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+ 耶魯語言研究中心文章推薦 - “Annotation and Screencasting to Extend the Reach of Your Classroom”
+ TechCrunch新聞報導 - “Kdan Mobile’s Cloud-Based Apps Are an Alternative Adobe Products”
+ 網路媒體TabletPC Reciew評測推薦 - “The 9 Best PDF Apps for the Apple iPad”
+ 用戶Val Sigler使用回饋 - “Markup helps me to take work with me when I am not in the office. It really does make life better!”
iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。
Markup專業版(iOS): 提供Pocket Scanner產品內完整付費功能(不含雲端服務)。
Creativity 365方案:本方案提供全方位跨裝置平台的數位內容創作服務,包含凱鈿旗下五個主要產品:Animation Desk、Write-on Video、NoteLedge、Markup與Pocket Scanner,並額外提供1TB Kdan Cloud雲端空間。
LatencyMon 是一款專業的音頻檢測軟體,可檢測出電腦上各個驅動的狀態,特別是聲卡驅動的延遲情況,LatencyMon 檢測出電腦音頻延遲、點擊和持久性噪點的原因,了解聲卡驅動是否適配電腦。LatencyMon 還提供了ISR監視器、DPC監視器和pagefault顯示器的功能,播放音樂和玩遊戲的時候,如聲音播放出現問題的話,LatencyMon可檢測問題原因出自何處,雖不能提供解決方案,卻可以掃描出所有的音頻問題。
The audio latency problem
Windows is not a real-time operating system. All requests to the operating system are delivered on a best effort basis. There are no guarantees whatsoever that requests are delivered within a certain time frame, which are the characteristics of a real-time operating system. That is not a problem for most devices and tasks but this is bad news for audio applications (which are considered soft real-time) because they need to deliver data to the subsystem and the hardware in buffers several times per second. If one or more buffers miss their deadlines and are not delivered in time it has audible consequences which are recognized as dropouts, clicks and pops.
About DPCs and ISRs
The Windows thread dispatcher (also known as scheduler) which is part of the kernel executes threads based on a priority scheme. Threads with higher priority will be given a longer execution time (also known as quantum or time slice) than threads with a lower priority. However the kernel also knows other types of units of execution known as interrupt service routines (ISRs). Devices connected to the system may interrupt on a connected CPU and cause their interrupt service routines to execute. An interrupt can occur on the same processor that an audio program is running on. Any thread that was running on the processor on which an interrupt occurred will be temporarily halted regardless of its priority. The interrupt service routine (ISR) is executed and may schedule a DPC (Deferred Procedure Call) to offload an amount of work. The DPC will most likely run immediately on the same processor which means the audio application will halt until both the ISR and the DPC routines have finished execution. That is because ISRs and DPCs run at elevated IRQL which means they cannot become preempted by the thread dispatcher (scheduler). Therefore to guarantee responsiveness of the system, ISR and DPC routines should execute as fast as possible. Guidelines say that they should not spend more than 100 µs of execution time however this is often not reached due to hardware factors beyond the control of the driver developer. If execution time gets too high, the audio program may be unable to deliver audio buffers to the hardware in a timely manner.
About hard pagefaults
Windows uses a concept of virtual memory which relies on the page translation system provided by the CPU. Whenever a memory address is requested which is not available in physical memory (not resident), an INT 14 will occur. The OS provided INT 14 handler will decide how to proceed next. If the page in which the address...
