什麼是 Hightail 雲端檔案共享工具?
Hightail安全檔案雲端共享讓您與您的團隊共享專案檔案夾,並決定誰可以編輯和即時更新你的作品檔案。如果這還不夠偉大,你的客戶和合作夥伴可以上傳檔案容量大的檔案直接到你 Hightail的文件夾。所有資料的安全性以128位SSL數據加密傳輸,並在靜止時以256位AES加密。
為什麼使用Hightail Pro?
三個理由為什麼你需要一個Hightail 專業版計劃。
The reliable way to send files and sign documents
Banish bounceback blues
Send files up to 10GB from your computer or mobile device with Hightail. You can also sign documents on Hightail and return them right away. Whatever you're sending stay in control with password protection, identity verification, file tracking and more security options.
Makes sending large files fast and reliable
Easy to use
Send large attachments from Microsoft Outlook
Secure data encryption
Send large files on your mobile
Do it your way
Email large attachments with the Hightail Outlook plugin or send right from your desktop with Hightail Express.
Is it safe?
Secure file sharing is everyone's business. File sharing services make sharing large files, like videos or graphics-heavy presentations, easy, but can also be a cause for concern. Businesses rely on confidentiality to maintain their competitive edge and to provide peace of mind. High-profile data breaches involving the most popular services do little to lessen those concerns.
And file sharing is here to stay. According to networking giant Cisco, by the year 2015 global cloud traffic will have quadrupled its 2010 level, accounting for more than a third of all online activity. File sharing is the way forward, but how secure will it be?
No fear, Hightail is here
Since we all do it, let's make it safe. Secure file sharing has been part of Hightail's DNA since the company first started helping users send large files back in 2004. Today, Hightail meets the highest compliance requirements, easily passing the strenuous tests set by the Fortune 500 companies that rely on Hightail to get the job done. We're trusted to provide secure file sharing and we deli...
ionCube PHP Encoder 加密軟體可保護 PHP 程式碼,避免隨意讓人觀看、盜用或改編。 Pro 和 Cerberus 版不僅可控管何處執行 PHP 碼,也能設定讓檔案具有一定時效性,一些像 XML 的非 PHP 碼,一樣可以被加密。
ionCube PHP Encoder 推出三種版本:Basic / Pro/ Cerberus,皆含有編譯性的PHP碼,用來使位元組碼難以讓人辨識,再加上有附加的非PHP檔加密功能。 Pro 和 Cerberus 版本則另外包含了 PHP 授權特性,限制何處、何時可執行該程式碼,授權的模式相當簡單且具效率。
The PHP Encoder 支援 Windows、Linux、FreeBSD 和 Intel OS X。全數版本皆含指令列工具用於編碼,在 Pro 和Cerberus 版本中還能製作授權檔,對於想要自動處理程式碼的開發者,該指令列工具可說相當好用。
Windows 版的編譯器有容易使用的 GUI,除此之外,在 Windows Pro 和 Cerberus 版中,還附贈可製成 Linux license 的產生器,讓在 Windows 下使用PHP碼的同時,也能產生授權檔,限制在 Linux 網路伺服器上,何處可執行PHP底稿,使其得到徹底的保護。
ionCube Encoded 檔可用於多種不同的平台,包括 Linux、Windows、FreeBSD…等, 其他像從 PHP 4 到最新的 PHP 5.6 都有支援。
Encoding Benefits
PHP scripts can be easily read, changed and run on any PHP enabled system. Encoding PHP offers important benefits.
Product Developers: protect and license your code before distribution. Time restricting is ideal for protecting evaluation copies, and server/domain based locking helps secure revenue from multiple domain deployments.
Website Designers: protect your creative work and a revenue stream from future script updates.
Enterprise Customers: successfully enforce internal change control policies by avoiding untracked software tweaks that may get lost on a site reinstall or server move.
Website Owners: hide sensitive data and protect scripts from unauthorised changes that may go unnoticed indefinitely, and be a serious security and data protection risk.
With the ionCube Encoder, you can...
Protect PHP scripts with compiled bytecode for best performance and protection.
Use optional encryption keys that are not stored but generated only when needed (Dynamic Keys). Our unique feature gives greatly increased protection over alternatives that store a decryption key in the protected file or that do not offer encryption at all.
Produce encoded PHP files to run on PHP 8.1 and earlier.
Use PHP language features up to PHP 8.1.
