TexturePacker 這個工具,用來產生MovieClip需要的Sprite Sheet圖檔與Data file。
在做 App 的開發時,難免會需要在專案中加入許多的圖片,尤其在開發遊戲專案時,當加入的圖檔越來越多,程式難免越來越肥厚,這時候就需要Texture Packer將圖檔作打包的動作。
只要20秒就能創建一個屬於你的sprite sheet
拖曳sprite 到TexturePacker
Supported operating systems
TexturePacker is a GUI and command line tool to create sprite sheets or sprite atlases. Without specifying any additional options TexturePacker already creates very good results, but you also have many options available to adjust things to your needs.
macOS 10.14 and newer, including macOS 14 (Intel and Apple Silicon)
Windows 10 and Windows 11
Ubuntu 20 and newer
If you're using an older operating system and experiencing issues with the latest version of TexturePacker, you can download and use an older version that is compatible with your OS.
TurbulenceFD 是一款著名的流體模擬插件,簡稱為TFD,專門用來模擬火焰、煙霧效果。
TurbulenceFD integrates seamlessly with your pipeline supporting Cinema 4D, Lightwave, Realflow, X-Particles as well as Redshift, Arnold, Octane and Cycles 4D render engines.
TurbulenceFD has all the features that a visual effects artist needs to create organic looking particles. Get unparalleled realism and control with voxel-based gaseous fluid dynamics, a physically-based fire shader, Particle Advection, and Multiple Scattering. TurbulenceFD is easy-to-use, with an intuitive workflow, and is extremely fast, designed to exploit high-end GPUs and CPUS with even vast simulation data.