MODO 是獨特的且對於藝術家是很方便使用的3D軟體,結合了模型,繪圖,動畫和渲染在一個融合的工作流程針對於設計師和藝術家在工業設計、建築可視化、包裝設計、遊戲開發、電影和廣播、教育和科學研究的工作領域。動畫、包裝設計、出版印刷是成千上萬每天在世界各地使用modo的用戶中的一部分。modo最具吸引人的地方就是它具有一套最佳組合的功能以及完善的工作流程。
下一代3D內容創建的 MODO
MODO是首選的創造性選項,為世界各地的藝術家和設計師- 從家庭為基礎的愛好者到好萊塢工作室。
What's New in Modo 17.0
Mesh View Objects
This is the largest architectural change Modo has ever seen. We’ve created a system that allows us to accelerate how quickly things are drawn in the viewport and added the ability to push a calculation to a background thread. This means that Modo can leverage two threads at once, while future additions will allow for multiple background threads. This marks the beginning of Modo taking greater advantage of modern many-threaded systems.
Incremental tool updates
We’ve made significant accelerations to 10 of Modo’s modeling tools and MeshOps. This includes a system-wide change to VOs and further optimization of tools. The updates applied across the 10 modeling tools also have an impact on additional tools, due to Modo’s modular nature.
OctaneRender bundled with Modo
Modo 17.0 brings a single GPU version of OctaneRender, in collaboration with OTOY. This gives artists access to the fastest and most reliable GPU renderer on the market. You’ll be guided through the registration and licensing process for OTOY from within Modo. What’s more, OTOY enables you to upload your scenes to its GPU render farm for a more streamlined experience. The Modo plugin is one of the most robust Octane plugins for DCCs and Foundry is committed to working with OTOY to keep it that way.
Native macOS ARM build
With Modo 17.0, comes a new native ARM version of Modo for Apple silicon, resulting in an average of 50% speed improvements when compared to emulating the X86 version of Modo for Macs.
Note: Some items are unavailable in Modo 17.0 due to third-party technology not being compatible with Mac ARM, including the IKinema full body IK. In addition, the pose tool and retargeting will not work in the Native ARM version, however they will work in the X86 emulated version of Modo 17.0 which all users on maintenance and sub have access to.
TurboCAD Pro for PC
TurboCAD Pro是專業優質的CAD軟體,可用來設計、描繪草稿和細部調整。強大的繪圖和模組工具如:Parametric constraints、3D曲面和ACISR實體建模引擎、LightWork Design的相片寫實描繪、建築和機械工具和支援多種檔案格式,讓許多專業人士愛不釋手。此外,提供32和64位元的版本,充分利用您的硬體記憶容量。
TurboCAD Pro for Mac
TurboCAD Mac 是專業的 CAD 繪圖軟體,完整集成2D繪圖工具、3D曲面和ACISR實體建模引擎、裝配工具、先進的建築工具和強大的LightWork Design的相片寫實描繪,還有成千上萬種符號、材料、印花和預先繪製的平面圖。可自訂的工具欄、set-up wizard和context-sensitive help都增強了此產品的實用性,圖塊管理功能可迅速組織圖層和圖層集優話繪圖管理。加上完整的印刷和出版工具以及廣泛的支援格式,包括新的ew AutoCAD DWG,可以滿足專業建築師、工程師、插畫家、設計師等專業的需求。
TurbulenceFD 是一款著名的流體模擬插件,簡稱為TFD,專門用來模擬火焰、煙霧效果。
TurbulenceFD integrates seamlessly with your pipeline supporting Cinema 4D, Lightwave, Realflow, X-Particles as well as Redshift, Arnold, Octane and Cycles 4D render engines.
TurbulenceFD has all the features that a visual effects artist needs to create organic looking particles. Get unparalleled realism and control with voxel-based gaseous fluid dynamics, a physically-based fire shader, Particle Advection, and Multiple Scattering. TurbulenceFD is easy-to-use, with an intuitive workflow, and is extremely fast, designed to exploit high-end GPUs and CPUS with even vast simulation data.
