HTMLG HTML Editor 線上 HTML 可視化編輯器
HTMLG 是一個線上 HTML 可視化編輯器,能將內容快速轉換成乾淨漂亮的 HTML 原始碼,能編輯 HTML、CSS、JS,並且擁有即時預覽功能,完美整合網頁程式碼編寫的所有功能,簡單操作,快速上手,滑鼠點擊即可完成複雜的網頁表格和排版編排。
HTMLG 的 HTML 編輯器打開瀏覽器便能使用,操作就像一般網頁編輯器,使用者可在左方編輯器建立圖文內容,插入表格超連結圖片等功能,右方畫面便能即時轉換成 HTML 原始碼,可快速取得內容所對應的原始碼,可立即應用在網頁製作。
HttpWatch 是強大的網頁數據分析工具。集成Internet Explorer和Mozilla Firefox並提供無與倫比的HTTP監測水平,不需要單獨配置的代理伺服器或網路嗅探器。簡單的與網站互動,HttpWatch可以將顯示沿著網頁本身的響應和請求的日誌。它甚至可以顯示瀏覽器和它的高速緩存之間的相互作用。每一個HTTP記錄都可以詳細的分析其Cookies、消息頭、字符查詢等和HTTP相關的信息,分析報告輸出為XML、CSV等格式。
商業網站經常使用諸如HTTP壓縮,SSL加密技術和區塊編碼,以提供安全性和性能的最好水平。 HttpWatch擁有這些技術,提供在Internet Explorer中的HTTP活動的詳細信息視圖。
HttpWatch整合Internet Explorer和Firefox瀏覽器,當你存取一個網頁時,顯示您的HTTP流量,包括網頁摘要,Cookies管理,緩存管理,消息頭發送/接受,字符查詢,POST 數據和目錄管理功能,報告輸出。
Console Output Recording
Console output from Edge and Chrome (version 64 onwards) is now recorded by HttpWatch. This includes logged error, warning and information messages and output from the JavaScript runtime such as syntax errors, exceptions and calls to the console.* API :
The console output from a browser can be essential for debugging client-side code in PWAs (Progressive Web Applications) that use large JavaScript libraries or WebAssembly hosted code (e.g. C#, C++ etc):
Console recording can be controlled from Tools->Options:
A new Console column shows whether console output was recorded for a page or request:
Console tabs show the console output associated with a selected page or request:
Updated User Interface
The HttpWatch UI has been updated with new flat look icons:
Improved Import & Export for Magento 2
Magento 2的外掛程式,引入了增強的導入功能。該外掛程式是通過Magento 2管理面板安裝和管理的,這意味著您可以隨時隨地對其進行配置,而不依賴於正在運行的應用程序。
– Magento 2.4.7. Support. The latest version of the extension supports Magento 2.4.7.
– Customer Import. Support for separate street columns “_address_street_1”, “_address_street_2”, “_address_street_3”, “_address_street_4” when importing customer & addresses.
– Improved Consecutive Export. Now, it is possible to export also last updated entities.
– Export Mapping. The “salable_qty” column has been added to the export mapping section when exporting products with MSI data.
– Order Export. A new event, “sales_order_save_commit_after,” to run order export jobs has been added.
– Customer Import. A new customer import attribute has been added – “allowed_assistance.” It can enable/disable the Allow Remote Shopping Assistant feature.
– Order History Import. Now order comments can be imported by the order’s “increment_id”. “status_history:entity_id” and “status_history:parent_id” are not required anymore.
– Custom Options Price Import. It is now possible to import store-specific custom option prices.
– Export Filters. Export filters support the following conditions: “=” “!=” “>” “<=” “contains” “not contains.”
– Image Import. Additional logging has been added for deferred image import.
– Performance. Customer import has improved memory consumption.
– Data Storage. The DB’s “mapping” column type has been changed to “mediumblob” in the “firebear_import_jobs” table to allow the storage of more data.
– Product Import. The ability to unassign products from the category has been added.
– Order Export. It is now possible to export order data in one line to XML and JSON formats.
IP2Location™ IP Address Geolocation Database 提供一種非侵入式IP地理定位解決方案,用於推斷連接到 Internet設備的地理位置,並確定IP 位址的大致地理位置以及一些其他有用信息,如國家、地區或州、地區、城市、緯度和經度、郵遞區號、時區、網際網路服務供應商 (ISP) 或公司名稱、網域名稱、網速、區號、氣象站代碼、氣象站名稱、行動國家代碼 (MCC)、行動網路代碼 (MNC) 和營運商品牌、海拔、使用類型、地址類型、廣告類別和ASN。
首先,從網絡協議或 Web 服務器的服務器端變量中檢索 IP 地址。接下來,將 IP 地址轉換為十進制格式的 IP 編號以加快數據庫查詢。最後,反向查找 IP2Location™ 數據庫中的 IP 號碼以查明準確的地理位置。
Accurate Geolocation
IP2Location™ is a non-intrusive IP location lookup technology that retrieves geolocation information with no explicit permission required from users. All you need is your client’s IP address.
Supports IPv4 & IPv6
It works for all IP addresses including IPv4 and IPv6 in one database or API.
Easy Integration
It can be seamlessly integrated into any software platforms to retrieve IP geolocation information using database, REST API and SDK (Java, .NET, PHP, Ruby, Python, Perl and more)
Multiple Granularity
It comes with different IP database packages with varying levels of IP geolocation information granularity to suit your business needs. Pay for what you need.
jsPlumb Toolkit 是一個先進的、符合標準的、易於使用的JS庫,用於構建基於連接的應用程式,如流程圖、工藝流程圖、序列圖、組織圖等。可與Angular、React、Vue 2或Vanilla JS一起使用。
JsPlumb 提供了一組軟體包來幫助您快速建立功能強大的應用程序,其重點是圖表和視覺連接。 JsPlumb 的一些主要功能包括
A powerful declarative mechanism for defining the appearance and behaviour of the various parts of your UI.
Data binding via client side templates, supporting declarative configuration of connectivity.
An underlying directed graph, allowing you to query the data in several ways.
A pan/zoom widget with the ability to serialize its state (either manually or automatically) to local storage or cookies.
A miniview widget to assist in the navigation of large datasets.
Automatic layouts (Hierarchy, Force directed, Circular, Balloon, Absolute), plus the ability to write your own.
Data load/save Either automatically or on-demand.
Angular integration Deep integration with Angular. All versions from 2 - 16 are supported.
React integration Supporting React 16+ and NextJS.
Vue 2 integration
Vue 3 integration including the composition API.
Svelte 3 integration