ArtMatic Voyager - 3D Rendering
ArtMatic 能讓你創作不可思議的圖樣,材質,動畫及聲音.這是有趣又容易使用,具有娛樂性的冒險.ArtMatic能產生令人驚訝的圖像及聲音主要是採用樹狀標題代表數學方程式 ,使用者不須了解任何數學問題即能運算大量且複雜的方程式,創造出絕佳的影像用於網頁設計,賀卡,音樂視訊或美術印刷.
ArtMatic Voyager is a program for synthesizing and exploring stunning, exquisitely-detailed high resolution virtual landscapes and worlds. The application is a new take on 3D landscape creation that makes use of the ArtMatic graphic synthesis technology to create photo-realistic landscapes of imaginary worlds. The application can be used either standalone using the built-in planets and provided ArtMatic systems, or you can use ArtMatic Pro to define completely new worlds and terrains of your own.
Using ArtMatic Voyager is simple.
Choose a planet surface, texture, and a sky definition.
Define the environment’s sun color and angle, sea and snow levels, haze/humidity.
Travel the planet by moving and aiming the camera.
Save interesting locations as places or keyframes for rendering as still images or QuickTime movies. Camera movement and environmental parameters can be animated to create stunning planetary voyages.
When ArtMatic systems are used with ArtMatic Voyager, the surface and shading can be animated so that the planet evolves during the voyage.
ArtMatic Voyager puts almost all of its controls in the main window so that you can concentrate on scene creation rather than window and palette management. Almost everything that you can see in the user interface is active including the text, icons and glyphs. Pretty much every graphic item can be clicked or dragged to perform some task.
AutoFEM Analysis 是一款功能強大又簡單好用的設計分析工具,幫助設計師和工程師提升設計品質、避免field failures和降低材料成本,使得產品能在短時間上市發表。AutoFEM Analysis添加的應用程序被集成到AutoCAD,並進行靜電力、頻率、buckling和熱力分析。AutoFEM執行design iterations更快,而且降低了電腦模型的成本。
AutoFEM Analysis提供了一個廣泛又功能強大的工具,讓工程師可以進行虛擬測試和分析,預測在各種負載條件下的物理行為。
AutoFEM使用 AutoCAD Model Tree、Properties對話框、指令、Menu結構和許多相同的滑滑鼠和鍵盤指令,因此任何會使用AutoCAD設的人都不需要重新學習就可以做分析了。
無論是工業應用,或是從航空業到機床,AutoFEM Analysis提供了顯著的產品質量優勢,使工程師能夠超越手工計算和驗證的概念證明他們的設計。快速和低廉的分析,往往能揭示非直觀的解決方案,讓他們能更加了解產品的特性
Field failures可能會導致所費不貲的召回和賠償責任問題。AutoFEM Analysis在模型備生產前先展示該模型如何在真實世界中執行功用,這項能力已經成為一個重要性指標, AutoFEM Analysis使設計人員能夠滿足功能的設計規範,但不浪費材料,有助於減少生產,運輸和包裝的成本。
所有的計算分析都是基於finite element method(FEM)。在同一時間,一個關聯關係保持三維模型的一部份,並使用 finite element model 計算。原來的實體模型參數會自動傳播到網格的有限元模型。
AutoFEM Static Analysis module performs modeling of the stress state in mechanical structures and the testing of their strength;
AutoFEM Fatigue Analysis module allows one to consider the influence of cyclic loading action on the strength and durability of a mechanical structure;
AutoFEM Frequency Analysis module helps reveal natural frequencies (resonances) of structures and modes of oscillations;
AutoFEM Buckling Analysis module determines critical loads of a mechanical system when the latter can be destroyed;
AutoFEM Oscillations Analysis module finds an amplitude-frequency response of the structure;
AutoFEM Thermal Analysis module solves various tasks related to the heat transfer.
AutoFEM & ShipConstructor integration module transfers the data from the ShipConstructor database onto finite-element model.
AutoFEM Ship Buoyancy & Hydrostatics module calculates the strength of a ship floating in calm water.
EngraveLab Version 11 Pro 專家級雕刻工具軟體
符合ADA / Braille標準的雕刻模塊,具有先進的激光和旋轉工作流
CADopia 是個完美的CAD工具,其專為軟體工程師、建築師、設計師電腦輔助設計業的其他專業人員打造的專業製圖工具,它提供許多功能,能支援專業的製圖人員運用,並擁有12國語言的專業軟體。
該軟體擁有兩個版本:標準版(Standard Edition)和專業版(Professional Edition)。如果你的需求僅是的基本繪製草稿、尺寸標註和註解,購買標準版即足夠。若您需要高級的功能,如VSTA(Visual Studio Tools for Application)、逼真的渲染功能和視覺化的基本工具,專業版將是您合適的選擇。詳細差異請參閱特色與需求及版本比較頁面。
CADopia 支援以下12種語言文字
Compatibility with popular CAD products
CADopia's native file format is .DWG. It allows you to open and save any existing Autodesk AutoCAD file (V2.5 through 2013) and there is no file conversion or data loss. CADopia also provides a high degree of compatibility with the AutoCAD command set, menu files, scripts, as well as with AutoLISP and Autodesk ADS. If you regularly receive files from clients that are in one format and you need to convert them to another format, CADopia can do that too.
