HttpWatch 是強大的網頁數據分析工具。集成Internet Explorer和Mozilla Firefox並提供無與倫比的HTTP監測水平,不需要單獨配置的代理伺服器或網路嗅探器。簡單的與網站互動,HttpWatch可以將顯示沿著網頁本身的響應和請求的日誌。它甚至可以顯示瀏覽器和它的高速緩存之間的相互作用。每一個HTTP記錄都可以詳細的分析其Cookies、消息頭、字符查詢等和HTTP相關的信息,分析報告輸出為XML、CSV等格式。
商業網站經常使用諸如HTTP壓縮,SSL加密技術和區塊編碼,以提供安全性和性能的最好水平。 HttpWatch擁有這些技術,提供在Internet Explorer中的HTTP活動的詳細信息視圖。
HttpWatch整合Internet Explorer和Firefox瀏覽器,當你存取一個網頁時,顯示您的HTTP流量,包括網頁摘要,Cookies管理,緩存管理,消息頭發送/接受,字符查詢,POST 數據和目錄管理功能,報告輸出。
Console Output Recording
Console output from Edge and Chrome (version 64 onwards) is now recorded by HttpWatch. This includes logged error, warning and information messages and output from the JavaScript runtime such as syntax errors, exceptions and calls to the console.* API :
The console output from a browser can be essential for debugging client-side code in PWAs (Progressive Web Applications) that use large JavaScript libraries or WebAssembly hosted code (e.g. C#, C++ etc):
Console recording can be controlled from Tools->Options:
A new Console column shows whether console output was recorded for a page or request:
Console tabs show the console output associated with a selected page or request:
Updated User Interface
The HttpWatch UI has been updated with new flat look icons:
IP2Location™ IP Address Geolocation Database 提供一種非侵入式IP地理定位解決方案,用於推斷連接到 Internet設備的地理位置,並確定IP 位址的大致地理位置以及一些其他有用信息,如國家、地區或州、地區、城市、緯度和經度、郵遞區號、時區、網際網路服務供應商 (ISP) 或公司名稱、網域名稱、網速、區號、氣象站代碼、氣象站名稱、行動國家代碼 (MCC)、行動網路代碼 (MNC) 和營運商品牌、海拔、使用類型、地址類型、廣告類別和ASN。
首先,從網絡協議或 Web 服務器的服務器端變量中檢索 IP 地址。接下來,將 IP 地址轉換為十進制格式的 IP 編號以加快數據庫查詢。最後,反向查找 IP2Location™ 數據庫中的 IP 號碼以查明準確的地理位置。
Accurate Geolocation
IP2Location™ is a non-intrusive IP location lookup technology that retrieves geolocation information with no explicit permission required from users. All you need is your client’s IP address.
Supports IPv4 & IPv6
It works for all IP addresses including IPv4 and IPv6 in one database or API.
Easy Integration
It can be seamlessly integrated into any software platforms to retrieve IP geolocation information using database, REST API and SDK (Java, .NET, PHP, Ruby, Python, Perl and more)
Multiple Granularity
It comes with different IP database packages with varying levels of IP geolocation information granularity to suit your business needs. Pay for what you need.
