Easysoft公司提供一系列的ODBC和JDBC驅動程式、資料庫聯結等等的產品,其中快速的Oracle ODBC Driver可以讓任何ODBC的應用程式連結Oracle資料庫,該驅動程式可以啟用ODBC應用程式,無論是Linux,Unix和Windows32位和64位平台上的任何 Oracle 數據庫。
As you would imagine from a company that prides itself on its "customer first" focus, the driver is easy to install and our support team is here to help you with any difficulties or questions that you might have. We are rightly proud of our support team, and any problems you might have are usually resolved within 24 hours; free drivers cannot offer you such a support service.
As with all of our drivers, this Oracle ODBC driver offers ODBC 3.5 support.
Oracle ODBC Driver for 8, 9i, 10g, XE, 11g, 12c, 18c, 19c, 21c and 23c
The Easysoft ODBC-Oracle Driver lets ODBC-enabled applications access Oracle databases from Linux, Unix and Windows 32 bit and 64 bit platforms. It supports Oracle 8.1.7+, 9i.x, 10g Release 1+, Oracle Database 10g Express Edition (Oracle Database XE), 11g Release 1+, 12c Release 1+ 18c, 19c, 21c, and 23c.
There are two versions of the Easysoft ODBC-Oracle Driver: an Oracle Call Interface (OCI) version and a Wire Protocol (WP) version.
The Easysoft ODBC-Oracle Driver (OCI version) uses Oracle client software to access the Oracle database. This is Oracle’s only supported method for accessing the Oracle database. The driver is compatible with the standard Oracle Database Client or the Instant Client.
The Oracle client software provides the most comprehensive access to Oracle database functionality. For example, the Oracle Advanced Security option is an Oracle client or server add-on that combines network encryption, database encryption and strong authentication to protect sensitive data stored in Oracle databases. Applications that access Oracle by using the Easysoft ODBC-Oracle Driver can take advantage of the Oracle Advanced Security option. This is not true of some of the Easysoft ODBC-Oracle Driver’s competitor’s products.
Drivers that do not use the Oracle client software do not support features offered by the Oracle client software.
Even if you do not currently need the additional functionality provided by a client add-on, using the Easysoft ODBC-Oracle Driver gives you the option to add it later, should your requirements change.
The Easysoft ODBC-Oracle Driver (WP version), which does not use Oracle client software, provides direct access to Oracle, for use in solutions where minimising the client footprint is a requirement.
The Easysoft ODBC-Oracle Driver can be installed either on the Oracle database server or a remote client machine.
The Easysoft ODBC-Oracle Driver:
Conforms to the ODBC 3.5 specification.
Works with ODBC 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 applications. Supported programming interfaces include Perl DBI and DBD::ODBC, Python mxODBC and pyodbc and PHP. Supported applications include ApplixWare, OpenOffice.org, StarOffice, Mi...
Eazfuscator.NET 是功能強大的.NET混淆工具。只需將文件放在綠色區域,將項目,程式包或程式集拖放到綠色位置,或雙擊以打開即可立即獲得保護。使用Eazfuscator.NET的最佳方法是將您的Visual Studio項目放在綠色區域中。應用保護後,每次在“發布”配置中構建項目時,程序集都會自動進行模糊處理。您還可以進行一些設置修改,可以使用完全配置.NET混淆屬性。軟體易於使用,並且具有多種受支持的混淆技術的自動代碼保護,支持自動優化和支持自動構建,以及可以混淆任何100%託管的.NET程式集,提供易於使用的GUI界面和經典命令行界面
Why is it good?
Eazfuscator.NET is easy as 1-2-3:
1. It protects your code, without breaking it — even in most complex cases — we have taken care of it. You can consider Eazfuscator.NET as a good partner who helps you a lot, and still doesn't bother you with any of his problems. If you have some really special protection requirements, pay attention to our code virtualization feature.
2. It really is easy to use: once protect your Visual Studio project with the Eazfuscator.NET Assistant tool, then forget about it. Every time you build your project in Release configuration, the assembly gets obfuscated automatically — you can release your code to the wilderness.
3. Need some settings to be changed? Are you sure? Then, do what you love: edit your code. Eazfuscator.NET is fully configurable by using .NET obfuscation attributes — in contrast to using alien-looking and unstable configuration files and UI wizards. All you need to know is in our complete product documentation.
Preliminary .NET 9.0 support
Code virtualization now supports interpolated strings
Improved ASP.NET Core support
Improved JSON serialization support
Improved Entity Framework Core support
Improved performance of method flattening
Improved documentation
Fixed issue that could lead to a loss of enum type information when used in interpolated string expression
Fixed issue that could leave XAML property reference with invalid namespace token after obfuscation
Fixed issue with nullable types when using code virtualization
Fixed issue that could cause type loading error when interface method was implemented in one of the base classes
Fixed issue that could lead to assembly loading error during obfuscation with code virtualization enabled
Fixed issue that could lead to assembly loading error during obfuscation of .NET Framework 4.x assemblies
Fixed performance regression of method inlining that occurred during obfuscation
EditPlus 是 Windows 文本編輯程式、HTML 編輯程式、PHP 編輯程式、Java 編輯程式和Hex Viewer,並受到編輯者的喜愛,可以取代 Windows 內建的記事本(Notepad)功能,也為網頁設計者和程式編輯者帶來相當的便利。
適合HTML、PHP、Java、C/C++、CSS、ASP、Perl、JavaScript、VBScript、Python和Ruby on Rails是產品一大量亮點。此外,它也支持其它基於自定義語法文件的程式語言。
完美地與Web 瀏覽器搭配,可預覽 HTML 頁面,並且通過FTP(ftp和FTPS)命令上傳本地文件到FTP伺服器。
其他功能還包括Hex Viewer、HTML工具、使用者工具、行數、規律URL、自動完成、剪貼、列選項、強大的搜尋和替換、不限次數撤銷/重做、拼寫檢查、自定義快捷鍵等。
=== Features ===
- sftp supports curve25519-sha256 key exchange algorithm.
