企業版是Studio的完整規模的平臺,提供無與倫比的功能建設,在企業環境中的業務模擬分析和共享。類比研究者和分析家們透過Powersim Studio軟體,在他們使用的系統中建立穩定、安全,準確的模擬環境。同時為管理和經營人員提供複雜的決策支援處理平臺。企業是一種系統,不斷的在管理上創新,常常受到一些外在的行動策略所影響,從失敗中建構更完善的架構,往往必需付出巨大代價,為了克服這項惱人的問題,透過Powersim Studio進行動態系統模擬,經由模擬結果,能讓企業管理階層,嘗試各種不同可能突發的狀況、策略、構想和期間各種搭配。可驗證並提升系統改進的成效, 進而產生企業持續的創造力,減少不必要的損失。再計畫實施之前做測試決策和戰略可先看到實際可能發生的問題。您的公司將獲得在戰術和戰略決策支持的優勢。Powersim Studio 的商業模擬系統,使您的公司可以:
如果您已經為您下一個模擬專案做好了挑戰的準備,這個顧問將引導你朝著一個良好和有效的解決方案,如何利用 Powersim Studio中的頂尖功能。
Now available in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions
Variable Value Memory is up to 2 GB
Increased simulation performance in the 32-bit version
Import through Datasets to Start-up variables
Movable legend in Time Graphs and Charts
Presentation Sidekicks allowing for HTML content
It is now possible to have up to 1,000,000 runs in a simulation.
The user interface of Studio has undergone a facelift. The icons in toolbars, menus, and the various windows of the application are now true color icons.
ProShake 是功能強大的用戶友好型電腦程式,用於一維等效線性地震反應分析。ProShake完全由零開始編寫,具有眾多功能,可高效,有效地進行數據輸入,分析,查看和記錄結果,包括內置的模數降低和阻尼模型,土壤剖面和輸入運動參數的圖形顯示,寬範圍的圖形顯示各種輸出參數以及地震的動畫。
ProShake is organized into three "managers" - an Input Manager, a Solution Manager, and an Output Manager. The Input Manager allows entry of soil profile and input motion data. The Solution Manager performs iterative equivalent linear analyses while tracking the process of convergence toward strain-compatible soil properties. The Output Manager allows easy plotting of results in the form of time histories, response spectra, parameter profiles, and animations. A series of other parameters can also be computed.
ProShake also includes useful Report feature, as a file in Microsoft® Word® format, that automatically records the conditions of each analysis in tabular form. All ProShake plots can be copied to the Report and saved for subsequent editing in Word.
ProShake has been shown to produce results virtually identical to those produced by SHAKE91 and closed form solutions - but the process of entering data, running the analysis, and plotting the results is approximately 50 times faster with ProShake!
QDA Miner 是一套易於使用於編碼、註釋、擷取和分析大小集合的文件甚至是圖像資訊的混合模型的質性數據分析套件軟體。QDA Miner 常用於團體焦點訪談逐字稿、合法資料、雜誌文章甚至是整本書的分析。或者可以運用在繪圖、照片、繪畫及任何形式的視覺資料。它能與 SimStat 統計數據分析工具軟體,而且跟 WordStat 質性分析和文本採礦組元軟體緊密的集合,使您能夠靈活的分析文本以及包括數值和分類數據的相關結構性資訊。
QDA MINER 質性數據分析軟體,可適用於需要從大型或小型的文黨和圖像的集合中,進行編碼文字或圖片、註釋、搜尋、探索和提取信息的任何人,包括:
● 社會科學、醫學、心理學的研究人員
● 社會學家、政治學家和人類學家
● 商業智能分析師、市場研究人員、民調人員和 CRM 專業人員
● 犯罪分析、欺詐檢測專家、律師、律師助理專業人員
● 記者、歷史學家和研究助理
● 文件管理專家和圖書館員
QDA Miner 特色
QDA Miner is an easy to use qualitative analysis software for organizing, coding, annotating, retrieving, and analyzing collections of documents and images. QDA Miner offers more computer assistance for coding than any other qualitative research software on the market, allowing you to code documents more quickly but also more reliably. The qualitative data analysis software integrates advanced statistical and visualization tools to quickly identify patterns and trends, explore patterns in your coding, as well as describe, compare and test hypotheses. This is one of the reasons why QDA Miner is considered by many to be the first and still only true, mixed methods qualitative software on the market today.
