Handsontable JavaScript 數據網格庫
JavaScript Spreadsheet Library for Developers
Handsontable 是 App應用程式和網站的組合電子表格組件。它是用 JavaScript 編寫的,不受任何外部framework 的限制。它可以利用自訂插件輕鬆修改或擴展。它還使用 JSON格式綁定到任何源,並處理大量的數據。您可以輕鬆地執行所有 CRUD 操作,且為終端用戶提供相似 Excel 的體驗。
Handsontable 是開發者喜愛使用的 JavaScript 數據網格庫,是一個可擴展的電子表格解決方案,且可用來開發漂亮的 Web 應用程式。Handsontable 允許你使用 CLI 工具,因此可選擇任何所需的插件開發出作品。它提供一個空白的畫布或頁面,你可以按照自己的想法、感覺和審美自由發揮。它主要是以純 JavaScript 的形式編寫的。您可以通過 Polymer 組件和 AngularJS 指令來使用 Handsontable。
Database editing
Configuration controlling
Data merging
Workforce planning
Sales reporting
Financial analysis
Extensibility - it makes possible to build new functionalities upon the core and use only those required in a certain project. It gives you the real freedom of creating.
ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) - in the future the most important parts of the library will be rewritten to ES6 provide a better control over the code.
Virtual rendering - also known as "lazy loading". In short, we don't render the cells outside the viewport until you scroll down or across the table to see them. This allows to handle large datasets, some of which contain thousands of rows.
Infragistics 成立的目標是為企業開發者提供頂級的開發工具。Infragistics 提供開發者一個全面的、基於框架的使用者介面控制項和元件的工具集合,使開發者能運用當今最流行應用程式的外觀來創建程式介面。雖然我們擴展了我們的產品和服務,我們的基本目標仍然是對廣泛的開發環境提供使用者介面技術,使我們的客戶能在其整個機構中很輕鬆自由地使用我們的產品,以解決他們的每一項開發需求。
對於 Microsoft 開發環境(如Windows Forms, ASP.NET, WPF,Silverlight,Tablet PC 和 COM)而言,其擁有非常完善的商業使用者介面庫,並有著極高的使用者體驗和強大的產品功能!
What's New in Infragistics Ultimate
Part of our continuous delivery release schedule, the latest update of Infragistics Ultimate is here, and it's packed with exciting new features and updates to help your team design and build real apps blazing fast.
Generate Production-Ready React Apps
You can now design and generate your applications directly for React. App Builder simplifies the app creation process, allowing you to quickly build and deploy high-quality apps with ease.
New Hierarchical Grid
Quickly bind your data with very little code or use a variety of events to customize different behaviors. With a rich set of features like data selection, Excel-style filtering, sorting, and more for Angular, Blazor, React and Web Components.
Chart Highlight Filter
Now supporting a data highlighting overlay that can enhance the visualization of the series plotted in your charts by allowing you to view a subset of the data for Blazor, React and Web Components.
LightningChart for .NET 圖表工具/圖表控件
WinForms 和 WPS 繪製 2D 和 3D 資料視覺化功能強大 SDK
新版 GPU 加速的函式庫,大量資料也可快速繪製漂亮圖表
支持 Windows 11
需安裝 .NET framework v4.0 或更新版本
LightningChart 業界最快速 、最先進的圖表控件,支援 WPF 和 WinForms
由芬蘭控件開發公司 Arction 開發的 LightningChart 圖表控件徹底發揮了 GPU 加速和性能優化的最大效益,能即時呈現龐大資料,廣泛應用於科學研究、工程、醫療、航空、貿易、金融、能源等領域做即時測量和分析應用等等。
徹底發揮了 GPU 超速和 DirectX 底層性能優化來呈現大數據,並確保最高性能
在選定的系列類型中,通過 NaN或指定的分隔值斷開資料
支持 DirectX 11 與 DirectX 9
系統中 WARP 自動渲染軟體,無需獨立顯卡
HiDPI 縮放支持
支援運行於 32 位元和 64 位元系統模式
與 Visual Studio 2022 和 .NET 6 完全相容
System requirements
Check if the computer configuration meets the requirements
– DirectX 9.0c (shader model 3) level graphics adapter or newer, or DirectX11 compatible operating system for rendering without graphics hardware. DirectX11 compatible graphics hardware recommended.
– Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 or 11, as 32 bit or 64 bit, Windows Server 2008 R2 or higher.
– Visual Studio 2010-2022 for development, not required for deployment. NOTE, for several latest LightningChart versions at least Visual Studio 2022 is required, because .NET Framework 4.6 and above is used. Visual Studio 2022 is required for .NET (5, 6, 7, 8) projects.
– .NET framework v. 4.0 or newer installed. NOTE, only LightningChart version prior v10.0.1 was targeting .NET Framework 4.0. For later versions target .NET Framework version was increase, and LightningChart v11.0.1 already target .NET Framework 4.8.
.NET compatibility
Before LightningChart version 11.0.1 it was built primary for .NET framework, but is also compatible with the following .NET versions:
– .NET Framework 4.x
– .NET Core 3.0 and 3.1
– .NET 5
– .NET 6
– .NET 7
– .NET 8
Staring from LightningChart version 11.0.1, library is build targeting .NET Framework 4.8 and .NET 6.0. Project's (where library will be used) build target framework should be the same or higher.
.NET application can use libraries build for .NET Framework as well as .NET. When using the .NET Framework targeting library in .NET application, Visual Studio ma...
