SoftMaker FlexiPDF 是一款非常專業的PDF編輯器軟體
它可以將PDF導出至word和 TextMaker 裡面,這樣編輯起來就會非常的簡單,而且支持重新排序、搜索、添加評論、註釋、水印、編輯圖形、繪圖等等,另外,FlexiPDF還可以利用OCR技術,將掃面文件直接轉換成PDF文件進行編輯,一切完成後,還可以加密,保護文件的安全。
使用FlexiPDF,在PDF文件中創建、編輯和評論與將其導出為TextMaker或Microsoft Word進一步編輯一樣簡單快捷。
使用FlexiPDF Professional,您還可以跨文件使用這些功能,以及全局替換超連結。
FlexiPDF Professional使用複雜的OCR技術將掃瞄的頁面轉換為可編輯和可搜索的PDF文件。您可以在FlexiPDF中編輯它們,或將它們導出到TextMaker或Microsoft Word。
如果PDF文檔包含機密文本或圖形,則FlexiPDF Professional可讓您進行修改,以使這些敏感信息無法讀取或恢復。
NX Home
NX Universal
Professional 2022
For up to 3 Windows PCs
Edit PDFs as if you were working with a word processor
Create PDFs from all Windows programs using the built-in printer driver
NEW: Intuitive ribbon user interface
NEW: Optional dark user interface that reduces eyestrain
For up to 3 Windows PCs
Edit PDFs as if you were working with a word processor
Create PDFs from all Windows programs using the built-in printer driver
NEW: Intuitive ribb...
SWING PDF Converter
IBM Notes Export to PDF
Export IBM Lotus Notes emails, documents and databases to PDF + XML
SWING PDF Converter將 IBM Lotus Notes 電子郵件、文檔和資料庫匯出為 PDF_XML。該工具向 IBM Notes/Domino 引入了大大簡化的電子郵件和文檔匯出和存檔功能。它將 PDF 圖示添加到 Lotus Notes 工具列,允許使用者轉換一個或多個 Notes 電子郵件或文檔。Domino 管理員可以存檔整個資料庫或特定視圖/資料夾,而無需使用者干預。LotusScript API 是為應用程式開發人員提供的。
PDF icon in the Lotus Notes toolbar
Converts Notes emails and documents into PDF (no additional software nor programming required)
Exports multiple Lotus Notes emails or documents at once (as a single PDF file or as separate files)
Archiving emails related to a client, project, case etc.
Exports categories, folders, and document levels, preserving their structure
Not allowed to install on server? Install it locally.
Centralized deployment and configuration
Exports categories, folders, and document levels, preserving their structure
Archiving jobs: run across multiple databases, without user interaction, scheduled or on-demand
Supports PDF/A – ISO standard for long-term archiving
Exports metadata obtained from Notes fields and formulas
For completely browsable archives or SharePoint migration, check out Seascape for Notes
Use LotusScript API
Run the code either on the Notes client or on the server, on-demand or scheduled
Does not require a separate installation. Just include it into your apps.
Create personalized PDF documents from any content
Format your documents using alternate page layouts, if needed
Produce print-quality output from Domino web applications
Lotus Notes 轉換器:從 Notes 用戶端保存文檔
Lotus Notes 終於為其工具列提供了 PDF 圖示。無論您是需要一個包含其所有附件的單個 Notes 文檔進行轉換,還是想要選擇多個文檔並將其轉換為複合 PDF 或一系列 PDF - 現在只需按一下一下即可!
匯出Lotus Notes電子郵件
任何 Lotus Notes 電子郵件或文件組合(例如,與專案相關或與案例相關的電子郵件/文檔)都可以匯出到單個 PDF(或 PDF/A)文件中,或合併到 PDF 文件夾中,或保存為緊湊、可搜索的 PDF 包.
