Outertech公司的 Linkman 可整合Firefox、IE、Chrome、Opera瀏覽器。Linkman讓您能有效地組織書籤和收藏夾!Linkman是個獨立於瀏覽器書籤組織軟體,同時也是搜索工具,並可以檢查無效的連結。支援從瀏覽器中同步添加連結,Linkman會自動檢索關鍵字和描述!不僅可以組織你的書籤,它也可以幫助 你發現和消除重複和無效鏈接。
只需輸入關鍵字,結果就會馬上出現。無論我的最愛中可能有一億個連結!如果只有存儲10萬個連結,搜索結果將瞬間完成!您可以結合使用萬用字元(*關鍵 字*)和運算子:AND(默認),在搜索中使用AND NOT, OR, "-" 符號。Linkman擁有強大的搜索和替換功能。
Windows 10, 8.1, 7, Vista, XP (32 and 64 bit)
Linkman Lite (免費)
Linkman Pro
private, non commercial
no restrictions
number of bookmarks
2 x 5.000
data format
browser support
Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, 5 other browsers
Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, 7 other browsers
database history backup depth
synchronization support
multiple browsers, one computer
multiple browsers, multiple computers
search features
search, query
search, query, search & replace, favorite searches list, keyword list
web icons
additional keyword features
keyword list, add keyword to multiple bookmarks, replace keywords
URL functions
retrieve keywords, description
retrieve keywords, description, missing names, meta tags, web icons; check URLs for dead links, intelligent (only major) content changes, and page movements
import formats
> 7
> 9
html/xml export
static html pages
export templates
bookmark manager mobile usage
support for Dropbox, Google Drive, Skydrive, Box bookmark synchronization; optional installation on USB sticks (portable version)
Moqups 網頁使用者介面原型設計工具 是一款以HTML5撰寫用來設計WEB框架、模型框線或是UI概念的線上服務,它內建了超過60套手繪的SVG模板及特性 ! Moqups的所有物件皆已模組化,使用者只需要自由拉動拖曳組合排列,即可完成一款精緻的線框UI設計圖。Moqups是一個HTML5網頁App,可在最新版Chrome、Firefox與Safari上順暢使用。
Crisp, ready-to-use Stencils for all popular use-cases
Drag and drop elements - quickly and easily - from a comprehensive library of widgets and smart-shapes.
Select from a range of integrated stencil kits for both mobile-app and web design - including iOS, Android, and Bootstrap.
Built-in library with thousands of popular Icon Sets
Choose from Font Awesome, Material Design, and Hawcons - right at your fingertips.
Update icons with intelligent drag-and-drop replacement that preserves size, position and style.
Drag and drop to import Images from your desktop or apps
Upload ready-made designs, and quickly convert them into interactive prototypes.
Make multiple versions of the same image with non-destructive cropping.
Extensive range of Fonts and styling options
Select from hundreds of font choices with integrated Google Fonts.
Fine-tune the text to match your designs with advanced typography controls.
Fast, intuitive, and precise Object Editing
Resize, rotate, align and style objects - or transform multiple objects and groups - with smart and dynamic tools.
Bulk-edit, rename, lock, and group elements. Undo or redo on multiple levels. Quickly identify objects, navigate through nested groups, and toggle visibility - all within the Outline Panel.
Make precision adjustments with grids, rulers, custom-guides, snap-to-grid, and quick-alignment tools. Scale, without loss of quality, with vectorial zooming.
Powerful, flexible, and scalable Page Management
Handle projects of any size or complexity with powerful Page Management tools. Drag and drop pages to quickly reorder them - or organize them within folders.
Search and navigate through complex folder hierarchies with our Pages Panel. Hide pages or folders - that aren’t quite ready for primetime - with a simple click of the mouse.
Save time by leveraging Master Pages, and automatically apply any changes to all associated pages.
nopCommerce Web API
nopCommerce 團隊的官方 Web API 插件。它允許您與任何第三方服務或您的移動應用程序進行交互。
nopCommerce 團隊的 Web API 插件允許您使用 REST 構建與第三方服務或移動應用程序的集成。該插件涵蓋了 nopCommerce 的所有方法:後端和前端,因此您可以使用它來:
» 將 nopCommerce 與後端會計系統、ERP 或 CRM 系統、庫存或倉庫管理系統集成。
» 構建本地移動應用程序(例如 Android 或 iOS)。
PaintCode 設計師和開發者愛不釋手的向量繪圖應用程式
快速將設計圖轉換為程式碼 - 新版支持 JavaScript 和 Andriod
PixelCut 公司開發的產品 PaintCode 3 是一款基於向量的熱門繪圖軟體工具,PaintCode 向量繪圖應用程式能將圖檔快速轉換為程式碼,成為開發者和平面設計師之間的橋樑。新版本引入了用 Java 程式語言編寫支持Android,以及採用 JavaScript 和 HTML 畫布的 Web。
使用者能將 PaintCode 圖形匯出為iOS,MacOS,Android 和 Web 四個主要平台的程式碼,PaintCode軟體為建立參數繪圖提供最佳解決方案。新版軟體支持 JavaScript 和 Android,創造出令人驚艷的使用者介面,比以前更簡單更快速。PaintCode 3 新版還增加了對 Swift 3 的支持,Swift 3 是時下流行的 Apple 程式語言。
PaintCode 工具讓設計師可以選擇匯入多種檔案格式 PDF、SVG、PSD、AI 和 EPS 檔,快速將設計檔轉換為程式碼,可以選擇轉換成 Swift、Objective-C、Java、C#、JavaScript 或 SVG 程式碼, 並且快速將程式碼直接應用在 iOS、MacOS、Android 和 Web 上,特別適合需處理介面設計的設計師和開發者。
Why should you use PaintCode?
Resolution independence
Avoid the @1x, @2x and @3x image resolution hell. Draw your user interface with resolution independent code generated by PaintCode.
Parametric Drawings
Use variables and expressions to control the color, position, rotation, visibility and other attributes of your shapes.
Faster Workflow
All your PaintCode drawings are exported into a single code file called StyleKit. Re-export StyleKit at any time and see all the updated drawings right in your app.
Finally, the droid you have been looking for!
Use PaintCode to turn your drawings into easy-to-use Android Java code. Perfect for drawing icons and custom UI elements.
You can even make your drawings animated or parametric.
Swift 5.0
PaintCode 3 added support for Swift 3, 4, and 5, fully compatible with Xcode 10, iOS 12, and macOS Mojave.
By carefully analyzing the Swift compiler and tailoring the generated code to it, we were able to improve the compilation speed by more than 150x in many common cases.
With PaintCode 3, you can now export JavaScript code that can be used to draw into <canvas> elements. Perfect for creating dynamic, interactive drawings such as the one on the left.
Resizing Drawing Methods
All generated drawing methods now take 2 parameters - the target rectangle into which you wish to draw and the resizing behavior.
You can choose between ‘aspect fit’, ‘center’, ‘aspect fill’ and ‘stretch’ resizing behaviors.
To turn this feature on for your existing canvases, choose the "Resizing: Using Method Parameters" option from canvas attributes in the inspector.
Imagine you could redesign your app in real time, while the app is actually running on a real device.
With PaintCode and Telekinesis, you can. Changes you make to your app's design in PaintCode are propagated in real time into your running app. Works like magic. See the video.