X1專為商務專業儲存資料檢索所設計的使用者介面,讓你在檢索Email、附檔、文件和SharePoint資料時更快更方便。有時候你可能忘記要找的那份檔案名稱或是忘了把重要信件寄給了誰?存在哪裡?導致要耗費大量的時間用關鍵字搜尋,卻還是徒勞無功。現在,X1簡化了繁瑣的搜尋功能,只要你輸入關鍵字,他就會從Email、附檔、文件和SharePoint資料中搜尋,並將這些資料排序。X1 Search是唯一一款適用於全球化工作流程的解決方案。不論你是在辦公室電腦或從遠端登錄到虛擬桌面,X1 Search都可以幫你找到搜尋的資料。
X1 Search 系統需求
Minimum hardware requirements
OS Windows 10, Windows 11
CPU 1 GHz minimum, 64-bit
Memory 2GB RAM for 64-bit*
Disk 1 GB free hard disk space*
Software Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2
*Actual memory and disk space varies depending on the amount of content indexed
Supported by X1 Search
Email applications
Outlook 365, Outlook 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, Gmail*, Yahoo!, AOL, and other IMAP based email accounts. X1 Search supports Office/Outlook installs in 64-bit mode.
SharePoint installations
SharePoint 2007, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 365
Remote file shares
Box, OneDrive, OneDrive for Business (O365), and OneDrive for Business (SharePoint 2013)
* X1 Search’s use of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements