最新版 Synametrics WinSQL v18 更新於 2024/7/31
WinSQL 是通用的資料庫管理工具,它可以使用任何關聯資料庫來執行管理任務,如導入/導出數據,產生測試數據,現有資料庫的逆向工程,在資料庫之間架構和數據的比較,或簡單地運行SQL查詢。一方面的WinSQL提供先進的用戶功能強大的工具來幫助他們管理自己的資料庫,另一方面在WinSQL的幾個導引可幫助新手用戶查看和修改現有的任何關聯資料庫的數據。總之,WinSQL對任何每天工作於各種資料庫的程式編寫員或資料庫管理員來說是一個必備的工具。
資料庫開發是一件枯燥乏味、極其耗時的任務。常常占用了開發人員寶貴的全部時間和精力。WinSQL是符合 ODBC 的資料庫開發解決方案,其簡化了與資料庫相關的日常任務。WinSQL 適用於任何符合 ODBC 的資料庫,包括 Oracle、Sybase、DB2、MS SQL Server、Informix、MS Access、MySQL、PostgreSQL 等。WinSQL 提供十分簡潔、功能強大的圖形用戶界面,幫助您輕鬆地提交 SQL 查詢、瀏覽資料庫編錄、查看不同項目之間的關係等。WinSQL 利用特定的資料庫插件來擴展默認的ODBC,換言之,這些插件將輔助ODBC完成其無法辦到的任務。
WinSQL 是資料庫管理員和程式開發員處理資料庫所必須擁有的工具。使用WinSQL資料庫管理員能輕易有效地管理任何一個關聯資料庫。程式開發員能快速地寫SQL語法,捕捉它們的反應時間並把它們轉換成程式碼。獲得表、圖、儲存過程、觸發器、規則等等的原始碼。且擁有有學習怎樣使用以幫助你建立SQL語法的導引。且可把一個資料庫的數據轉換到另一個資料庫,以及現有資料庫的逆向工程、畫 E/R 圖、產生數百萬行有意義的測試數據、在兩個資料庫之間查找結構性的不同、在不同的資料庫的兩張表之間查找數據的不同。 WinSQL將讓您的工作變得非常簡單。
- Quick Search
- Enhanced Special Comments
- Enhanced fix-length export
- Ability to convert CHAR FOR BIT DATA to string when exporting from DB2
- Enhanced error handling
- Ability to include titles when exporting to CSV files
- Ability to assign primary keys to views, which is useful when using the Update Wizard
- Ability to specify a /clean as a command line argument, which ignores previously stored sessions
Rich SQL programming IDE
- Highly productive environment with code generation, multiple query pages and customizable editor
- Comprehensive scripting support including syntax highlighting, auto-code complete, and built-in hot keys
- Visual tools for ad-hoc data editing and simple to complex query building
- Enhanced wizards for creating tables, indexes and other objects
- WYSIWYG SQL wizards - helps novice users in learning WinSQL
Perfect tool for data migration
- Migrate data from any database to another database. For example, from Oracle to DB2 or the other way around. Use drag-n-drop to move data from one source to another
- Export to text files
- Import from text files - drag and drop files from Windows Explorer. More info...
- Integration with MS Excel - drag and drop Excel sheets in WinSQL or open a resultset in MS Excel
- Generate INSERT INTO statements for existing data
- Import/export either manually or schedule a task that runs periodically
- Generate an EXE file based on a SQL query. Generated executables are royalty free and can run on any machine with or without WinSQL.
Generate Executables
- Generate an EXE file based on a SQL query. Generated executables are royalty free and can run on any machine with or without WinSQL. More info...
- Ideal when distributing to business users who are not familiar with SQL scripts.
- Can prompt for parameters at runtime, which changes the WHERE clause resulting in filtered results.
Enhanced data and schema comparison
- Compare schema differences between two databases
- Compare data differences between two similar tables - either in the same database or a different database
- Works across multiple RDBMS
Excellent test data generation tool
- Generate millions of rows for testing purposes
- Read data from several sources, such as text file, other tables or using pre-defined formats
Designing tools
- Easily draw E/R diagrams and view relationships among tables with just a mouse click
- Pull scripts for views, triggers and stored procedure
- Easily search objects in the database by specifying a search string
- Efficiently navigate through the database catalog
- PC with 600 MHz minimum
- Windows Vista or above (32 or 64bit)
- Microsoft .NET framework 4.5
- 64 MB memory minimum, 512 MB recommended
- 25 MB disk space for installation
- RDBMS Client connectivity utilities
- For ODBC, a supported ODBC driver
- Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or later for documentation
- VGA monitor with a minimum resolution of 800x600, 1024x768 recommended
Features | Lite | Standard | Pro. |
Syntax highlighting for SQL script | V | V | V |
New table wizard | V | V | V |
HTML publishing wizard Export the result of a query to linked HTML pages. | V | V | V |
Database catalog - Display tables, views, stored procedures and other database objects |
V | V | V |
Run selective query - Highlight part of the script and send just that to the server | V | V | V |
Display results in grid, text or form | V | V | V |
Support for database transactions | V | V | V |
Customized editor | V | V | V |
Local comment parsing | V | V | V |
Parameterized queries | V | V | V |
Submit batches Queries can be separated by a separator and therefore, multiple queries can be submitted at the same time. |
V | V | V |
Multi-threaded architecture | V | V | V |
CREATE TABLE statement wizard | V | V | V |
Data browsing | V | V | |
Update/Insert record wizard | V | V | |
ODBC Drivers for Oracle, DB2, MS SQL Server, Informix, Sybase, Text and several other databases. Available for 32-bit WinSQL only. | V | V | |
Inline results | V | V | |
Result printing | V | V | |
Integrated View | V | ||
Relationship manager | V | ||
Local relationships | V | ||
Drill down results | V | ||
Integration with Microsoft Excel | V | ||
Scripting wizard | V | ||
Query History | V | ||
Associate comments with database objects | V | ||
SQL Explain | V | ||
Administrative Tasks | V | ||
DDL wizard | V | ||
Command line support | V | ||
SQL wizard | V | ||
Editable result sets | V | ||
Extended support for binary and long data (BLOB/CLOB) | V | ||
Intelli tip | V | ||
Data Lookup | V | ||
Import/Export data with drag-n-drop capabilities | V | ||
Grid result export | V | ||
Save results to an executable file | V | ||
INSERT statement wizard | V | ||
Test data generation wizard | V | ||
Task Scheduler | V | ||
Database Search | V | ||
Entity Relationship Diagrams | V | ||
Database specific plugins | V | ||
Browse data filter | V | ||
Schema Diff | V | ||
Data Diff | V | ||
Offline Backup/Restore | V | ||
Stored Procedure Wizard | V | ||
QuickMath | V | ||
Named Queries | V | ||
Catalog printing | V | ||
List of available datatypes | V |
JaySQL Professional 此產品以前稱為WinSQL for JDBC,專為使用JDBC連接到不同數據庫的程序員而設計。JaySQL是100%用Java編寫的,因此適用於任何可以找到Java運行時的操作系統,包括Windows,Linux,Solaris,AIX,HP-UX,Mac等。 |
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