,以及用於用戶端應用的IIS(本地安裝)。
運行Stimulsoft Reports Server Azure需要在Microsoft Azure使用者下部署Microsoft SQL Server、MySQL和ASP.NET,同時需要設置三個Azure工作流。在負載下,進程改變的次數提供了對基於雲的服務的水準擴展。
使用不同的資料格式允許在企業環境下集成Stimulsoft Reports Server,同時不需要更改其他的服務,直接從資料來源導入資料。當前的版本支援流行的DBMS,如MS SQL Server、MySQL Server、ODBC以及OLE DB 介面。因而將輸入資料流程連接到報表伺服器非常容易。使用調度器可以提供企業系統各個元件之間的自動同步。
輸出資料的格式多樣,像電子文檔一樣,從我們自己的(內部使用者專有)到傳統的企業文檔Adobe PDF、MS XPS、MS Word、MS Power Point、MS Excel、Open Document Writer、Open Document Calc等等。我們系統的主要優勢在於能將資料匯出為以內部庫實現的格式,無需安裝協力廠商軟體。
Stimulsoft Reports Server包含了多種工具,持續提高了資料的安全性。這對企業環境的運作是非常重要的。在報表伺服器的電子系統中,我們對資料和系統元件使用了基於角色控制的訪問權模式。它允許你為不同的類型使用者靈活的設置許可權,關閉部分許可權,降低資料丟失和破壞的潛在風險。
無論系統的功能和性能如何,最薄弱的環節仍然在人的行為,減低人為因素對報表伺服器性能的影響能提高處理的自動化,這在Stimulsoft Reports Server中是以調度器實現的。
Stimulsoft Reports Server的自動化系統允許你創建複雜的工作流,並定制全自動化的運行模式。當工作流進行了調整,一旦工作流調整完成,你就不用擔心技術方面的問題,只需等待結果就行,剩下的事情交給系統處理。讓Stimulsoft Reports Server來充當你的角色。
要找到將資料庫中上百萬個儲存格中的模糊數位轉換到電子文檔中的彩色圖表,並存儲到雲服務中的方法並不是一件簡單的事。為了實現這個功能,你必須連接資料庫,將資料庫中的資訊導入為需要的格式,處理資料,使用預定義報表範本轉換為報表,以期望的格式匯出報表並下載到雲儲存中。為了省去人工完成這些步驟的工作,Stimulsoft Reports Server支援資料處理鏈。一旦創建了一個鏈就為它分配調度器,節省了時間和所有繁瑣的操作。直接使用處理後的結果,系統會處理所有的創建工作。
Stimulsoft Reports Server使用Stimulsoft reporting工具創建報表,它提供了創建報表必須的功能。無論你是創建只有幾頁的簡單報表,還是創建擁有豐富的圖和網狀結構,多頁文檔的複雜報表,它都提供了你必須的工具。多種圖表、交叉表、條碼、基本形狀和多種格式化工具,它不僅使創建的報表清晰、資訊量大,而且外觀漂亮。
►使用Stimulsoft Reports創建報表
Stimulsoft Reports Server對使用者來說最主要的優勢是能相容伺服器上已經創建的所有報表。你可以使用Stimulsoft Reports處理已創建的報表,或者處理Stimulsoft Reports Server、應用中使用Stimulsoft Reports報表工具創建的報表。
Stimulsoft Reports Server的另一個好的功能是支援多頁文檔式的報表。創建包含幾頁重要資料的合同報表與生成大量幾千頁的檔案報表一樣簡單。報表的容量會受到伺服器性能的限制。
作為一個前面的資料處理工具,Stimulsoft Reports Server支援多種流行的電子文檔資料格式。不僅能匯出為Microsoft Office、Open Documents、XPS和PDF等等,還能從多種類型的檔案格式導入結構化的資料。
Adobe PDF格式一直以來是企業文檔的標準格式。 Stimulsoft Reports Server支援在不使用協力廠商許可元件的情況下,使用自己的選項來創建PDF,允許你創建PDF文檔,無版權費用,也不受限。內部也實現了匯出為MS Office,無需再用戶端安裝office套件。
當然,Stimulsoft Reports Server provides也提供許多資料匯出選項,我們可以匯出各種格式,如:HTML, TEXT, RICH TEXT, CSV, DBF, XML, DIF, SYLK, BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, PNG, TIFF, EMF, SVG , SVGZ。
此報表伺服器能處理多種類型的資料。資料來源也可以是各種類型的資料庫(它們都連接到了MS SQL和MySQL伺服器,支援ODBC連接和OLE DB)和視覺化資料檔案(如Microsoft Excel文檔或者XML資料格式)。
►SharePoint Server和Dynamics NAV
對於存儲在特定系統上的文檔,企業使用者能持續訪問它們是非常中煙的。 Stimulsoft Reports Server支援訪問位於企業伺服器Microsoft SharePoint Server和Microsoft Dynamics NAV上的資料。
Stimulsoft Reports Server擁有一組API,允許不同平臺的開發人員將報表伺服器上的資料吃力功能集成到自己的應用中。