Encrypt non-PHP files such as XML and templates.
Generate license files to restrict access to encoded files (Pro/Cerberus editions).
Enable one way transformation (obfuscation) of variables and function, method and class names.
Encode PHP shell scripts.
Prevent file tampering through use of digital signatures.
Prevent replacement of encoded files by others.
Generate files to expire on a given date or after a time period (Pro/Cerberus editions).
Restrict files to run on any combination of IP addresses and/or server names (Pro/Cerberus editions).
Restrict files to run on specific MAC addresses (Cerberus edition).
Integrate with the ionCube Pac...
Iperius Backup 是一款功能強大的檔案備份與同步工具,提供靈活且豐富的功能來滿足所有備份需求。它可將檔案和資料夾複製到任何大容量儲存裝置,如 NAS、RDX 裝置、外部 USB 磁碟機以及網路上的電腦,且提供 AES 256 位元加密及 Zip 64 壓縮技術,支援增量備份、FTP/SFTP 和雲端備份 (Dropbox、Google Drive、OneDrive、Amazon S3 和 Azure Storage)、磁碟區陰影複製 (VSS)、網路認證及執行外部程式和腳本,且可做鏡像備份、檔案和資料夾同步等等。
New features
– Various improvements and optimizations
– Added new special variable for backup start date also in timestamp format
Fixed bugs
– CBT Incremental Drive Image Backup: Fixed an issue in user impersonation that could cause a failure to access the backup location error
– Some minor bugs fixed
PDFelement Pro - PDF Editor
Powerful yet Affordable PDF Editor on Windows
Experience PDFelement today for easier editing, annotating, and reading of PDFs. Edit text and images, sign contracts, and fill forms seamlessly.
PDFelement Pro for Mac
Clean and Powerful PDF Editor on Mac
PDFelement for Mac provides the smoothest method for editing PDFs quickly and easily, including headers and footers, text, watermarks, pages, backgrounds, links and images.
PDFelement Pro
View & Read
View & Read
Create PDF Files
Create PDF Files
Review & Markup
Review & Markup
Edit Text & Images
Edit Text & Images
Fill out PDF Forms
Fill out PDF Forms
Convert & Export
Convert & Export
Organize & Manage
Organize & Manage
Passwords & Permissions
Passwords & Permissions
OCR Function
Batch Process
Support PDF/A
Redact PDF
Data Extraction (Windows Only)
Create Fillable Forms
Add Bates Numbering
Add Digital Signature
Compress PDF
完整比較表 可點擊此觀看
Basic PDF editing features
PDFelement Pro
Advanced Features with OCR
Product Features
Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
Automatic Form Recognition
Form Data Extraction (Windows only)
Bates Numbering
Batch Process PDF Files
Extended Compatibility Support for File Formats
File Size Optimization
Edit and Modify
Edit, delete, cut, copy, paste, and insert new text and images in scanned (image) PDFs using OCR technology
Batch process watermarks
Apply Bates Numbering with advanced formatting
Create and Merge
Create a searchable PDF from an image-only PDF with OCR technology
Batch create PDF from multiple files and filetypes
Create a single PDF document by merging multiple filetypes
Conversion and OCR
Convert PDF into other fully editable formats
.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx
.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .txt, .epub, .html, .rtf
Convert scanned (image) PDF into fully searchable and editable PDF using OCR technology
Batch convert PDF f...
Kerio Products
聯絡、溝通和合作 - Kerio的獲獎產品是針對小型和中型企業的需要。所有產品為企業用戶和IT專業人士結合強大的功能與易用性。我們有吸引人的授權組合和許多可靈活運行在硬體和軟體配置,提供企業級功能擁有較低的總擁有成本。
1. 容易: 強大的解決方案、專注於靈活性,可取得性和無需IT複雜的功能。
2. 穩定: 可靠、可靠的溝通和協作且無需電腦停機時間。
3. 安全: 從網絡到業務延伸保護 - 基於角色的策略,從“辦公室”的電話路徑到行動裝置、加密的電子郵件與能使用戶隨時隨地工作。
In the cloud, or in-house award-winning enterprise-class email, calendars, contacts, tasks, and instant messaging - anywhere, on any device.
Unified Threat Management and Network Intelligence for the highest level of protection and increased productivity through detailed reporting.