Import from many sources
QDA Miner allows you to directly import content in multi-languages from many sources:
Import documents: Word, PDF, HTML, PowerPoint, RTF, TXT, XPS, ePUB, ODT, WordPerfect.
Import data files: Excel, CSV, TSV, Access
Import from statistical software: Stata, SPSS
Import from social media: Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, RSS
Import from emails: Outlook, Gmail, MBox
Import from web surveys: Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey, SurveyGizmo, QuestionPro, Voxco, triple-s
Import from reference management tools: Endnote, Mendeley, Zotero, RIS
Import news transcripts from the LexisNexis and Factiva output files
Import graphics: BMP, WMF, JPG, GIF, PNG. Automatically extract any information associated with those images such as geographic location, title, description, authors, comments, etc. and transform those into variables
Import from XML databases
ODBC database connection is available.
Import projects from qualitative software: NVivo, Atlas.ti, Qdpx files
Import and analyze multi-language documents including right-to-left languages
Monitor a specific folder, and automatically import any documents and images stored in this folder or monitor changes to the original source file or online services.
Organize your data
Several features allow you to easily organize your data in ways that make your coding and analysis proces...
Simul8 是一個用於離散型事件模擬的軟體
Simulation提供了一種強大的,基於證據的決策方法 - 通過使用虛擬表示來測試流程變更的影響和“假設”情景,您可以找到一種能夠提供最佳結果的方法。
離散事件仿真 的特色
Time based
What if' scenario testing
For example, contact center calls arrive in peaks and troughs, rather than evenly throughout the day or week.
SPECTRAplus 是 研究機構和獨立實驗室的工程師,技術人員和科學家的首要選擇。無論何種應用,皆需要功能強大且具有成本效益的光譜分析測量系統。
SPECTRAplus 光譜管理軟體系統,為各種無線通信的規劃和管理提供了專業的工具 模組化的軟體結構 SPECTRAplus 系統是由一系列標準模組組成,具備極強的靈活性,並可根據使用者 的特殊情況調整配置,度身定製成一套行之有效的解決方案。
SpectraPLUS-RT Provides real time spectral analysis with Narrowband, 1/1 or 1/3 Octave resolution. Signal generation and recording/playback are also available. Designed for users needing a high quality spectrum analyzer with a minimal learning curve.
SpectraPLUS-SC Powerful dual channel signal analyzer with real time, recording/playback and post processing. Features a comprehensive set of displays for spectrum, time series and phase measurements as well as advanced joint time and frequency analysis (spectrogram and 3-D surface plots). A wide selection of tools and utilities for signal generation, distortion and reverberation measurements are available plus the ability to automate the analyzer for production testing or other needs. Triggering, Transfer functions and much more!
SpectraPLUS-DT is software package specifically designed around the Data Translation line of USB Data Acquisition modules. Up to 16 channels of acquisition and analysis with calibrated input levels, IEPE transducer power, AC or DC coupling and tachometer inputs. Data Translation offers a complete line of modules from low cost to high speed and high performance.
Typical Applications
Audio equipment testing
Vibration testing
Distortion measurements
Frequency Response tests
Room Acoustic measurements
Noise measurements and monitoring
Precision signal generation
Sound Power measurements
Musical instrument manufacturing and testing
Production testing
Underwater acoustics, pile driving noise levels
Rotating machinery analysis
Impact hammer testing
Key Features
Real-time spectrum analysis of live input
Record, Playback and Post Process WAV files
Displays: Time Series, Spectrum, Spectrogram, 3-D Surface, Phase
Full Featured Dual Channel Signal Generator
High Resolution FFT Analysis up to 1,048,576 pts
Octave Analysis from 1/1 to 1/96 octaveSpectrogram
Up to 24 bit sampling precision
Digital Filtering, Distortion Analysis, Transfer Functions
Acoustic Tools: RT60, Equivalent Noise Level (Leq)
THD+N versus Frequency
Acceleration, Velocity and Displacement
Order Analysis
Data Logging
Advanced Programming API