Stimulsoft Reports 產品系列包含用於.NET Framework平臺的報表工具,可用於WinForms、ASP.NET、WPF、Silverlight、MVC。產品包含報表引擎、設計器和瀏覽器。
1. Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate/2. Stimulsoft Reports.Net/3. Stimulsoft Reports.Web/4. Stimulsoft Reports.JS/5. Stimulsoft Reports.PHP/6.Stimulsoft Reports.Java 點擊可了解詳細介紹
1. Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate
Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate是.NET框架下最全面的報表解決方案,擁有在WinForms, ASP.NET, Silverlight and WPF環境下構建報表的一整套完善工具。
Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate是.NET框架下最全面的報表解決方案,擁有在WinForms, ASP.NET, Silverlight and WPF環境下構建報表的一整套完善工具。 Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate不僅擁有強大的報表匯出系統,而且還支援多種報表匯出格式,擁有簡單且強大的報表引擎。 Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate基本原則是,用簡單常規的方法創建報表,將不同的技術應用於應用程式。
將這兩個截然相反的特徵集中到一個產品中是否可能?為了呈現所有的報表,Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate 使用了一個特殊的軟體引擎。簡單報表、複雜報表、非常複雜的報表,你都可以使用它精確又快速地創建。因此, Stimulsoft Reports.Ultimate 不僅功能強大,而且非常實用,它能滿足使用者最苛刻的需求。其擁有種類繁多的元件:圖表,olap-cubes,表格,且包含許多創建報表的基本元素。
應用Ajax技術可在網頁上或者是Adobe Flash Player上應用檢視器。
超過30種的資料格式,就算接收郵件的對方沒裝Stimulsoft Reports,可以轉換其他對方可接受的格式。
可用Stimulsoft Reports的內部檔案格式永久保存需要的檔。
2. Stimulsoft Reports.Net
Stimulsoft Reports.Net是一種基於.NET平臺的報表產生器,能説明您創建結構、功能豐富的報表。
►適用于.NET Framework報表工具
Stimulsoft Reports.Net是一種基於.NET平臺的報表產生器,能説明您創建結構、功能豐富的報表。 Stimulsoft Reports.Net隨原始程式碼一起交付。 Stimulsoft Reports.Net可以讓您在一個操作方便、介面友好的報表設計師中創建所有的報表。無論是在設計時還是運行時下您都能使用報表設計師。在運行時下使用報表設計師不需要支付任何的專利費用。使用Stimulsoft Reports.Net,您能夠創建基於多種資料來源的報表。創建的報表在Windows表單和Asp.Net中都是可用的。您還可以將已創建的報表匯出到:PDF、 XML、 HTML、 Excel、 RTF、TXT、CSV、EMF、BMP、JPEG、GIF、PNG以及TIFF等多種格式的檔中。 Stimulsoft Reports.Net在運行時下使用也無需支付任何專利費用。
在一開始進行Stimulsoft Reports.Net的開發時,我們就試著讓報表引擎的功能盡可能的強大和靈活。但真正地實現了它的強大和靈活性是在我們滿足了客戶的需求,採納了好的建議及接受他們的批評之後完成的。感謝我們的客戶給我們的意見及建議,使得報表產生器擁有強大而豐富的功能。 Stimulsoft Reports.Net為報表的創建提供了許多元件,例如簡單的文本元件以及混合的特殊元件(圖表、通用標籤、容器等)。使用Stimulsoft Reports.Net讓以前任務中的許多困難變得易於解決且明白易懂。
任何報表都需要資料為它工作。 Stimulsoft Reports.Net能為您提供什麼呢?我們的報表引擎支援所有類型的ADO.Net。您需要直接從資料伺服器獲取資料嗎?我們的報表引擎支援超過十種類型的資料伺服器: MS SQL Server、Oracle、 MySQL、 Firebird等。您使用xml存儲資料嗎?我們的報表引擎也可以從xml檔中得到資料。您需要使用業務物件嗎? Stimulsoft Reports.Net也能説明您。您能使用業務物件和其他資料來源並且不需要絞盡腦汁地思考如何為報表創建準備資料。 Stimulsoft Reports.Net會為您做這些工作。在報表創建前Stimulsoft Reports.Net會為您進行資料的排序、分組、過濾及組合。
對一張已有的報表進行操作與為創建這張報表準備一個模版同等重要。我們盡可能地優化我們產品中的這個部分。 Stimulsoft Reports.Net 支援在表單格式下和在網頁格式下流覽報表。您需要將已創建的報表轉換成另一種格式保存嗎?沒有問題。 Stimulsoft Reports.Net可以將已創建的報表轉換成20多種檔案格式保存。除此之外,您還能將報表保存為一種特殊的內部格式以供後續流覽。我們的報表產生器還為您提供了一種獨特的模式——直接在預覽視窗中編輯已經創建的報表的格式。如果這種模式不夠,您還可以使用強大的報表設計師。我們盡可能地為報表的操作提供一些導航工具,您可以使用超連結,書簽以及Thumbnails。
3. Stimulsoft Reports.Web
Stimulsoft Reports.Web是第一款可以直接在Web中編輯報表的報表工具生成工具,可直接通過Web瀏覽器創建、顯示報表、列印報表、匯出報表。Stimulsoft Reports.Web將提供完整的報表創建週期,可在web瀏覽器未被關閉之前,完成從報表範本開始到在瀏覽器中顯示報表這個過程。只需要一個帶有Flash Player 9的Web瀏覽器,便可實現以上功能,而人無需安裝.Net框架、ActiveX控制項或其他特殊外掛程式。
►Reporting Tool for ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC
Stimulsoft Reports.Web is the reporting tool designed for creating and rendering reports in Web. You can create reports. You can display reports. You can print reports. You can export reports. Stimulsoft Reports.Web provide the complete cycle of report development, from creating report templates and ending with showing them in a web browser. And all this can be done without closing the web browser. This is the first reporting tool that allows you to edit reports directly in Web. This is the first reporting tool that is able to interact with users on any device, from smartphones to servers.
►Universal Reporting System
Stimulsoft Reports.Web is ideal for the development of the reporting system in today's Rich Internet Application. Creating, viewing, printing, editing, delivering reports is not a problem with this package of tools. 10 components for viewing reports! 3 components to modify reports! 30 supported file formats for saving rendered report! 25 types of data sources! More than 40 report configurations! All popular browsers! ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC! Laptops, tablets, smartphones, servers! Our product supports everything, works everywhere, processes and saves everything.
►Reports in Smartphones
Our product is pleased to offer you displaying reports on the smartphone screen. The report will appear in the smartphone browser. However, the report will appear adapted specifically for mobile devices. Work with reports just using your fingers! Scrolling, zooming, rotating smartphone - all these features are supported by our product. Displaying reports is implemented using the component Mobile Viewer. This component is able to work not only with the smartphone, but with tablets, laptops, desktops. The type of device on which the report viewer works will be determined automatically.
