Setup Factory
Setup Factory是一套小而易用的製作程式安裝軟體,提供了安裝製作嚮導精靈,可以一步步的帶領您做出漂亮又專業的安裝程式,即使你對安裝製作不了解,也可以生成專業性質的安裝程序。可建立快捷方式,也可直接在Windows系統的註冊表加入內容,還能在Win.ini和System.ini內加入設定值,更可以建立反安裝選項。
Setup Factory是一款凝聚了數十年經驗結晶的軟體安裝工具。和其他的安裝程式不同,Setup Factory貫徹了快速方便的開發理念,您無需花費數周的時間學習便可以達到快速使用的程度,您要做的只是在介面中通過滑鼠點擊將您的軟體檔和目錄直接加到目錄中,整個過程完全邏輯化和無縫化。除此之外,Setup Factory支持創建一個安裝檔包或一個單獨的setup.exe檔,生成檔可以運行於任意版本的windows中,包括95到XP及其以上版本,且更利於您的發佈,比如通過網站下載、CD-ROM, DVD-ROM燒錄和區域網路。
Setup Factory
[Single User]
Setup Factory
[Team Pack]
Deployment Suite
[Single User]
1 Developer
5 Developers
1 Developer
Setup Factory
Setup Factory
Setup Factory + AutoPlay
Media Studio, MSI Factory, TrueUpdate & Visual Patch
Bonus: 6 months of Support and Maintenance (tech support, updates, upgrades)
Bonus: 6 months of Support and Maintenance (tech support, updates, upgrades)
Bonus: 6 months of Support and Maintenance (tech support, updates, upgrades)
System Requirements
In order to build installers, a developer requires:
Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8 or Windows 7
1024×768 display resolution
5 GB free hard drive space
In order to run the setups, an end user requires:
Windows XP (SP2), Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2022
1024×768 display resolution
2 GB free hard drive space + data space
Silverfrost Fortran FTN95 是一款專業的Fortran編譯器,提供代碼編輯、編譯和應用程式創建等多種功能,與VisualStudio無縫集成,為您進行應用程序創建帶來很大的便利。
使用 Silverfrost FTN95: Fortran for Windows,您可以創建基於控制台的傳統 Windows® 和 Microsoft .NET 應用程式。Silverfrost FTN95 是唯一可以生成可以使用完整 Fortran 95 語言的 Microsoft .NET 應用程式的編譯器。Silverfrost FTN95 還擁有世界領先的CHECKMATE 運行時檢查技術,可以快速發現錯誤!
Features Include:
Full ANSI Fortran 95 compiler
Full ANSI Fortran 77 compiler (Fortran 77 is part of the Fortran 95 standard)
32- and 64-bit compilers
Plato IDE
Build Windows GUI applications in Fortran using ClearWin+
Visual Studio integration*
CHECKMATE technology
Microsoft .NET Support
Fast Compilation
建立在CodeCollaborator的基礎上,Collaborator 是一個全功能的代碼審查產品,也是唯一的提供其他項目交付成果得代碼審查工具,如使用者歷程、測試計劃和用戶文件的審查(根據代碼審查)。
Collaborator 讓開發團隊進行輕鬆且高效的代碼審查,關鍵是用戶體驗,讓團隊的其他成員輕鬆和協作,提供反饋,並讓作者能追蹤與對每個評論採取行動。
有了Collaborator ,同樣的用戶體驗擴展到其他項目團隊成員上,透過文件和其他人工因素審查。產品擁有者創建了使用者故事歷程、測試者創建了測試計畫,技術人員則創建了用戶文件,還有其他團隊成員提供有關這些成果的詳細反饋。
The authors of these deliverables benefit from:
Receiving feedback on their work without reviewers altering their work
Keeping track of all the feedback and the disposition of each comment
Learning from each other by seeing comments from others –and commenting on the work of other team members
Interacting in real-time, if they happen to be reviewing the work at the same time
Collaborator creates an ideal environment for both code review and peer review of documents and artifacts.
SmartGit is a Git client with support for GitHub Pull Requests+Comments and SVN.
SmartGit 是一款跨平台、圖形化的Git和Mercurial版本控制系統的圖形化客戶端程式。可在Linux、Mac OS X和Windows系統上運行,且支持 GitHub Pull Requests + Comments以及 SVN。
One for All.
SmartGit assists Git newbies as well as it makes experienced developers more productive.
SmartGit has the same intuitive user interface on Windows, macOS and Linux:
graphical merge and commit history
drag and drop commit reordering, merging or rebase
fast, even for larger repositories
Use your SmartGit license on as many machines and operating systems you like.
Interacting with popular platforms.
