Tmssoftware 擁有超過500種控制項目,可以完全滿足你的需求,包括獲獎的計畫控制項目、表格控制項目、Unicode控制項包、獨有的 IntraWeb 控制項目等。
TMS VCL Subscription
Our two year subscription to all our current & future VCL products for Windows application development.
TMS FNC Component Studio
One subscription for all FNC components
TMS Async
Asynchronous serial communications for Windows VCL applications
TMS Cryptography Pack
Software library that provides various algorithms used to encrypt, sign and hash data.
TMS Diagram Studio
Add diagram and flowchart capabilities to your applications with an MS Visio-like interface for building diagrams from built-in or your own custom diagram blocks
TMS FlexCel for VCL & FMX
Powerful, extensive & flexible component suite for native Excel report & file generation & manipulation
TMS PassKit
Generate PassKit discount coupons, event tickets, store cards, travel tickets for iOS PassKit wallet from Delphi or C++Builder
TMS Query Studio
Allow end-users to query your database using a friendly interface which provides automatically all tables and field names, allowing table joins, filter conditions, grouping, ordering, and more
DB and not DB-aware single or multi pane chart component featuring a wide range of chart types: Line, Bar, Area, Pie, Spider, Donut, Band, Stacked Bars, Stacked Area, OHLC, CandleStick, Histogram, Bubble, Error, Digital Line, Funnel...
TMS VCL Cloud Pack
Seamless access to a wide range of popular cloud services from Windows applications
TMS VCL Grid Excel Bridge
Import/Export Bridge for TMS Grids to Excel .XLS and .XLSX files
Create spectacular 3D animated user experiences in your Delphi applications
TMS VCL Instrumentation Workshop
Bundle of over 80 controls for instrumentation applications
TMS VCL MultiTouch SDK
SDK to create immersive interactive multimedia applications or public point of sale touch based information systems
TMS VCL Plugin Framework
Framework to make building Delphi modular applications with plugin support easy
TMS VCL Security System
User-rights management system for your Delphi & C++Builder Windows applications
Windows UI Essentials
TMS Workflow Studio
Build workflow/BPM definitions/flowcharts, run workflows, create tasks for multi-user environment, follow-up tasks, keep log tracking of task changes and more. Workflow Studio integrates with an open architecture for using almost any database server and database components
Toad™ for Oracle is unrivaled for ensuring the greatest possible productivity in development and administration of Oracle databases. 只有Toad能將現有的最深度功能與大量自動化和直觀工作流程結合在一起。 有了Toad,任何經驗、技術水準的資料庫專業人員都可以高效、準確地合作和工作。
集成到許多Toad功能中,例如Editor、VOE和DB Health Check。
針對 C與C++ 與 Fortran 應用程式的動態源代碼與記憶體調試器
TotalView 是一款基於GUI(圖形用戶界面)的源代碼檢測分析工具,幫助您以前所未有的強大功能控制進程與線程執行,查看可視化的程式狀態與變量。 它允許您調試一個或多個進程與/或線程,完全控制程式執行。您可以覆置並解決棘手(利用線程、OpenMP、MPI 或計算加速器)的難題。 使用TotalView提供的分析顯示,他可以對您的計畫進行有效的調試與記憶體錯誤和遺漏,並診斷死鎖與競爭條件等的難題。TotalView 與專為 Linux、UNIX 與 Mac OS X 平台編寫的 C, C++ 與 Fortran 應用程式協同工作。
» C, C++ Comprehensive support for templates and standard template libraries
» Fortran Includes concepts such as common blocks and modules
» Data Visualization Visibility into program data and variables
» Memory Help for problems resulting from extensive requirements of large systems
» Multi-process Support for 20 different MPI implementations, as well as OpenMP
» Remote Display Windows and Linux desktop access
» Threads and Concurrency Troubleshoot deadlocks and race conditions
Signal Handling Control
TotalView 2024.2 adds support for customizing the actions the debugger performs for operating system signals sent to the target application. Being able to control the handling of signals is critical for the functionality of some applications, such as the Java Virtual Machine which uses signals to trigger JIT’ing of code and memory management operations. For any signal, specify the action that should be performed by TotalView:
· Error – Halt the application and put it in error state.