►Creating Reports in Web Browser
Stimulsoft Reports.Web has two fully-featured report designers, which work directly in the Web-browser. Both report designers are made as ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC components. These components work by the client-server technology. On the ASP.NET side, the component located at the web page works as a server. On the client side, works either a HTML5 or Flash module of the report designer. Both report designers use the Ribbon interface; include many tools for working with reports. The designers are compact. That allows them to be loaded very quick in the web browser. The HTML5 version is especially designed for creating reports, both on mobile devices and personal computers.
►Designing Reports on Tablet
If you want to create reports using the tablet then the best and unique solution on the market today is our component Mobile Designer. This component forms the environment adapted to the mobile browser to create reports. You can operate the designer with fingers and pointing devices. All the controls of the report designer are designed specifically for this purpose. The report designer can be easily integrated into your application. It is light and quickly loaded to the client. It supports various themes. The designer is localized in many languages. It has the built-in help system. The mobile component of the report designer is fully compatible with all well-known and famous web browsers.
►Generating Reports on Desktop
In addition to the report designers on HTML5 and for Flash, which run in web browsers, Stimulsoft Reports.Web provides a report designer to create reports on the Windows desktop. The desktop report designer is developed using the WinForms technology, and requires minimum .NET Framework 2.0. The application provides maximum options to design reports. It is the best what our company can offer. It should be noted that all reports in all our products have the same format. So, reports created in the report designer will work in all the other components from Stimulsoft.
►Data for Reports
Our report supports great many data types. First, the product supports for Business Objects with any level of dependency, sorting, grouping, and filtering. Second, most of .NET data types are supported too. These are all standard types of ADO.NET - DataSet, DataTable, DataView, DataRelation. All data are output, taking into account the hierarchy of the data in the DataSet. All data are typed. Third, you can get data directly from MS SQL, Oracle, ODBC, OleDB, FirebirdSQL, PostgeSQL, SQLCE, SQLite, etc. You can also get data without problems from XML files.
基於JavaScript和HTML5技術設計的Stimulsoft Reports.JS是一組用於處理報表的強大組件。報表生成器可在任何JavaScript應用程序中使用,不需要安裝任何瀏覽器擴展程序或框架。該產品包含創建,編輯,構建,查看和導出高複雜性報告所需的一切。
Stimulsoft Reports.JS包括功能強大的報表設計器。該產品包括舒適而現代的Ribbon UI,支持多種樣式以及40多種界面本地化,嚮導等。報表設計器作為JavaScript組件可用於處理應用程序中的報表。我們還提供了一個就緒的應用程序,可以在開發人員的計算機上創建和編輯報告。該應用程序可用於Windows和macOS系統。
在Stimulsoft Reports.JS中,我們包含了一整套用於設計簡單和復雜報告的工具和組件。文本,圖像,圖表,條形碼,許多預設樣式,分組和過濾,交互式報告等等。您可以直接從JavaScript代碼處理報表及其組件。大量採用不同方法創建和編輯報告的視頻課程將幫助您快速入門。
由於Stimulsoft Reports.JS完全是僅使用JavaScript和HTML5技術設計的,因此它僅具有一個要求–任何現代Web瀏覽器。操作系統和服務器端的類型無關緊要。報表生成器只能在客戶端使用而不使用服務器。
儘管Stimulsoft Reports.JS只能在客戶端使用,但最好在服務器端使用它。例如,報表編寫器可以與Node.js配合使用,借助它的幫助,您可以生成報表並將其導出為各種格式。此外,該產品還包括一組用於ASP.NET和PHP技術的數據適配器。
Stimulsoft Reports.JS非常適合在任何JavaScript應用程序中工作。對組件進行了優化,以與大多數流行的框架(例如Node.js,Angular,React,Vue.js等)一起使用。您可以使用“發布”嚮導來簡化將報表集成到項目中的過程。
Stimulsoft Reports.JS是Stimulsoft平台的組成部分。在我們的其他產品中創建的報告可以在Stimulsoft Reports.JS中使用,反之亦然。您可以在計算機上創建報告,並在在線設計師的幫助下繼續在雲中對其進行編輯。我們已盡力確保報告的兼容性,以適用於特定技術。此外,我們提供了用於將其他流行的報告系統文件中的報告導入我們通用內部格式的工具。
Stimulsoft Reports.JS可以在各種設備上運行,在顯示器的大屏幕和平板電腦的屏幕上使用組件都很方便。對於帶有觸摸屏的設備,它同時支持鼠標控制和触摸模式。Stimulsoft Reports.JS可以在所有現代Web瀏覽器中使用,無論使用什麼操作系統。廣泛的樣式和選項集將有助於根據項目的需要自定義組件。
Stimulsoft Reports.PHP是一種報告工具,旨在使用客戶端服務器技術在Internet中創建報告。PHP腳本在服務器端工作,並控制報告的生成。JavaScript報告引擎在客戶端工作,並提供了一種通用機制,幾乎可以在任何客戶端上生成報告。快速強大的報表引擎,豐富直觀的界面,部署和許可。
Report Generator for PHP
