在Flinto的突破性動畫轉換設計師中設計您自己的動畫轉場。沒有時間表,沒有編程,只是把東西放在你想要的地方。在Transition Designer中設計。用直接操縱手勢控制它們。
Bring all your screens to the party
FusionCharts Suite 可幫助您建立令人驚嘆的圖表、儀表板與地圖,在您的企業網站及企業應用程式上。使用它可以建立傑出的報告、分析、監測、調查和操作見解。
FusionCharts Suite是業界領先的企業級圖表元件功能無縫結合PC、Mac、iPad、iPhone和大部分的移動裝置。FusionCharts Suite利用Flash 和 JavaScript (HTML5)來建立令人驚奇的圖表,同時可以搭配 XML和JSON資料。FusionCharts可以整合任何伺服器端的技術(ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, JSP, ColdFusion, Ruby on Rails 等等)與資料庫。
FusionCharts Suite提供超過90種不同的圖表類型,使創造數據圖表在FusionCharts Suite上是一件輕而易舉的事情。FusionCharts Suite使用顧客有24,000家以上企業和在120國家超過50萬的開發者,包括了前500強企業和網絡上最流行的網站。FusionCharts Suite是幫您建立動態與互動式的圖表提供網站與企業應用的最佳選擇。
FusionCharts Suite 包含以下四個套件:
FusionCharts Suite consists of 4 products that provides you with the most comprehensive data visualization solution in the industry — FusionCharts XT, FusionWidgets XT,FusionMaps XT and PowerCharts XT.
FusionCharts XT
With 50+ chart types, FusionCharts XT consists of the most commonly used charts like column, line, and pie for your reports and dashboards.
FusionWidgets XT
From Gauges and KPIs to funnel and pyramid charts, FusionWidgets XT makes your dashboards and monitors a lot more insightful.
PowerCharts XT
With the inclusion of heat & treemaps, radar, and statistical charts, PowerCharts XT is a set of advanced charting widgets for domain-specific usage.
FusionMaps XT
Plot your crucial business data like revenue by regions with over 2000 data-driven maps that are included in FusionMaps XT.
GroupDocs.Total for .NET 集合了每一種。NET 函式庫由 GroupDocs 提供。我們每天編譯,以確保它包含了我們每一個最新的 NET 庫版本。 隨著 GroupDocs.Total 提供給 NET 開發人員們,有個人授權就可以使用所有我們的函式庫。然而,您可以訂購任何個人的函式庫也是如此。我們提供的函式庫有:
GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET Library
A powerful document viewer component that allows you to display over 50 document formats in your web .NET application. The viewer can both rasterize documents and convert them to SVG+HTML+CSS, delivering true-text high-fidelity rendering.
Supported file formats include: Microsoft Office/Visio/Project/Outlook documents, PDFs, AutoCAD, image files (TIFF, JPG, BMP, GIF, TIFF, etc.) and more.
GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET Library
Provides users with the ability to annotate Microsoft Office, PDF and other documents within your web .NET app. The library comes with a comprehensive set of markup tools, which enable your users to highlight, strikethrough, and comment on text and images. Annotated documents can be printed out and exported to PDF or Microsoft Word right from a web-browser.
GroupDocs.Signature for .NET Library
With the GroupDocs.Signature API, you can integrate e-signatures into your app. Your users are then able to get documents signed electronically using only a web-browser. Detailed audit trails, 256-bit SSL encryption and other advanced security features ensure signed documents have legal effect and are kept private, while a wizard-like UI makes the signing process quick and easy.
GroupDocs.Comparison for .NET Library
A document comparison component that allows users to quickly and easily find differences between two revisions of a document right in your web app. It merges two uploaded documents into a single one and displays it, highlighting differences with the redline view approach - similar to the Microsoft Word change tracking feature, but online.
GroupDocs.Conversion for .NET Library
An advanced class library that allows users to convert back and forth between over 50 document formats within your .NET application. Supports all Microsoft Office document formats as well as PDF, HTML and common image file formats (TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP). Your users can convert documents one by one - on the fly, or add several documents at a time to a conversion queue.