· Stop – Stop the application.
· Resend – Resend the signal to the application to handle.
· Ignore – Ignore the signal and do not send it to the application.
Bring up the Signal Action Settings panel by opening the TotalView Preferences dialog using the “gear” icon in the toolbar. Select the Signals panel to display all the configurable signals, and use the Search field to quickly narrow the set of signals. Signal handling actions are performed globally for any process being debugging by TotalView.
NVIDIA Grace / Hopper Support
TotalView 2024.2 adds support for NVIDIA Grace Arm based CPUs. This combined with the added Hopper support from the 2024.1 release enables TotalView to fully support debugging the NVIDIA Grace/Hopper computing environments.
OpenMP Debugging Improvements
TotalView 2024.2 improves its OpenMP debugging support with updates and additions to compiler support, the ability to display OpenMP Internal Control Variables (ICVs), added the ability to easily step in and out of parallel regions, improved OMP outlined function name demangling, improved OMP thread information added to the UI and CLI output, and other various OMPD bug fixes and performance improvements.
Note: Some OpenMP programs may require passing the "-compiler_vars" option to To...
TX Text Control .NET Server for ASP.NET
Powerful Reporting and Word Processing for ASP.NET Web Forms, MVC and JavaScript
獨特的功能為您的用戶提供一個所見即所得,與MS Word兼容,基於HTML5的跨瀏覽器編輯器,以在任何設備上的任何瀏覽器中的任何位置創建強大的報告模板和文檔。
在應用程式中替換MS Office Automation是用於ASP.NET的TX Text Control .NET Server的最典型用例之一。使用用於ASP.NET的TX Text Control .NET Server,您可以使用UI和非UI組件來自動化,編輯和創建文檔。
用於ASP.NET的TX Text Control .NET Server支持多種行業標準的文字處理格式(RTF,DOC,DOCX,HTML,XML,PDF,PDF / A)和圖像文件格式(GIF,PNG,JPG,BMP, WMF,EMF,TIF)。
用於ASP.NET的TX Text Control .NET Server用於在批處理過程中影印文檔,或在任何類型的業務流程和工作流中創建可影印的Adobe PDF文檔。
創建Adobe PDF文檔
獨特功能使用TX Text Control .NET Server for ASP.NET,可以創建,導入和修改Adobe PDF和PDF / A文檔,包括文檔訪問安全設置和數位簽名。
跨瀏覽器ASP.NET MVC和WebForms編輯器
為您的用戶提供所見即所得,與MS Word兼容,基於HTML5的跨瀏覽器編輯器,以在任何設備上的任何瀏覽器中的任何位置創建功能強大的報告模板和文檔。
TX Spell .NET for ASP.NET
Powerful Spell Checking and Language Tools for TX Text Control .NET Server for ASP.NET applications
使用適用於Windows Forms的TX Spell .NET,可以為基於TX Text Control的應用程式添加非常快速,高度可靠和非常準確的拼寫檢查。
用於Windows Forms的TX Spell .NET已使用60多種免費詞典進行了測試。美式英語作為標準配置提供-您無需為其他語言支付額外費用。
與大多數拼寫檢查器不同,用於Windows Forms的TX Spell .NET支持多語言文檔。
Windows Forms的TX Spell .NET支持語言檢測。可以檢測給定字符串或完整文檔中30多種語言的語言範圍。
作為一家全球技術領先的視覺化圖形軟體元件技術提供商,UCanCode Software 致力於提供軟體公司能更快、更高效的開發出更好產品的工具。直接使用VC++或者Windows GDI來開發產品太複雜了,E-XD++提供了對最複雜的Windows GDI以及複雜的數學運算的封裝,提供給開發人員一個更寬廣、更高效的開發架構FrameWork,使用E-XD++來開發應用程式,您就可以只關注於數據處理,而不必再為繁瑣的輸出介面耗費時間。目前在全球已經有幾十個國家或者地區的大量使用者正在使用E-XD++來開發各類產品。
UCanCode E-XD++視覺化圖形原始碼資料庫是一套100%使用VC++/MFC開發而成的向量圖形原始碼資料庫(含VC++擴展庫和ActiveX控制項部分),並以此向開發人員提供最全面的、最可靠的動態圖形\資料視覺化\人機界面(HMI)\即時繪圖\CAD製圖以及GIS地理資訊等領域的圖形基礎元件庫, 可以用來創建最專業互動的視覺化圖形應用程式。開發人員只需要簡單的幾十行代碼就可以將這些高級的視覺化圖形功能添加到您的程式中。正式版本的E-XD++將為您提供所有100%原始程式碼。
E-XD++ Visualization Suite