LMD VCL Complete 是款強大的控制項解決方案,其附帶的VCL控制項數超過 600 個,可以說是包羅萬象的元件庫,這些工具可以使程式設計師、初學者、甚至是高級程式師的程式設計工作更加快速,您將可以完全的使用並整合到你的應用程式中發布。其包含最常見功能,如unicode萬國碼、列印支援、日誌記錄工具、theme services與支援正規表示式(Regular Expressions),因此開發時將可以更有效率且避免冗餘的代碼。另外控制項中包含有有標準控制項、擴展控制項、按鈕控制項、對話方塊控制項、多媒體控制項、系統控制項、容器控制項、資料庫控制項和其他雜項等等。
LMD VCL Complete包含以下主要產品(其他產品請參閱後三欄介紹):
LMD ElPack
NG Complete
LMD VCL Complete 產品特色
More than 750 native components for any kind of task.
Full sourcecode of all controls included
All features of the most current platform release: LMD-Tools, ElPack and LMD IDE-Tools.
Includes free license of NG Complete!
The current license includes access to earlier versions (e.g. 2020 to get support for compilers up to Delphi / C ++ Builder 6). If necessary, contact sales with the required product version. This will then be activated in your customer account.
New in 2024 release: Introduction of new installer technology (small initial download, only required files are downloaded). Updated and vastly improved NG HTMLPack, enhancements for almost all other NG packs along with the new NG Control center demonstrating features of all NG controls (except NG ConnectionPack).
New in 2022 release: New redesigned RichPack and common PrintPack; new Font/Replica image list controls in LMD-Tools along with dozens of improvements; several improvements for LMD SyntaxEdit; updated DemoCenter and AnyLogger app (e.g. using the new scalable font icons)
New in 2021 release: Full rework of core and common packages (made possible by supporting XE2 or better only); better support of newer VCL features (TVirtualImageList DPI scaling support, 32bit glyph support); new controls like TLMDFontImageList with auto dpi support; Further improved high dpi and multimonitor support (e.g. DockingPack); many fixes and enhancements based on customer feedback; unified installers for NG and LMD products; new democenter and extensive updates for demo projects (e.g. overworked DB demos); extensive update for NG ConnectionPack.
New in 2020 release: Improved high dpi support; Reworked PrintPack; massive update for edit/memo controls in LMD-Tools; LMD SpellPack; Sydney 10.4 support.
New in 2019 release: Improved high dpi support; new IDE Themes support; vastly improved HTML controls in ElPack/LMD-Tools and certainly Rio 10.3 support.
New in 2018 release: We moved our sources to new git-based project structure. All VCL/NG Complete 2018 customers receive free access to the Git repositories (based on GitLab). Visit your customer area and use the displayed link in your 2018 license to connect to GitLab. SSO with credentials for customer area is supported). This new feature replaces the old S...
ActiveReports 最靈活的 .NET 報表工具
ActiveReports 是一款在全球範圍內應用非常廣泛的報表控制項,以提供.NET報表所需的全部報表設計功能領先於同類報表控制項,包括對互動式報表 的強大支援、豐富的資料視覺化方式、與 Visual Studio 的完美集成、以及對 HTML5 / WinForm / ASP.NET / ASP.NET MVC / Silverlight / WPF 和 Windows Azure 的多平臺支援等。 通過ActiveReports 報表控制項,您除了可以創建常用的子報表、交叉報表、分組報表、分欄報表、主從報表等商業報表外,還可以創建具備資料篩選、 資料過濾、資料鑽取、報表互鏈等交互能力的資料分析報表,並把資料以視覺化的方式呈現出來,快速為應用程式添加強大的報表功能。
通過在桌面或Web解決方案中嵌入可自定義的ProDesigner *組件,您可以為用戶提供量身定制的臨時報表創建體驗
使用桌面ProDesigner *應用程序快速輕鬆地設計和交付報告
導出到主要的現代文檔類型,如PDF,Excel,CSV,DocX *,JSON,Word,RTF,HTML,文本,XML和TIFF
.NET Report types
Data-driven continuous RDL reports
Layout-driven page reports
Banded section reports
Report creation
Create reports in Visual Studio with VSDesigner Add-In
Code-free design with standalone ProDesigner*
Add ad-hoc reporting for end users on web and desktop*
Dynamic .NET reports
.NET overloadable events
Comprehensive, flexible .NET API
Control Section Report behavior using events
Design dynamic .NET reports entirely in code
Change run-time behavior of RDL and Page reports
HTTP handlers*
Self-service .NET reporting for end users
Add ad-hoc report design for end users in desktop solutions*
Add ad-hoc report design for end users in web solutions*
Construct reports from parts of other reports*
Customizable set of .NET report designer controls
Install without Visual Studio for BI and IT teams
Customize report layouts for different customers using Layers
Shared .NET Report Sources
Nested data regions bound to different data
Shared datasources and datasets*
Visual Query Designer
Localize .NET Reports
Major language character sets and locales
Multiple languages supported
RTL support
Standard and custom multi-byte character sets
Streamlined design and customization
.NET Report themes
Create and use custom controls in your project
CSS-like stylesheets
Master reports*
Embed SubReports in multiple reports
Mail merge operations
Display richly formatted text in XHTML
Include HTML text to render reports with rich text
Add mail merge fields
Add table, table row, table cell, and table header tags and attributes
Define element names and ou...
ComponentOne 強大的 C# .NET UI 控制項套件
使用我們值得信賴的 .NET 控制項工具包,更快地完成您的 .NET 應用程式並提供更多功能。
透過存取 400 多個 .NET UI 控制項來擴充您的工具箱。
使用強大的資料網格、圖表、報告檢視器等增強您的應用程式 UI。
使用可用於生產的 UI 功能、Web API 和資料來源連接器編寫更少的 C# .NET 程式碼。
Supported Platforms and Editions
For development platforms new and old, we have you covered
Xamarin Forms
Data Services
.NET Data Services