Upstart 是由 Pete Maclean 公司所開發的一套用於追蹤與管理PSTs的實用程式
Upstart(Unicode PST ARTificer),可將ANSI PST移轉至Unicode PST上,它利用建立一個新的Unicode PST檔案,
將ANSI PST檔的資料夾,複製到檔案中,而且也可以在Unicode PST檔上指定可壓縮的加密與高度加密選項。
- 能尋找並將所有的PSTs列在一個目錄、目錄樹、磁碟區或整個系統中
- 能產生出可配置欄位的csv-format列表之PSTs,將其輸入至Excel等應用程式
- 在單一的操作下,能將任意數量的PSTs結合成一個。可合併任何根層的PSTs或將每個PST歸回其所屬資料夾的樹狀列
- 支援在合併過程中重複數據的刪除,讓您能夠合併多種重疊的檔案
- 只需一個命令即可將所有PSTs合併在一個磁碟機(只適用於網站或企業版本)
- 能執行ANSI-to-Unicode 和Unicode-to-ANSI間的轉換
- 支援大量轉換。藉轉換許多ANSI PSTs成Unicode,相互轉換一下就能完成,節省大量時間
- 能被上傳至工作點(如:使用PSExec)或能在遠端使用telnet執行轉換,而且在沒有使用者互動的情況下進行合併
- 將PSTs以檔案大小、日期(年/季/月)及項目做拆分分類(email/Contact/appointment/task/etc.)
- 調用ScanPST來掃描及修復PSTs在命令列上
- 能處理所有類型的項目:訊息、聯繫、約會、任務、表格、意見上(Outlook規則是一種特別情況,Upstart的轉換規則無任何問題,但在合併PSTs時不能結合規則)
- 絕無任何廣告
- 無需任何安裝步驟,只需下載、解壓縮和執行
For converting, merging, splitting and extracting data from PSTs, Upstart must be run on a Windows system with Microsoft® Outlook installed. Outlook 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019 are all supported in both 32- and 64-bit versions. (Outlook is not needed for finding and centralizing PSTs.)
DXL-MSG facilitates the conversion of emails from Lotus Notes/Domino to Microsoft Outlook and for use with E-Discovery and forensic tools that work with MSGs.
The program converts emails stored on DXL files to MSG files. It can convert thousands of DXLs to MSGs inone shot. The product is provided in two forms: One is a Windows console program that can be run from the command line, or called from batch and cmdfiles, from scripts and using remote launchers such as PSExec. The other is an API that can be invoked from C# or any managed language.
DXL-MSG is intended for use by system administrators, migration experts, forensic engineers and E-Discovery workers.
- Converts multiple messages in one shot
- Includes both a conversion program and a managed-code API
- Free downloadable trial version available
Maclean IMAP Server Engine
The Maclean IMAP Server Engine is a toolkit designed for developers who need to implement an IMAP server ontop of an existing mailstore. Furnished as C source code and licensed as an OEM product, it should be easily integrated with any reasonable message-filingsystem.
An IMAP-server framework for Windows
- Adds IMAP to an existing email server
- Provides IMAP access to any existing message store
- Used by big names in the messaging industry
Maclean MAPI
MMAPI (Maclean MAPI) is a developer’s SDK designed for use in building applications for emailmigration, email archiving, email analytics and E-Discovery.
A developer’s library for importing / exporting items to/from Outlook andExchange stores
- Wraps a tricky low-level API with a powerful high-level API
- A rich resource for Electronic-Discovery applications
- Converts messages between MAPI and RFC formats