E-XD++ Professional Edition Suite
E-XD++ Enterprise Edition Suite
UCanCode ActiveX COM Products
uniGui 是基於Delphi的一套開發Web應用的UI框架,前端使用的是ExtJS
uniGUI Web Application Framework extends Web application development experience to a new dimension. uniGUI enables Delphi developers to create, design and debug web applications in IDE using a unique set of visual components. Each component is designed to provide same functionality of its counterpart visual component in Delphi VCL. This provides a very comfortable development environment very close to native VCL application development with an easy learning curve. uniGUI Web applications can be deployed to a server using one of the available deployment options such as Windows Service, Standalone Server or ISAPI Module.
Based on industry's most advanced JavaScript library Sencha Ext JS. (Current version is Ext JS 7.5.1)
Includes OEM license for Sencha Ext JS. (Please see licensing for details).
A unique platform to create stateful web applications.
Complete IDE support for creating projects, designing forms, frames and handling data modules.
Advanced support for scripting client side JavaScript events.
Library core is fully optimized to achieve highest level of scalability.
Including advanced Stress Test Tool utility.
Comes with various deployment options: ISAPI Module, Standalone Server, Windows Service and Native Apache 2.4 Module (Windows & Linux).
Supported Delphi versions: Turbo Delphi Pro, Delphi 2006, Delphi 2007, Delphi 2009, Delphi 2010, Delphi XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, X5, XE6, XE7, XE8, Delphi 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2.3 Tokyo, 10.3.3 Rio, 10.4 Sydney, 11.3 Alexandria and 12.0 Athens (Win32, Win64 and Linux64 platforms). (Linux support is available for Delphi 10.3 and later)
C++ Builder supported. ( See installation instructions for more details on C++ Builder support )
Supported Browsers: IE 9+, Microsoft Edge, FireFox, Chrome, Safari and Opera
New state-of-the-art uniGUI HyperServer technology.
SautinSoft 公司 的 UseOffice .NET 是一個強大的 .NET組件,可以在DOC、DOCX、XLS、RTF、PPT、PDF和HTML格式之間做轉換,和表格、圖像、字體、顏色等。我們的組件僅僅是一個類庫,它需要安裝 Microsoft Office,而您可以安裝任何版本的Microsoft Office。
開發人員可以在UseOffice .NET中使用VB.NET、C#、Delphi .NET或J#等語言。
SourceGear Vault Pro
SourceGear Vault Pro是一個專為開發團隊設計的版本控制及BUG追蹤解決方案。 Vault Standard是設計給有版本控制需求的人員。Vault基於客戶端/伺服器結構如Microsoft SQL Server 及 IIS Web Services來提高性能、可伸縮性與安全性。
一個可靠、人性化的版本控制系統(Version Control System)
Vault的設計承諾原子操作的原代碼更改至SQL 伺服器資料庫,確保資料的完整性。在客戶端與伺服器之間的通訊都做了HTTP數據壓縮和二進制增量,以提供最佳的遠程訪問,此外,還支持獨有的功能,如歷史紀錄和事件通知。
替代Visual SourceSafe的第一選擇
SourceGear Vault Professional 客戶端-變更項目
從成立之初,SourceGear Vault 被設計成為用戶從Microsoft Visual SourceSafe遷移。Vault幾乎實現SourceSafe的所有功能,包括Share and Pin,保存了工作流程並提供了一個熟悉的用戶介面,確實消除任何在使用熟悉上的困難。
對於用戶需要多源控制,提供了完全集成的工作項目追蹤,使用介面功能強大且容易操作。原代碼的改變以及工作項目更新成為 checkin 操作的一部分,所以你能清楚得知哪個項目發生了何種改變。
Vault Pro整合了CruiseControl.NET提供持續的集成和構建的支援。我們還提供NAnt的任務,從構建腳本和跨平台的命令由客戶端進入和更新Vault Pro還可調用任何的構建工具。
What's new in Vault 10?