- Updates emmet snippets.json file.
- Find dialog allows stopping search with 'Notify end of file' option.
- Updates Markdown syntax file (md.stx).
- Adds a default php.acp file.
- Updates css.stx for CSS Flexible Box Layout properties keywords.
=== Bug fixes ===
- Fixes an issue where Edit Source command in the internal browser couldn't handle Unicode file path.
- Fixes an issue where 'Use Pageant' options didn't work with Ubuntu 22.04 servers.
- Fixes a possible program crash when pressing Ctrl+Shift+F while Find dialog is shown.
- Fixes an issue where you couldn't enter numbers in hangul mode with the new Korean 3 Boelsik IME.
- Fixes an issue on Windows 11 where check menu items didn't show the check mark.
- Fixes an issue with Emmet where script tags didn't expand correctly.
- Fixes an issue with keystroke recording where Hangul letters could not be recorded if TSF option is on.
EMCO MSI Package Builder 是一款創新,且可以讓您毫不費力建立MSI檔案的軟體包安裝編輯器。它可以幫助您自動創建MSI封包,透過使用追蹤技術變化,或透過使用視覺化的手動編輯器。本應用程式可用於重新封裝傳統安裝的EXE檔案,將其轉換為MSI檔案,以自定義安裝,並準備靜默的遠端部署。也就是,創建的封包可以透過組策略(Group Policy)或EMCO遠程安裝程式並進行部署。
EMCO MSI Package Builder is an installation authoring tool designed to help administrators to create, maintain and distribute Windows Installer packages. It can be used to create MSI packages easily, to modify existing installations and to repackage setups from the EXE to MSI format.
Emgu CV 是.NET平台下對OpenCV 圖像處理庫的封裝。也就是OpenCV的.NET版。它運行在.NET兼容的編程語言下調用OpenCV的函數,如C#、VB、VC++、IronPython等。這個封裝庫可以在Mono下編譯和在Linux / Mac OS X上運行。
Cross Platform
Unlike other wrappers such as OpenCVDotNet, SharperCV or Code Project which use unsafe code, Emgu CV is written entirely in C#. The benefit is that it can be compiled in Mono and therefore is able to run on any platform Mono supports, including Linux, Solaris and Mac OS X. A lot of efforts has been spend to have a pure C# implementation since the headers have to be ported, compared with managed C++ implementation where header files can simply be included. But it is well worth it if you see Emgu CV running on Fedora 10! Plus it always gives you the comfort knowing that your code is cross-platform.
Cross Language and comes with example code
Emgu CV can be used from several different languages, including C#, VB.NET, C++ and IronPython. On this wiki, we provide examples for all those languages, which are available from the Examples section on Tutorial page. Our Discussion Forum is also available if you have any questions related to your favourite programming language.
Other Advantages
Image class with Generic Color and Depth
Automatic garbage collection
XML Serializable Image
XML Documentation and intellisense support
The choice to either use the Image class or direct invoke functions from OpenCV
Generic operations on image pixels
Architecture Overview
Emgu CV has two layers of wrapper as shown below
The basic layer (layer 1) contains function, structure and enumeration mappings which directly reflect those in OpenCV.
The second layer (layer 2) contains classes that mix in advantanges from the .NET world.
SQL Management Studio for MySQL
EMS SQL Management Studio for MySQL是一個完整的MySQL數據庫管理和開發之解決方案。SQL Studio將所有MySQL必備的工具集結成在一個功能強大又易於使用的環境,這將使你比以往處理過程變得更有效率!
SQL Manager for MySQL
SQL Manager for MySQL能簡化和自動化您的MySQL數據庫開發過程、設計、考察,並維護現有的MySQL數據庫,建立複合MySQL查詢報告書,管理MySQL數據庫用戶權限並以不同的方式操作數據。
Data Export for MySQL
EMS Data Export for MySQL是一款功能強大的工具,可將 MySQL 資料庫資料快速匯出為20 種可用格式中的任何一種,包括MS Access、MS Excel、MS Word (RTF)、HTML、XML、PDF、 TXT、CSV、DBF、ODF 等。該程式支援 Unicode 數據,並能夠同時從多個表、視圖或查詢中匯出 MySQL 數據。
Data Import for MySQL
透過友好的用戶嚮導介面,讓您從MS Access、MS Excel、CSV、XML其他流行的格式將數據導入到MySQL數據庫表中。
Data Pump for MySQL
Data Pump for MySQL允許你從當今最熱門的數據庫(MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2, InterBase/Firebird等等),將數據遷移到MySQL。可讓您先轉換數據的概要略圖,並允許任何與ADO兼容的來源,將導入的表格數據轉換到MySQL數據庫中。
Data Generator for MySQL
DB Comparer for MySQL
DB Extract for MySQL
SQL Query for MySQL
Data Comparer for MySQL