LanScope Cat IT資產管理和資料丟失預防軟體
由日本 MOTEX Inc. 公司開發的 LanScope Cat 軟體功能強大,主要功能有 Asset Management 資產管理、Operations Log Management 日誌管理、Web Access Management 訪問管理,及 Device Control。
軟體可以綜合管理IT資產,自動收集 IT 設備內部重要信息,操作日誌管理 Web 訪問管理、設備控制、電子郵件管理、應用程式 ID 監察等主要功能,以及伺服器 Log 訪問日誌管理、文件伺服器容量管理、域名登錄,註銷管理等多個特色功能,針對已知和未知的惡意軟體防護,為企業內部資料洩漏施以對策方案,有效解決資訊安全問題。
軟體工具檢測惡意軟體,追蹤進入通路的隔離。有些不能完全防止惡意軟體的新物種繼續在傳統的反病毒措施成長,某些情況下,不知道感染。這是一個挑戰,即使知道有病毒感染,可能需要很長的時間來確定原因。LanScope Cat 軟體擁有IT網路管理和資料丟失預防工具的強大功能,提供企業防毒及資料洩漏和丟失預防的最佳解決方案。
The actual causes of information leaks are mostly employees or contractors who bring out data in e-mail or recording media or copies of paper materials. As described above, companies suffer great damage due to information leaks. These costs are not only in the form of apologizing to victims and investigation costs, but in the loss of trust in the company and brand image. The effect on a company of just one information leak is immeasurable. And 80% of them are caused from the inside.
Manage IT assets
Monitor asset performance
We automatically collect information to ascertain usage status of IT assets, including PCs and software, and create an environment to render the best performance by setting up the right resources in the right places.
Employee monitoring
Productivity management
By recording computer usage, we can suppress illicit and non-business use. Also, we learn about and analyze usage of IT assets and work status, creating improved operational efficiency and productivity.
USB control, app control
Control of data removal
By visualizing data usage and controlling routes through which information can leak (Web, devices, apps, PCs), we protect personal information and your company's secret information.
LatencyMon 是一款專業的音頻檢測軟體,可檢測出電腦上各個驅動的狀態,特別是聲卡驅動的延遲情況,LatencyMon 檢測出電腦音頻延遲、點擊和持久性噪點的原因,了解聲卡驅動是否適配電腦。LatencyMon 還提供了ISR監視器、DPC監視器和pagefault顯示器的功能,播放音樂和玩遊戲的時候,如聲音播放出現問題的話,LatencyMon可檢測問題原因出自何處,雖不能提供解決方案,卻可以掃描出所有的音頻問題。
The audio latency problem
Windows is not a real-time operating system. All requests to the operating system are delivered on a best effort basis. There are no guarantees whatsoever that requests are delivered within a certain time frame, which are the characteristics of a real-time operating system. That is not a problem for most devices and tasks but this is bad news for audio applications (which are considered soft real-time) because they need to deliver data to the subsystem and the hardware in buffers several times per second. If one or more buffers miss their deadlines and are not delivered in time it has audible consequences which are recognized as dropouts, clicks and pops.
About DPCs and ISRs
The Windows thread dispatcher (also known as scheduler) which is part of the kernel executes threads based on a priority scheme. Threads with higher priority will be given a longer execution time (also known as quantum or time slice) than threads with a lower priority. However the kernel also knows other types of units of execution known as interrupt service routines (ISRs). Devices connected to the system may interrupt on a connected CPU and cause their interrupt service routines to execute. An interrupt can occur on the same processor that an audio program is running on. Any thread that was running on the processor on which an interrupt occurred will be temporarily halted regardless of its priority. The interrupt service routine (ISR) is executed and may schedule a DPC (Deferred Procedure Call) to offload an amount of work. The DPC will most likely run immediately on the same processor which means the audio application will halt until both the ISR and the DPC routines have finished execution. That is because ISRs and DPCs run at elevated IRQL which means they cannot become preempted by the thread dispatcher (scheduler). Therefore to guarantee responsiveness of the system, ISR and DPC routines should execute as fast as possible. Guidelines say that they should not spend more than 100 µs of execution time however this is often not reached due to hardware factors beyond the control of the driver developer. If execution time gets too high, the audio program may be unable to deliver audio buffers to the hardware in a timely manner.
About hard pagefaults
Windows uses a concept of virtual memory which relies on the page translation system provided by the CPU. Whenever a memory address is requested which is not available in physical memory (not resident), an INT 14 will occur. The OS provided INT 14 handler will decide how to proceed next. If the page in which the address...