FormsAPI Master 可以幫助您修改和分析Oracle Forms和Reports Modules。它提供簡單易學的範本語言(類似於 PL/ SQL),可以為您在使用Oracle's Forms Open API上提供完整和靈活性。FormsAPI Master是一個功能強大的Oracle開發軟體輔助工具,可讓您在Oracle Forms和Reports modules中自動追蹤其變化!
FormsAPI Master supports all new modern Microsoft Windows and Oracle Forms/Reports versions:
Oracle Forms & Reports 6i, 9i, 10g, 10gR2, 11g, 12c - Forms 5.0 and 6.0 will work but are no longer actively tested
Microsoft Windows WinXP, Win2k3, Win2k8, Vista, Windows7, Windows8, Windows10
30MB free Harddisk space and at least 512mb Ram
XML Editor 能提高XSLT的生產率,且能發展附加的快速修復和改善重整行為。Saxon-CE 支援特定的擴充套件,您現在可以應用 XPath以查詢多個檔案。如果你使用 Ant來組織建立程序過程則,那麼在有特定內容的運作下,現在您可以輕鬆的為每個條件設定不同的顏色和格式或是以透過隱藏所有排除內容的方式專注於一個特定的標的。您可以修改 DITA 和 DocBook表格,簡單地使用這些新表格修改性能行為。將會以強大的 Ant編輯工具來支援您特點驗證、內容完成、大綱視圖,重點與法、搜尋和重整行為。您可以自定義的格式,使用全新的 WebHelp 軟體介面製作工具,能輸出和您想要的樣式看起來完全一樣。新版本包含許多組件更新和新的API功能。
Oxygen XML Editor version 26 introduces the exciting new Oxygen AI Positron Assistant, an add-on that provides a powerful tool to help writers increase their productivity by performing repetitive tasks, reviewing grammar, generating structure and text, or proposing changes to improve readability. It always keeps the writer in control, offering a visual diff comparison to help quickly understand what changed and the ability to continue the chat with the AI to refine the proposals.
There is new functionality available for DITA users, XSLT/XQuery developers, as well as for JSON/YAML developers. It is now possible to generate comparison results as documents containing change tracking highlights to allow the changes to be rendered visually in the resulting documents, making it easy to review, accept, or reject them.
Some of our popular add-ons were updated such as Git Client, Batch Documents Converter, and OpenAPI Documentation Generator. As always, this release also provides various important component updates, such as DITA-OT and Saxon, bug fixes, and security enhancements.
There are changes in:
Oxygen AI Positron Assistant
DITA Authoring
DITA Publishing
XSLT / XQuery / XPath
XML Refactoring
File Comparison
Add-on Updates
Trusted Certificates
Component Updates
Other Changes
Parasoft 測試自動化解決方案、自動化程式碼審查、單元測試自動化
Parasoft 是全球領先的自動化軟體測試企業,擁有分佈全球的技術支援團隊。全球超過 10,000家公司是Parasoft 的客戶,全球財富 500強公司有 58%已使用 Parasoft產品,財富100強公司有88%已使用Parasoft產品。 如:Alcatel-Lucent, HP, IBM, Cisco, Motorola,Lockheed martin,NASA, Boeing, GE, GE Healthcare,Deuche bank, Federal Reserve bank, Bank of America 和 Daimler Chrysler等公司; 台灣的日月光半導體製造股份有限公司及大陸的中國移動,中國電信,中國農業銀行,中國銀聯,中國石油,中國民航,中國平安,招商證券,一汽集團, 中國南車,國家電網,北京大學,南京大學,南瑞集團,寶鋼集團,華為,中興,百度,騰訊,東軟,通用醫療,飛利浦醫療及各大政府機構和研究所等都成功的使用了Parasoft軟體的產品和解決方案。
Language Solutions (C++test, Jtest, .TEST)
Desktop Edition
A completely integrated tool suite that enables developers/testers to perform automatic coding standards analysis (automated code reviews), unit testing, and regression testing on their desktop using built-in coding guidelines/rules and auto-generated test cases. Will scan and test multiple classes/files/directories in a single pass. Test failures and coding standards violations are reported to the user’s GUI for evaluation and fix. The Desktop Edition is intended to be licensed and used on every developer’s/tester’s desktop.
Also includes the RuleWizard module, which enables the creation of custom coding standards and/or rules using a graphical interface.
Automation Edition
Enables batch execution and full automation of coding standards analysis and unit testing for a team of developers and full project code base(s). Provides Command Line interface and error reporting with output to a file or e-mail in HTML format. Extends static analysis with BugDetective (dataflow).
Functional Test Solutions (SOAtest)
Desktop Edition
Provides Jtest Connect, RuleWizard, automated unit testing, automated functional testing, automated regression testing, and error reporting through GUI only. Enables Web services and message based testing via SOA.
Automation Edition
Enables batch execution and full automation of policies, unit testing, functional testing, and load testing which includes 100 virtual users for performance testing. Provides Command Line interface and error reporting on entire project.
Peganza Pascal Analyzer ── Delphi 原始碼分析工具
Peganza Pascal Analyzer 是 Delphi 開發者喜愛的分析工具,可以幫助你解析 Delphi 和 Borland Pascal 原始碼的工具,並可以依據解析完產生的報告書,可再進而提高品質、可信賴的原始碼。
General Reports
Status Report
PAL always generates this report, regardless of any setting. It presents important facts about the current analysis, e.g. selected compiler directives and searched folders.
