PCTeX 是一個標準排版軟體,它為專業排版提供了全方位的視窗操作環境。是最彈性的LaTeX論文排版軟體!
如果您常發表科技性文章及論文,並且是以LaTex排版,那PCTEX 可以為您節省大量的時間,不必浪費昂贵的人工去做苦力.所以PCTEX成為全世界使用最受歡迎的軟體.
支持TEX、LATEX、AMS-TEX宏工具含Graphic、Babel、AMS-LaTex、BibTEX、TEX processor、PTITEX,輸入圖形包含PS、EPS、MP、WMF、EMF格式,若您有論文格式上的困擾,PCTEX是您最好的解决方案。
Page Style Wizard * Professional Only *
The Page style Wizard allows easy configuration of font size, paper size, equation numbering, and any other available options. The wizard can currently configure the standard LaTeX styles, and also AMS, KOMA-script, memoir and beamer (slide presentations).
Package Options Wizard * Professional Only *
The Package Options Wizard displays a list of all available LaTeX packages. These may be sorted by Name, Title, or Category. Once a package has been selected, the Package Options Wizard will allow configuration of all available options.
Graphics Wizard * Professional Only *
The Graphics Wizard allows easy sizing and placement of graphics images into your documents. Choose Insert Graphic and the wizard will allow you to configure your graphics and the wizard will add the necessary graphics commands and parameters to the preamble. The Graphics Wizard will also automatically convert graphics files to the formats needed for regular TeX output or for PDF output.
Language Wizard
The Language Wizard will select languages to be used in your documents, and the appropriate hyphenation patterns will be installed in the LaTeX format. The spell check word list for that language will be used in the editor as well.
LaTeX Command Completion
When you begin typing, PCTeX will complete recognized LaTeX commands automatically. If there is more than one command that starts with the same characters, you will be presented with a dropdown list of commands.
TExtract 是唯一一款將高品質自動索引與 基於索引與文字連結的強大手動索引創作相結合的圖書索引軟體。
如何使用 TExtract 為書籍建立索引
只要將圖書的 PDF 校樣版本放到 TExtract 上即可。重要術語和短語的初始索引是完全自動產生的。不需要遍歷文字來標記條目。
您可以使用強大且易於使用的文字內導覽、選擇和編輯功能來編輯和擴展 TExtract 中的索引,這是其他軟體所不具備的。
Working with TExtract the indexing process is supported from the outset by the automatic initial index. But you, the indexer, are in control. Whether it is for a textbook, biography, research report, PhD thesis, business report, legal case index or product catalog, your back-of-book index can be ready within a day - but you can spend as much time as you think necessary.
TExtract is used by authors, editors and professional indexers who want quality back-of-book indexes while having to meet deadlines. You will value TExtract's navigation, editing and formatting functions that provide full control. You will also appreciate its index revision and re-use facilities, its Word embedding and EPUB export options, its various output formats, its powerful application of authority files, its indexing standards support and its table format that enables further processing by other software.
WinEdt 是一個強大的 ASCII 編輯器,可以進行拼寫檢查,支持多國語言。是一款Microsoft Windows平臺下的文本編輯器,它主要是用來創建TeX (或者LaTeX) 文檔,但是同時也能處理HTML或者其他文本文檔。
新版 WinEdt 11
WinEdt 11.0 is now the official version of the program. It inherits all WinEdt 10 functionality with plenty of new features, numerous fixes and improvements (too many to list here).
It supports (customizable) auto completion, code folding, it is dpi-aware, unicode/utf8-capable, and it integrates seamlessly with the latest accessories and TeX Systems. WinEdt 11 has been extensively tested under Windows 11 and 10.
WinEdt 11 comes with its own PDF Viewer that supports SyncTeX for forward and inverse search and it is designed to work with pdf documents while they are being (re)compiled by TeX. Of course, you can still use alternative PDF viewers (just like before) but having its own viewer gives WinEdt the expected (problem-free) TeX2PDF functionality out of the box without any user intervention.