Stimulsoft Reports.PHP is a reporting tool designed for creating reports in the Internet using a client-server technology. In this product we have combined two technologies. The PHP script works on the server-side. This technology controls the report generation. The JavaScript report engine works on the client side. This technology provides a universal mechanism for reports generation almost on any client. Due to this, it is very easy to use Stimulsoft Reports.PHP and, at the same time, the product offers a modern, cost-effective way to provide reports on Web sites, built using the PHP technology. Fast and powerful report engine, rich and intuitive interface, easy deployment, easy licensing. It's all available in our product now. Keep up with the times, use the latest technology for building Internet applications.。
Ready to solve problems
Viewing a Multi-Page ReportOur product is one of the first products, which offers a comprehensive solution to build, modify and run reports for PHP sites. Before the release of our product, reports creation was limited by various problems. The lack of dynamism, simplicity and interactivity when showing reports. Constant exchange of information with the server. The problem of compatibility with various platforms and browsers. Lack of ability to produce complete customization of reports via the Internet. All this limited creation of high-quality and attractive reports. Time spent for designing reports was ten times slower than in desktop applications. Developing Stimulsoft Reports.PHP, we tried to solve most problems of reports creation for the Internet. With our product, time spent for report designing is almost the same as for desktop applications. Reports can be displayed in an interactive and animated report viewer. Interface of the report designer uses the latest technology of the reporting industry and works on the Internet.
Ready to create reports
Change Text ColorFully featured standalone report designer is delivered as a part of Stimulsoft Reports.PHP. Reports designer is created using JS. This gives the opportunity to work on multiple platforms without compatibility issues. Report designer provides a great number of visual tools for creating reports. This dramatically reduces the time for report creation. The basis of GUI is the ribbon interface. This makes the report designer not only easy to use, but easy to learn with the first steps of getting acquainted with our product. In addition to standalone report designer, Stimulsoft Reports.PHP product contains the report designer for launching in the browser window on the client side. This version of the report designer has the same functionality as the standalone version. Using the report designer on your site improves its functionality, raises it to a new level. It becomes possible to perform full administration of the site reports directly in the browser window without using additional desktop product versions and constant use of special administrators.
Ready to view reports
Preview Master-Detail ReportThe best way to work with the report is a special report viewer. This viewer is available in our Stimulsoft Reports.PHP. In Stimulsoft Reports.PHP, the report viewer runs on the client side. Using the client computing resources, when displaying the report, can better balance the performance of the web application. The server memory is used much less than in traditional Web applications. This frees up computing resources of the server, allowing you to handle more sessions simultaneously through the same hardware. Our report viewer is built using JavaScript and HTML5.
Ready for deployment
Barcodes and LabelsStimulsoft Reports.PHP is easily deployed on both the client and the server. All you need to do is to copy the PHP scripts and JS files to the directory necessary for you. Stimulsoft Reports.PHP does not have any special requirements to the server. All that is required is the PHP server version 5 support. Another advantage of Stimulsoft Reports.PHP is its small size what makes the deployment very fast.
