最新版 2024 Essential Studio Volume 2 更新於 2024/7/24
Syncfusion Essential Studio Enterprise Edition
Syncfusion Essential Studio是一個.NET的產品,提供超過1,800 個組件和框架,適用於WinForms、WPF、ASP.NET(Web Forms、MVC、Core)、UWP、WinUI、.NET MAUI、Xamarin、Flutter、Blazor、JavaScript、Angular、Vue和 React。
可以在Visual Studio中用於開發令人驚嘆的應用程式。Essential Studio由幾個.NET庫組成,這些庫為構建現代Windows Forms,WPF,ASP.NET,ASP.NET Core,PHP,JSP,ASP.NET MVC,JavaScript,文件格式,通用Windows平台和Xamarin應用程式提供支持。這些組合包可以在任何.NET環境中使用,包括C#,VB.NET和託管C ++。
Why you need Essential Studio
Essential Studio is a software package that provides state-of-the-art solutions for startups and enterprises. It includes more than 1,800 components and frameworks for WinForms, WPF, ASP.NET (MVC, Core), UWP, WinUI, .NET MAUI, Xamarin, Flutter, Blazor, JavaScript, Angular, Vue, and React that make developers’ work easier.
1,800+ components
Includes more than 1,800 components and frameworks for major platforms.
Demos and training
A wide range of product demos and training, including video tutorials, documentation, and KBs.
Every control is fine-tuned to work with a high volume of data.
Document processing libraries
Create powerful apps by viewing and editing Excel, PDF, Word, and PowerPoint files.
Dedicated support
Truly unlimited dedicated support system via the public forum, feature & feedback page, live chat, and support tickets.
Ease of use
Easy integration of tools to blend Syncfusion controls with your project.
Hassle-free licensing
Simple, straightforward, and no hidden fees. Guaranteed.
Frequent updates
Get minor improvements and bug fixes every week to stay up to date.
Most Popular Components
The DataGrid control is a high-performance grid component that helps display and manipulate large amounts of data in a tabular format. Its rich feature set includes functionalities like data binding, sorting, grouping, editing, filtering, swiping, dragging, resizing, loading more items, pull-to-refresh, and exporting to Excel and PDF file formats.
The Charts control can plot a wide range of chart types, ranging from line charts to specialized financial charts. Its rich feature set includes functionalities like data binding, multiple axes, legends, animation, data labels, annotations, trackballs, tooltips, and zooming.
The ListView renders a set of data items with UI views or custom templates. It has many features like grouping, sorting, filtering, paging, swiping, multiple selection, drag and drop, and different layout types. The ListView control has been optimized to work with large amounts of data.
The Scheduler is a fully featured calendar component that allows you to manage your time efficiently. It facilitates easy resource scheduling, appointment rescheduling, drag and drop, resizing actions, and more.
The Diagram control can be used to create different types of diagrams such as flowcharts, use-case diagrams, workflow process diagrams, and mind maps. This control also provides built-in options to create organizational chart layouts and drill-down layouts.
PDF Viewer
The PDF Viewer is a feature-rich .NET PDF class library developed with 100% managed C# code that can be used to create, read, and write PDFs.
Excel Library
Excel Library is a native .NET class library that can be used to create and modify Microsoft Excel files by using C#, VB.NET, and managed C++ code.
Team License
Up to a team of 5* | Up to a team of 10* | More than a team of 10* |
Platforms Included ASP.NET MVC ASP.NET Core Angular Blazor JavaScript React Vue WinForms WPF WinUI .NET MAUI Xamarin Flutter UWP File Formats Report Viewer SDK |
Platforms Included ASP.NET MVC ASP.NET Core Angular Blazor JavaScript React Vue WinForms WPF WinUI .NET MAUI Xamarin Flutter UWP File Formats Report Viewer SDK |
Platforms Included ASP.NET MVC ASP.NET Core Angular Blazor JavaScript React Vue WinForms WPF WinUI .NET MAUI Xamarin Flutter UWP File Formats Report Viewer SDK |
* These are subscription licenses.
Unlimited license
Project License One named project or application |
Global License Company-wide access for all development |
Division License One division of a company working on multiple projects |
Developer Platform ASP.NET MVC ASP.NET Core Angular Blazor JavaScript React Vue WinForms WPF WinUI .NET MAUI Xamarin Flutter UWP File Formats Report Viewer SDK |
Developer Platform ASP.NET MVC ASP.NET Core Angular Blazor JavaScript React Vue WinForms WPF WinUI .NET MAUI Xamarin Flutter UWP File Formats Report Viewer SDK |
Developer Platform ASP.NET MVC ASP.NET Core Angular Blazor JavaScript React Vue WinForms WPF WinUI .NET MAUI Xamarin Flutter UWP File Formats Report Viewer SDK |
Customer benefits
- 24-hour support
- Online support system
- Four quarterly updates
- Unlimited bug and feature requests
- Truly unlimited incidents
- Access to remote support
Syncfusion’s Essential Studio is compatible with Windows 11.
