PrimalScript 是款非常強大的程式碼編輯器!其支援多種的程式設計語言的語法,提供方便的嚮導功能以及強大工程和範本管理功能,還有特別為程式師而設計的代碼編輯功能,如:自動完成關鍵字、成員清單、動態提示參數資訊、自動校正大小寫、添加/減少縮進、批量注釋/反注釋等,並且還提供了十六進位編輯功能。特別適合於編寫ASP、JSP和HTML等網頁程式設計語言!
Supports over 50 languages and file types.
Supports 32-bit and 64-bit platform development.
Next generation PowerShell local and remote debugger.
Supports Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 7 at the same time.
Script against a remote machine’s Installed Module Set (IMS).
Remote VBScript, JScript and PowerShell debugger.
Supports PowerShell variable and function breakpoints.
Integrated 32-bit and 64-bit PowerShell and command console.
Multi-file and module debugging.
Single click build for packages, MSI databases and deployment.
Plus much more.
Telerik DevCraft 是為 Microsoft 平臺專業開發者設計的一套旗艦級工具包,它包括了完整的產品,可線用於創建下一代的 web, mobile 或 desktop app。豐富又高性能的完整使用者介面控制項平台,可以節省資料傳送的時間和報表引擎,以及編碼和性能工具,將會成為你工作中不可缺少的一部分。
DevCraft 包含的控件和工具
Telerik DevCraft
Deliver awesome UI with the richest .NET and JavaScript toolbox.
Build HTML5 and .NET apps with 1250+ blazing-fast UI controls plus powerful reporting and productivity tools.
Kendo UI
The only JavaScript UI toolbox you will ever need, Kendo UI helps developers easily build complex web apps with native UI components for Angular, React, Vue and jQuery.
UI for jQuery
Robust and comprehensive set of over 100+ web UI components built for jQuery.
UI for Angular
110+ UI component and helper libraries along with 20+ Data Visualization components for Angular.
UI for React
A set of native React UI components and helper libraries to augment any React application.
UI for Vue
A set of over 100+ premium UI components targeting the Vue framework.
Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX
120+ controls for building ASP.NET AJAX and SharePoint applications
Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC
110+ ASP.NET MVC HtmlHelpers along the premium web UI component libraries from Kendo UI.
Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core
110+ ASP.NET Core HtmlHelpers and TagHelpers plus the premium web UI component libraries from Kendo UI
Telerik UI for Blazor
Native UI Components for Blazor which ensure you experience shorter development cycles, quick iterations and cut time to market
Telerik UI for JSP
100+ UI widgets for building sites and mobile apps with JavaScript and HTML5
Telerik UI for PHP
100+ UI widgets for building sites and mobile apps with JavaScript and HTML5
Telerik UI for Silverlight
110+ UI controls for creating powerful LOB and rich data visualization apps
Telerik UI for .NET MAUI
Powerful UI controls for building high-performant, native applications across iOS, Android, macOS and Windows.
Telerik UI for Xamarin
Professionally designed Xamarin UI Controls for building high performance native iOS, Android and UWP mobile apps with sleek UI.
Telerik UI for .NET MAUI
Powerful UI controls for building high-performant, native applications across iOS, Android, macOS and Windows.
Telerik UI for WinUI
Telerik UI for WinUI - The first to market UI component suite for building WinUI applications.
Telerik UI for WinForms
160+ stunning UI controls for Windows Forms
Telerik UI for WPF
160+ UI controls for creating beautiful, high-performance desktop apps
Telerik UI for UWP
20+ UI controls for building Universal Windows Platform apps
Reporting and QA
uniGui 是基於Delphi的一套開發Web應用的UI框架,前端使用的是ExtJS
uniGUI Web Application Framework extends Web application development experience to a new dimension. uniGUI enables Delphi developers to create, design and debug web applications in IDE using a unique set of visual components. Each component is designed to provide same functionality of its counterpart visual component in Delphi VCL. This provides a very comfortable development environment very close to native VCL application development with an easy learning curve. uniGUI Web applications can be deployed to a server using one of the available deployment options such as Windows Service, Standalone Server or ISAPI Module.
Based on industry's most advanced JavaScript library Sencha Ext JS. (Current version is Ext JS 7.5.1)
Includes OEM license for Sencha Ext JS. (Please see licensing for details).
A unique platform to create stateful web applications.
Complete IDE support for creating projects, designing forms, frames and handling data modules.
Advanced support for scripting client side JavaScript events.
Library core is fully optimized to achieve highest level of scalability.
Including advanced Stress Test Tool utility.
Comes with various deployment options: ISAPI Module, Standalone Server, Windows Service and Native Apache 2.4 Module (Windows & Linux).
Supported Delphi versions: Turbo Delphi Pro, Delphi 2006, Delphi 2007, Delphi 2009, Delphi 2010, Delphi XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, X5, XE6, XE7, XE8, Delphi 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2.3 Tokyo, 10.3.3 Rio, 10.4 Sydney, 11.3 Alexandria and 12.0 Athens (Win32, Win64 and Linux64 platforms). (Linux support is available for Delphi 10.3 and later)
C++ Builder supported. ( See installation instructions for more details on C++ Builder support )
Supported Browsers: IE 9+, Microsoft Edge, FireFox, Chrome, Safari and Opera
New state-of-the-art uniGUI HyperServer technology.
SautinSoft 公司 的 UseOffice .NET 是一個強大的 .NET組件,可以在DOC、DOCX、XLS、RTF、PPT、PDF和HTML格式之間做轉換,和表格、圖像、字體、顏色等。我們的組件僅僅是一個類庫,它需要安裝 Microsoft Office,而您可以安裝任何版本的Microsoft Office。
開發人員可以在UseOffice .NET中使用VB.NET、C#、Delphi .NET或J#等語言。