Macgo Mac Blu-ray Player 是第一款在Apple Mac上的藍光播放軟體,能成功播放藍光碟片、藍光選單、ISO鏡像檔案和藍光BDMV資料夾。您甚至能連結到任何iOS設備上來播放藍光電影。視頻輸出高達1080p無損高畫質數據和畫質,並完整保存所有音軌,副流,章節標記和視頻等。加入DTS5.1後,Mac Blu-ray Player給您帶來了更為優質的家庭多媒體影院享受。
Macgo Mac Blu-ray Player
全球第一款支援Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan的藍光播放軟體
支援藍光光碟, 藍光菜單,藍光ISO檔案,BDMV資料夾
獨特的硬件加速技術 - BluFast M獨一無二的AirX技術,支援iOS 設備上播放藍光
Macgo Windows Blu-ray Player
是一款出色的Windows藍光播放軟體。在Windows操作平臺包括Windows 10上支援藍光碟片、藍光ISO鏡像檔案和藍光BDMV資料夾。除此之外,還支援DVD和其他熱門多媒體格式。Macgo Windows Blu-ray Player還能魔法般地在iOS設備上播放藍光電影。
功能強大的藍光播放器,支持Windows 10
獨一無二的AirX技術,支援iOS 設備上播放藍光
MacX DVD Ripper Pro 是一套完美相容於Mac作業系統的全能型DVD轉檔軟體,支援擷取任意DVD影片內容并快速實現DVD轉MP4、H.264、MOV、FLV、MPEG、M4V、AVI、QT任務。全方位匯入多個裝置預設,協助您輕鬆將DVD轉檔至iTunes, QuickTime, iPhone, iPad, Android, Apple TV等時下流行智慧型設備指定的影音格式,便於隨時播放DVD影片。除此之外,這款DVD轉檔軟體還能實現1:1原畫轉檔DVD為ISO,MKV,MPEG2等格式,保持原版DVD影音品質的同時讓您盡享極速DVD備份與轉檔的娛樂體驗。現已全面升級,支援所有的最新格式的DVD,99標題DVD甚至是已經無法播放的DVD光碟。更新增英特爾硬件加速技術,5分鐘即可轉檔一張DVD光碟,帶給你極速的轉檔體驗。
Music Maker 是一款能夠快速上手的音樂編曲軟體,讓影片剪輯再也沒有缺少合適”音效”及”配樂”的困擾,不用再買高額的音效素材庫或者冒著可能觸法的風險,從網路上下載音樂與歌曲,每一首由Music Maker產出的作品,您就是創作者。
將你的音樂儲存成mp3s並燒製成CD或分享到Soundcloud, Facebook & YouTube,讓更多人聽見你的音樂
將soundpools, Vita Solo Instruments和new DN-e1 synthesizer結合,讓你愛怎麼作曲就怎麼製做
MAGIX Soundpools
Rock Pop Vol. 8
Hip Hop Vol. 15
Dance Vol. 1
Techno Vol 16
Chillout Vol. 8
Dubstep Vol. 2
Virtual instruments
Power Guitar*
Electric Piano
Drum Engine
DN-e1 Synthesizer
* Power Guitar is offered as a free download after program installation
MediaLab 幫助科技通及研究人員創作強大的電腦化實驗。針對Windows環境,MediaLab結合了智能實驗設計特點與今日強大的多媒體PC科技能力。
MediaLab從充滿基本和完全格式化的WORD檔、HTML、PowerPoint Shows到多媒體檔案,如audio, video 和 image檔這類的單獨或組合豐富的刺激(stimuli),皆允許呈現。如果MediaLab無法執行特定任務,在實驗過程中,它將會讓你選擇另行一個獨立的程序,並且回到原先停止之處。
MediaLab runs great on pretty much all current PC systems runnning any current version of Windows (e.g., XP, Vista, Windows 7/10). At least 64 Mb of RAM is recommended, but additional memory can certainly boost perfomance when resource demands are high (e.g., when using an array of multi-media stimuli).
It is not necessary, but installing Microsoft Office on machines that will be running MediaLab, can add some impressive functionalit--e.g., allowing you to embed Word and PowerPoint documents in your experiment and to access the conditional logic and power of Excel for your experimental design.
With Microsoft's Internet Explorer installed, MediaLab can also give you the ability to embed local and internet web pages within your experiment. This means that anything now on the web or anything that could be put on the web can easily be dropped into your experiment.
Finally, a spreadsheet application such as Excel or SPSS is required to view some of the data files produced by MediaLab but this may be done on any machine.
MPlatform SDK
MPlatform是一個專業的多媒體軟體開發工具,具有對C#,VB.NET,VB6,Visual C ++和Delphi的支持。 MPlatform從包括AJA,BlueFish444,Blackmagic Design,Deltacast和Stream Labs直接整合在硬體I / O。 MPlatform可以輕鬆創建廣播級的直播,攝取,視覺混合和播放自動化軟體。
Advanced playlists
Sub-playlists, ad breaks, CG integration — everything a playout system needs.
Powerful video mixing
From multiviewers to PiP.
GPU-powered encoding
All the power of Intel's Quick Sync and Nvidia's NVENC — at your service.
Time shifting
Delay video streams for as little as several seconds and for as long as needed.
WebRTC streaming
The industry's most advanced implementation of Google's low-latency streaming tech.
Broadcast-quality CG
All the power of Intel's Quick Sync and Nvidia's NVENC – at your service.
MPlatform SDK is tailored for the most popular use cases in the broadcast industry.
But it's also flexible enough — so you can come up with your's.