Vault Professional / Standard
Support for SQL Server 2019
Support for Visual Studio 2022
Support for Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio 2019
Support for Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2022 and Windows 11
Support for Eclipse 2022-03
Support for Java 9 and up in the Vault Cross Platform Client
Support for HTTPS using TLS 1.1/1.2 only configurations
Server performance enhancements immensely reduces time to Branch, Label and Snapshot a folder
Upload Large Files - You can now add files greater than 2GB in size
File Cloak - Users can set the cloak property on files of which they do not want to retrieve with a GET
Folder Changes Archive - Can set the file's time stamp date to Modified, Current or Check In
Command Line Client
BEGINDATE and ENDDATE options added to GET and GETWILDCARD to filter files using date ranges
Comment accepted using the CHECKOUT command
SETFILETIME option accepted in the BRANCH command
DETECTNEW can discover and create change set items for unmanaged assets within working folders
UNDOCHANGESETITEM, DELETE, and COMMIT now take working folder paths instead of repository paths
VBReFormer 是一套針對Visual Basic 5 & 6 程式開發的回復工具。結合decompiler、disassembler、design editor,使用較舊版Visual Basic的開發人員務必一試。
您需要編輯Visual Basic 5或6的程式,但手邊沒有保留source code
您想將以Visual Basic 6撰寫的程式轉換成.NET架構,但您沒有source code
The decompiler engine has been improved as it can now perform variable type determination. This means that VBReFormer is now able to guess the type of a variable and argument from its use inside the code.
We also added for/next support, and multi-dimensional array-related statements decompilation.
New: Improved support of file I/O operation statements:
New: Improved support of error statements:
New: Improved support of array-related statements:
New: Improved support of FOR / NEXT loop-related statements:
New: Improved support of internal system statements:
New: Improved support of string statements:
New: Other improved statements:
New: support of type consistency at decompilation time, this means that the decompiler engine can now be determinist about variable type
New: Support of OLE, PropertyPage, and UserDocument elements in GUI recovery & edition
New: Support of COM / OLE property edition
New: New settings windows that allows to:
edit colors of source code’s syntax highlighting
choose if you want only Visual Basic, assembly, or both (mixed) differently for viewing and saving
choose your own prefix for private method and private variable name
load (or not) the project in Visual Basic, or the destination folder once you saved it
VbsEdit 是一個專門用於Windows Scripting Host的開發編輯器,可以大幅減少你編寫和除錯.vbs scripts的時間。
Powerful Editor
Supporting VBScript and JScript with syntax coloring, intellisense, code snippets, this editor has everything you need.
Debug your scripts in our integrated debugger. Explore and modify variables and their content from our debug console for VBScript and JScript.
Compile to Executable
Compile your scripts to Executable in Console mode or Windows Mode. Customize Icon. Select UAC level.
Tons of Samples
Vbsedit makes it easy to learn with tons of sample scripts.
Supports multiple tabs
VbsEdit now supports .vbs, .js, .hta, .wsf scripts
Option to create a scheduled task from the file menu
Git integration
New objects in VbsEdit toolkit (JSON, ImageProcessor, StickyNotes)
VbsEdit now supports automation:
Set vbsedit = CreateObject("VbsEdit.Application")
Set mydocument = vbsedit.Documents.Add
mydocument.SourceCode="WScript.Echo ""Hello World"""