TeeChart VCL/FMX
TeeChart Pro 圖表組件庫提供數百種用於資料視覺化的 2D 和 3D 圖形樣式、60 種數學、統計和財務函數供您選擇,以及無限數量的軸和 30 個調色板組件。
One source for cross-platform
Targeting Windows, Web and Mobile Apps
Create one multi-platform project using Embarcadero's RAD Studio and by using the same chart component you can reach Windows, Linux, iOS, Android and macOS.
Design the forms in the IDE and build/run them to any of the platforms on the list.
You can also use TeeChart (sourcecode version only) with FMXLinux to port/build your charting applications to/for Linux with Embarcadero Delphi 10.2 Tokyo and up.
Responsive charts
Deliver dashboards easily to multi-device/multiple platforms with FireMonkey
TeeChart will scale and fit to any screen size. If you're building dashboards you can place multiple, resizeable charts on each dashboard panel. FireMonkey framework will handle most of the variations for the different platforms. See chart examples showing how to use TeeChart for FireMonkey apps.
Charts for every industry
Business, financial and scientific data
The VCL component offers an immense array of charts to display your data in the most effective and manageable way. Over 70 chart types with 2D and 3D views - from common bar, line, area graphs to financial and statistical charts. See GitHub where you will find a repository of chart examples.
Gauges easily customized
Interactive gauge indicators including circular, linear and digital gauges
The Chart component provides many gauges series type and indicators to create digital dashboards with visual effects like shadows, lighting, etc.
Dashboard and Reporting
Build informative dashboards with the data visualisation tools
This Delphi FireMonkey project provides a dashboard report containing charts, grid and map. It uses several TeeChart features in order to interact between the different chart and grid, as well as some chart tools. The dashboard represents the sales activities of a company with products in several markets around the globe.
版本比較 (點擊圖片可放大觀看)
程式截圖 (點選圖可放大觀看)
Sublime Text 是款成熟的文字編輯器,其擁有漂亮的用戶界面、非凡的功能和驚人的表現。 Sublime Text 也是款跨平台的文字編輯器,可支援 Windows、OS X、Linux 等多個系統。另外Sublime Text 可透過套件(Package)擴充本身的功能,您可以選擇擴充多種套件,幫助你在編輯與開發時更加的快速與方便,大多數的套件使用自由軟體授權釋出,並由社群建置維護,要是找不到合用的套件而且您願意的話,也可以自己寫個擴充套件。而 Sublime Text 功能包括:
Go to anything:快速在檔案間移動的導覽工具。
Sublime Text can now utilize your GPU on Linux, Mac and Windows when rendering the interface. This results in a fluid UI all the way up to 8K resolutions, all while using less power than before.
Sublime Text for Mac now includes native support for Apple Silicon processors. Linux ARM64 builds are also available for devices like the Raspberry Pi.
File tabs have been enhanced to make split views effortless, with support throughout the interface and built-in commands. The side bar, tab bar, Goto Anything, Goto Definition, auto complete and more have all been tweaked to make code navigation easier and more intuitive than ever.
The auto complete engine has been rewritten to provide smart completions based on existing code in a project. Suggestions are also augmented with info about their kind, and provide links to definitions.
The Default and Adaptive themes have been refreshed with new tab styles and inactive pane dimming. Themes and Color Schemes support auto dark-mode switching. The Adaptive theme on Windows and Linux now features custom title bars.
Support for one of the most popular new programming languages is now shipped by default. Utilize all of the smart syntax-based features of Sublime Text within the modern JavaScript ecosystem.
The syntax highlighting engine has been significantly improved, with new features like handling non-deterministic grammars, multi-line constructs, lazy embeds and syntax inheritance. Memory usage has been reduced, and load times are faster than ever.
The Sublime Text API has been updated to Python 3.8, while keeping backwards compatibility with packages built for Sublime Text 3. The API has been significantly expanded, adding features that allow plugins like LSP to work better than ever.
SUIPack 是一款結合Delphi和C++Builder的WYSIWYG VCL skin元件,它提供您創造有專業的介面外觀設計的應用程式,完成你的需求,除此之外,多元的標準元件,suipack提供更多額外的元件,你將不需要花很多時間在programming skin support。
SUIPack 提供超過60個元件。把它們放置在一個表格上,甚至是在設計期間,您立即就可以看到skin顯示效果,。SUIPack內建了5種skin,並且允許讀取外部的skin檔。它真的是一款眼見就為所得的產品。
SUIPack 完全支援Sunisoft Skin Solutions v2,也就是說,您可以在SUIPack中使用Sunisoft Skin Solutions v2的skin。這些skin大部分都是由我們的專業UI artists所設計的。順帶一提,我們不只提供UI controls功能,也提供了UI design。您也可以使用全新的SkinBuilder工具製作自己設計的skin。
What’s the difference between SUIPack and SUISkin?
SUISkin is the easiest way of making an application skinned. SUISkin provides only one component, you don’t need to learn anything about using it. It will make your form skinned automatically. SUISkin just skins the existing controls on the form both the standard controls and the most of third-party controls.
SUIPack is a WYSIWYG skin components package. It provides over 60 skin-supported GUI controls as well as 5 built-in skins. And it also provides some extended GUI controls, E.g. MSN-style popup window, non-rectangular forms, side channel, etc.
In a word, after installing, you can find only one component for SUISkin but more than
60 controls for SUIPack. And SUISkin can skin the controls from third-party but SUIPack can’t.