Stimulsoft Reports.Java是一種報表工具,旨在用於Java應用程序中報表的交互和工作。Java技術允許在不同平台,不同操作系統和不同硬體上使用程式。由於有了Stimulsoft Reports.Java,Java現在幾乎可以在任何地方使用,同時仍然是一個功能強大且用戶友好的工具。
Report Generator for Java
Stimulsoft Reports.Java, the reporting tool that contains Java and HTML5 components, is designed for interaction and work of reports in your Java application. Java technology allows using programs on different platforms, different operating systems, and different hardware. Thanks to this Stimulsoft Reports.Java is now available literally everywhere, meanwhile remaining a highly functional and user-friendly tool.
How Does Stimulsoft Reports.Java Work?
HTML5 ViewerThanks to the Stimulsoft Reports.Java library, you can easily and quickly add reports to your Java-based application. The Java report engine is developed using the Java technology. This allows you to launch our product on any server where using Java is available, simplifies the process of distributing and installing the product. However, access to all functionality of the reporting tool is transparent from the Java-based application, allowing you to use our product both in client-server versions and in desktop versions of Java-based applications. For editing and viewing reports, the following technologies are used – Java and HTML5. A wide range of technologies for working with reports makes your application universal for various devices, such as computers, laptops, tablets, mobile phones.
Creating Reports
Stimulsoft Reports.Java has a full-featured standalone report designer that works on multiple platforms without compatibility issues. In addition to the standalone report designer, Stimulsoft Reports.Java product contains the report designer for launching in the browser (Web component) and from Java applications (SWT component). These versions of the report designers have the same functionality as the standalone version. Using the report designer in your project can significantly improve its functionality, raise the entire project to the new level. It becomes possible to perform report administration directly in the browser window, or from your application without any additional desktop versions of programs and continuing involvement of special administrators.
Reports can be run (saved or loaded) from the file system or database, render and export them on the server. Stimulsoft Reports.Java is not only suitable for client-server applications, but also for desktop applications written with the help of a popular library for creating graphical interfaces SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit).
Print LabelsThe report designer built on HMTL5 and JavaScript technology. It does not require any special plug-ins or settings, and immediately ready to work on almost any device – PCs, laptops, tablets, mobile phones. The Ribbon UI is chosen as the user interface. This helps to avoid wasting time on getting used to the new interface. So you will start creating reports almost immediately. The designer supports all basic editing functions: visual design of reports, copy/paste, drag and drop, zoom and much more. Almost every interface item has tooltips which explain or illustrate the item can be used. It greatly simplifies the work.
Stimulsoft Reports.Java is easily integrated into your Java application. You need just a few lines of code to run the report. The application has a flexible and intuitive setup process. Stimulsoft Reports.Java is very easy to use.
Reports created in Stimulsoft Reports.Java are fully compatible with reports generated in other Stimulsoft reporting tools. You can edit and build the same reports without worrying about whether they will work in our other products. Also, you can use the import utility from the third-party report writers.
ConditionsIn order the application you write has a rich functionality of Stimulsoft Reports.Java, you simply copy libraries and connect them to the project. Whether it is a Web or Desktop application, simply specify a component you need to work with. Everything can be done in two steps. It is simple, fast, and, the most important thing, comfortable!
HTML5 | V | V | V | V | V | V | |
WinForms | V | V | |||||
WPF | V | V | |||||
Flash | V | V | V | V | |||
Java | V | V | |||||
Dot-Matrix | V | V | V | ||||
Standalone | V | V | V | V | V | V | V |
HTML5 | V | V | V | V | V | V | |
WinForms | V | V | |||||
WPF | V | V | |||||
Flash | V | V | V | V | |||
Standalone | V | V | V | V | V | V | V |
.NET Framework | V | V | V | V | |||
.NET Core | V | V | |||||
JavaScript | V | V | V | ||||
Java | V | V | |||||
Flash | V | V | V |