Lotus Notes 資料庫(應用程式或郵箱)的批量存檔
Domino 管理員可能需要跨多個資料庫存檔整個資料庫或特定視圖/資料夾,而無需使用者干預。
例如,在應用程式停用之前,需要將舊版 Lotus Notes 應用程式中的所有資料存檔到單獨的 PDF 檔中以供將來參考。或者,可以將存檔作業配置為跨使用者郵箱從特定資料夾提取電子郵件。存檔作業在伺服器上運行,可以按需計畫或執行。
PDF Management Tools PDF管理工具
PDF Recovery
Restore inaccessible PDF file for all Adobe Versions
PDF Manager
PDF file format used for representing documents in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems
PDF Merge
This is a light weight, cost effective, advanced and
powerful tool that enables user to combine any number of PDF files into a single PDF file.
PDF Split
Advanced PDF Splitter tool is the smartest way to split PDF file into multiple PDF files with ease.
PDF Split & Merge
Tool that enable user to merge any number of PDF file
into single PDF file and at the same time it also allow user to split the single PDF file into numbers of PDF files
PDF Protection
Tool that will password-protect PDF files as well as apply various security parameters on them
PDF Restriction Remover
PDF Restriction Remover tool will help you remove password from PDF files, i.e. owner as well as user-passwords.
PDF Protect & Unprotect
This tool can help you protect PDF document as well as unlock PDF files by removing PDF password.
PDF Image Extractor
This is a highly advanced Windows program for extracting pictures, graphics from corrupted as well as normal PDF file
Tetra4D Converter 便利好用 3D CAD 檔轉 3D PDF 轉檔軟體
Tetra4D Converter 是世界領先、將原生3D CAD數據轉換成豐富、互動式的3DPDF文件的軟體,其中包括完全支援精確幾何圖形,以及Product Manufacturing Information(PMI)。任意地從您慣用的3D CAD軟體輸出文件--CATIA, PTC Creo, Pro/E, NX, SolidEdge, SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor--以及其他各大主流 CAD格式。Tetra4D 2017 新版支持 Solid Edge ST9、SolidWorks 2017、NX 11。
在展示與分享您的作品時,藉由Tetra4D Converter與Adobe Acrobat無間的合作,您可設定瀏覽人可以測量、觀看截面圖、加入註記或評論等等,從昂貴的Acrobat到免費的Adobe Reader都可以享有這些功能。這套實惠的工具還可以將3D PDF檔案轉換成可被所有CAD軟體讀取的IGES、STEP、Parasolid、STL與JT等檔案格式。
Share CAD Data with Anyone
No need to own or learn to use expensive 3D CAD systems. With Tetra4D Converter you can accurately convert 3D data from the latest versions of CATIA, Pro/E, SOLIDWORKS, Inventor, and all other major CAD applications to 3D PDF directly inside Adobe Acrobat Pro.
Translate CAD Data
Export precise geometric 3D CAD data to STEP, IGES, JT, STL, Parasolid and ACIS from all major CAD formats for use in downstream applications.
Security Options
Ensure your intellectual property is only opened by the intended recipient with Adobe Acrobat’s password security. Control access to views, and user ability to mark up and export files.
Always Viewable in Acrobat Reader
Tetra4D Converter is built using the native technology found in all Acrobat products ensuring 3D content is displayed accurately every time it is opened with Acrobat Reader.
Transition from MBD to MBE
Tetra4D Converter provides the tools you need to share Model Based Designs with suppliers, with full support for import of PMI data such as dimensions, tolerances, annotations and intelligent PMI view states.
Collaborate with Your Team
Given the ubiquity of Adobe Reader, 3D PDF files can be viewed, commented on and shared by virtually anyone. Creation of views, measurements and sectioning functions make collaboration simple and efficient.
Full Representation of CAD Data in a Compressed File
3D PDF’s are up to 97% smaller than the original CAD model enabling easy electronic sharing.
Wondershare PDFelement
AI 驅動的一站式 PDF 解決方案。快速、經濟和簡單地編輯、轉換、簽署 PDF 等等 - 可在桌面平台、行動平台和網頁平台使用。
– 利用 AI 智慧地處理 PDF 文件。
– 快速將 PDF 總結為文字摘要並將其匯出為 Markdown 檔案。
– 翻譯或重寫整個 PDF 文件並立即匯出修改後的版本。
– 自訂您的 AI 提示詞,為 PDF 工作和學習帶來無限可能性。