NetLimiter 是一款網路流量監控工具,是專為 Windows 所設計。您可以使用NetLimiter依據應用程序的限制設定下載 /上傳的傳輸速率甚至是單一的連結和監控他們的網路流量。
NetLimiter 主要功能:
*提供額外的網路資訊,例如 WHOIS, traceroute etc.
*能以 Service 的形式常駐於Windows 系統中
*過濾器(Filter):可只限制符合特定條件的應用程式之頻寬使用,例如只有當資料是傳送到某個 IP 時才限制頻寬
For all Windows 7, 10, 11 and later
NetScanTools Pro 是一款適用於網絡專家們的網路資訊收集和網路故障排除實用程序集成的組合。用來研究IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses, hostnames, domain names, email addresses and URLs automatically** or with manual tools。且適用於Windows操作系統。
Greatly enhances many familiar network tools.
Saves time when gathering information about Internet or local LAN network devices, IP addresses, domains, device ports, and many other network specifics.
Simplifies and speeds up the information gathering process by Automating the use of many network tools for you. You enter an IP and press one button to use many tools.
Produces clear, concise results reports in your web browser.
Also available as a USB Flash Drive portable application -- and can be (or end user installed) on a fast USB Flash Drive with plenty of space for other great tools like Wireshark® Portable or NMAP.
Requires: Windows 11/10 (32 or 64 bit) and a TCP/IP network connection. Requires GUI, not a command line tool.
Network Recycle Bin Tool 是一款 回收站數據恢復軟體,專門用於幫助您恢復已刪除的文件,該程式的目的是將已刪除的項目從網絡驅動器移到回收站,因此您可以輕鬆地還原文件或目錄。其具備了簡單直觀的操作界面,您可以在配置界面下設置存儲已刪除文件的路徑、自動刪除舊文件、跟踪刪除指定驅動器的文件等基本參數,然後即可快速進行恢復操作,Network Recycle Bin Tool可以恢復您或其他用戶從共享網絡服務器刪除的文件或其他項目,並且使用簡單。
Network Recycle Bin Tool 與備份軟體不同,您可以還原已刪除的檔,就像刪除時一樣。您可以定義網路驅動器或網路資料夾的清單來追蹤已刪除的檔案。您還可以指定最大檔案大小,以限制追蹤的檔案數。此外,它為您提供了取消刪除工具,它防止刪除網路檔為指定的資料夾根據文件掩碼。匯出和匯入功能可説明您在網路電腦上安裝具有相同選項的軟體。
Netwrix Auditor是一套IT監管軟體,您可得到詳細的監管資料,包括誰在何時、何處、作出了何種變更,以及所有用戶的存取權限。
New Features
Improved risk assessment, searching and alerting capabilities for sensitive data — Through integration with Netwrix Data Classification, Netwrix Auditor offers additional enhancements to data security. You can now identify sensitive data shared with everyone and through direct access in Risk Assessment, as well as search for activities around sensitive data on Dell Unity and receive alerts on such activities.
Add-on Store inside Netwrix Auditor — The Add-on Store is your one-stop shop for integrating Netwrix Auditor with your IT ecosystem. Now, you do not need to leave Auditor to get free, pre-built add-ons for SIEM systems, ITSM tools, cloud services, and more.
Reporting on Azure AD group membership — Two new reports empower you to easily review the membership of privileged groups in Azure AD, either on demand or via subscription. One report lists all your Azure AD groups with their type, description and members; the other lists all the groups that a given user account is a member of.
Major Enhancements
Cisco Meraki devices can now be monitored in the environments where MFA is required thanks to the new API connection mode.
The Access Reviews module now supports DFS and non-Windows file shares: Dell Unity, NetApp, Nutanix Files, Qumulo, and Synology.
To speed investigations, details about the actions that triggered an alert are available right from the Alert dashboard.
The rearrangeable tiles on the Home Screen are now resizable as well.
You get detailed recommendations on how to use Netwrix Auditor based on your configuration and action history.
You can filter the “Overexposed data in Teams” report based on data sensitivity.
You see the names of accounts that were added to or removed from Exchange Online distribution lists.
Identification of MFA requirement for Azure AD logons is now more accurate.
Netwrix Auditor now supports Oracle 21c, Pulse Secure 9.1R3, Cisco OS FTD 6.5, Qumulo Core 4 and 5, Dell Unity 5.2, NetApp up to 9.12, Dell Isilon up to 9.4, VMware vCenter up to 8.0.
Numerous additional enhancements have been made to improve administration, performance and security.