ClearImage Barcode Reader SDK
條形碼掃描儀軟體,用於處理來自掃描儀,傳真機,相機的PDF,TIFF,JPEG圖像。讀取1D條形碼(如Code 39,Code 128等)和2D條形碼:PDF417,DataMatrix和QR碼。
1D Barcodes
Code 39, Code 93, Codabar
Code 128, UCC/EAN 128
Interleaved 2 of 5
Patch code
Postal Barcodes
US Intelligent Mail
UK Royal Mail
Australian Mail
Singapore Mail
Postnet / Planet
2D Barcodes
Automatically adapts to poor quality and damaged barcodes
Any barcode angle
Any location on a page, in a file, or in specified area
Targeted Barcode Reader™ technology.Compare Barcode Readers
Image source
PDF and TIF single/multi-page
PDF Data/Image/MRC content
Windows and .NET Bitmap, .NET Stream
Base64-encoded image
Bi-tonal, grayscale or color
Result output
Text value
Data value and length
Location and Rotation
File name and page number
Other barcode properties
Barcode Decoding
Maximize the usability of the barcode data and simplify application development. ClearImage reader automatically identifies the appropriate data presentation and provides it to the application.
Unicode presentation of barcodes containing text in any language (including Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Arabic, Russian and others)
Automatically decompresses barcodes from Adobe® LiveCycle® forms.
Consolidates multiple 2D barcodes using structured append (including MacroPDF47) into a single barcode data.
Languages and Environment
API: COM, .NET and Java. DLL for OEM projects.
Projects: 32-bit or 64-bit or AnyCPU.
Languages: C#, VB, Java, C++, VB6, Delphi, PHP, VBScript, Java Script, Python, Perl, Ruby etc.
Rapid Development
Create your own working project in couple of hours using:
The sample projects in the ClearImage SDK: Visual Studio C#, VB, C++, VB6 or Eclipse Java.
Code examples for C#, VB, C++, Delphi, Java, PHP, VB Script
Intuitive API requires no knowledge of barcodes or imaging. No obscure parameters to specify.
Runtime Environment
Windows Workstation: 7, 8, 10
Windows Server: 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2, 2016, 2019
Virtual Machine, Cloud Deployment (including Amazon EC2, Azure VM and Azure Web Apps)
Web Server. Works with Web API Barcode Reader
Cloudockit是SaaS技術文檔生成工具,可創建用戶的AWS,Azure和Google Cloud Environment的2D和3D Visio圖表。創建的所有圖表都是完全可編輯的,並且可以插入到系統生成的Word文檔中,以增加專業感。使用Cloudockit,用戶可以設置自己的定義並從頭開始創建模板。
自動生成雲端基礎架構的圖表和技術文件。與 AWS、GCP、Azure、VMware 和 Hyper-V 相容。
Autogenerated Editable Diagrams
Cloudockit generates fully editable 2D & 3D Visio or diagrams of both your cloud and on-premises environments. In just a few clicks, get a completely auto-created view of your architecture, and be able to work with.
Autogenerated Technical Documentation
Create a complete Word, PDF or Excel document of both your Cloud and on-premises environments. Save time and energy, reduce the risk of errors and define your template to work with your own style every time.
Scheduling & Automation
Schedule Cloudockit to generate documentation on a regular basis and get a highlight of the changes in your environment. Cloudockit allows you to save time and get an up-to-date documentation.
.NET Barcode Scanner SDK
CnetSDK為.NET程式員提供了一個免費測試的條形碼閱讀器軟件,稱為.NET Barcode Scanner SDK。從許多圖像文件中讀取條形碼和條形碼非常有效。此.NET條形碼庫支持最流行的線性和二維條碼,如QR碼,PDF-417,數據矩陣,EAN / UPC,Code 39,Code 128等。通過將此條形碼識別庫集成到您的.NET成像程序中,您可以為您的業務或個人使用開發先進的條形碼項目。
作為一個獨立的條形碼庫,只需添加Visual Studio項目參考,即可輕鬆安裝和集成到C#和VB .NET應用程序中的.NET條形碼掃描器SDK。不需要其他.NET程式集。
使用成熟的條形碼掃描和識別API,您可以輕鬆掃描和解碼.NET控制台應用程式,.NET WinForms和ASP.NET Web項目中的圖像條形碼。加載的圖像源可以是String,Stream或Bitmap對象。
我們的.NET條形碼閱讀器SDK可以掃描和識別最常用的條形碼類型,包括線性和二維條形碼符號,即QR碼,數據矩陣,PDF417,Aztec,Codabar,Code 39,Code 93,Code 128,EAN -8,EAN-13,UPC-A,UPC-E和ITF-14。
無論您想從已加載的圖像中讀取所有條形碼還是要定義特定的條形碼類型進行讀取和解碼,CnetSDK .NET條形碼掃描儀SDK都能保證您獲得高度準確的識別。請注意,質量較差或角度缺失的圖像可能會對條形碼讀取產生不良影響。
.NET QR Code Scanner
.NET Data Matrix Scanner
.NET PDF-417 Scanner
.NET Aztec Code Scanner
.NET UPC-E Scanner
.NET EAN-8 Scanner
.NET Code 128 Scanner
.NET Code 39 Scanner
.NET Code 93 Scanner
.NET EAN-13 Scanner
.NET UPC-A Scanner
.NET Codabar Scanner
.NET ITF-14 Scanner
You may firstly download free .NET Barcode Scanner SDK trial package online, and then refer to .NET Barcode Recognition Guide for how to scan, read and decode linear or 2d bar codes (like reading QR Code) from images in your Visual Studio .NET applications, like .NET Console Application, ASP.NET web form application, .NET WinForms application, and .NET Class Library. Moreover, Visual C# Program Coding Examples for Barcode Scanning & VB.NET Program Coding Examples for Barcode Scanning are provided online.
Development requirement for using our Barcode Scanner Library for .NET is Microsoft Windows System, 32/64-bit, Visual Studio 2005 or above, and .NET Framework 2.0 or above. We also provide a demo project in the free trial package for your quick reference and evaluation.
Please Note:
1. The first data value of each barcode will be decoded as CnetSDK* if you are using the free trial package.
2. If you need to read barcodes from PDF document, you should use CnetSDK .NET PDF Barcode Reader SDK.
CodeX Barcode Label Designer 是一款功能強大,高效且易於使用的條形碼生成器,標籤設計和影印軟體。與大多數條形碼標籤軟體包不同,此應用程式不僅可以創建條形碼,還可以創建地址標籤,運輸標籤,CD / DVD標籤,ID卡等標籤,等等。
Platform: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 / Windows 11
Contify Newsfeed API
Contify Newsfeed API 將市場情報匯整成無噪聲,結構化和機器可讀的新聞提要API,來豐富您的應用程序。
Contify Newsfeed API 透過 RESTful API,Webhooks和 RSS feeds,將所需要的行業及業務相關的新聞訊息,做匯總,去除重複和使用標籤方式整理,變為機器也可讀取的資訊。 – English & Japanese
通過我們的api和webhook,將聚合、重複數據消除、標籤和公司資訊打包成一個乾淨的新聞提要,隨時可以按需使用。ContifAPI用於將市場情報集成到應用程式中。Contify newsfeed API以新聞稿、新聞、投資者關係更新、監管更新、社交媒體帖子和公司網站上託管的其他行銷文宣資料的形式,提供有關競爭對手、客戶、潛在客戶和行業的策劃情報。內容來自公司網站、新聞發佈商、社交媒體和監管機購。