Exceptional Productivity
CADopia offers smooth Microsoft Windows integration plus many unique product features, including the ability to open multiple drawings at once. You can graphically customize menus and toolbars as well as use visual tools, which will enhance your productivity, to manage your drawings.
CADopia is a powerful CAD tool available at a very affordable price. The Professional edition includes advanced licensed components such as Columbus Document Manager, ability to export PDF files, ability import and export DWG , Microsoft VSTA (Visual Studion Tools for Applications), LightWorks photorealistic rendering and Raster Image Enabler, all at an affordable price.
Release 2023 provides the following new commands and features:
Note: Release 2023 can read and write DWG files up to the latest version of this format (R2018).
The same applies to DXF (Drawing eXchange Format) files, which store unencrypted drawing
database contents.
Some of the new commands and features were introduced in service packs since the previous release and before the current major release.
User Interface:
Contextual Ribbon Tabs
User interface is enhanced now with contextual ribbons that are displayed when you select specific entities in the graphics area or when you use some commands for creating new entities.
Contextual tabs are available for the following operations:
Creating and editing hatches.
Editing table cells.
Editing PDF and DGN underlay....
CMS IntelliCAD 專業繪圖軟體
CMS IntelliCAD 二維和三維專業繪圖軟體,擁有極高的Autodesk AutoCAD兼容性及伸延性,軟體強大又簡易使用。CMS IntelliCAD 功能強大的特色深受工程師、建築師及設計師喜愛。CMS IntelliCAD 同時提供高兼容性的 AutoCAD 功能, 及 LISP , ADS 和內置 Microsoft VSTA / VBA。用戶可原用舊有的AutoCAD 檔案,延續多年的軟體操作習慣而不影響工作進度。從 CMS IntelliCAD 新版開始, 支援 DGN 檔案,可以直接開啟和編輯OPEN and EDIT *.DGN 檔案,且將能直接儲存為*.DGN格式,帶來許多方便性 。CMS IntelliCAD 提供多項強大功能,包括:
IntelliCAD Drawing Explorer™ 可拖拉式操作,簡單快速閱讀及交換圖紙
ActiveX 整合,可將IntelliCAD 圖紙 附加到微軟Microsoft Office或 OpenOffice 文件上。
AutoCAD & *.dwg 支援 - 包括版本 2.5-2015
跟 AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT一樣, IntelliCAD 用 *.dwg 格式存檔。IntelliCAD 可開啟、修改及存檔任何DWG檔案, 版本由2.5 到最新版本, 不會發生數據流失或轉換錯誤。 對於舊版本的檔案支援, IntelliCAD 8.3 甚至比AutoCAD 還要好
IntelliCAD 擁有高水準的三維繪圖能力,用戶可輕鬆建立3D 曲面, 增加設計上的美感。
3-D 曲面設計:ACIS 3D 實體造形 (只限於專業版):CMS IntelliCAD (專業版) 能創建、修改、導入及導出 ACIS .sat 3D實體檔案。
CMS IntelliCAD 13.0 is a major release that includes performance improvements and new features, including a new Options dialog which is highly compatible with other CAD applications, calculators for evaluating expressions and converting units of measurement, lookup tables and the ability to reset advanced blocks. When creating reports, extract data from external references, advanced blocks, attributes, and AEC entities; extract from .dgn, .ifc, .rvt, and .rfa files when supported; and filter data to meet conditions.
LISP is completely refactored to improve performance and increase compatibility with other CAD applications. Other new features include Flatshot, Solid Profile, Make Shape, Compile to SHX, and Make Linetype, and more.
For CMS IntelliCAD 13.0 PE PLUS licenses that include Spatial® Technology ACIS® modeler, use the following commands to work with surfaces: Network, Offset, Fillet, Extend, and Trim.
All CMS IntelliCAD support working with BIM files: use the IFC Validate, RVT to IFC conversion, and Corner Window commands; dimension AEC entities; manage layers for .ifc underlays; define styles for new elements such as roof slabs, dimensions, structural members, and more; and attach railings to stair segments.
For technical users, CMS IntelliCAD 13.0 uses ODA SDKs version 2024.12. IntelliCAD IcARX continues to be a pre-release version and is highly compatible with AutoCAD® Object ARX, allowing developers to build applications with a single code base that runs on both platforms.
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Drone Harmony Platform 企業級數據採集軟體平台
Drone Harmony 是一個由三個產品組成的平台:Drone Harmony Mobile、Drone Harmony Web和 Drone Harmony Cloud。Drone Harmony Platform 一個完整的軟體平台,可自動規劃和操作您的 3D 無人機數據採集工作流程。從網絡瀏覽器或移動設備訪問從企業範圍視圖到個人飛行計劃的所有內容。利用市場上最先進的地形感知飛行計劃,更好地進行基於無人機的測繪和線性基礎設施檢查。
Repeatable and Reliable Process
Gather the same high-quality data every time, regardless of the operator.
Swiss Safety and Data Security
State of the art data security and on-premise system installation.
Built for Collaboration
Enable easy collaboration between engineers and field operators within your organization.
Quality and Scale through Automation
Reduce manual work to a minimum to ensure quality results are achieved at scale.
Mobile, Web and Cloud
A multi-platform system always at your fingertips whether you are in the office, or in the field.