txt2pdf 是一款 PDF 轉檔工具,由SANFACE Software公司專業Perl開發者開發,可以將平時常用的文字檔案轉換成 PDF 格式。支援繁體中文和簡體中文、日文、韓文、泰文、捷克文、希臘文等多種語言。利用 txt2pdf 轉檔工具可以將 TXT,文本,文本報告等文字檔案轉換成PDF ,比如表格,發票,報表,銷售表等,是一靈活和強大的工具。
PDF建立軟體使用普及,為了不讓官方Adobe Reader獨霸過於肥大,許多優秀又實用的PDF軟體崛起,txt2pdf 在其中以出色的產品和完整的功能吸引使用者,比如PDF文件常見的遇中文簡繁體以及數字容易亂碼的情形,txt2pdf 降低亂碼機率,成為使用者不可或缺的首選PDF轉檔工具。
txt2pdf 推出多個版本:txt2pdf v. 11.x、 txt2pdf PRO 11.x 、 txt2pdf PRO + crypt 。
- 支援多種語言文本,包括日文字體、韓文字體、簡體中文字體(STSong GB-EUC-H)及繁體中文字體(PMingLiU ETen-B5-H)
- 支持 UTF-8 編碼,可處理 UTF-8 到 ISO-8859-1 的轉碼
- 可改變字的顏色和字型,可以在每一頁加入頁碼
- 與網址關聯的字串比如http://... ftp://...會自動建立超連結
Here there are some of the things that you can achieve with txt2pdf:
- Support for Japanese fonts (HeiseiMin-W3-90ms-RKSJ-H and HeiseiKakuGo-W5-90ms-RKSJ-H) normal, italic, bold, bolditalic and Japanese paper formats (JISB4 and JISB5).
- Support for Korean font (HYSMyeongJoStd KSCms-UHC-H) normal, italic, bold, bolditalic.
- Support for simplified Chinese font (STSong GB-EUC-H) and traditional Chinese font (PMingLiU ETen-B5-H) normal, italic, bold, bolditalic.
- Initial support for utf8. At the moment it's possible to encode utf8 into iso8859-1..
- txt2pdf supports STDIN and STDOUT.
- You can mark coloured (using regular expressions) sentences in the produced PDF files.
- You can mark bold, italic and bold italic sentences in the produced PDFfiles.
- You can add page numbers on every page.
- You can add text at the beginning and at the end of every file.
- You can add a border to every page.
- You can use background and foreground layers.
- All predefined encoding (WinAnsiEncoding, MacRomanEncoding, MacExpertEncoding, PDFDocEncoding) supported by the PDF format and the Unix default are supported by txt2pdf.
- It's possible to run through txt2pdf infinitely (every configured second, sleep feature) on a specific directory (and also its recursive directories) moving the produced PDF to a specific directory, and the original text to a specific directory.
- ftp support: the possibility to put the created PDF in the specified ftp site. It's possible to specify user, password and the final directory.
- Internet specific phrases such as http://... ftp://... mailto:...file:... ldap:... news:... , setting linkuse, will automatically be made into clickable URL's.
- You can create a link to a specific age within a PDF document just adding http://...pdfdocument#pdfmark
- Every word like MIME:..., setting linkuse, will automatically become a link that launches the correct application to open that file.
txt2pdf PRO
txt2pdf PRO offers you all the features of txt2pdf 11.x plus these important features:
- compress to make compressed pdf and compress_level to set the compression levelnew
- optimize to make an optimize pdf codenew
- Form Feed (^L) support
- -skip1ff option to skip the first form feed
- the possibility to set the top and left margins
- Using inside the text, at the begin of a new page (e.g. after the form feed) the marker #!landscape# you can force the single page to become landscape.
- inside layers (background and foreground) you can use the same txt2pdf features plus
- #!image#;;;;;;;;#!/image# to add RGB jpeg images
- #!link#;;;;#!/link# to add links
- outline feature to set in outline.txt the rules for bookmarksnew
- Setting mainframe : 1 you can simply convert textual mainframe reports. At the moment this feature support in the first column 0, 1, -, +. If you need other support contact us.new
- You can use colours, fonts, links, etc with your personal or standard tags
- begin1 to change the background of the first page and bgdesignlast to change the background of the last page
- the possibility to set the position (x,y) of the annotation icon in the first page.
- possibity to ask an executable with outside the libraries (to support multitasking).
jpg2pdf 轉檔工具
jpg2pdf 是一款具有彈性且強大的PERL5 圖檔轉PDF的轉檔軟體工具,由SANFACE Software公司開發,可以將多個 jpeg圖檔轉換成 PDF 格式。
jpg2pdf is a PERL5 tool, so you can use it in every OS supported by PERL5 (View the list of OS tested with the similar code txt2pdf). we distribute also these executable versions: Windows, Solaris, HP-UX, Linux, AIX. jpg2pdf is a native converter, you don't need to pass through PostScript format.
PDF2ID 可以轉換PDF文件成為完全可編輯的InDesign文件,它是透過重新創建文件可預期的結構和版面來完成的,如:格式化段落、應用樣式、重新群組化獨立的圖形元素、創建表格、自動恢復註解及其它元素。PDF2ID可轉換PDF 內的每個頁面,以形成相同品質的InDesign 文件。
PDF2ID 是首款也是唯一的一款為圖形設計、桌面出版、印前和版面設計行業呈現無縫隙、高效的方法恢復,並重新利用PDF文件資料的方式的工具。在現代化的多核處理器系統裡,PDF2ID可以通過伺服器端完成並傳送經優化的InDesign 文件。PDF2ID 可以恢復並重新利用儲存在PDF文檔的內容,並且讓每個人使用。當PDF2ID 作為一款Adobe InDesign 插件後,您就不再需要安裝另外的PDF 編輯軟體和工具,這將可以在時間和開支上節省大量的花費。
txt2pdf PRO + crypt
txt2pdf PRO + crypt 9.x is the standard txt2pdf PRO 9.x distribution + the possibility to encrypt a PDF-file (set permissions, set user and owner password, set 40 or 128 bit encryption).
In version 9.x txt2pdf PRO + crypt support the possibility to use like background a pdf.
We distribute txt2pdf PRO + crypt only in executable binaries, but under special circumstances, source code can be provided. This binary-only outlook makes it easier to install, and simpler to use. You don't need PERL, nor any of the PERL modules or libraries. Your applications can simply harness and integrate the power of txt2pdf PRO + crypt 9.x.