Rankaware 是一款智慧而且小巧的關鍵字追蹤工具,能夠建立多個追蹤網站,新增多筆要觀察的關鍵字,並且可以指定搜尋引擎,透過鍵字排名來逐步改善網頁內容。共支援 Google、Yahoo 與 Bing 這三個常用的搜尋引擎。
“If you wish to know where your website will appear among the search results, when you type certain keywords on Google, Rankaware can provide you with this information at a moment’s notice.” - Frederick Barton
“Rankaware offers a keyword rank checking and monitoring tool that is both fast and easy to use. The keyword rank checker performs batch SERP position checking for targeted keywords on Google, Yahoo, Bing and seamlessly tracks keyword ranking performance over time.” - Mark
“Conclusion? Rankaware is effective, convenient, and a must-have tool particularly for webmasters and online marketers.” - Syed Humza
“Rankaware provides a quick and easy way to track your website’s keyword rankings. It can help by checking your site’s rankings for multiple keywords on Google, Yahoo and Bing, compiling an attractive report to show how this is changing over time.” - Mike Williams
SmarterMail 這是個郵件服務器包括完全的 Web 郵件,先進的垃圾郵件過濾,詳盡的使用統計數字,POP/IMAP,簡單郵件傳輸協議 SMTP 驗證,簡單郵件傳輸協議交換的端口,支持 Web Services 網絡服務。增加流動性充分享受與合作功能,並同步電子郵件,聯繫人,日曆,任務和便箋與電子郵件客戶端如Microsoft Outlook 和Mozilla Thunderbird或用最新的智能手機透過Exchange ActiveSync和SyncML的技術。
• Easily migrate from any mail service
• Preserve your email history with full email archiving
• Industry-standard antispam and antivirus ensures mail server security around the clock
The Exchange Alternative
SmarterMail is the Microsoft Exchange alternative because it is the only other email server on the market with native support for MAPI, the protocol that powers Exchange and Outlook. That means anything you can do on Exchange you can do with SmarterMail: no plug-ins and no additional software required. SmarterMail offers all of this and more for a FRACTION of the cost of Exchange. And unlike Exchange, features like instant messaging and audio / video conferencing with screen sharing are included at no extra charge.
Powerful Webmail Client
Compatible with all major desktop and mobile web browsers, using the webmail client eliminates the necessity of any other software, from email clients to calendar apps, freeing up disk space and system resources, and eliminating the maintenance tasks that come from having more software installed on laptops and personal computers.
Any Email Client on Any OS
With support for all major email protocols, including IMAP, POP, EAS, EWS, WebDav, and MAPI, you have your choice of desktop client: Outlook for Windows or MacOS, Apple Mail, Windows Mail, eM Client, Thunderbird, Gmail, Spark, Mailbird, and countless others!
In addition, SmarterMail is the only Windows mail server on the market, outside of Exchange, that offers native support for MAPI as opposed to offering Outlook plug-ins that simply mimic Exchange features. This makes SmarterMail the perfect alternative to Microsoft Exchange.
Team Collaboration
SmarterMail offers a number of collaboration features that make it easy to work together with team members, customers, and partners. This includes organizational calendars, conference room scheduling, shared contacts, calendars, tasks and notes, instant messenger, Online Meetings for online conferencing, and much more.
Industry Standard Email Security
SmarterMail comes equipped with several email security features that are available without spending more money or adding third-party software. This includes industry standard spam filtering as well as enterprise-level antivirus. Additionally, we offer enterprise-level solutions such as Message Sniffer that can be integrated seamlessly.
Simple Administration
With an extremely simple set up process, getting SmarterMail installed and running takes minutes. From there, S...
Web Link Validator 是個功能強大的連結檢查器以及站點管理工具。
該程式可輕易處理成千上萬的連結網站(包括以JavaScript 及 Flash編碼的連結,或嵌入在圖像地圖、腳本、小應用程式)並提供許多功能。
不僅限於辨識HTML語法,Web Link Validator也提供內文拼寫檢查的功能、並且能夠檢查超過100萬個連結點,提供完整的HTML檢查報告,網站管理者可以收到系統自動發送的偵測報告。
Web Link Validator 是一個非常強大的網站分析工具,適用於網站管理者與網站開發者,有助於維護網頁連結的準確性、有效性,提高使用者在瀏覽網頁時的滿意度與忠誠度。
Web Link Validator 擁有多樣化的功能,可以檢查超過100萬個連結點、支援 JavaScript 和 Adobe Flash (.SWF files) 、提供超過20多種語言的拼寫錯誤檢查、可有HTML、CSV、RTF、Microsoft Excel多種輸出格式、系統可自動發送偵測報告...等。
What's New in v5.9
Added ability to view HTTP headers and page source(Edit -> Inspect Link)
Added the View Log button (Profile -> Auto: 'View Log')
WLVAutoLog.txt is created when the program is started in the Auto mode:C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\REL Software\Web Link Validator\WLVAutoLog.txt
A few minor bugs fixed