CppDepend 是一種工具,可簡化複雜C \ C ++代碼庫的管理。開發人員可以通過比較不同版本的代碼來分析代碼結構,指定設計規則,進行有效的代碼審查並掌握演變。提供了代碼規則和代碼查詢、技術債務估算、代碼質量的檢測、代碼Vizualisation等功能,其目的便是幫助開發人員設計出更安全的程式。
CppDepend 2024.1: Advanced Source Explorer, Support for C++23/C++20/C++17, C++ Modules Support, and More.
Advanced Source Explorer.
Support for C++23/C++20/C++17.
C++ Modules Support.
Improved Incremental analysis.
Improved Visual Studio support.
New useful rules added.
Improved Linux Support.
External Symbols Refined.
當您開始使用 Kiuwan 雲端應用程式品質管理工具! 即可開始輕鬆簡單分析各種程式語言所開發出來的應用程式,並提供多元化的評量的報告,還可以依照評量結果進行技術提升及缺陷管理,以維持良好的軟體品質。
簡便:現在只需與友環申請註冊,您便可獲得 Kiuwan 提供的所有強大功能,登入後只需點擊幾下滑鼠即可實現。簡單易用的介面顯示您需要的所有資訊,從您應用程式的整體健康狀況到發現的缺陷的詳情等。
快速:利用 Kiuwan,您可以在幾分鐘內準備就緒,開始正常運行。無需安裝和配置。Kiuwan 分析程式擁有業內最快的速度。您將在幾分鐘內擁有一目了然的結果、指示器、衡量指標和缺陷資訊。
To protect our infrastructure, we allow up to 3 analysis per application a day. Which is almost the same as saying: As many as you want! We actually encourage you to meassure as often as you can —and make sense in your application lifecycle—. Even every day, if you make significat changes daily. We just charge you to keep the application data available, no matter how much data there is. We think it’s a darn good deal.
Parasoft 測試自動化解決方案、自動化程式碼審查、單元測試自動化
Parasoft 是全球領先的自動化軟體測試企業,擁有分佈全球的技術支援團隊。全球超過 10,000家公司是Parasoft 的客戶,全球財富 500強公司有 58%已使用 Parasoft產品,財富100強公司有88%已使用Parasoft產品。 如:Alcatel-Lucent, HP, IBM, Cisco, Motorola,Lockheed martin,NASA, Boeing, GE, GE Healthcare,Deuche bank, Federal Reserve bank, Bank of America 和 Daimler Chrysler等公司; 台灣的日月光半導體製造股份有限公司及大陸的中國移動,中國電信,中國農業銀行,中國銀聯,中國石油,中國民航,中國平安,招商證券,一汽集團, 中國南車,國家電網,北京大學,南京大學,南瑞集團,寶鋼集團,華為,中興,百度,騰訊,東軟,通用醫療,飛利浦醫療及各大政府機構和研究所等都成功的使用了Parasoft軟體的產品和解決方案。
Language Solutions (C++test, Jtest, .TEST)
Desktop Edition
A completely integrated tool suite that enables developers/testers to perform automatic coding standards analysis (automated code reviews), unit testing, and regression testing on their desktop using built-in coding guidelines/rules and auto-generated test cases. Will scan and test multiple classes/files/directories in a single pass. Test failures and coding standards violations are reported to the user’s GUI for evaluation and fix. The Desktop Edition is intended to be licensed and used on every developer’s/tester’s desktop.
Also includes the RuleWizard module, which enables the creation of custom coding standards and/or rules using a graphical interface.
Automation Edition
Enables batch execution and full automation of coding standards analysis and unit testing for a team of developers and full project code base(s). Provides Command Line interface and error reporting with output to a file or e-mail in HTML format. Extends static analysis with BugDetective (dataflow).
Functional Test Solutions (SOAtest)
Desktop Edition
Provides Jtest Connect, RuleWizard, automated unit testing, automated functional testing, automated regression testing, and error reporting through GUI only. Enables Web services and message based testing via SOA.
Automation Edition
Enables batch execution and full automation of policies, unit testing, functional testing, and load testing which includes 100 virtual users for performance testing. Provides Command Line interface and error reporting on entire project.
SmartGit is a Git client with support for GitHub Pull Requests+Comments and SVN.
SmartGit 是一款跨平台、圖形化的Git和Mercurial版本控制系統的圖形化客戶端程式。可在Linux、Mac OS X和Windows系統上運行,且支持 GitHub Pull Requests + Comments以及 SVN。
One for All.
SmartGit assists Git newbies as well as it makes experienced developers more productive.
SmartGit has the same intuitive user interface on Windows, macOS and Linux:
graphical merge and commit history
drag and drop commit reordering, merging or rebase
fast, even for larger repositories
Use your SmartGit license on as many machines and operating systems you like.
Interacting with popular platforms.
SmartGit comes with special integrations for GitHub, Azure DevOps, BitBucket (as well BitBucket Server) and GitLab to create and resolve Pull Requests and Review Comments.
Of course, you can use SmartGit like any other Git client with your own Git repositories or other hosting providers.
Everything Included.
No need to install and configure additional tools. SmartGit includes all you need:
intuitive File Compare (no plain wrapper around git diff)
powerful File Merge (freely editable "Conflict Solver")
Git-Flow (high-level branch handling)
graphical Merge and Commit History
bundled Git client
Adopt to Your Needs and Workflows.
