eVSM軟體能使用"輸出盒"(out of the box)創造和展開標準模組、將材質、單位、目錄、價值流等一致性的產出,輕易應用至產業模型上。eKaizen-以網路的連結方式幫助您配置事件、連結,有效的將觀念表現於價值流上。
Why Use eVSM for Continuous Improvement?
eVSM is used by 15,000+ lean practitioners, here’s why:
eVSM is Process-Centric
eVSM supports the whole continuous improvement process.
It's Standard Work for VSM
eVSM was designed from the outset to complement the Shingo prize-winning workbooks from the Lean Enterprise Institute.
Mapping in eVSM is individually optimized for each map type:
It's Easy to Get Started
Get started easily individually or as a team:
Mistake-Proofing and Automation Built-In
4x mapping speed and quantified improvements for each map type with a well designed set of icons, variables, macro shapes, equations and charts.
Built-In LEAN Visuals Guide Improvements
Built-In LEAN Visuals Guide Improvements
Automation Workshop
Automation Workshop is a solution for business process automation. The modular architecture of the software allows creation of powerful automation engines from various groups of interlinked Triggers and Actions.Effectively uniting intuitive visual interface with rich parameter specifiability, Automation Workshop allows designing Tasks of script-like complexity. Thus, without requiring any coding experience, you are equipped with tools capable to automatically join normally unconnected (i.e., manually connected) processes.
Automation Workshop can monitor specified folders for changes, and automatically launch appropriate Task to handle the situation in predefined yet flexible way.
Excellent industry standard email capacities, not only present user all necessary means for sophisticated email sending, but also can easily take care of automatic email distribution of any complexity.
Features powerful Start application and Run DOS command Actions, that provide user with means both for executing Windows command interpreter commands and connecting Automation Workshop with almost any application already deployed within company's IT infrastructure.
Automatic zip compression and unzip extraction with multi-core processor support for efficient archive management. Enterprise level solution easily handles archives of virtually unlimited size, Unicode characters in file names, encrypted with AES-256 as well as formats popular on Unix / Linux / BSD, such as Tar, Gzip and Bzip2.
User Logon Trigger allows monitoring the login or logoff of any user. Furthermore, Tasks feature advanced Run As settings that allow Task execution with different credentials and within different user environments, depending on whether user is logged in or not.
Take automation even further with System Startup Trigger, to automate the Tasks that are to be executed either upon system startup or shutdown.
Built-in flexible Variable Wizard, a component that efficiently connects system parameters with automatic operations in context sensitive way.
Features powerful Task failure handling and notification procedures, that allow user to be aware of possible problems, and the program to work on these issues automatically.
Once set up, Automation Workshop runs unattended as Windows service without requiring user to log in.
Provides powerful set of file operations, including file and folder listing copying, moving, renaming, deleting, content saving and retrieving, as well as file date and attribute changing.
Designed with multi core proc...
FileAudit 6.5
New: Get an overview of your FileAudit alert history for clear visibility into potential issues
FileAudit alert history reports spare you the pain of scrolling through FileAudit alert emails to spot patterns and identify issues. Now, your alert history comes together in one place, so you can:
Cut the noise with powerful filters to zoom in on the information you need and more easily catch issues.
Get actionable information to:
Spot potential security risks when a user sets off repeated alerts or regularly attempts access outside of normal working hours
Identify needs for more end-user training or communication to reduce future alerts
Improved: The “Database Manager” tile is now “Maintenance”
You’ll notice that the Database Manager tile is now Maintenance, allowing for a new update that allows audit maintenance (details below).
New: Ensure compliance with scheduled, automatic maintenance of audit configuration on audited servers and paths
In the “Maintenance” tile, you’ll see a new “Audit” tab. Now, you can schedule regular maintenance of your audit configuration on audited servers and paths. These maintenance tasks check that your audit configurations have not been modified or overwritten by a GPO, and reconfigure them if necessary.
New: Opt for OAuth2 authentication for the mailbox you use for FileAudit alerts
If you use a Google or Microsoft mailbox for FileAudit alerts, you can now replace SMTP authentication with the more modern OAuth2 authentication protocol.
Improved: Speed up your FileAudit reporting
You can now spend less time on reporting since your FileAudit reports now load faster, use less service memory, and have no impact on GUI.
Improved: Solve MSP web communication problems faster
A more detailed error message now allows you spot the problem faster when you have a web communication issue accessing and/or setting up a new MSP license key.
