Netica 是一款功能強大且易於使用的完整解決方案,他可運用在信度網路(belief networks)以及影響圖(Influence diagrams)。直觀的用戶介面供使用者繪製網絡,用圖形來顯示網路結構,或是利用機率來描述變數間的強弱關係。
Netica可以用網路系統進行各種最快速的推測模型、最現代的演算法。即使給的案例資料有限,Netica還是能在未知的變量中,找到適當的數值推測出我們需要的模型。這些數值或機率可能會以不同的形式像是柱狀圖或示意圖顯示。該範例可以方便的保存在檔案夾中,再從相同的網絡結構(或是不同的網絡結構)進一步查詢。使用者可以利用影響圖(Influence diagrams)在最大化的指定變量的期望值找出最佳的決策。
Netica可以處理當學習資料增加時動態改變前端機率及條件機率表的問題。也可透過這個工具所提供的程式庫,使用Visual Basic 及C/C++等程式語言來控制及操作貝氏網路。
Requirements: Netica Application requires a PC running any version of Microsoft Windows from XP to Windows10. The 64 bit version of Netica requires Windows 7 or higher. If you need a version of Netica for an earlier version of Windows (such as Windows 95), use Netica32.exe from the download package, or contact Norsys. Installation requires less than 10 MB of hard disk space.
Netica will run well even on a very slow PC (0.4 GHz), using very little RAM (about 30 MB), but working with complex Bayes nets may require much more speed and large amounts of RAM.
NLREG -- Nonlinear Regression and Curve Fitting
NLREG features a full programming language with a syntax similar to C for specifying the function that is to be fitted to the data. This allows you to compute intermediate work variables, use conditionals, and even iterate in loops. With NLREG it is easy to construct piecewise functions that change form over different domains. Since the NLREG language includes arrays, you can even use tabular look-up methods to define the function.
The Standard version of NLREG can fit up to 5 variables and parameters to the data observations. The Advanced version can handle up to 2000 variables and parameters. In addition, the Advanced version can generate 3D surface plots such as shown here:
In addition to performing classic nonlinear regression, NLREG can be used to find the root or minimum value of a general multivariate, nonlinear function. It can also be used in a special form where the independent variable is omitted; an interesting application of this is "circular regression" where a circle is fitted to a set of data points.
OxMetrics 提供一個綜合的解決辦法工具,可以用在時間序列,預報,金融計量經濟學的類比試驗的經濟計量分析,或者典型人物的統計分析和小組數據。提供了用戶界面,數據處理,和圖形,是能幫助解決的交互式,易於使用和強有力的工具。
OxMetrics Enterprise 包含以下獨立模組軟體: Ox Professional, PcGive, and STAMP.可另添購SsfPack和TSP軟體。
配合PcGive用來設計動態計量經濟學模型的Monte Carlo試驗的套裝軟體。有一系列互動式對話方塊,在這裏資料生成過程(DGP)和模型都是公式化的,並讓統計上感興趣的部分被選中。PcNaive然後生成和運行一個Ox程式,輸出將會在OxMetrics中顯示,可能包括 :
The new release of OxMetrics 9 contains upgraded versions of STAMP, PcGive and G@RCH.
The latest version includes CATS 3 (Cointegration of Time Series Analysis by Jurgen A Doornik and Katerina Juselius) and several improvements to the following modules:
Ox Console 9
OxMetrics Enterprise Edition 9
CATS 3 (Cointegration of Time Series Analysis)
Ox Professional 9
PcGive Professional 15
G@RCH 9.0
SsfPack 3
Power and Precision 是一組獨立的強大統計分析軟體,可以在計畫研究中的案例分析做計算。這個程式的特色包含一個乾淨清楚的界面,還有許多幫助用戶發展理解能力分析的工具。它結合了建立表格、圖表和結果報告的能力,並在單鍵點擊下完成。
Work Interactively!
交互式的導覽讓你在 power analysis 中瞭解所有的步驟
利用大量的工具使影響使其可見化,並且了解 alpha, effect size, and sample size 的影響作用
Create A Report with a Single Click!
可以輸出至 WordTM 或是其他 word 處理程式
Create Tables and Graphs with a Single Click!
可輸出至Word™, Excel™, PowerPoint™和其他程式
Include the graphs in your presentation or grant application to justify your selection of a sample size.