EM Client 電子郵件用戶端管理軟體 ── Best e-mail client for Windows
支持所有主流郵件服務包括 Gmail、Exchange、iCloud 和 Outlook.com
EM Client 是一個專屬 Windows 系統的簡單實用的電子郵件用戶端管理軟體。EM Client 用於發送和接收電子郵件,管理日曆,連絡人和任務電子郵件用戶端。eM Client 結合了便利介面,和郵件,日曆,任務表,以及即時通訊等多種強大的功能,給您帶來一個能夠解決您所有通訊需要的綜合軟體。eM Client 更攜帶有綜合通訊歷史,快速全文檢索搜尋,等多種能幫助您過濾和處理您的聯絡資訊的功能。此外,附加外掛程式,和日曆功能讓您輕鬆的管理您每天的日程和工作需要。
edtFTPnet/ PRO (FTP Clients for .NET) 提供了一套功能強大、易於使用的元件和控件,可以使用FTP,FTPS和SFTP協議傳輸文件。每個單一的組成部分都支援所有協議,這意味著交換協議就和改變屬性一樣是相當容易達成的。獨特的FTP GUI工具包使你可以在幾分鐘內開發大部分的Windows Forms的FTP功能。
Full support for SFTP (FTP over SSH) and SCP (secure copy)
Supports password, public key and keyboard-interactive authentication
Supports use of known_hosts file for server validation as well as automatic validation
Supports zlib compression
Supports OpenSSH, SSH.COM and PuTTY private key formats
Supports aes128-ctr, aes192-ctr and aes256-ctr ciphers
Resuming of binary transfers that have partially completed.
Full support for explicit and implicit mode FTPS
Support for TLS 1.2
Supports both client and server certificate validation
Support for custom server validation
Supports MODE Z compression
Secure data and control channels.
Resuming of binary transfers that have partially completed.
Support for all standard and many optional FTP operations, passive and active modes, and support for a very wide range of FTP servers.
Support for FXP server-to-server transfers.
Resuming of binary transfers that have partially completed.
Support for web file-transfers using HTTP/HTTPS.
Support for resumption of partial HTTP transfers.
Full support for SOCKS 4 and SOCKS 5 proxies
Support for HTTP proxies
Supports multiple, simultaneous transfers.
Supports background transfers via a comprehensive asynchronous API.
Bandwidth throttling and data compression.
Multi-protocol client that permits switching protocols with a single method call.
The same simple, intuitive API as the popular edtFTPnet/Free client, meaning upgrades to secure transfers are very straightforward.
Support for FTP scripting.
Powerful FTP command shell, useful in batch jobs or script development.
FTP streams for treating the remote server as a data stream.
Progress monitoring, permitting notification of the progress of file transfers.
Directory transfers and directory synchronization.
Advanced logging capabilities.
Compatible with .NET 4.0 and higher versions
Support for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows
Royalty-free so no restrictions on deployment and no extra costs
edtFTPnet/PRO is a mature, reliable library that has proven itself over time.
You have the following purchase options:
Individual Developer - for a single developer
Team Developer - for one team of developers (unlimited size)
Corporate Developer - for multiple teams across a corporation
Robust and simple
Security and value
Best for one project development team
Best for medium
to large firms
» Support for all standard and many optional FTP operations and suppor...
FinalCode 是一種文件加密/跟踪解決方案,允許您加密重要文件,跟踪其使用情況,甚至遠程刪除它們。當文件發送到公司外部時,使用FinalCode可以防止重要信息(例如技術數據,項目建議書,設計圖紙和客戶信息)的洩漏。
它由加密/查看文件的FinalCode Client和管理文件權限和其他任務的FinalCode Server組成。
最新版本可以在組織內部和外部的任何地方保護文件。FinalCode 具有安全性和可用性功能。重點包括保護整個文件夾的能力,新的FinalCode資源管理器,在打開文件/文件夾時對用戶進行身份驗證的能力,對複雜應用程式和Adobe Illustrator等設計軟體的增強支持以及為搜索目的標記安全文件的功能。
安全容器 - 安全容器功能加密整個文件夾而不是單獨加密文件。這樣,用戶可以同時打開安全容器中的多個安全文件,
對複雜應用程序的擴展支持 - 支持AutoCAD,Photoshop和Illustrator等設計軟體,允許用戶同時在安全容器中查看多個設計
FinalCode Explorer - 與標準Windows資源管理器類似,FinalCode Explorer允許用戶在簡化的可搜索界面中
打開時身份驗證 -強身份驗證功能允許用戶在每次打開安全文件或文件夾時設置身份驗證。當需要高度安全的身份驗證時,
標記 - 用戶現在可以通過文件的元數據將標記添加到其安全文件中。以前,文件搜索僅可通過訪問日誌獲得。
支持Zip文件 - 以前,用戶必須首先解壓縮文件,然後添加修改並再次壓縮文件。使用5.3中的安全容器功能,用戶可以通過
FinalCode Explorer直接編輯和保存文件,而無需解壓縮和重新壓縮
FinalCode Ver.5
FinalCode Ver.6
Within companies and organizations user *1 of encryption, editing, and viewing user
Companies and organizations within the user *1 of encryption and editing user
(in-house viewing user is free of charge)
(Users outside the company/group *2 are free)
Fee structure according to the number of purchased licenses
Not applicable
Deletion / illegal notification function
Paid option
(license / year)
(provided as a standard function)
Network Folder Security
Paid option
(license / year)
(provided as a standard function)
Transparent Secure function
*1 A user whose e-mail address has the "company domain registered by the main administrator on the management screen".