UVLayout 是一款獨立的3D模型實體幾何分析應用程式,用於創建和編輯3D多義元素和細分曲面的UV紋理坐標。 UVLayout獨特的方法贏得遊戲和視覺效果影像製作專業人士的喜愛,為紋理藝術家提供了比傳統方法減少時間成本,高質量低失真UV的軟體工具。
使用UVLayout就像是在做服裝反面的設計; 而不是切出一個平面圖案,並縫製成衣服,在UVLayout的物體被切成片,然後被壓平,使圖案。 這些扁平的紫外線不只是平面投影; 當你觀察的時候,一個基於動力學的算法被用來傳播UVs,以便當紋理應用到物體上時,紋理的拉伸,壓縮或者傾斜最小化。
UVLayout 特色功能:
OBJ import and export
Edge-loop Detection for quicker UV seam selection
Symmetry Editing for faster flattening of symmetrical meshes
Color Feedback for instant evaluation of distortion errors
Edge Straightening on shell boundaries and interiors
Flattening Brushes for local tweaks of the automatically generated UVs
Auto Packing of UV shells to minimize wasted texture space
Auto Stacking of similar shells for shared texture space usage
Subdivision Surface calculations based on limit surface shape
Unlimited Undo of all editing functions
Plugin Interface for integration into other applications
Chaos Group 是世界領先的計算機圖像技術公司,幫助藝術家和設計師為設計,電視和電影行業創作逼真的圖像和動畫。Chaos Group 專注於基於物理的渲染和模擬軟體,為全球的頂級設計工作室,建築事務所,廣告公司和視覺特效公司提供服務。如今,公司在雲渲染,材質掃描以及虛擬現實領域的研究和探索,正在推動創意設計和數字設計行業的未來。
V-Ray 是由Chaos Group 開發的計算機圖像渲染應用程式,是第三方3D計算機圖形的商業 插件軟體應用程式,V-Ray是一種渲染引擎,它使用全局照明算法,包括路徑跟蹤,光子映射,輻照度映射和直接計算的全局照明。用於媒體,娛樂,電影和視頻遊戲製作,工業設計,產品設計和架構等行業的可視化和計算機圖形學。
V-Ray 系列產品如下
V-Ray for 3ds Max
V-Ray for Maya
V-Ray Render Node
V-Ray for Cinema 4D
V-Ray for Nuke
V-Ray for SketchUp
V-Ray for Rhino
V-Ray for Revit
V-Ray for Unreal
V-Ray for Blender
Vectorworks Architect 建築師
Vectorworks Landmark 景觀園林
是景觀設計軟體的新標準。無論你從事景觀建築、景觀設計、承包還是規劃,利用Vectorworks Landmark進行設計,你一定能實現自己的構想。其靈活的工具、多樣的功能以及直觀的介面能夠為你帶來一款無與倫比的二維和三維設計應用程式。
Vectorworks Spotlight 燈光
是娛樂設計領域CAD軟體的黃金標準。無論你想要設計照明、景致、佈景、企業活動、戲劇製作或者展覽,你都可以利用Spotlight 創建驚人效果。憑藉其高端的二維和三維性能,你將體驗到同類競爭介面中獨一無二的簡單易用性。你可以創建震撼的視覺效果,以大幅提升你的生產力。憑藉 Vectorworks Spotlight的靈活性,你可以隨意盡情發揮。
Vectorworks Fundamentals 基本
Vectorworks Design Suite 設計師
是一款針對建築、景觀以及娛樂行業設計專業人員的首選軟體。Vectorworks Designer能夠憑藉其一整套設計工具為你提供競爭優勢——其一體化的直觀介面整合了Vectorworks所有產品的技術。不論你需要製圖、建模或演示,Vectorworks Designer絕對是能夠滿足專業人員全部需求的終極解決方案。
Renderworks 渲染
具有強大CINEMA 4D渲染引擎的Renderworks外掛程式提供了一系列的高品質展示技巧。
Braceworks 臨時結構分析工具
集成在Vectorworks Spotlight(燈光版)和Designer(設計師)的Braceworks附加組件是提供給設計、生產和裝配專業人員用於測量臨時結構在負載情況下性能的一個簡單工具。這個獨一無二的工具無縫集成分析到設計與生產流程。因此,裝配與生產專業人員第一次擁有了完全集成的娛樂建模、分析與記錄解決方案。
Combine the strength of Vectorworks with the speed of AI image generation powered by Stable Diffusion. Directly available within the Vectorworks interface, this experimental feature uses Vectorworks Cloud Services for a zero-install, uninterrupted workflow to quickly ideate illustrative concepts or create refined images using your Vectorworks models at any stage of design.
Explore your designs with Vectorworks Odyssey, a virtual reality viewer app created for Meta Quest 2 headsets and beyond. Experience models in immersive VR with bird's-eye view and walkthrough modes. Gain better context for quick and thorough feedback, including cycling through design options with access to design layer visibilities.
Make sharing your work with project stakeholders easier than ever with Vectorworks’ first-class BIM collaboration capabilities. Quickly validate project information through the latest Information Delivery Specification (IDS), easily maintain issue management workflows through BIM Collaboration Format (BCF), and collaborate more effectively with IFC.
XVL Studio 是一款將3D設計資料轉換成3D製造業資料的核心製作工具,可以使用在3D業中的數位製造、DUM和技術插圖。
XVL Studio Basic
(Includes basic 3D editing and authoring capabilities including measurement, annotation, cross-sectioning and more)
是一個全功能的3D viewer基本編輯和製作能力,包含測量、註解和cross-sectioning功能,並具有XVL數技編輯功能,如:材質/紋理編輯、匯入IGES/Polygon以及多XVL模型的組合。
XVL Studio Standard (Basic plus work instructions, animations, process definitions and more)
提供了所有必要的3D發布和使用XML數據的增強功能,包括Studio Basic的keyframes和流程定義的動畫加強功能。
XVL Studio Pro (Standard plus interference checking, clearance analysis and more)
此版本包括了XVL Studio Basic和XVL Studio Standard.的所有功能。