ViewMate 是一款 Gerber 檔檢視器,不需要安裝 CAM350就能查看 Gerber檔案!!運行內部的 Smart DFM module,就能每次製造出完美的生產檔案。無論您是個設計師想要檢查 CAD系統的匯出、或需要編輯CAD的作業、甚至是board shop需要準確並及時完成他們的工作; ViewMate Deluxe 加上 Smart DFM正就是您所尋找的答案。
匯入和匯出多個 PCB數據格式(data formats),如Gerber, DPF, NC drill
匯入和合併多個孔徑列表格式(aperture list formats)
保存所有圖層( layer)的數據工作於一個文件中
圖層( layer)編輯操作
NC drill 編輯
可進行許多圖層( layer)操作,包括對齊、轉換、捕捉到網格(grid)
Smart DFM
Smart DFM 可自動化固定文件
立即報價與訂單公布(Quote & Order boards)
而付費版分為兩個版本:ViewMate Deluxe 與 ViewMate Pro
ViewMate Deluxe特色
Smart DFM automated file fixing
Quote & Order boards instantly
Graphical PCB editing
NC drill editing
ME/2000/XP/Vista/Win 7 interface
Import & export multiple PCB data formats
Import & merge multiple aperture list formats
Complete editing capabilities
Multiple database units of measurement
Up to 255 layers of data
Up to 10,000 simultaneously used apertures
Layer editing operations
Step & repeat
Optimize and panel file arrays
Numerous layer operations including align, convert, snap to grid and many more
And, much more!
ViewMate Pro特色
ViewMate Pro is designed for today’s power user. Now equipped with a DXF File Converter to give users the ability to convert Gerber to DXF and DXF to Gerber, ViewMate Pro has more value than ever before!
Smart DFM automated design for manufacturing check and correct
DXF File Converter
Import multiple net-list formats
Venting & Thieving
Fill Polygons
Solder-mask Generation
Overlap Correction
Draw to Flash Pad Conversion
Snap to Padmaster
Easily Quote and Order circuits boards within your design
Copper area calculation
Solder-mask generation
Copper pouring
Silkscreen clipping
Automated Venting & thieving
Board Cleanup Functions
One year of free technical support
And, much more!
Compare Features
with Smart DFM(Free)
ViewMate Deluxe
ViewMate Pro
Smart DFM
Quote and Order Printed Circuit Boards
New ViewMate Communicator (Communicate over email using "Live CAM Data")
New ViewMate Responder (Respond to communications using "Live CAM Data")
Import Gerber, and rout (Excellon etc.), DPF, ODB++, HPGL
Virtual Serial Port Driver 仿真串口、創建虛擬COM對
Virtual COM Port Driver創建虛擬串口,並透過虛擬調製解調器電纜成對連接。雙方的應用程序將能夠以這種方式交換數據,所有寫入第一個端口的數據將顯示在第二個端口一次又一次。
VisualSVN 是 Visual Studio 的專業級 Subversion 集成插件。
VisualSVN 的主要優點:
無與倫比的可靠性: Visual Studio 永遠不會因為 VisualSVN 而當機或死機。
無縫集成: VisualSVN 自動處理添加或重命名的文件,並將這些操作反映到 Subversion。
實時狀態: VisualSVN仔細跟踪並顯示當前對工作副本所做的所有更改。
學習曲線短: VisualSVN 利用 TortoiseSVN 對話框並提供智能嚮導將您的源代碼置於 Subversion 之下。
VisualSVN 8.3 supports Visual Studio 2022 only. It can be installed side-by-side with other VisualSVN versions.
Compiled with Apache Subversion 1.14.3.
Supports all editions of Visual Studio (x64 and ARM64).
不需要由人工繪製,Visustin支援的語言有ABAP, ActionScript, Ada, ASP, several assembly languages, BASIC, .bat files, C, C++, C#, Clipper, COBOL, ColdFusion,Delphi, Fortran, Java, JavaScript, JCL (MVS), JavaServer Pages, LotusScript, Matlab, MXML, Pascal, Perl, PHP, PL/I, PL/SQL, PowerBuilder PowerScript, PureBasic, Python, QB, REALbasic, REXX, Ruby, SAS, Unix shell script (bash, csh, tcsh, ksh, sh), Tcl, TSQL, VB, VBA, VBScript, VB.Net, Visual FoxPro and XSLT.
Visustin v8 更新:
完全支援Windows 10
Visustin v8 is a long-awaited syntax and compatibility update with numerous smaller improvements helping you create flow charts smoothly. The number of improvements is larger than in any previous version, yet there are no major changes ruining your experience. As an existing user you will feel totally at home with Visustin v8.
Language update. 6 new languages, 23 updated languages supporting newest syntax, newest commands and the like. Improvements for selected languages. Updates make sure your code flows correctly in the charts.
Word export update. Page size is adjusted to flow chart size. Export to DOC or DOCX file format.
Visio export update. Export to Visio 2016. Export to VSD or VSDX file format. Export "Flow chart alternative style". [Pro Edition]
Bulk charting update. HTML and MHT save formats rewritten. [Pro Edition]
Compatibility update. Visustin v8 is compatible with Windows 10, Visio 2016 and Word 2016, and earlier. Supports an improved look on high-density displays.
Exacttrend 公司的 Web Log Explorer 是最快和最強大的Log分析軟體!
Web Log Explorer可以建立“多層次”和跨連結的報告,讓您可以去深度挖掘您所需要的數據。Web Log Explorer還可以統計分析Apache、IIS網站主機的。Log紀錄檔,能夠將多種關於網站流覽者的統計資料徹底解析,包括:參觀人次、動態狀況、檔案存取狀態、參照網頁、搜尋引擎、錯誤、來訪者國家、網站搜尋字串/片語等等。
Web Log Explorer支援35多個Log文件格式,且已經在所有流行的web server program、網絡代理(web proxie)、防火牆和MS Windows Media Service中進行過測試。更不用說,Web Log Explorer還可以識別Log文件格式、自動提取壓縮Log文件、處理多個Log文件,並且下載各種來源的Log文件(如Web、FTP、ODBC compliant database等)。此外Web Log Explorer還可以過濾掉搜索引擎的機器人的訪問。藉由點擊一個按鈕,您可以切換到“All requests”、“Without spiders”和“Spiders only”模式,讓您可以更精確的了解Log的資訊。
Webix JavaScript UI library for speeding up web development
包含102個UI小部件和功能豐富的CSS / HTML5 JavaScript控件
是HTML UI組件的JavaScript庫,既兼容所有瀏覽器(IE11+),也支持電腦和移動Web App,開發者可以用其來構建跨平台的HTML5/CSS3的應用,只需幾行代碼即可實現豐富的UI構建。
Complete solution in a single bundle
Flexible and rich forms
You can choose among more than 30 controls during form creating. There are various input fields, versatile select boxes, checkboxes and radiobuttons as well as stylish buttons and toggles.
JavaScript UI widgets and controls
Extra components: complex JavaScript UI widgets
JavaScript Pivot intended for well-organized visual table reports and graphical representation of data.
JavaScript Kanban board is a tool for viewing work in progress and controlling the process from tasks to solutions.
JavaScript Spreadsheet is a complex widget that allows integrating Excel like sheets in web apps and working with data online.
JavaScript File Manager assists in managing hierarchical data and navigating through it in a user-friendly style.
JavaScript Mobile Scheduler is a full-featured tool for displaying, creating and managing events in daily, weekly, monthly views on all kinds of mobile devices.
Start building your code with real interactive apps
Bring life to JavaScript Tables