Nevron .NET Vision 是一套系列產品,具有專門設計的對象模型、多種顯示特性,顯示品性更是無與匹敵,可以簡單全面的顯示複雜數據。幫助您創建傑出的Winforms及ASP.NET數據表述應用程式,帶有卓越的數據展示能力。
Nevron Vision for .NET offers the most comprehensive set of components for building enterprise-grade data visualization applications that target both the web and the desktop.
The components in this suite feature coherent 2D and 3D data visualization effects that have a great visual impact on the audience. We have also implemented a large set of data visualization techniques and innovations to maximize the clarity of the visualized data and to make it more comprehensive for the viewer.
The components are built upon a common framework, thus minimizing the learning curve needed to get started with them as a whole. The common framework also ensures consistent features, performance, polished API and other benefits that are a product of over a decade of refinement.
Nevron Chart for .NET
Nevron Chart for .NET
Nevron Gauge for .NET
Nevron Diagram for .NET
Nevron Map for .NET
Nevron User Interface for .NET
GoJS for HTML5/Canvas 是一套 JavaScript函式庫,用於繪製網頁精美的互動式圖表。可繪製多種互動式圖表,包括:Flowchart、state chart diagram、organizational chart diagram、Gantt chart 等。
Fully Interactive Diagrams
Extensible Layouts and Tool System
Data-Binding and Models
Transactional State and Undo-Management
Mobile Support
Supports Major Frameworks e.g. React, Angular
Data Binding & Templates
GoJS supports graphical templates and data-binding of object properties to model data. Only the model, consisting of simple JavaScript objects, needs to be saved and restored. GoJS makes it easy to read and write models in JSON format.
Thorough Documentation
We provide comprehensive API documentation and in-depth overviews of GoJS concepts, with interactive examples. With over 90 samples, you'll find numerous examples of GoJS properties and methods.
Lightning Fast Diagramming in the Browser
GoJS takes advantage of the HTML Canvas to support high-performance diagrams. For creating static documents and printable resources, GoJS supports exporting Diagrams to images and SVG.
What is ORA_EXCEL?
ORA_EXCEL (Oracle Excel) is PL/SQL package for Oracle® database that produces Excel XLSX documents. ORA_ EXCEL 讓開發人員能夠去建立Excel報表或利用簡單的PL / SQL API方式從oracal數據庫導出excel文件。
QCSPCChart SPC控制圖工具軟體是一個面向對像的工具,針對那些想添加靜態和動態品質控制圖和Web應用程序開發人員的工作站。典型用戶程式控制工程師和品質控制人員創建將用於監測生產過程的關鍵質量因素,應用和服務行業。工具箱包括最常見的SPC控制圖類型範本:variable control charts (X-Bar R, X-Bar Sigma, Individual Range, Median Range, EWMA, MA, MAMR, MAMS and CuSum charts), attribute control charts (p-, np-, c-, u-, and DPMO charts), frequency histograms, probability charts and Pareto diagrams. The software will automatically calculate SPC control limits using historical data for the supported variable control chart and attribute control chart types. Alarms can be generated for standard +3 sigma control limits, or standard SPC rule sets (WECO, Nelson, Juran, Hughes, Gitlow, AAIG, Westgard and Duncan). It will also calculate process capability ratios (Cp, Cpl, Cpu, Cpk and Cpm) and process performance indices (Pp, Ppl, Ppu and Ppk). Versions available for .Net (VB and C#), WPF (VB and C#), Java, and JavaScript.
QCChart2D Charting Tools for .Net
Real-Time Graphics Tools for .Net
此軟體同樣以C#,是專給對於想添加實時圖形到Windows、.Net和ASP.NET Web應用程序的開發人員。
SPC Control Chart Tools for .Net
是專給對於任何想把靜態和動態質量控制圖添加到C#和Visual Basic的應用程序開發人員。
QuickReport 是用於C++ Builder和Delphi的一款報表元件,可以簡單快速的輸出數據庫報表。
QuickReport 支援創建列印預覽以免浪費紙張,支援導出數據為其它文件格式如ASCII文本、逗號分割值的文件和HTML。
QuickReport 本身由 Delphi 編寫,支援Delphi 所有操作數據庫的模式。因此您可以將它用於舊式的基於BDE 的數據庫如Paradox 和 dBase,用於多層應用環境的用戶端數據表,新的Delphi 5 ADO 和 Interbase Express 元件及第三方可選數據庫如Apollo。
如果您需要,甚至可以用QuickReport 格式化部件列印非不是存儲在數據庫裡的數據。
A container for all the other printing components.