A perfect Git client should support your workflows. You can customize SmartGit in various ways:
Preferences for Merging, Rebasing
External tools,
External or built-in Compare or Conflict Solver tools,
Syntax coloring,
Keyboard shortcuts,
Layout of certain views,
Light and dark themes
Windows 10+ (64-bit)
macOS 11 - 14
Linux (64-bit, GTK 3.24+)
Software Verify
由於代碼庫太大,您需要盡快隔離和修復錯誤。您已經嘗試了其他測試套件,但是它們沒有提供您想要的深度,並且需要幾天的時間才能運行。可幫助數百名軟體開發人員更快地找到,修復和預防錯誤。此工具可幫助您修復C,C ++,Delphi,Fortran,Visual Basic,C#和VB.Net中的錯誤。如果您為Windows開發並使用Visual Studio,C ++ Builder,Delphi,QtCreator,MingW,我們將提供幫助您的工具。
為Windows 10,Windows 8,Windows 7,Windows Vista,Windows 2003和Windows XP平台上的記憶體洩漏檢測,代碼覆蓋,性能分析,線程鎖爭用分析 (thread lock contention analysis)和線程死鎖檢測 (thread deadlock detection),流量追蹤 和應用程式回放 提供軟體工程工具。(支持Windows 2000和Windows NT,但可以根據要求提供特殊的版本。)還支持Windows Embedded。
為傳統的桌面應用程式,伺服器和應用程式伺服器提供軟體工具。軟體工具支持C,C ++,C#,Visual Basic 6,VB.Net,Delphi和Fortran 95。
無論您使用的是Microsoft Visual Studio,Embarcadero的C ++ Builder還是Delphi,Qt Creator,Intel Performance Compiler或MinGW之類的開源編譯器,我們都有與您的編譯器和鏈接編輯程式配合使用的工具。
C++,Delphi,Visual Basic (32 bit and 64 bit)
C++ Coverage Validator 32
C++ Coverage Validator 64 / 32
C++ Performance Validator 32
C++ Performance Validator 64 / 32
C++ Developer Suite 32
C++ Developer Suite 64 / 32
C++ Support Suite 32
C++ Support Suite 64 / 32
C++ Memory Validator 32
C++ Memory Validator 64 / 32
C++ Thread Validator 32
C++ Thread Validator 64 / 32
C++ QA Suite 32
C++ QA Suite 64 / 32
.Net, C#, VB.Net, ASP.Net (all tools support 32 bit and 64 bit .Net)
.Net Coverage Validator
.Net Performance Validator
.Net Memory Validator
.Net Developer Suite
Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere 是一個基於SQL 的源控制解決方案,用以替代VSS的獨立版本控制工具。它適用於那些準備從VSS 中出來的開發者,它有很好的性能、安全性、可量測性以及可靠性。有和VSS相似的UI和工作模式,支援導入VSS歷史。
High Performance Regardless the Team Size
Simple Migration from VSS
Robust Source Control Features
Enhanced Security & Integrity
Built using C++ and Java,SourceAnywhere has minimal dependencies and low system requirements. Additionally, the software can be installed on both 32-bit and 64-bit OSes, and supports Windows 2003/2008/2012/7/8/Vista/XP, Mac, Linux, and other Java based OSes.
Provides a centralized version control system.
All repository is data stored using Microsoft SQL Server to ensure the integrity of your data.
Atomic data transactions for reliability.
Multi-database Support - One SourceAnywhere Server can connect to multiple databases within a single SQL Server.
Low system requirements - Built using C++ and Java,SourceAnywhere has minimal dependencies and low system requirements. Additionally, the software can be installed on both 32-bit and 64-bit OSes, and supports Windows 2003/2008/2012/7/8/10/Vista/XP, Mac, Linux, and other Java based OSes.
Source Control Features
Enhanced versions of key VSS features: labeling, branching, versioning, and changeset support.
Supports project branch and merge.
IDE Integration - SourceAnywhere provides seamless integration with Visual Studio 6.0, Visual Studio .NET 2003 , Visual Studio 2005 and above , Eclipse, Dreamweaver (Windows), and other MSSCCI IDEs. Without having to navigate away from your IDE of choice, you can efficiently perform any source control operation your project requires.
Supports email notification when specific source control operations occur.
Web Deployable - A web project can be deployed to a FTP server, or multiple FTP servers. Web performance is improved by deploying only the changes made in projects.
High Performance
Fast Local and Remote Access - Only TCP/IP used, network package round trips kept to a minimum, data compression, multi-threaded file transfer.
Delta Transfer - Only files that have been changed are transferred.
Sophisticated Cache Server- The optional dedicated Cache Server, a favorite amongst customers with distributed teams, creates local copies of frequently requested server files. This greatly reduces the workload of the server and improves response time for remote users.
Consider the example of a US and Indian team as illustrated in the figure below:
SourceAnywhere uses SSL and Blowfish encryption to protect your source code.
Built-in 128-bit SSL and Blowfish encryption.
Built-in SSL Certification Authority (CA).
Password policy to protect your password.
Data encryption function ensures the security of your database by encrypting files within the database.
Cache file encryption
SourceAnywhere supports setting admin rights on a pe...