GroupDocs.Assembly for .NET Library
Allows users to seamlessly assemble custom documents by automatically incorporating data entered through online forms into existing document templates. With this library, you can build apps that let your users generate business documents, such as NDAs, sales quotes, employment applications, etc., on the fly without having to enter data into document templates manually.
GroupDocs.Metadata for.NET
Native .NET API to dynamically read, write, edit and remove meta information from Microsoft Office, PDF, Multimedia, images and various other file formats.
GroupDocs.Watermark for.NET
Search, add or remo...
GUI Design Studio 簡介
GUI Design Studio 是一款無需編碼、拖放式使用者界面設計(User Interface)軟體,亦適用Web、Desktop、手機與嵌入式軟體應用程式的原型設計工具。
GUI Design Studio適用的用戶
NEW: 新版增加模版、自定義元素、並提升工作流程檔案數值與條件內容面板間的互動。
Step 1: Turn Ideas Into Visuals
So you've got a rough understanding of your application's requirements. Ideas are forming in your head. Now it's time to get them down in the form of screen or web page visuals.
Start a new project and create some designs. With each design file, GUI Design Studio gives you a big canvas to work with. Really big. And because of the unique way it uses what's on the canvas, you can decide what's important and what's just a passing thought to hang onto for later. Push different ideas into the margins and mix them around. Or use them as a new train of thought in a quickly duplicated version of a design.
Step 2: Add User Interactions
The closer you are to a working application, the more insight you'll get into how well it meets requirements.
Static mockups are a great start but they don't tell the whole story. User flow is important in an application, so you also want to describe what happens on each screen and explore their relationships.
How do you get from A to B?
What happens when you press this button or that button?
Sometimes it's obvious. Sometimes it's not.
What are the different states a screen can be in? What do they look like?
You want to communicate these ideas in a manner that's quick to grasp and easy to understand.
Step 3: Test Your Prototype
With one click you can instantly test the design you're currently working on or run the whole project prototype from your designated starting point.
No coding and no waiting for compilation.
This makes the turnaround between design and testing extremely fast for maximum productivity. Make a small tweak to your design and test it instantly.
Only when you test with a working mockup do you uncover all the hidden questions that are lurking behind your design...
Does the structure and flow make sense?
What happens in this case or that case?
What's missing?
What can I leav...
Handsontable JavaScript 數據網格庫
JavaScript Spreadsheet Library for Developers
Handsontable 是 App應用程式和網站的組合電子表格組件。它是用 JavaScript 編寫的,不受任何外部framework 的限制。它可以利用自訂插件輕鬆修改或擴展。它還使用 JSON格式綁定到任何源,並處理大量的數據。您可以輕鬆地執行所有 CRUD 操作,且為終端用戶提供相似 Excel 的體驗。
Handsontable 是開發者喜愛使用的 JavaScript 數據網格庫,是一個可擴展的電子表格解決方案,且可用來開發漂亮的 Web 應用程式。Handsontable 允許你使用 CLI 工具,因此可選擇任何所需的插件開發出作品。它提供一個空白的畫布或頁面,你可以按照自己的想法、感覺和審美自由發揮。它主要是以純 JavaScript 的形式編寫的。您可以通過 Polymer 組件和 AngularJS 指令來使用 Handsontable。
Database editing
Configuration controlling
Data merging
Workforce planning
Sales reporting
Financial analysis
Extensibility - it makes possible to build new functionalities upon the core and use only those required in a certain project. It gives you the real freedom of creating.
ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) - in the future the most important parts of the library will be rewritten to ES6 provide a better control over the code.
Virtual rendering - also known as "lazy loading". In short, we don't render the cells outside the viewport until you scroll down or across the table to see them. This allows to handle large datasets, some of which contain thousands of rows.
IDA Pro Disassembler and Debugger (源碼恢復反組譯靜態分析工具)是一款交互式,可編程、可擴展、多處理器、交叉Windows或Linux WinCE MacOS平台主機來分析程序,。IDA Pro已經成為事實上的分析敵意代碼的標准並讓其自身迅速成為攻擊研究領域的重要工具。