Lightning Fast File Search 檔案搜尋軟體
FileSeek 是一款簡易好用的檔案文件內容搜索程式,可以使用簡單搜尋檔案內容關鍵字(queries),或用正則表達式(regular expressions)來搜索文件。 您甚至可以在多台電腦之間同步您想要的搜索設定。
FileSeek works with these versions of Windows:
FileSeek 适用于以下版本的 Windows:
Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, and 7 SP1 (32位和 64位)
Windows Server 2022, 2019, 2016, 2012 R2, 2012, and 2008 R2 (32位和 64位)
FinalCode 是一種文件加密/跟踪解決方案,允許您加密重要文件,跟踪其使用情況,甚至遠程刪除它們。當文件發送到公司外部時,使用FinalCode可以防止重要信息(例如技術數據,項目建議書,設計圖紙和客戶信息)的洩漏。
它由加密/查看文件的FinalCode Client和管理文件權限和其他任務的FinalCode Server組成。
最新版本可以在組織內部和外部的任何地方保護文件。FinalCode 具有安全性和可用性功能。重點包括保護整個文件夾的能力,新的FinalCode資源管理器,在打開文件/文件夾時對用戶進行身份驗證的能力,對複雜應用程式和Adobe Illustrator等設計軟體的增強支持以及為搜索目的標記安全文件的功能。
安全容器 - 安全容器功能加密整個文件夾而不是單獨加密文件。這樣,用戶可以同時打開安全容器中的多個安全文件,
對複雜應用程序的擴展支持 - 支持AutoCAD,Photoshop和Illustrator等設計軟體,允許用戶同時在安全容器中查看多個設計
FinalCode Explorer - 與標準Windows資源管理器類似,FinalCode Explorer允許用戶在簡化的可搜索界面中
打開時身份驗證 -強身份驗證功能允許用戶在每次打開安全文件或文件夾時設置身份驗證。當需要高度安全的身份驗證時,
標記 - 用戶現在可以通過文件的元數據將標記添加到其安全文件中。以前,文件搜索僅可通過訪問日誌獲得。
支持Zip文件 - 以前,用戶必須首先解壓縮文件,然後添加修改並再次壓縮文件。使用5.3中的安全容器功能,用戶可以通過
FinalCode Explorer直接編輯和保存文件,而無需解壓縮和重新壓縮
FinalCode Ver.5
FinalCode Ver.6
Within companies and organizations user *1 of encryption, editing, and viewing user
Companies and organizations within the user *1 of encryption and editing user
(in-house viewing user is free of charge)
(Users outside the company/group *2 are free)
Fee structure according to the number of purchased licenses
Not applicable
Deletion / illegal notification function
Paid option
(license / year)
(provided as a standard function)
Network Folder Security
Paid option
(license / year)
(provided as a standard function)
Transparent Secure function
*1 A user whose e-mail address has the "company domain registered by the main administrator on the management screen".
*2 Users with e-mai...
FinePrint 可幫助您節省墨水,紙張和時間以提升列印輸出,減輕你的公文包的重量,節省你列印工作的時間。使用 FinePrint 為你工作,任何的列印問題都會消失。
新版 FinePrint
PDF Viewer: Opens PDF files directly without printing
Enhanced colors throughout the product
Faster performance
Desktop icon for easy opening of PDF and FP files
Letterheads can be assigned to paper trays
Ability to use as the default PDF viewer
列印預覽: 帶有編輯能力的全面列印預覽。簡單的新增空頁,刪除頁面和重排列印工作。
節省墨水: 提供選項把彩色文字轉換為黑白,並略過圖片列印。
多頁列印在一張紙上: 在一張紙上列印 2, 4 或 8 頁。
浮水印,頁頭頁尾: 浮水印,頁頭頁尾選項允許檔案用日期、時間、系統變量或當前文字來標記。
表單和信箋抬頭: 讓電子表單和信箋抬頭的建立更簡單。列印預覽功能在你列印之前預覽顯示將要輸出的內容,確認正確的順序。
整合列印工作: 允許多個檔案整合到一個列印工作。這在建立根據Web頁的小冊子等。
檔案保存: 把頁面或任務保存為 TIFF、JPEG、BMP、文字和FP 格式。
支援剪貼簿: 所有的列印輸出的文字,點陣圖或圖元檔案能複製到剪貼簿。任何輸出的文字能提取到檔案中來搜索,或其他應用。
支援雙面列印: 支援使用所有的檔案和列印機來製作小冊子和雙面列印。把所有檔案列印到小冊子中,更容易讀取和攜帶,雙面列印讓紙張減少了一半,減少了旅行的重量。
頁面縮放: 允許把大的頁面縮放到適合標準頁面大小,如 Letter 或 A4。
可調頁邊距: 透過使用最大的可列印區域,調整頁邊距可以增加文字的大小,更有利於閱讀。
裝訂線支援: 提供用於裝訂檔案的裝訂線空間。
多個 FinePrint 列印機: 能建立多個 FinePrint 列印機。允許建立多個不同配置的「虛擬列印機」例如,你可以有一個自動列印小冊子的「小冊子列印機」或者「信箋抬頭列印機」不出現 FinePrint對話框,直接列印你的信箋抬頭。
簡單的伺服器部署: 在伺服器上做為共享列印機安裝來用於群組和企業部署。