Magnet Axiom Complete 是款用來獲取、恢復和分析網際網路通信痕跡的利器。因其易用性、簡明行和全面性而聞名。其能夠幫助政府執法部門、軍事/情報機構人員、海關/邊境檢查人員、企業安全人員對Windows和Mac電腦以及Android和iOS移動設備進行電子取證調查。詳細介紹請見後面欄位!
IEF 對於企業的益處
The ability to recover digital evidence is becoming business-critical. Magnet Axiom Complete is the secret weapon every organization should have in its forensic toolkit.
IEF can search a hard drive, live RAM, or files for Internet-related data. The software is designed with digital forensics examiners/investigators in mind. IEF is also used by IT security professionals, litigation support personnel, incident response teams, cyber security specialists and corporate investigators.
IEF can recover data from social networking communications, instant messenger chat histories, popular webmail applications, web browsing history, and peer-to-peer sites and other online communications.
IEF 對於司法鑑定人員的益處
INTERNET EVIDENCE FINDER™ (IEF) searches in more places, recovering more data. Its easy to use, and the reporting is flexible.
IEF is forensic software that recovers Internet-related data from a hard drive, live RAM, or files. Because of the advantages it offers over other solutions on the market, IEF is the only choice for many of the world’s top law enforcement agencies.
IEF was designed with digital forensics examiners/investigators in mind, and recovers more digital evidence than any other solution on the market.
IEF 對軍方與政府的益處
In military and government investigations, digital evidence can be a question of national security, and even life or death.
INTERNET EVIDENCE FINDER™ (IEF) is forensic software that searches a hard drive, live RAM, or files for Internet-related data. IEF was designed with digital forensics examiners / investigators in mind. IEF is also used by IT security professionals, litigation support personnel, incident response teams, cyber security specialists and corporate investigators.
IEF recovers content from social networking pages, instant messenger chat histories, popular webmail applications, web browsing history, and peer-to-peer sites and other online communications.
Malwarebytes Breach Remediation 反惡意程式軟體,提供公司企業偵測威脅、快速刪除感染的檔案、掃描和修復的工具,主要利用命令列下執行,其語法和選項簡單上手,是一應用於商業用途的防毒軟體。
Hunts for malware
Discovers new and undetected malware and rapidly remediates it. Uses Malwarebytes behavioral rules and heuristics to detect zero-day malware. Accesses indicators of compromise (IOCs) from third-party breach detection tools and repositories for comprehensive detection.
Remediates malware thoroughly
Removes all traces of infections and related artifacts, not just the primary payload or infector. Eliminates risk of new attacks or lateral movements that capitalize on leftover malware traces. Malwarebytes is the de facto industry leader in malware remediation—trusted by millions and proven by AV-Test.org.
Reduces downtime drastically
Enables you to direct efforts toward more important projects, versus spending countless hours resolving malware-related incidents and re-imaging hardware across your enterprise.
Reduces threat dwell time
Detects advanced threats that your other security layers have missed, closing the window between discovery and remediation. Reduces exposure to malicious activity.
Records threat events for later analysis
Tracks forensic analytics using the proprietary Forensic Timeliner feature so your team can address security gaps or unsafe user behavior. Gathers system events prior to and during an infection and presents data in a timeline for comprehensive analysis of vector and attack chain. Events covered include file and registry modifications, file execution, and websites visited.
Works within your stack
Integrates easily with existing security infrastructure such as SIEM (e.g., Splunk, ArcSight, IBM QRadar), breach detection systems (e.g., Cisco, Palo Alto Networks, FireEye), and endpoint management platforms (e.g., Tanium, ForeScout, Microsoft SCCM). Enables you to trigger deployment and remediation through your endpoint management platform based on alerts received from your SIEM and automatically feed resolution details back into your SIEM.
Closes Apple security gap
Removes malware and adware quickly from Mac endpoints. Cleans up OS X systems in less than a minute from start to finish. Separate GUI and command line programs enable flexible deployment using popular Mac management solutions (e.g., Apple Remote Desktop, Casper Suite, Munki). Allows remote, automated operation using shell, or AppleScript commands. System administrators and incident responders can collect system information using convenient Snapshot command.