Upgraded specification for skin description, more flexible in design and implementation.
A brand new SkinBuilder tool which is much easier to use for UI/skin designers.
Added the support for password protected skin file.
Decreased the size of the skin file much.
Supports more flexible design for the shape of a window. Just use transparent color to define non-rectangle title bar and/or bottom border.
Supports 5 sections definition for title bar, so that a special section can be designed for showing the caption of the window.
Added the definition for title bar font color.
Improved definition for progress bars.
Added the definition for main menu bar.
Added the definition for button font color.
Added the support for indeterminate status of check boxes.
Improved the skin effect of the slider of scroll bars.
WinSQL 是通用的資料庫管理工具,它可以使用任何關聯資料庫來執行管理任務,如導入/導出數據,產生測試數據,現有資料庫的逆向工程,在資料庫之間架構和數據的比較,或簡單地運行SQL查詢。一方面的WinSQL提供先進的用戶功能強大的工具來幫助他們管理自己的資料庫,另一方面在WinSQL的幾個導引可幫助新手用戶查看和修改現有的任何關聯資料庫的數據。總之,WinSQL對任何每天工作於各種資料庫的程式編寫員或資料庫管理員來說是一個必備的工具。
資料庫開發是一件枯燥乏味、極其耗時的任務。常常占用了開發人員寶貴的全部時間和精力。WinSQL是符合 ODBC 的資料庫開發解決方案,其簡化了與資料庫相關的日常任務。WinSQL 適用於任何符合 ODBC 的資料庫,包括 Oracle、Sybase、DB2、MS SQL Server、Informix、MS Access、MySQL、PostgreSQL 等。WinSQL 提供十分簡潔、功能強大的圖形用戶界面,幫助您輕鬆地提交 SQL 查詢、瀏覽資料庫編錄、查看不同項目之間的關係等。WinSQL 利用特定的資料庫插件來擴展默認的ODBC,換言之,這些插件將輔助ODBC完成其無法辦到的任務。
WinSQL 是資料庫管理員和程式開發員處理資料庫所必須擁有的工具。使用WinSQL資料庫管理員能輕易有效地管理任何一個關聯資料庫。程式開發員能快速地寫SQL語法,捕捉它們的反應時間並把它們轉換成程式碼。獲得表、圖、儲存過程、觸發器、規則等等的原始碼。且擁有有學習怎樣使用以幫助你建立SQL語法的導引。且可把一個資料庫的數據轉換到另一個資料庫,以及現有資料庫的逆向工程、畫 E/R 圖、產生數百萬行有意義的測試數據、在兩個資料庫之間查找結構性的不同、在不同的資料庫的兩張表之間查找數據的不同。 WinSQL將讓您的工作變得非常簡單。
Quick Search
Enhanced Special Comments
Enhanced fix-length export
Ability to convert CHAR FOR BIT DATA to string when exporting from DB2
Enhanced error handling
Ability to include titles when exporting to CSV files
Ability to assign primary keys to views, which is useful when using the Update Wizard
Ability to specify a /clean as a command line argument, which ignores previously stored sessions
Syslog Watcher - Powerful Syslog Server for Windows OS
Syslog Watcher Pro 一款高性能容易使用的WINDOWS syslog服務程式,彙集所有不同的來源的syslog資訊進行分析, 驗核並查明故障。
從網路設備和工作站收集系統日誌資料。Syslog Watcher Pro通過 UDP 和 TCP 協定,從網路設備收集 syslog 資訊和在 IPv4 和 IPv6 網路中工作。
Syslog Watcher can collect, parse, store and analyze syslogs from:
• firewalls / switches / routers / modems of any vendor
• network hosts and servers (Windows, Unix, Linux, etc.)
• syslog forwarders (to forward Windows Event Log to syslog server use Eventlog Inspector)
• any syslog enabled devices or appliances
• any software that can send its own logs via syslog
JPSoft Take Command 是該公司非常流行的指令行處理器4DOS的32位Windows替代品。 Take Command具有4DOS的所有功能,另外它還增加了某些圖形特徵,例如:向回滾動的緩衝區,可定制的工具欄,通過下拉選單訪問公共指令。 “Caveman”功能使你能夠直接在Take Command窗口中運行有滾動輸出的字元模式應用程序(例如:PKZip或XCOPY)
Take Command是最熱賣的產品。20多年來,JP Software 一直致力於協助程式設計師,系統管理員,技術支援專業人員,及進一步節省了用戶的時間和金錢,並使他們的挫折Windows指令提示符能成功運行。Take Command提供了一種新的方法在Windows工作,使用戶在命令行中有更多的權限和提供易於使用的Windows GUI。Take Command包括一個完整的CMD替換指令Shell,提供了極好的Windows指令行界面,以及數以千計的功能,是無法在現有的CMD指令提示符下提供的(甚至是Linux shells)。
Take Command 專為 Windows 10 , Server 2016 , Server 2019 , Windows 11 , and Server 2022 而設計,提供32位和64位版本。Take Command結合了GUI和字符模式接口的最佳功能。您可以在選項卡式窗口中打開多個控制台應用程序,當您需要直觀地查看文件夾時,可以使用類似Windows資源管理器的界面
Take Command, TCC, TCC-RT, and CMDebug version 32 are designed for Windows 10, Server 2016, Server 2019, Windows 11, and Server 2022. (For Windows 7 or 32-bit Windows, download Version 25.)
TCC/LE is designed for Windows XP, 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Server 2012, and Server 2012R2.