System Requirements of Essential Studio
To get started with an ASP.NET MVC application, the following software must be installed on the machine.
Operating Systems
- Windows 7 SP1
- Windows 8, 8.1
- Windows 10
- Android 4.1 & later
- iOS 9 & later
Hardware Environment
- Processor: x86 or x64
- RAM : 512 MB (minimum), 1 GB (recommended)
- Hard disk: up to 3 GB of available space may be required
Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
By using the following IDEs, you can develop ASP.NET MVC Applications
- Visual Studio 2017
- Visual Studio 2019
- Visual Studio 2022
Frameworks & SDK
The tools listed below are required to run the Syncfusion ASP.NET MVC UI application.
- .NET Framework 4.5 or above.
Browser support and Required Polyfills
Browser support
The Syncfusion Essential JS 2 components are supported only in modern browsers. This includes the following versions.
Chrome | Firefox | Opera | Edge | IE | Safari | iOS | Android | Windows Mobile |
Latest | Latest | Latest | 13 + | 11 + | 9 + | 9 + | 4.4 + | IE 11 + |
Required Polyfills
The following polyfills are required to run Essential JS 2 components in each browser.
Browser | Polyfills |
Chrome(latest), Firefox(latest), Opera(latest), Edge, Safari 9+ | NONE |
IE 11 | ES6 Promise |
The Syncfusion Essential JS 2 components are supported in IE 11 browser with ES6 Promise polyfills.
Using CDN
Refer this link for more details.
To get started with an ASP.NET Core application, the following software must be installed on the machine.
Operating Systems
- Windows 7 SP1
- Windows 8, 8.1
- Windows 10
- Android 4.1 & later
- iOS 9 & later
Hardware Environment
- Processor: x86 or x64
- RAM : 512 MB (minimum), 1 GB (recommended)
- Hard disk: up to 3 GB of available space may be required
Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
By using the following IDEs, you can develop ASP.NET Core Applications
- Visual Studio 2017
- Visual Studio 2019
- Visual Studio 2022
- Visual Studio Code
Frameworks & SDK
The below tool is required to run the Syncfusion UI controls for ASP.NET Core application.
- .NET Core SDK 2.1 / .NET Core SDK 3.1 / .NET 5.0 SDK
.NET Core SDK 3.1 requires Visual Studio 2019 16.4 or later .NET 5.0 requires Visual Studio 2019 16.8 or later.
To get started with JavaScript application, the following software must be installed on the machine.
Operating Systems
- Windows 10
- Windows 8, 8.1
- Windows 7
- Windows vista
- Windows server 2008 and later
- Linux
- Unix
- Mac
Hardware Environment
- Processor: x86 or x64
- RAM : 512 MB (minimum), 1 GB (recommended)
- Hard disk: up to 3 GB of available space may be required
Windows Forms
The system requirements for using our Syncfusion Windows Forms platform are as follows.
Operating Systems
- Windows 2000
- Windows XP
- Windows Vista
- Windows 7
- Windows 8
- Windows 10
- Windows Server (from 2003 to latest)
Hardware Environment
- Processor: x86 or x64
- RAM : 512 MB (minimum), 1 GB (recommended)
- Hard disk: up to 4 GB of space may be required. However, even if you install in a different drive, 400 MB of free space is required in the boot drive.
Development Environment
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2008/2010/2012/2013/2015/2017/2019/2022
- .NET Framework 2.0/3.5/4.0/4.5/4.5.1/4.6
- Lower Syncfusion .NET frameworks can be used in applications because they are compatible with .NET 4.7, .NET 4.7.1, .NET 4.7.2, and .NET 4.8. For example, in the application, the Syncfusion 4.6 .NET framework assembly can be referred to as 4.7 or higher target versions.
- .NET Core supported from 2019 Volume 1 release (
The system requirements for using our Syncfusion WPF platform are as follows.
Operating Systems
- Windows XP
- Windows Vista SP2
- Windows 7 SP1
- Windows 8, 8.1
- Windows 10
Hardware Environment
- Processor: x86 or x64
- RAM : 512 MB (minimum), 1 GB (recommended)
- Hard disk: up to 3 GB of available space may be required
Development Environment
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2008/2010/2012/2013/2015/2017/2019/2022
- .NET Framework 2.0/3.5/4.0/4.5/4.5.1/4.6
- .NET Core 3.1
- .NET 5.0