SmartGit comes with special integrations for GitHub, Azure DevOps, BitBucket (as well BitBucket Server) and GitLab to create and resolve Pull Requests and Review Comments.
Of course, you can use SmartGit like any other Git client with your own Git repositories or other hosting providers.
Everything Included.
No need to install and configure additional tools. SmartGit includes all you need:
intuitive File Compare (no plain wrapper around git diff)
powerful File Merge (freely editable "Conflict Solver")
Git-Flow (high-level branch handling)
graphical Merge and Commit History
bundled Git client
Adopt to Your Needs and Workflows.
A perfect Git client should support your workflows. You can customize SmartGit in various ways:
Preferences for Merging, Rebasing
External tools,
External or built-in Compare or Conflict Solver tools,
Syntax coloring,
Keyboard shortcuts,
Layout of certain views,
Light and dark themes
Windows 10+ (64-bit)
macOS 11 - 14
Linux (64-bit, GTK 3.24+)
Snare 是一個軟體工具的集合, 用於從各種作業系統和應用程式收集審計日誌資料, 以促進集中式日誌分析,可與任何SIEM或Security Analytics平台完美匹配。企業代理可用於 Linux、OSX、Windows、Solaris、Microsoft SQL Server、各種瀏覽器等。Snare使用可靠的工具幫助世界各地的公司改善其日誌收集,管理和分析,這些工具可以節省時間,節省資金並 降低風險。
Snare 目前被全球成千上萬的個人和組織用來滿足與審計和事件日誌收集相關的地方和聯邦資訊安全準則。
Snare Central
Snare Central是唯一使您能夠完全控制日誌的解決方案,它使您可以從任何地方收集任何日誌,同時管理哪些數據可以到達何處以及可以到達多少地方。Snare Central負責歸檔日誌,遠程管理代理,將日誌路由到多個目標,包括MSSP,SOC和其他第三方解決方案以及Snare應用程式。
Supporting your security and compliance needs
Our enterprise-level yet flexible log management solution, Snare Central helps organizations crush their security goals.
Over 600 out-of-the-box and customizable report
Collect any logs from anywhere
Filter out event and log noise
Customize what data goes where
Ingest syslog feeds from any device
Over 100 log adapters to parse common syslog data
SNMP trap alerts from network devices
Batch bulk uploads of archived data
Snare Agents
Snare Enterprise Agent快速部署且易於升級,是任何可靠日誌管理解決方案的事實上的日誌收集器
Software Verify
由於代碼庫太大,您需要盡快隔離和修復錯誤。您已經嘗試了其他測試套件,但是它們沒有提供您想要的深度,並且需要幾天的時間才能運行。可幫助數百名軟體開發人員更快地找到,修復和預防錯誤。此工具可幫助您修復C,C ++,Delphi,Fortran,Visual Basic,C#和VB.Net中的錯誤。如果您為Windows開發並使用Visual Studio,C ++ Builder,Delphi,QtCreator,MingW,我們將提供幫助您的工具。
為Windows 10,Windows 8,Windows 7,Windows Vista,Windows 2003和Windows XP平台上的記憶體洩漏檢測,代碼覆蓋,性能分析,線程鎖爭用分析 (thread lock contention analysis)和線程死鎖檢測 (thread deadlock detection),流量追蹤 和應用程式回放 提供軟體工程工具。(支持Windows 2000和Windows NT,但可以根據要求提供特殊的版本。)還支持Windows Embedded。
為傳統的桌面應用程式,伺服器和應用程式伺服器提供軟體工具。軟體工具支持C,C ++,C#,Visual Basic 6,VB.Net,Delphi和Fortran 95。
無論您使用的是Microsoft Visual Studio,Embarcadero的C ++ Builder還是Delphi,Qt Creator,Intel Performance Compiler或MinGW之類的開源編譯器,我們都有與您的編譯器和鏈接編輯程式配合使用的工具。
C++,Delphi,Visual Basic (32 bit and 64 bit)
C++ Coverage Validator 32
C++ Coverage Validator 64 / 32
C++ Performance Validator 32
C++ Performance Validator 64 / 32
C++ Developer Suite 32
C++ Developer Suite 64 / 32
C++ Support Suite 32
C++ Support Suite 64 / 32
C++ Memory Validator 32
C++ Memory Validator 64 / 32
C++ Thread Validator 32
C++ Thread Validator 64 / 32
C++ QA Suite 32
C++ QA Suite 64 / 32
.Net, C#, VB.Net, ASP.Net (all tools support 32 bit and 64 bit .Net)
.Net Coverage Validator
.Net Performance Validator
.Net Memory Validator
.Net Developer Suite