QuickRep without any of the database code and dependencies.
This is the detail band in a master/detail relationship.
The loopband will print as many times as indicated by its LoopCount property.
TQR String Band
This is the detail band in a master/detail relationship.
A cousin of the little-used TShape control from Delphi’s ‘Additional’ palette.
A generic band type.
Use TQRChildBand objects when you need to extend an existing band.
A band that prints whenever an expression changes, usually a database field.
Place some static text on the page..
Display the contents of a linked database field
Use this to display the result of an arithmetic expression.
Displays ‘system data’, like the current page number, date, time.
Use this to display multiple lines of text.
A composite of TQRExpr and TQRMemo.
This is similar to the TQRLabel but will display formated rich text.
As you’d expect, this is a data-aware version of TQRRichText.
Display a picture or logo on a report using this control.
Displaying images stored in BLOBs.
Allows the creation of a customizable runtime report preview.
Allows many reports to be combined into a single document.
Enables reports to be exported to comma-separated (CSV) text files.
Control the aspect ratio of the printed image.
Control the aspect ratio of the printed image.
Retrieve data from any source(s) to drive a report.
Export reports to ASCII text files....
*Project Gantt可用於視化分層任務列表。
*Resource Gantt可實現資源利用率的顯視圖。
Rich set of built-in editing functionalities provide you a rich and functional UI.
Use a set of built-in visualization options like Resource Load View, Critical Paths or customize the look to visualize tasks and regions of interest.
A rich Gantt Model sits between your data and the gantt and provides custom scheduling capabilities, resource assignment and resource leveling capabilities.
ReportBuilderg實際上是標準的Delphi報表解決方案。Delphi開發人員一致認為ReportBuilder產品為年度最佳報表工具(1999年- 2003年)。ReportBuilder提供傳送產品製作報表的需求,完成Windows 應用程序Delphi的編程。本著這樣的精神,ReportBuilder提供了RAD環境和一個以對象為目標的平台,做為解決報表的程式。
New features
Support for Delphi 12.x
new Docx (Word) Device
new PDF Device, Digital Signature features
new PDF Device, Native font processing
new PDF Device ZUGFeRD attachment streaming
new QRCode EPC support
new DataMatrix GS1 support
new PDFComponent load from DataPipeline, File, Stream
new PDFComponent PrintBehaviors: Section, Fixed
new PDFComponent, Page Layer support
new Web/Cloud Services, Credential saving
new Web/Cloud Services, Refresh Token support
new Outlook Email plug-in features
new EMail features
new Cloudrive features
TeeChart VCL/FMX
TeeChart Pro 圖表組件庫提供數百種用於資料視覺化的 2D 和 3D 圖形樣式、60 種數學、統計和財務函數供您選擇,以及無限數量的軸和 30 個調色板組件。
One source for cross-platform
Targeting Windows, Web and Mobile Apps
Create one multi-platform project using Embarcadero's RAD Studio and by using the same chart component you can reach Windows, Linux, iOS, Android and macOS.
Design the forms in the IDE and build/run them to any of the platforms on the list.
You can also use TeeChart (sourcecode version only) with FMXLinux to port/build your charting applications to/for Linux with Embarcadero Delphi 10.2 Tokyo and up.
Responsive charts
Deliver dashboards easily to multi-device/multiple platforms with FireMonkey
TeeChart will scale and fit to any screen size. If you're building dashboards you can place multiple, resizeable charts on each dashboard panel. FireMonkey framework will handle most of the variations for the different platforms. See chart examples showing how to use TeeChart for FireMonkey apps.
Charts for every industry
Business, financial and scientific data
The VCL component offers an immense array of charts to display your data in the most effective and manageable way. Over 70 chart types with 2D and 3D views - from common bar, line, area graphs to financial and statistical charts. See GitHub where you will find a repository of chart examples.
Gauges easily customized
Interactive gauge indicators including circular, linear and digital gauges
The Chart component provides many gauges series type and indicators to create digital dashboards with visual effects like shadows, lighting, etc.
Dashboard and Reporting
Build informative dashboards with the data visualisation tools
This Delphi FireMonkey project provides a dashboard report containing charts, grid and map. It uses several TeeChart features in order to interact between the different chart and grid, as well as some chart tools. The dashboard represents the sales activities of a company with products in several markets around the globe.
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