*2 Users with e-mai...
GainTools PST Converter
A complete tool to migrate PST to 5 different file formats
Convert PST to 8 Different Formats
Makes your Outlook data flexible for several platforms including Mac Mail, Entourage, Thunderbird, WLM and many more. As the Outlook Converter allows you to access PST data on EML, EMLX, MSG, MBOX and VCF file formats.
GFI MailEssentials
Exchange 反垃圾郵件、反網路釣魚和郵件管理
GFI MailEssentials for Exchange/SMTP 提供伺服器級別的垃圾郵件和網路釣魚保護以及郵件管理功能。 GFI MailEssentials 使用貝葉斯分析和其他方式提供快速設置和較高的垃圾郵件檢測率,無需進行配置,使用自動白名單具有極低的誤報率,並且可以自動適應郵件環境以便不斷調整和 改善垃圾郵件的檢測。 GFI MailEssentials 還為郵件伺服器增添了郵件管理工具: 免責聲明、郵件歸檔和監控、Internet 郵件報告、列表伺服器、基於伺服器的自動回應和 POP3 下載。
The minimum hardware requirements for GFI MailEssentials are:
Processor: 2GHz with multiple cores
Memory (RAM): 2GB dedicated for GFI MailEssentials
Disk space: 10GB dedicated for GFI MailEssentials
Note that the above requirements depend on a range of factors including email volume and number of Anti Virus engines enabled.
Any version of Microsoft Windows Server (64-bit) from 2008 R2 onwards. (excluding Server Core)
Microsoft IIS SMTP service or Microsoft Exchange Server 2010/2013/2016
Microsoft IIS World Wide Web service
Microsoft Messaging Queuing Service (MSMQ)
Microsoft .NET Framework 4/4.5
ASP.NET & Windows Authentication role services when installing on Windows Server 2008 R2 onwards
Microsoft SQL Server/Microsoft SQL Server Express (free) is suggested for the Reporting engine database for installs with more than 100 mailboxes.
McAfee and VIPRE AVs have been discontinued.
Microsoft Exchange 2007 is no longer supported.
Microsoft Windows 2008 is no longer supported.
GMS (Gordano Messaging Suite) 是一個完善又強大的郵件服器,包含Windows和NIX平台的SMTP/POP3/IMAP4,這個組合包非常好用,每台機器都可以處理大量的用戶。GMS Mail Server支援所有郵件用戶端並可隨時使用基於Web為基礎的管理GUI來配置,這使得使用者可以節省不必要的花費,如管理成本、硬體和升級費用。 GMS Mail Server有內建的正向和反向Proxy伺服器,這將使許多用戶不需要花大錢購買昂貴的附加產品,更有利於保護內部系統。GMS Mail Server是專為中小企業和ISP的解決方案。
Gordano Messaging Suite是一款經濟的e-mail解決方案,它包含了基於Web的電子郵件、防病毒和反垃圾郵件功能。在它的最新版本中還增加了對即時消息和短資訊的支援,從而能在使用者之間共用日程表資訊。Gordano伺服器端元件的安裝和配置相當簡單。 Gordano伺服器能夠和 Outlook、Eudora和其它一些郵件用戶端共同工作,它本身提供的Gordano WebMail則是一款基於流覽器的用戶端。Gordano WebMail 使用起來非常穩定,沒有太多華而不實的功能。該用戶端可以從另外的多個伺服器上收取郵件,這對於擁有多個郵箱的專業用戶來說非常必要。
It has low management overheads because you can:
Add large numbers of users at once.
Manage it remotely using a Web browser.
Allocate different levels of administrator privileges to senior users.
GMS delivers large quantities of e-mail messages quickly and effi-ciently. It does this by using sophisticated queuing algorithms to re-use connections, and by using Enhanced SMTP and other features. This means you do not need a top range server to run GMS.
GMS reduces the bandwidth needed to deliver and accept messages to and from the Internet. You can limit the bandwidth used for outgoing mail to avoid saturating a low bandwidth link.