可讓您監控和管理網路上的任何SNMP裝置,即如檔案伺服器;資料庫伺服器;數據機;印表機;路由器;交換器 。
MG-SOFT MIB Browser Professional Edition是一個極其方便的,功能強大的,用戶介面友好的SNMP Browser (SNMP流覽器)。
是一個功能強大容易使用的SNMP網路管理工具,可以在Windows和Linux 上執行.MIB Browser可讓您監控和管理網路上的任何SNMP裝置,即如檔案伺服器;資料庫伺服器;數據機;印表機;路由器;交換器;無線基地台等等,使用標準的SNMPv1,SNMPv2c和 SNMPv3 通訊協定.MIB Browser同時也支持加密的 SNMPv3 USM; Diffie-Hellman key exchange model, DOCSIS-based SNMPv3 agents 即也支持纜線數據機;纜線數據機終端系統;Set-top boxes等也可以完全整合在一起.MIB Browser 可讓您執行SNMP Get, SNMP GetNext, SNMP GetBulk 和SNMP等設定條件.另外可讓您擷取網路上的SNMP Trap和SNMP Inform packets.都是網管人員會經常用到的工具.
New dark theme with Windows 11 look and feel.
MIB Browser now features also the Mine Shaft dark theme that mimics the default look and feel of Windows 11 dark mode (e.g., similar dark color tones, light blue checkboxes and buttons, rounded window corners, etc.). With this theme MIB Browser user interface fits perfectly into Windows 11 dark mode desktop environment.
Per-monitor DPI awareness.
MIB Browser now supports the per-monitor HiDPI settings and dynamically handles the scaling of the graphical user interface in a way that looks perfect also when using monitors with different pixel densities, e.g, a HiDPI/4K and a non-HiDPI monitor or two HiDPI monitors with different scaling factors set.
Redesigned application dialog boxes.
A number of MIB Browser dialog boxes have been re-designed or implemented anew (incl. Preferences dialog, Find dialog, various message boxes, etc.), for a streamlined look and effective use.
Improved application performance and stability.
Many optimizations and performance improvements have been implemented in included applications. Furthermore, all known issues in previous versions have been fixed and overall stability and reliability of the software has been improved.
Enhanced documentation.
Updated and enhanced user manuals and help files with numerous hints and usage examples will help you get the most from MG-SOFT MIB Browser Pro. and other bundled MG-SOFT applications.
Besides the above listed features, a number of minor improvements have been implemented in included applications, and all known problems occurring in older versions have been fixed for this release.
Nagios 即時監控系統服務狀態
Nagios 監控系統程式可即時監控主機狀態,管理者所設定的系統服務,當發現所監控系統服務異常時,即發送 Email 告知管理者。 Nagios 是一款功能強大的網路監控軟體,可以監控主機,本地端或遠端的主機,服務加入許多非常人性化的觀念進去,且還可自行依需求來撰寫當監控主機或服務發生問題時的反應動作,是個非常強大的監控軟體。
Nagios 販售多款網路監控軟體,包括 Nagios XI 標準版和企業版、Nagios Log Server、Nagios Fusion 和 Nagios Network Analyzer。
Nagios XI 企業伺服器和網絡監控軟體
Powerful Monitoring Engine
Nagios XI uses the powerful Nagios Core 4 monitoring engine to provide users with efficient, scalable monitoring.
New Neptune UI Theme
Utilize an updated UI theme for easier navigation and clearer information on Hosts and Services.
Capacity Planning
Automated, integrated trending and capacity planning graphs allow organizations to plan for upgrades.
Advanced Graphs & More
Administrators can easily view network incidents and resolve them before they become major catastrophes.
Configuration Wizards
Get monitoring in a few simple clicks by simply entering the required information into our easy-to-use Wizards.
Infrastructure Management
Simplify management with improved Bulk Host Import, Auto-Discovery, Auto Decommissioning, and more!
Configuration Snapshot
Save your most recent configurations. Archive it. Revert back whenever you like. Never lose it again. Relax.
Advanced User Management
Easily setup and manage user accounts with only a few clicks then assign custom roles to ensure a secure environment.
NAS Data Recovery 可以在幾分鐘之內復原你破碎的NAS的全部內容。使你能夠將數據複製到另一個磁碟的文件和文件夾上。
NAS Data Recovery適用於所有的XFS或EXT2FS格式的單驅動器,像是由Buffalo, Iomega, Seagate, Western Digital, or DLink等製造商所配置的RAID-0或RAID-5 NAS。查找的NAS的RAID參數,如啟動扇區,條帶大小,旋轉,和驅動器的順序自動等。易於使用的嚮導,不需要用戶自行輸入,完全自動化的復原程序。
NAS Data Recovery運行之前,你需要從NAS移除驅動器,並將其附加到您本地的電腦。確保驅動器都能被Windows所識別。如果您正在嘗試復原RAID-5,它是可以附加一個驅動器需比在該NAS驅動器的總數少即可。 驅動器內的影像NAS Data Recovery也可以復原。
安裝NAS Data Recovery到您的電腦及啟動程序。在Vista或Windows 7,你需要按右鍵點擊程序圖標,並選擇“以管理員身份運行”。