Strong Warnings Report
This report generates warnings that help you identify especially severe errors. Those are errors that can cause runtime failures ("showstoppers"), or erroneous results in your application.
Warnings Report
This report consists of several lists with different types of warnings. The warnings point to possible anomalies and errors in the code.
Optimization Report
This report pinpoints elements of the code that you can improve, resulting in better performance.
Memory Report
This report helps you find locations in your code with possible memory leaks.
Code Reduction Report
This report pinpoints locations in your code where unnecessary code could be deleted, resulting in a smaller amount of code to maintain and search for errors.
Convention Compliance Report
This report contains several lists of identifiers that do not comply with the conventions for naming of identifiers.
Inconsistent Case Report
This report that lists all identifiers with inconsistent case. If for instance, the identifier tblEmployee is declared, and it is written as tblemployee in other locations, those places in the code are listed.
Prefix Report
This report contains a list with variables that have a different prefix than the defined ones. For instance you can decide that all TLabel variables must start with the letters 'lbl'. Labels that don't will then be listed by this report.
NextGen Readiness Report
This report measures how well your code is prepared for the new NextGen compiler.
Metrics Reports
Totals Report
This report provides a table that summarizes the number of files, procedures, functions, types etc, in the analyzed source code. It also shows how many of each category that are global, interfaced and unused.
Module Totals Report
This report produces similar results as the Totals Report, but divided for each module (unit).
Complexity Report
The Complexity Report lists for each unit and subprogram some important metrics.
Total Lines
Lines of Code (LOC)
Comment Lines
Comments/Total Lines
Decision Points (DP)
Decision Points/Lines of Code (DP/LOC)
Characters/Lines of Code
These metrics can help you evaluate source code in terms of understandability, complexity, and reusability. You can also locate complex subprograms that should be split up.
PAL also creates a list of all identifiers with names that are longer than 15 (default) characters.
Object-oriented Metrics Report
This report calculates six different metrics according to Chidamber and Kemerer...
PC-lint Plus 是 GIMPEL SOFTWARE 公司開發的 C/C++軟體程式碼靜態分析工具
PC-lint Plus是一種靜態分析工具,通過分析C和C ++源代碼來發現軟體中的缺陷。
與編譯器一樣,PC-lint Plus會解析您的源代碼文件,執行語義分析,並構建一個抽象語法樹來表示您的程式。從那裡開始,PC-lint Plus採用各種機制,包括數據流分析,價值跟踪,讀寫分析,強類型檢查,功能語義驗證和許多其他技術,以提供對單個文件和整個項目的可靠和整體分析。
然後,PC-lint Plus使用易於理解的清晰,簡潔和可操作的診斷報告其發現。診斷消息格式是完全可定制的,包括快速解決缺陷所需的精確位置信息和上下文。PC-lint Plus可以從命令行運行,集成到構建過程或持續集成系統中,也可以在IDE中運行。
Comply with Safety Standards
Enforce compliance with industry coding standards including MISRA, AUTOSAR, and CERT C, customize detection of individual guidelines, and easily support guideline deviations.
Identify Defects and Vulnerabilities
Detect critical bugs and vulnerabilities such as buffer overflows, null pointer dereferences, inappropriate interface use, and undefined behavior by providing constructive diagnostics.
Find Potential Bugs
Identify code that is brittle, difficult to maintain, invokes implementation-defined behavior, or is otherwise suspicious, in order to reduce the potential for defects to develop in the first place.
Improve Developer Productivity
Avoid wasted time spent tracking down bugs and identify issues proactively during the development process.
Widely Compatible
Runs natively on Windows, Linux, and macOS. Analyze source code targeting virtually any platform. Supports a wide variety of compilers, C11/C18 and C++17, and integration with your IDE, build process, or CI system.
Fully multi-threaded operation allows analysis of large projects to efficiently scale across multiple cores to take full advantage of the available hardware.
Secure, On-site Analysis
Analysis is performed on developer workstations or build/CI servers without using an internet connection to provide a truly secure, private, and local solution.
Certified for ISO 26262 and IEC 61508
PC-lint Plus has been certified by exida® for ISO 26262:2018 (ASIL D qualified) and IEC 61508:2010 (SIL 4 qualified).
The best System available to investigate all Information of PCB
PCB-Investigator支援ODB++, GenCAD, IPC-2581 並且能夠讀取Gerber 274x, Excellon, Sieb & Meyer, DXF, 圖像和更多格式。
將Visual Studio塑造成強大的PHP編譯器
影片介紹 & 介面展示
Microsoft Visual Studio IDE
支援版本管理(TFS, Git, SVN, ...)
完整支援PHP 5.6
PHP IntelliSense,自動完成功能
Breakpoints in PHP and JavaScript
Inspect variables, watches
Immediate Window
Multiple session debugging
PHP functions&constants&classes
Integrated documentation
Search available symbols while typing
PHPDoc support
Browse declarations within your solution
Quickly search through available symbols
Navigate directly to symbol definitions
Navigate To, Class View, Object Browser, ...
Visual Studio HTML Editor
Syntax Highlighting, Schema validation
Formatting, Outlining, Commenting
Full IntelliSense
Web Essentials Support