ViewONE是全球領先的專業 Java圖像瀏覽器,數以千計的用戶在世界各地實現它,並支持多種不同的語言。
ViewONE很容易嵌入到任何網頁(或基於 Web的系統)。兼容的系統包括企業內容管理(ECM)或文檔管理(DM)系統(such as FileNet, Documentum, OpenText, Vignette, Stellent etc),及自行定義的Web環境,如網站,內部網路,外部網路以及基於 Web的自行定義應用程序。
ViewONE可以查看和標記多個不同格式的頁面, 透過Web瀏覽器不需壓縮,包含TIF, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, FileNet Banded Fax Group III and FileNet。 ViewONE Pro提供了可選的模塊,以擴展該清單。
使用Print Accelerator (MS Windows only)做配置列印、廣泛的標記和修訂工具(使用 Annotations Module)
不需額外花費時間和金錢在昂貴的軟體工具包上 - ViewONE是一個現成的經營產品擁有廣泛的配置選項,工具包對它來說是多餘的。
ViewONE Modules
ViewONE Standard Annotations Module
ViewONE's Annotation Module allows you to apply secure, searchable comments, highlights and other mark-ups to documents without modifying their content.
ViewONE Standard Print Accelerator Module
The ViewONE Print Accelerator Module is a Windows-only functionality extension which offers significantly improved printing performance over standard Java and browser printing (which can be time consuming and unconfigurable) for all Microsoft Windows users (Win 2000 onwards).
Web Link Validator 是個功能強大的連結檢查器以及站點管理工具。
該程式可輕易處理成千上萬的連結網站(包括以JavaScript 及 Flash編碼的連結,或嵌入在圖像地圖、腳本、小應用程式)並提供許多功能。
不僅限於辨識HTML語法,Web Link Validator也提供內文拼寫檢查的功能、並且能夠檢查超過100萬個連結點,提供完整的HTML檢查報告,網站管理者可以收到系統自動發送的偵測報告。
Web Link Validator 是一個非常強大的網站分析工具,適用於網站管理者與網站開發者,有助於維護網頁連結的準確性、有效性,提高使用者在瀏覽網頁時的滿意度與忠誠度。
Web Link Validator 擁有多樣化的功能,可以檢查超過100萬個連結點、支援 JavaScript 和 Adobe Flash (.SWF files) 、提供超過20多種語言的拼寫錯誤檢查、可有HTML、CSV、RTF、Microsoft Excel多種輸出格式、系統可自動發送偵測報告...等。
What's New in v5.9
Added ability to view HTTP headers and page source(Edit -> Inspect Link)
Added the View Log button (Profile -> Auto: 'View Log')
WLVAutoLog.txt is created when the program is started in the Auto mode:C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\REL Software\Web Link Validator\WLVAutoLog.txt
A few minor bugs fixed
Webix JavaScript UI library for speeding up web development
包含102個UI小部件和功能豐富的CSS / HTML5 JavaScript控件
是HTML UI組件的JavaScript庫,既兼容所有瀏覽器(IE11+),也支持電腦和移動Web App,開發者可以用其來構建跨平台的HTML5/CSS3的應用,只需幾行代碼即可實現豐富的UI構建。
Complete solution in a single bundle
Flexible and rich forms
You can choose among more than 30 controls during form creating. There are various input fields, versatile select boxes, checkboxes and radiobuttons as well as stylish buttons and toggles.
JavaScript UI widgets and controls
Extra components: complex JavaScript UI widgets
JavaScript Pivot intended for well-organized visual table reports and graphical representation of data.
JavaScript Kanban board is a tool for viewing work in progress and controlling the process from tasks to solutions.
JavaScript Spreadsheet is a complex widget that allows integrating Excel like sheets in web apps and working with data online.
JavaScript File Manager assists in managing hierarchical data and navigating through it in a user-friendly style.
JavaScript Mobile Scheduler is a full-featured tool for displaying, creating and managing events in daily, weekly, monthly views on all kinds of mobile devices.
Start building your code with real interactive apps
Bring life to JavaScript Tables